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Only on China.org.cn
TianlianⅠsatellite links heaven and earth
TianlianⅠsatellite links heaven and earthChina's Tianlian I satellite is playing a crucial role in the Shenzhou VII manned space mission by maintaining communications between the spacecraft and mission control in Beijing, said Zhu Mincai, director of the Beijing Aerospace Control Center.
· Preliminary Shenzhou VIII spacecraft in ground tests
· Endangered tree seeds sent with Shenzhou VII
· China's Space Programs
· Satellite Launch Centers
· China's Space Industry
· Unmanned Spaceflights
· China's Space Activities
· How Do Astronauts Eat, Sleep in Spaceship?

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China celebrates first spacewalk, cites space heroes
China held a meeting Friday morning to award people who made outstanding contributions to the Shenzhou VII manned space flight.
Scientists start studying samples from Shenzhou-VII
Chinese scientists on Monday unsealed a box of solid lubricant samples that were aboard the Shenzhou-VII spacecraft. They will study the material for the next six months.
· Chinese astronauts visit Macao
· Taikonauts wind up visit to HK, heading for Macao
· BX-1 begins orbiting Shenzhou-VII spaceship
· Scientists to collect experimental data in re-entry module
· Space lab, a step-stone to grander feats
· Shenzhou-7 capsule shipped to Beijing for further studies
· China to issue commemorative coins for maiden spacewalk
· Macao SAR chief congratulates successful space mission
· Shenzhou-7 sets standard for China-made products
Taikonauts >>
Zhai Zhigang
Zhai Zhigang
Liu Boming
Liu Boming
Jing Haipeng
Jing Haipeng
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Ministry of Science and Technology
China National Space Administration
Chinese Academy of Space Technology
China Aerospace Science&Technology Corp.