"Clear Blue Tuesday," the first musical film about the Sept. 11 terror attacks, made its debut on Friday night in New York, offering an unique perspective to memorize the tragedy.
Instead of describing the attacks themselves, the movie follows the unfolding fates of 11 New Yorkers through six Septembers following 9/11 as each one comes to grip with their lives in alternately resilient, defiant, surprising, unraveling and unifying ways.
"This is not a movie about September 11. This is a tale about what happens after. September 11 was a catalyst for personal change, both good and bad. This movie is about healing, and about moving forward," the film's director Elizabeth Lucas told Xinhua.
She said she sees a musical as a way to delve deeper into the characters while finding the release and the perspective to "look at ourselves and laugh at our tragedies."
The film uses a stream of driving, passionate pop and rock tunes to get to all the kaleidoscopic human feelings surrounding life in post-9/11 New York -- from fury and fear to humor and hope -- that remain beyond words.
"I really enjoyed it. I thought it was incredibly emotional and extremely poignant. The music is amazing," said Teresa, a New York viewer, after the film premiere.
The film was shot in just 19 days in New York City, and was written by Lucas and the film's cast.