9月11日,國務院總理李克強在大連出席第七屆夏季達沃斯論壇開幕式,并發表特別致辭。[新華社] Premier Li Keqiang delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the seventh Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2013, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, in Dalian, Liaoning province, Sep. 11. [Xinhua] |
9月11日下午,國務院總理李克強在大連出席第七屆夏季達沃斯論壇開幕式,并發表特別致辭。全文如下: | Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the seventh Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum. The following is the full text of Li's speech: |
以改革創新驅動中國經濟長期持續健康發展 |
The Chinese Economy: Reform and Innovation For Sustained and Healthy Development |
——在第七屆夏季達沃斯論壇上的致辭 |
Speech by Li Keqiang |
尊敬的克勞斯?施瓦布主席先生和夫人, 尊敬的各位貴賓、女士們、先生們、朋友們: |
Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Mrs. Schwab, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
首先,我代表中國政府對第七屆夏季達沃斯論壇的召開表示熱烈祝賀!對各位嘉賓的光臨表示誠摯歡迎! | Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government, hearty congratulations on the opening of the seventh Summer Davos Forum and a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests. |
7年前,達沃斯論壇從瑞士的高山之巔來到中國的渤海之濱,我當時正在遼寧工作,親身參與了論壇的創辦,至今歷歷在目。這些年來,論壇在大連和天津輪流舉辦,影響越來越大,我感到由衷高興。本屆論壇以“創新:勢在必行”為主題,具有很強的引領性和前瞻性。 | Seven years ago, when the Davos Forum came from the high mountains in Switzerland to the shore of the Bohai Bay in China, I was working in Liaoning and was personally engaged in the launch of the Forum, and my memories of the event are still vivid today. I am truly happy that the Forum, which has been held in Dalian and Tianjin in rotation since then, is gaining greater influence, and I find the theme of this year's Forum, "Meeting the Innovation Imperative", a forward-looking one that points the way to the future. |
從2008年9月至今,國際金融危機爆發已整整五年。目前世界經濟形勢仍錯綜復雜,發達經濟體剛出現一些好轉跡象,新興經濟體又面臨較大下行壓力,可謂一波未平一波又起。受多重因素影響,中國經濟增長速度也有所放緩,昨天,我和施瓦布先生一起與部分企業家代表進行了交流,大家對中國經濟形勢及發展前景等問題十分關心。一段時間以來,國際上對中國經濟有不少議論,擔心會不會出現一些國家曾遇到的增長過早放緩問題,甚至出現“硬著陸”。我想告訴大家,中國正處在轉型升級的關鍵階段,當前經濟發展的基本面是好的,經濟運行總體是平穩的。 | Five years have passed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in September 2008. Yet the world economy still faces a complex situation. Just as developed economies begin to show some signs of improvement, emerging economies are confronted with rather serious downward pressure. As we often say in China, "Hardly has one wave subsided when another wave rises". Affected by a multiple of factors, economic growth in China has slowed down to some extent. Yesterday, Professor Schwab and I had an exchange of views with some of the business representatives. They all showed a keen interest in the state and prospects of the Chinese economy. For some time now, there have been many comments on the Chinese economy, wondering whether it may slow down too early, like in some other countries, or even encounter a hard landing. What I would like to say is that the Chinese economy, which is at a crucial stage of transformation and upgrading, is moving forward in a steady way and its fundamentals are sound. |
今年一季度,中國經濟增速從去年四季度的7.9%下滑到7.7%,二季度又下行至7.5%,消費、投資以及外貿增速呈下行態勢,中央財政收入出現多年來少有的負增長。面對經濟下行壓力,我們堅持穩中求進的工作總基調,采取了一系列創新性的政策措施,統籌穩增長、調結構、促改革,保證了經濟平穩運行。 | Economic growth in China went down from 7.9% in the fourth quarter of last year to 7.7% in the first quarter and 7.5% in the second quarter of this year with a reduced increase in consumption, investment and foreign trade. There was a registered negative growth in the central government revenue, which has been rarely seen for many years. Confronted with downward pressures, we stayed committed to the overall policy of seeking steady economic progress. We took a host of innovative policies and measures with a holistic approach to pursue steady growth, conduct structural readjustment and promote reform, which served to ensure a smooth economic performance. |
第一,兼顧當前和長遠,穩定宏觀經濟政策。經濟下行時,用短期刺激政策把經濟增速推高,不失為一種辦法,但我們權衡利弊,認為這無助于解決深層次問題,因而選擇了既利當前、更惠長遠的策略,保持宏觀經濟政策的穩定。在財政政策方面,堅持不擴大赤字,而是調整支出結構,壓縮行政開支,加快支出進度,加大對中西部地區、結構調整、保障民生的支持,對小微企業實行稅收優惠。在貨幣政策方面,保持定力,即使貨幣市場出現短期波動,我們也沉著應對,不畏艱險,既不放松也不收緊銀根,管理好流動性,重點通過盤活存量、用好增量,支持實體經濟發展。我們還通過加強監管和規范發展,積極防范和化解財政金融領域的潛在風險。對大家都很關注的地方政府性債務問題,我們正在采取有針對性的措施,有序規范和化解。可以有把握地說,總體是安全可控的。 | First, keeping the macro economic policy stable with consideration given to both immediate and long-term needs. In the face of economic downturn, a short-term stimulus policy could be one way to drive up growth. But after weighing the pros and cons, we concluded that such an option would not help address the underlying problems. Hence, we opted for keeping the macro economic policy stable, which we believe served both the immediate needs and long-term interests of the economy. With respect to fiscal policy, we introduced policy measures that kept deficit from expanding, readjusted the expenditure structure, cut down administrative expenditures, accelerated spending, increased support for the central and western regions as well as for structural readjustments and for improving people’s wellbeing, and granted preferential tax treatment to small and micro businesses. In terms of monetary policy, we stayed focused, responded calmly and met difficulties head-on. We did not relax or tighten the monetary policy in spite of the short-term fluctuation in the money market, and properly managed liquidity. We supported the real economy mainly by making good use of both the stock and the increment. At the same time, we strengthened supervision and improved regulation to prevent and defuse potential risks in the fiscal and financial sectors. Regarding the local government debt issue, which has become a source of concern, we are taking pertinent measures to regulate and address it in an orderly fashion. Here, I can say with certainty that the situation is on the whole safe and manageable. |
第二,堅定不移推進改革開放,著力激發市場活力。改革創新是一個國家發展的不竭動力。本屆政府開門做的第一件大事,就是以轉變政府職能為核心,大力推進行政管理體制改革。今年以來已取消和下放了200多項行政審批事項,目的是通過簡政放權,把該放的權力放開、放到位,把該管的事情管好、管到位,為各類企業營造公平競爭的環境,激發市場主體創造活力。我們擴大了“營改增”試點范圍,積極推動利率市場化進程、鐵路等基礎設施投融資體制、資源性產品價格、政府購買公共服務等領域改革。我們加快推進經濟結構改革,發展混合所有制經濟,在金融、石油、電力、鐵路、電信、資源開發、公用事業、服務業等領域放寬市場準入,引導民間投資增長,為各類所有制企業提供更大發展空間。 | Second, steadfastly pursuing reform and opening-up with priority given to the stimulation of the market. Reform and innovation provide an inexhaustible driving force for a country's development. What this government has done first is to vigorously reform the administrative system with focus on transforming government functions. Since the beginning of this year, we have abolished or delegated to lower levels the conduct of administrative review and approval for over 200 items. By streamlining administration and delegating power, the government aims to delegate power to lower levels as much as what is necessary and appropriate while effectively managing all the matters within its purview so as to provide a level-playing field for all enterprises and stimulate the creativity of market players. We have expanded the scope of the business-to-value added tax pilot reform, and advanced reforms relating to market-based interest rates, the investment and financing system for the construction of railways and other infrastructure, pricing of resource products and government procurement of public services. We have accelerated the reform of economic structure, endeavored to develop a mixed economy, relaxed market access in the financial, oil, electricity, railway, telecommunications, resources development, public facilities and the services sector, encouraged more investment of the non-public sector, and provided greater space for business of various ownerships. |
中國的現代化建設要依靠改革,也離不開開放。我們不斷探索對外開放的新路子,上半年與歐洲國家瑞士和冰島簽署了自貿協定,最近又與東盟領導人商議打造中國—東盟自貿區升級版。在上海建立自由貿易試驗區,探索負面清單管理模式,重點在投資準入、服務貿易領域擴大開放。我們還推出了提高對外貿易便利化等措施促進進出口平穩增長。 | China's modernization will not be accomplished without reform, nor will it be achieved without opening-up. We have explored new ways to open China wider to the outside world. In the first half of this year, we signed FTA agreements with Switzerland and Iceland, and we have recently discussed with ASEAN leaders on how to upgrade the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. In our effort to build a pilot free trade-zone in Shanghai, the negative-list approach will be explored and priority will be given to easier investment access and greater openness in trade in services. We have also adopted measures to facilitate foreign trade and promote a steady growth in import and export. |
第三,著眼轉型升級,調整優化結構。中國經濟已經到了只有轉型升級才能持續發展的關鍵階段。擴大內需是最大的結構調整,促進城鄉和區域協調發展是主要任務,實現工業化、新型城鎮化、信息化和農業現代化同步推進是基本途徑,發展服務業是重要戰略支撐。我們積極培育新的消費熱點,推動實施“寬帶中國”戰略。我們加強薄弱環節建設,增加節能環保、棚戶區改造、城市基礎設施、中西部鐵路等方面的投資,加大對集中連片特困地區的支持力度。我們出臺專門政策措施,促進養老、健康、文化、教育等服務業發展。加快實施創新驅動發展戰略,大力推進技術創新,促進科技與經濟深度融合,營造有利于創新創業的社會環境。 | Third, readjusting and optimizing the structure with emphasis on transformation and upgrading. China is now at such a crucial stage that without structural transformation and upgrading, we will not be able to achieve a sustained economic growth. In readjusting the structure, the most important aspect is to expand domestic demand, and a major task is to pursue a balanced development between urban and rural areas and among different regions. We will rely mainly on industrialization, new type of urbanization, IT application and modernization of agriculture and focus on developing the service sector which is of strategic importance. We are cultivating new growth areas of consumption and implementing the "Broadband China" strategy. We will enhance the weak links and invest more in energy conservation and environmental protection, redevelopment of shantytowns, infrastructure in urban areas, and railways in the central and western regions. We are stepping up support for contiguous and concentrated poverty-stricken areas. We have adopted special policy measures to promote old age care, health, cultural, educational and other services. We are implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development at a faster pace, aggressively promoting technological innovation and deep integration of science and technology with the economy and building a social environment friendly to innovation and business start-up activities. |
今年以來,中國穩增長、調結構、促改革協調推進,主要得益于宏觀管理方式的創新。我們根據經濟發展潛力和當前實際,科學確定經濟運行的合理區間,守住穩增長、保就業的“下限”,把握好防通脹的“上限”。這也是預期調節的預警線。同時,制定與經濟運行合理區間相配套的宏觀政策框架。只要經濟運行處在合理區間,經濟總量政策就保持基本穩定,主線是轉變經濟發展方式,著力點是調整經濟結構,關鍵舉措仍然是推動改革創新,不斷釋放內需潛力、創新動力和改革紅利,以激發市場活力,形成增長的內生力量,著力打造中國經濟升級版。 | Since the start of this year, China has been rather successful in coordinating efforts to seek steady growth, conduct structural readjustment and deepen reform, and this is mainly attributable to innovation in macro management. Seizing the growth potential and acting to address the need in reality, we have set a reasonable range of economic performance with a lower limit designed to ensure steady growth and job creation and an upper limit which is meant to avert inflation. The limits are also seen as benchmarks for anticipatory regulation measures. We have also developed a macro policy framework in keeping with the reasonable range of economic performance. As long as the economy runs within the reasonable range, we will keep the macro economic policy generally stable, and focus on shifting the growth model and on structural readjustment. In this connection, what is essential is to advance reform and innovation, tap potential domestic demand, and unleash innovation motivation and reform dividends in order to boost market vitality and the internal driving force for growth and upgrade the Chinese economy. |
這些舉措,使中國經濟運行呈現企穩向好勢頭。從7、8月份情況看,制造業經理人采購指數(PMI)、工業生產者出廠價格指數(PPI)、工業增加值、進出口、用電量、貨運量等主要指標普遍回升,實體經濟活躍,城鎮就業繼續擴大,物價總水平保持穩定,市場信心增強,社會預期向好。這種穩中有進的發展態勢讓我們堅信,今年經濟社會發展的預期目標一定能實現。同時也要看到,目前經濟回升的基礎仍不牢固,不確定因素還很多。我們不能也不會掉以輕心,要做好進一步克服困難和應對挑戰的準備。 | These measures have brought about a sound momentum of stable economic performance in China. In July and August, PMI, PPI, industrial value added, import and export, power consumption, freight volume and other major indicators all rebounded; the real economy was active; urban employment situation continued to improve and prices were generally stable with enhanced market confidence and growing public expectations. Such a development momentum of steady progress gives us the confidence that we will meet the economic and social development goals set for the whole year. Having said that, we must see that the foundation for economic rebound is still fragile with many uncertainties ahead. We cannot and will not slacken our efforts. We must be prepared to tackle more difficulties and challenges. |
女士們,先生們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
中國經濟持續30多年的高速增長,創造了世界發展史上的奇跡。當前中國經濟已進入中高速增長階段。7.5%左右的增速與過去近兩位數的增長相比是慢了一些,但從世界范圍看,仍然是世界主要經濟體中的高速度。中國經濟總量比過去明顯增大,目前已進入轉型發展階段,潛在增長率有所下降,經濟增長由高速轉為中高速符合發展規律。而且,未來中國經濟增長必須以提高質量和效益為前提,必須以資源節約和生態環保為支撐,必須以科技創新和技術進步為動力,必須是有就業保障和居民收入相應增加的增長。也就是說,讓改革和發展的成果惠及最廣大的人民群眾。 | The fast growth of the Chinese economy over the past 30-odd years is a miracle in the history of development of the world. The Chinese economy has entered a phase of medium to high rate growth. Though lower than the near double-digit rates seen in previous years, a growth in the neighborhood of 7.5% is still considered high for any major economy in the world. China’s economic size is considerably bigger than before. As the economy enters a phase of transformation, the slowdown of its prospective growth and moderation of the Chinese economy from a high speed to a medium to high speed are only natural. Moreover, China’s growth in the coming years should be predicated on higher quality and efficiency, bolstered by resource conservation and environment protection, and driven by technological innovation and advance. It has to be a growth with sufficient employment and growing household income. In other words, we need to ensure the fruits of reform and development benefit as many people as possible. |
展望未來,中國發展前景光明。我們完全有能力、有條件保持經濟長期持續健康發展。中國的工業化、城鎮化遠未完成,區域發展回旋余地和市場潛力巨大;改革大勢不可逆轉,推進改革必將釋放出新的制度活力;中國人民勤勞智慧、自強不息,是最重要的發展支撐。我們將持續發展經濟,不斷改善民生,促進社會公正,堅定不移地沿著改革開放之路走下去,把中國特色社會主義事業不斷推向前進。只要我們咬定長遠目標不放松,解決眼前問題不懈怠,中國這艘經濟巨輪就一定能夠乘風破浪,揚帆遠航。中國經濟一定能保持長期持續健康發展! | Looking ahead, I see bright prospects for China’s development. We are well placed to sustain a healthy economic growth in the long run. The process of industrialization and urbanization is far from being completed in China, which promises a big room for regional development and huge market potential; reform, an overriding trend that is irreversible, is bound to unleash fresh institutional vitality; and the hard work, talent and perseverance of the Chinese people will always provide the most important support for development. We will continue to grow the economy, improve people's living standards, uphold social justice, stay firm on the path of reform and opening-up and advance the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. As long as we remain committed to long-term goals and focus on addressing immediate challenges, the giant vessel of the Chinese economy will break waves and sail far. And we will achieve the sustained and sound growth of the Chinese economy. |
女士們,先生們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
當今世界,經濟全球化、世界多極化、社會信息化深入發展,我們同住一個“地球村”,沒有哪一個國家能變成離群索居的“魯濱遜”。這些年來,中國經濟的發展從對外開放中獲益匪淺。同時,中國已經成為世界經濟增長的主要推動力量之一,在應對國際金融危機中也發揮了重要作用。預計未來5年中國進口將達10萬億美元,對外投資5000億美元,出境旅游超過4億人次。中國經濟轉型升級,將對世界經濟的繁榮和發展作出更大貢獻。中國愿與世界共同分享這一巨大的商機,也希望各國能夠為中國發展提供更好的合作環境。 | In the world today, the trend towards economic globalization, a multi-polar world and IT application is gaining momentum. We live in a global village. No country can live in isolation of others like Robinson Crusoe. Over the years, the Chinese economy has benefited enormously from its opening-up policy. At the same time, China has become a major engine driving world economic growth and played an important role in responding to the international financial crisis. In the next five years, China is expected to import 10 trillion US dollars of goods, invest 500 billion US dollars overseas and send over 400 million tourists abroad. China, with its economic structure transformed and upgraded, will contribute more to the prosperity and development of the world economy. China is ready to share this huge business opportunity with the rest of the world and hopes to have a better cooperation environment for its development. |
中國作為一個發展中大國,在國際事務中有自己的責任和擔當。隨著經濟體量的增大,中國在國際上發揮的作用也會相應增大。中國有句古話:“君子成人之美”。只有美人之美,才能美美與共。我們愿意更多參與國際治理,盡可能提供國際公共產品;與其他發展中國家分享減貧經驗,提供更多幫助;為全球經濟強勁、可持續、平衡增長分擔責任作出貢獻。當然,中國仍是一個發展中國家,按照國際標準,還有一億多人生活在貧困線下。中國實現現代化還需要一個長期艱苦的過程,中國承擔的國際責任和義務只能與自身的理念和發展水平相適應。 | As a major developing country, China is ready to take up its responsibility in international affairs. As its economy expands, China will play an increasingly bigger role in international affairs. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "A gentleman is always ready to help others attain their goals." We believe that only by helping each other can we all attain our goals. We are ready to take a more active part in international governance and do our best to provide international public goods. We are ready to share our poverty reduction experience with and offer more assistance to fellow developing countries. We will share responsibility for and make our contribution to a strong, sustainable and balanced world economy. However, China is still a developing country. Over 100 million people still live under the poverty line according to international standards. China’s modernization will be a long and arduous process. The international responsibilities and obligations China undertakes must be commensurate with both the level and approach of its development. |
當前世界經濟復蘇艱難曲折,國際社會應該加強宏觀經濟政策協調,完善應對跨國金融風險的準備,加快全球經濟治理改革。提升發展中國家在國際事務中的代表性和話語權,盡可能減小因一些國家宏觀經濟政策變化對世界經濟特別是新興市場國家的沖擊。各國還應進一步擴大相互開放,旗幟鮮明反對各種形式的保護主義,齊心協力做大世界經濟的蛋糕。 | In view of the difficulties and setbacks in the global economic recovery, members of the international community should increase coordination on macro economic policies as well as the readiness to cope with the cross-border financial risks and help speed up the reform of the global economic governance. Developing countries should have greater representation and bigger voices in international affairs so as to minimize the adverse impact of the change of macro economic policies by some countries on the entire world economy, especially on emerging market economies. All countries should open wider to other countries, take a clear-cut stand against all forms of protectionism, and work in concert to enlarge the pie of the world economy. |
中國將一如既往鼓勵外國公司來華投資興業,進一步優化投資環境,強化知識產權保護,營造平等使用生產要素、公平參與市場競爭、同等受到法律保護、共同承擔社會責任的環境。我們將繼續用事實證明,選擇中國是跨國公司興旺發達的明智之舉、上乘之策。 | China will continue to encourage foreign companies to make investment and do business in China. We will create a more investment friendly environment, intensify IPR protection, and provide an environment in which all players have equal access to factors of production, market competition and legal protection while taking up social responsibilities together. Facts will continue to prove that to come and do business in China is a wise decision for multinationals to grow their business. |
女士們、先生們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
我們生活在一個飛速變革的時代,變革呼喚創新,創新推動進步。中國政府所采取的一系列政策,都貫穿著改革創新的理念和精神。創新是我們永遠高揚的旗幟。希望在座的全球經濟新領軍者成為各自領域改革創新的生力軍。多年來,夏季達沃斯論壇成為聚焦中國經濟的重要平臺,發揮著獨特作用。今天,中國經濟發展的奇跡已進入提質增效的“第二季”,后面的故事會更精彩。我相信,夏季達沃斯論壇會越辦越好,不僅向世界展示中國人民建設現代化國家的多彩風貌,也為世界和中國實現共同繁榮貢獻更多智慧和力量! | We live in a time of fast changes. Changes call for innovation and innovation leads to progress. Reform and innovation is the running theme and spirit of the policies adopted by the Chinese government, and it is the banner that we will always hold high. I hope you, new champions of the world economy, will become indeed champions of reform and innovation in your respective areas. Over the years, the Summer Davos has played a unique role and served as an important platform for discussions on the Chinese economy. Now the new season of the Chinese economic miracle, one of better quality and higher efficiency, is unveiled, and I guarantee you even more exciting stories to come. I am sure that the Summer Davos Forum will achieve greater successes, presenting to the world new progress of the Chinese people in building a modern country, and contributing more wisdom and strength to the common prosperity of China and the world. |
最后,預祝本次論壇圓滿成功! | In conclusion, I wish this year's forum a complete success! |
謝謝。 | Thank you. |