

Full text of outcomes of strategic track of 2011 China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 11, 2011
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China and the United States wrapped up the third round of China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) here on Tuesday. The following is the full text of the outcomes of the strategic track of the S&ED this year:

China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue 2011 Outcomes of the Strategic Track

May 10, 2011

At the Strategic Track under the framework of the Third Round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) held on May 9-10, 2011, the two sides discussed major bilateral, regional and global issues. The two sides commented positively on the progress in China-U.S. relations since President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States in January 2011, reaffirmed their commitment to the Jan. 19, 2011 U.S.-China Joint Statement, and in accordance with the Joint Statement, committed to nurture and deepen bilateral strategic trust and work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit. The discussions produced 48 specific outcomes. The United States and China:

I. Promoting High-level Exchanges

1. Decided to work together to make thorough preparations for bilateral high-level exchanges in coming months. Both Presidents look forward to meeting again this year. The two sides decided that upcoming meetings such as the G20 Summit, the East Asia Summit, and the U.S.-hosted APEC leaders' meeting provide further opportunities for high-level engagement. China welcomed Vice President Biden's upcoming visit to China. The United States welcomed a subsequent visit by Vice President Xi Jinping.

II. Bilateral Dialogues and Consultations

2. Announced the establishment of the China-U.S. Strategic Security Dialogue (SSD) under the Strategic Track of the S&ED, and held the inaugural round of the SSD in a candid and constructive atmosphere during the 3rd round of the S&ED. U.S. side participants in the SSD included Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, Under Secretary of Defense Michele Flournoy, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, and Commander, U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Robert Willard; on the Chinese side, participants included Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun and PLA Deputy Chief of the General Staff General Ma Xiaotian.

3. Acknowledged that the two sides share a wide range of common interests with a shared goal of maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region, and decided to establish a U.S.-China consultation on the Asia-Pacific. The two sides intend to hold the first round at the earliest time this year.

4. Recognized the importance of ties between the peoples of the United States and China and the role they play in strengthening the overall bilateral relationship and applauded the outcomes of the U.S.-China High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange led by Secretary Clinton and State Councilor Liu Yandong, such as the "100,000 Strong" Initiative and the U.S.-China Women's Leadership Exchange and Dialogue (Women-LEAD).

5. Noted the conclusion of the recent bilateral Human Rights Dialogue in China, reaffirmed their commitment to continuing constructive bilateral dialogue on human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and announced their intention to hold the next round of the Human Rights Dialogue next year in Washington, D.C..

6. Decided to hold the next round of the Legal Experts Dialogue in Washington D.C. in June 2011.

7. Before the next round of the S&ED, decided to hold a new round of sub-dialogues on: policy planning, Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Central Asia, and to enhance bilateral coordination and cooperation on regional and international issues.

8. Decided to hold the 8th U.S.-China Counterterrorism consultation this year.

9. Decided to hold the next rounds of the Security Dialogue and the Nonproliferation Dialogue prior to the next S&ED. The two sides reaffirmed their intention to continue communication and cooperation on major international security and other non-proliferation issues.

10. Held a fruitful meeting of the Climate Change Policy Dialogue and decided to work constructively together to ensure the comprehensive, effective and sustained implementation of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, including through implementation of the agreements reached in Cancun, and to achieve a positive outcome at the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa. Decided to further strengthen the mechanisms for climate change policy dialogues and related cooperation, strengthen communications at various levels, and exchange views on issues under international climate negotiations and on domestic policies to address climate change.

11. Held the 7th meeting of the Ten Year Framework (TYF) Joint Working Group on April 19-20. The United States and China decided to promote implementation of the TYF and adapt it to new circumstances, in order for it to better function as an incubator of ideas and innovations that will enhance environmental and energy cooperation between the United States and China. Under the TYF, both sides discussed green development and are continuing the work of the task forces on clean water, clean air, clean and efficient electricity, clean and efficient transportation, nature reserves and wetland protection, and energy efficiency.

12. Held the 2nd U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Forum prior to the 3rd round of the S&ED. Announced that the Energy Policy Dialogue, the Oil and Gas Industry Forum, the Renewable Energy Industry Forum, and the Advanced Bio-fuels Forum would be held on mutually agreed-upon dates.

13. Held consultations and discussed a possible joint action plan to implement the recently signed protocol agreement for cooperation in energy sciences between the U.S. Department of Energy and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The protocol establishes a framework for promoting scientific and technical cooperation between the U.S. and China in high energy physics, nuclear energy sciences (including fission and fusion related sciences), basic energy sciences, biological science, and environmental science research and development.

14. Decided to hold the 2nd round of U.S.-China discussions on law of the sea and polar issues in Washington, D.C. in late May 2011.

15. Decided to hold the 4th U.S.-China Bilateral Forum on Combating Illegal Logging and Associated Trade this year. The two sides are to continue bilateral dialogue and exchanges on concrete activities to further the objectives of the associated Memorandum of Understanding.

16. Announced their intention to hold the 14th meeting of the U.S.-China Joint Commission meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation in Beijing in the first half of October 2011. A delegation of senior officials from relevant departments intends to participate in the meeting.

17. Decided to hold the 9th session of the Joint Working Group of U.S.-China Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation in New Mexico in October 2011.

III. Addressing Regional and Global Challenges

18. Decided to enhance communication and coordination on regional and global issues to jointly address common challenges and to safeguard peace and stability. With regard to the Korean Peninsula, the two sides reiterated their understanding as expressed in the 2011 U.S.-China Joint Statement. They acknowledged their shared interests in political stability and economic revitalization in Afghanistan and decided to step up coordination of efforts to advance these shared interests. They reiterated their understanding on the Iranian nuclear issue as expressed in the 2011 U.S.-China Joint Statement.

19. Decided to take steps to encourage North and South Sudan to continue to push forward the peace process, solve relevant disputes through negotiation, and to fully implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement to ensure a peaceful transition that results in both North Sudan and South Sudan living alongside each other in peace. Also pledged to enhance communication and coordination on Sudan, for example with regard to the economic development of South Sudan, and decided that relevant parties should work constructively to improve security and humanitarian conditions in Darfur, and towards a political solution for Darfur.

IV. Enhancing U.S.-China Bilateral Cooperation

20. Decided to further deepen ongoing cooperation to combat corruption, including bribery of public officials, through bilateral and multilateral fora, including the U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation (JLG), the APEC Anticorruption and Transparency Experts Working Group, the G20 Anticorruption Working Group, the United Nations Anticorruption Convention as well as other multilateral frameworks. China expressed support for the APEC Anticorruption Task Force meetings to be hosted by the United States during its chairmanship of APEC 2011.

21. Welcomed progress by the JLG to strengthen law enforcement cooperation, and redoubled their efforts to expeditiously handle outstanding cases, including in such areas as bringing criminals to justice and retrieving illicit funds, combating illegal migration, and on countering drug-related crimes and infringement of intellectual properties.

22. Decided to further strengthen the JLG mechanism and promote cooperation thereof and announced that the secretariats of JLG entered into operation, and announced their intention to hold the 9th session of JLG and working group meetings.

23. Continue to seek opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the areas of maritime safety, security, and stewardship. At the invitation of the Chinese side, the U.S. Coast Guard intends to attend the World Maritime Rescue Congress to be held in China on Aug. 24-28, 2011.

24. Continue to periodically exchange visits of maritime officials and welcome visits of each other's maritime law enforcement vessels. The U.S. Coast Guard's Pacific Area Commander, Vice Admiral Manson Brown, intends to visit China from May 29 to June 4 and meet with representatives of several Chinese agencies supporting maritime governance.

25. Through the U.S. Department of Energy and the General Administration of China Customs, are cooperating on combating illegal trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials, with particular efforts being made by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Jointly Establishing the Radiation Detection Training Center of China Customs during President Hu Jintao's state visit in January. Both sides are committed to promoting the construction of the U.S.-China Customs training center for radiation detection.

26. Noted favorably the positive progress made by U.S. and Chinese customs administrations in cooperating to maintain supply-chain security and facilitate trade, countering related crimes and ensuring favorable bilateral trade. Both sides welcomed further cooperation through existing supply-chain security and facilitation programs, and are committed to strengthening cooperation on customs law enforcement.

27. Announced a U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) grant to support environmental disaster response, as well as a continuation of support by USTDA, Ministry of Commerce, and relevant departments to further cooperation between U.S. and Chinese enterprises and institutions on healthcare, disaster response, and smart grids.

28. Welcomed discussion with one another on potential collaboration on global efforts related to the large-scale dissemination of clean cookstoves and fuels.

29. Welcomed the progress made in furthering the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Establishment of the U.S.-China Governors Forum to Promote Sub-National Cooperation. In order to strengthen and deepen subnational exchange and cooperation, both sides support the National Governors Association and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for the launch of the U.S.-China Governors Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah in July 2011 and for the second session of the Governors Forum to take place in China in late 2011 or in 2012.

30. Are further supporting the newly formed National China Garden Foundation's fundraising efforts for the China Garden project. By May 2011, China is to designate a U.S. licensed contractor to work with U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S.-based construction team in developing a final code compliant design in order to begin site preparation for the China Garden.

V. Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and Environment

31. Reiterated their intention to continue cooperation between the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Development and Reform Commission and to enhance capacity building in greenhouse gas inventory in accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation to Build Capacity to Address Climate Change.

32. Welcomed the progress made in implementing the U.S.-China Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and Environment.

33. Are further promoting U.S.-China cooperation on electric power, especially on issues such as power management system and power projects decision-making, with support from the U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program. Both sides look forward to the results of two ongoing studies funded by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency with the State Grid Corporation of China on smart grid technologies.

34. Decided to share information about regulatory experiences and practices of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the National Energy Administration related to energy issues in both the United States and China.

35. Decided to enhance cooperation and analysis of the planning and deployment of large-scale wind projects research, and connecting wind projects to the electric transmission grid.

36. Welcomed the positive progress made in implementing the Memorandum of Cooperation between the State Department and the National Energy Administration on Shale Gas Resources and decided to continue in-depth discussions on cooperation.

37. Welcomed the progress made in implementing the U.S.-China Memorandum of Understanding on the Use of Aviation Biofuels in China under the U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program. The two sides decided to continue exploring possibilities for cooperation, subject to availability of funding. Priority consideration will be given to the active promotion of research and cooperative projects of non-grain raw material systems for second generation biofuels.

38. Decided to jointly hold a launching ceremony at an appropriate time for the project of strategic research, validation and utilization of Chinese sustainable aviation biofuels.

39. Strengthened joint research between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and China Meteorological Administration (CMA) within the framework of the U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreement to develop accurate and reliable capabilities for observing and understanding the behavior of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

40. Pledged to collaborate in assisting regional fisheries management organizations and other international organizations, in which the United States and China are both parties, to meet their mandates to reduce illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and opportunities for IUU fish and fish products to enter global markets. Both sides pledged to conserve and manage marine living resources, to collect data specific to species of particular concern, and to ensure their sustainable management and conservation to prevent illegal or unintended take of sea turtles and other protected marine species in accordance with treaty obligations, national laws, and regulations.

41. Decided on the basis of agreements reached at the 18th NOAA-State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Joint Working Group Meeting on the Cooperation on Marine and Fishery Science and Technology, to formulate the U.S.-China 2011-2015 Framework Plan for Ocean and Fishery Cooperation to guide the further cooperation between NOAA and SOA, and to further develop a U.S.-China large-scale multidisciplinary joint program for the Indian and Southern Oceans in the near future.

42. Reaffirmed commitment to ensure energy security based on the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development and coordination as decided at the S&ED in May 2010 and as stated in the U.S.-China Joint Statement on Energy Security Cooperation. Both countries reiterated their shared goal of stabilizing international energy markets, ensuring diversified energy supply, and promoting rational and efficient use of energy. Both countries share a common understanding that using market mechanisms to meet future energy needs is still the primary and best choice for the United States and China.

43. Expressed their support for the Solar Decathlon organized by Peking University.

VI. Documents to be Signed and/or Renewed

44. Renewed the Memorandum of Understanding on Health and Medical Sciences Cooperation between the Department of Health and Human Services and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

45. Signed the Action Plan to Implement the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Cooperation on Supply Chain Security and Trade Facilitation between U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the General Administration of Customs.

46. Signed six new EcoPartnerships under the Ten Year Framework and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of State and the National Development and Reform Commission on Implementation of the Framework for EcoPartnerships.

47. Signed the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Cooperation in Law Enforcement Matters between U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the International Cooperation Department of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security.

VII. Breakout Sessions and Other Meetings

48. Held breakout sessions on UN peacekeeping, Sudan, law enforcement cooperation, climate change, de-mining and conventional weapons destruction, as well as electronics stewardship, and conducted a series of bilateral meetings between senior officials on a broad range of issues covering the entire strategic track of the U.S.-China relationship.

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