二、過去五年的主要經驗 | II. Main Experience in the Past Five Years |
五年來,十一屆全國政協在繼承優良傳統、堅持重要原則的基礎上,在研究新情況、解決新問題的實踐中,創造了一些新鮮經驗,形成了一些規律性認識,是人民政協的寶貴財富,值得倍加珍惜、長期堅持、不斷完善。 | Over the past five years, on the basis of carrying on fine traditions and upholding important principles, the National Committee of the Eleventh CPPCC gained the following new experience and understanding of principles in the process of studying new developments and resolving new problems, which are precious wealth of the CPPCC and should be valued, adhered to and improved upon. |
(一) 必須始終堅持中國共產黨的領導,確保人民政協事業發展的正確方向。堅持中國共產黨的領導,是人民政協存在和發展的根本前提,也是人民政協履行職能、發揮作用的根本保證。一部人民政協史,就是參加人民政協的各黨派團體和各族各界人士在中國共產黨領導下的團結奮斗史。人民政協堅持黨的領導,就是要堅定不移地貫徹黨的理論和路線方針政策,堅定不移地圍繞黨的重大決策部署開展工作,堅定不移地為實現黨提出的目標任務竭誠奮斗;就是要充分發揮政協委員和政協機關中共產黨員的先鋒模范作用,把廣大政協委員和所聯系群眾緊密團結在黨的周圍,思想上同心同德、目標上同心同向、行動上同心同行。 | 1. We must always uphold the leadership of the CPC and ensure the right orientation of the CPPCC's cause. Upholding the leadership of the CPC is the fundamental premise of the CPPCC's existence and development, and is also a basic guarantee that the CPPCC performs its functions and plays its role. The history of the CPPCC is a history of the united struggle of the political parties, people's organizations and public figures of all China's ethnic groups and sectors of society in the CPPCC under the leadership of the CPC. The CPPCC upholds the leadership of the CPC, which means that it unwaveringly implements the Party's theories, line, principles and policies; earnestly does its work on the basis of the Party's major decisions and plans; and works wholeheartedly to achieve the objectives and tasks set forth by the Party. It means that we make full use of the vanguard and exemplary role of members of CPPCC committees and Party members in their bodies and rally members of CPPCC committees and the people they keep contact with around the Party so that they pursue a common goal with unity of thought and action. |
(二) 必須高舉愛國主義、社會主義旗幟,不斷鞏固團結奮斗的共同思想政治基礎。人民政協作為最廣泛的愛國統一戰線組織,必須高舉愛國主義和社會主義兩面旗幟。只有中國特色社會主義,才能將全國各族人民團結凝聚起來,為把我國建設成為富強民主文明和諧的社會主義現代化國家而共同奮斗;只有愛國主義,才能將海內外中華兒女團結凝聚起來,為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而共同奮斗。可以說,在當代中國,愛國主義和社會主義是參加人民政協的各黨派團體和各族各界人士的最大政治共識。人民政協要注重在尊重多樣中尋求共識,在同鑄輝煌中增進共識,在共迎挑戰中深化共識,沿著愛國主義和社會主義旗幟指引的方向奮力前行。 | 2. We must hold high the banners of patriotism and socialism and consolidate the common ideological and political foundation for working together. The CPPCC is the most inclusive organization in the patriotic united front and must hold high the banners of patriotism and socialism. Only socialism with Chinese characteristics can unite the people of all our ethnic groups to jointly build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious. Only patriotism can unite the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, both at home and abroad, to realize China's dream of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is fair to say that in contemporary China, patriotism and socialism are the broadest political consensus of the political parties, people's organizations and people of all our ethnic groups and sectors of society in the CPPCC. The CPPCC needs to seek consensus while respecting diversity, then promote and deepen consensus in the common endeavor of overcoming challenges and striving for success, and forge ahead under the guidance of the banners of patriotism and socialism. |
(三) 必須牢牢把握團結和民主兩大主題,鞏固發展融洽和諧、生動活潑的良好局面。團結和民主是人民政協產生和發展的歷史依據,是人民政協繼往開來的方向和使命,也是人民政協的標志性特征。作為大團結大聯合的組織,人民政協具有廣泛的代表性和巨大的包容性,能夠最大限度地團結一切可以團結的力量,為實現黨和國家奮斗目標減少阻力、增加助力、形成合力。作為發揚社會主義民主的重要形式和推進社會主義協商民主的重要渠道,人民政協融協商、監督、合作、參與于一體,能夠最大限度地包容和反映各方面的意見建議,有效滿足各界人民群眾有序政治參與的愿望。團結才有力量,民主才有活力。要將團結和民主兩大主題貫穿于人民政協事業發展的全過程和人民政協工作的各方面,以堅強的團結保證廣泛的民主,以廣泛的民主促進堅強的團結,使人民政協永葆蓬勃生機與旺盛活力。 | 3. We must stay firmly focused on the themes of unity and democracy and consolidate and develop a fine state of harmony and vitality. Unity and democracy are the historical foundation of the creation and development of the CPPCC and they provide it with direction and a mission as it moves forward, and constitute the hallmark of the CPPCC. The CPPCC is an organization of great unity and alliance, is broadly representative and inclusive, and is capable of uniting all forces that can be united to reduce obstacles, increase impetus and form synergy in attaining the goals of the Party and country. The CPPCC is an important form of socialist democracy and an essential channel for advancing socialist consultative democracy, and it integrates consultation, oversight, cooperation and participation. It maximally accommodates and reflects comments and suggestions of all parties and effectively meets the aspirations of people from all sectors of society for orderly political participation. Unity produces strength and democracy creates vitality. Unity and democracy need to be incorporated into the whole development process of the CPPCC and every aspect of its work. We need to use solid unity to ensure broad democracy and use broad democracy to promote solid unity so that the CPPCC forever remains full of vitality. |
(四) 必須圍繞中心、服務大局,自覺把人民政協工作放到黨和國家全局工作中謀劃和推進。人民政協事業是中國特色社會主義事業的重要組成部分,必須把圍繞中心、服務大局作為履行職能的重要原則,作為彰顯優勢作用的努力方向,作為評價工作成效的基本標準。新形勢下,人民政協圍繞中心、服務大局,主要目標在于推動科學發展、維護和諧穩定、促進祖國統一,獨特優勢在于人才智力密集、社會聯系廣泛,基本方式在于協商議政、獻計出力。要切實增強大局意識,始終做到同黨和國家方向一致、目標一致、工作一致,廣泛凝聚智慧和力量,真正成為統一戰線法寶作用的重要實現形式。 | 4. We must concentrate on the central task of economic development, serve the overall interests of the country, and purposefully plan and advance the CPPCC's work so as to make it a part of the overall work of the Party and country. The cause of the CPPCC is an important part of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics; therefore, we must take concentrating on the central task of economic development and serving the overall interests of the Party and country as an important principle in performing our functions, the orientation in which the CPPCC exploits its strengths, and the basic criterion for evaluating our work. In the new situation, the main objectives of concentrating on the central task and serving overall interests are to advance development in a scientific way, safeguard harmony and stability, and promote national reunification; the CPPCC's unique strengths lie in its concentration of talent and wisdom and extensive social contacts; and its basic methods are carrying out consultations, deliberating state affairs and contributing suggestions. We need to become more aware of the need to take the overall interests of the country into account, keep to the same orientation and have the same objectives as the Party and country, work in concert with them, and pool everyone's wisdom and strength, so as to truly become an important means by which the united front plays its instrumental role in winning victories for socialism. |
(五) 必須堅持以人為本、履職為民,始終把維護和實現人民群眾根本利益作為出發點和落腳點。人民政協來自人民,一切工作都是為了人民。要把群眾利益放在第一位置,把群眾呼聲作為第一信號,把群眾滿意作為第一追求。要樹立人民政協為人民的理念,常想一想群眾需要政協做什么,政協能夠為群眾做什么,政協為群眾做了什么,自覺做到政為民所議,言為民所建,策為民所獻,力為民所出。要增強政協事業靠人民的意識,經常深入到群眾中了解真實情況,從群眾中汲取智慧營養,通過深入基層、深入群眾不斷提高議政建言的質量。 | 5. We must put people first, work for them and always take safeguarding and realizing their fundamental interests as our starting point and goal. The CPPCC comes from the people and does all its work for them. We must put their interests first, take their voice as our primary guide and make their satisfaction our chief goal. We must embrace the notion that the CPPCC is for the people and often ask ourselves what the people need it to do and what it can do and has done for them, so that all our work, be it deliberating government affairs, submitting proposals, making suggestions, is done for the people. We must increase our awareness that the success of the CPPCC's cause depends on the people, so we need to often carry out fact-finding missions among them, seek wisdom from them, and raise the quality of our deliberation of state affairs and our proposals by strengthening contacts with the people and lower-level organizations. |
(六) 必須充分認識人民政協的重要地位作用,不斷增強推進人民政協事業發展的責任感和使命感。人民政協與人民民主專政的國體和人民代表大會制度的政體相適應,是中國共產黨領導的多黨合作和政治協商的重要機構,是我國政治體制不可替代的重要組成部分,是促進黨和政府科學民主決策不可或缺的重要力量。從事人民政協工作的同志,無論是政協委員、還是政協干部,都處在堅持完善中國共產黨領導的多黨合作和政治協商制度的第一線,處在服務黨和國家工作大局的第一線。這既是一種榮譽和信任,更是一種責任和使命。特別是要充分認識到,人民政協發揮作用,必須自覺樹立有為才能有位、有位更加有為的觀念,以改革創新精神加強自身建設和理論建設,大力推進人民政協履行職能的制度化規范化程序化,培養政協情懷、奉獻政協事業,以不可替代的作用推動發展,以實實在在的業績體現價值。 | 6. We must fully understand the important position and role of the CPPCC and enhance our sense of responsibility and mission to develop the CPPCC. The CPPCC is compatible with the system of state power, i.e. the system of people's democratic dictatorship and people's congresses, and it is an important institution of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, an irreplaceable part of our political system, and an indispensable force in promoting scientific and democratic decision-making of the Party and country. People who are engaged in the work of the CPPCC, including members of CPPCC committees and the staff of their bodies, are in the forefront of upholding and improving the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC and serving the overall work of the Party and country. This is not only an honor and expression of the trust the people have in us, but is also our responsibility and mission. In particular, the CPPCC must fully realize that to play its role, it must willingly embrace the notion it must be worthy for it to obtain its position and be even more worthy to maintain its position. We must strengthen our self-improvement efforts and theoretical development in the spirit of reform and innovation; work hard to advance the institutionalization, standardization and procedurization of the CPPCC's performance of its functions; cultivate attachment and dedication to the CPPCC; play an indispensable role in spurring development; and prove our worth with solid achievements. |
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