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Latest Interim Results
Bank of Nanjing net profit grows 49.53%
August 11
Zijin Mining H1 profit jumps 40% on rising bullion prices
August 11
China's Minsheng bank's net profit up 20% in H1
August 11
Huaxia Bank says net profit up 80% in H1
August 10
Gujing Distillery profits up 201.57% in H1
August 9
Huatai Securities H1 profits decline 19%
August 7
Hefei Meiling's H1 profits rise 503%
August 6
Ad income ups profits for Sina
August 6
Western Mining reports tenfold profit surge in 1H
August 6
Quanjude profits up 23.78% in H1 2010
August 5
Auto sales figures strong through H1
August 5
Cathay says H1 profit soars more than eight fold
August 4
First securities interim report shows big drop
August 4
Recovery doubles mainland growth
August 3
China Construction says H1 profit up over 50%
July 30
Volkswagen sales hit record high in H1
July 30
China Southern says H1 profit may rise 5000%
July 29
China National Gold Group H1 profit up 3 fold
July 27
Baidu profits from Google's problems
July 23
Capital airports report passengers up 17% in H1
July 23
Sinopec reports 16.74% rise in refining in H1
July 21
Private brokerages post mixed H1 results
July 20
SAIC Motor says H1 profit may more than quadruple
July 20
Insurance companies' H1 premium income up 33.6%
July 20
China COSCO says it may swing back to profit in 1H
July 17
Shanghai port container throughput up 19% in 1H
July 16
Guangzhou port cargo throughput up 12% in 1H
July 11
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