Renowned ballerina Svetlana Zakharova brought the iconic French fashion designer Gabrielle Chanel to life in a fusion of fashion and dance during the performance of the dance drama Modanse at the Beijing Performing Arts Center from May 24 to 26.
Composed by Ilya Demutsky, choreographed by Yuri Possokhov, and directed and written by Alexey Frandetti, Modanse chronicles Chanel's evolution from a cabaret performer to a legendary fashion designer. The title Modanse embodies a blend of "mode" and "dance", encapsulating both the essence of the drama's theme — the designer Chanel — and the inspirations drawn from life itself.
In this production, Zakharova portrayed Chanel alongside the star dancers of Russia's Bolshoi Theatre, donning iconic Chanel elements, such as the Double-C logo, Camellia flowers, pearl necklace, tailored jacket, white pants, and authentic ballet shoes, exuding elegance and precision on stage.
The drama delved into Chanel's innovative design philosophy, showcasing her revolutionary approach to fashion that liberated women from corsets, introduced pants for women, and simplified women's hats. Zakharova said: "Her designs inspired us to bring this dance drama to life."
Born in 1979, Zakharova joined the Mariinsky Theatre ballet company at 17 and has since garnered prestigious accolades, including the Golden Mask award and titles such as People's Artist of Russia and La Scala Ballet Etoile.
In addition to the Chanel narrative, Modanse also featured the one-act dance drama Come Un Respiro choreographed by Mauro Bigonzetti. This piece, characterized by its minimalist color palette and geometric aesthetics, emphasized pure dance techniques and expressions without a specific plot.
Liu Bing, a teacher at Beijing Dance Academy, expressed admiration for Zakharova's performance, noting her ability to infuse characters with rich dramatic tension through body language and life experience.
In mid-May, Zakharova and her colleagues delivered four performances at the Shanghai Grand Theater, including a collaboration with acclaimed violinist Vadim Repin, Zakharova's husband, in Pas-de-deux for Toes and Fingers. This performance featured dances set to celebrated violin compositions, showcasing their artistic synergy.
The Beijing Performing Arts Center, known as the "cultural granary", opened to the public in late 2023, boasting a unique design reminiscent of an ancient granary. With its multiple theaters and an outdoor amphitheater, the center provided a fitting stage for Modanse to enchant audiences in the opera house.