The anticipated action film, "Wind Blast" ("Xi Feng Lie"), will open in theaters on Oct. 28. A group of new posters featuring two bounty hunters played by actress Yu Nan and actor Francis Ng were released to the public.
"Their roles change every character's destiny in the movie," according to director Gao Qunshu. In the movie, Yu Nan and Francis Ng chase a young couple performed by Xia Yu and Charlie Young, who have killed a gangster. At the same time, four detectives, each with unique skills, also join the chase.
Yu Nan has collaborated with several sixth-generation directors, including Wang Quan'an, Wang Xiaoshuai and Ning Hao. In 2007, Wang Quan'an's film "Tuya's Marriage" ("Tuya De Hun Shi") won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.
Francis Ng is a veteran actor who has roots in numerous Hong Kong TV dramas, but in recent years, he has gradually turned to the big screen. In 2001, Francis Ng was named as one of the major three character actors working in the Hong Kong film industry at the 25th Hong Kong International Film Festival.