Sinopec accused of selling diluted gasoline | 中石化問題油后又曝摻水油 溫州分公司稱正在調查 |
Several drivers in east China's Zhejiang Province complained on Sunday that their vehicles repeatedly stalled after filling up with gasoline at a Sinopec gas station near Wenzhou, National Business Daily reports. A test conducted by a repair technician found gasoline from one of the vehicles had a water-to-gas ratio of about 2.8 percent. The drivers suspect the gasoline was mixed with water to increase volume and reduce cost. Staff at the gas station has denied these claims. They said previous maintenance work on gas station might have caused the problem. Sinopec has promised to compensate drivers for losses caused by the faulty gas. The company is investigating the incident and will publish its findings on June 1, the director of Sinopec's Wenzhou branch said. The Xishan gas station was remodeled in April and reopened on May 24, a station employee said. The incident was probably caused by improper disposal of test water used during construction or maintenance of the submersible pump. |
《每日經濟新聞》報道稱,5月29日上午,多輛轎車在溫州西山加油站加完汽油后,汽車出現熄火現象。 之后,4S店維修人員對其中一輛車進行檢測,結果表明,該車的汽油的含水率達2.8%。 眾多司機質疑中石化在汽油中故意摻水,加油站工作人員對此予以否認,表示“可能是加油站在修理過程中出現了問題”。 溫州分公司政工部李主任表示,公司目前已向車主承諾對損失車輛負責,正在加緊調查,6月1日會公布事故具體原因。 加油站工作人員稱,今年4月16日起,中石化西山加油站進行油氣回收改造,5月24日才恢復營業;可能是由于加油站改造或潛油泵維修的問題引起了上述事件。 |
China's business press carried the story above on Tuesday.