China probes possible CPI data leak |
多部門因宏觀數據泄密被調查 |
The Chinese government has been investigating for several months whether market-sensitive inflation data were leaked to foreign exchange or bond traders ahead of their official release,?China Business News?reports. Officials from the National Bureau of Statistics and central bank have stepped down and may face criminal charges related to the leaks. Phoenix TV's?website reported 10 economic indicators on April 14, quoting an unidentified source. Figures released afterwards by China's central bank and the National Bureau of Statistics matched nine of the ten numbers. An analyst said data leaks can disrupt markets and give an advantage to investors with early access. Such leaks would undermine confidence in official data releases, which provide key trading triggers in the market. Prior to the official release, the data are given to officials at the central bank, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the government leaders' offices. |
有知情人士對《第一財經日報》記者透露,相關部門針對經濟數據泄露情況的調查已進行數月, 國家統計局辦公室和中國人民銀行研究局的一些人員已經相繼離崗。 4月份,有香港媒體援引不具名消息公布了10組中國三月份宏觀經濟數據,其中有9組數據吻合了統計局稍后公布的實際數據。 一位券商研究人士表示,提前得到經濟數據,會創造投機性交易的機會。數據的泄漏也會破壞政府威信,造成連鎖反應。 中國的經濟數據在正式發布前,會提前提供給相關的宏觀經濟決策部門和領導層進行參考,包括央行、財政部、發改委等。 |
China's business press carried the story above on Tuesday.