

White Paper: Development and Progress of Tibet

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-10-22
結束語 Concluding Remarks
在過去的60多年時間里,西藏走完了人類社會需要幾百年甚至上千年才能走完的歷程,書寫了人類歷史上壯麗的篇章。今天的西藏,經濟發展,政治進步,文化繁榮,社會和諧,生態良好,人民生活幸福安康,一個傳統與現代交相輝映的新西藏正呈現在世人面前。回顧西藏走過的不平凡歷程,留下了許多寶貴而深刻的啟示。 Over the past 60-odd years, Tibet has finished a course of historical journey that would normally take several centuries or even a millennium for the human society to complete. It has written a spectacular chapter in the history of mankind. At present, Tibet presents a picture mixing traditional and modern elements, featuring economic and political progress, cultural prosperity, social harmony, sound ecosystem and a happy and healthy life for the local people. We may gain valuable enlightenment from Tibet's extraordinary journey.
——西藏的發展進步離不開選擇一條正確的發展道路。60多年來,正是在中華民族大家庭的懷抱里,堅持走社會主義道路,西藏各族人民才真正成為國家、社會和自己命運的主人,西藏才實現了由貧窮落后到富裕文明的轉變。實踐證明,只有堅持中國共產黨的領導,堅持社會主義制度,堅持民族區域自治制度,才能真正實現和保障西藏人民當家作主,才能實現好維護好發展好西藏人民的根本利益。在未來的歲月里,西藏的發展進步依然離不開這條道路。 - Tibet's development can't be separated from the choosing of a right path. Over the past 60-odd years, by adhering to the path of socialism in the arms of the Chinese nation, the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet have become masters of their own country, society and fate, and Tibet has made the dramatic change from a place of poverty and backwardness to one of prosperity and civilization. Practice shows that only by adhering to the leadership of the CPC, the socialist system and the system of regional ethnic autonomy, can Tibetans become and remain the masters of their own affairs, and can the fundamental interests of the Tibetan people be safeguarded and developed. In the future, too, this path will remain essential to Tibet's development.
——西藏的發展進步離不開中央政府的支持和全國人民的幫助。中國國家制度的優越性和中華民族互幫互助的優良傳統,為西藏的發展進步提供了強大動力。中央政府歷來高度重視西藏的發展,十分關心西藏各族人民的福祉,舉全國之力支援西藏,以優惠的政策和強大的人力、物力、財力支持,推動西藏的發展進步。1952年至2012年,中央財政對西藏安排各項補助達4543.4億元,占西藏地方財政成立以來累計支出的96%。2011年至2015年,中央政府圍繞改善民生、基礎設施、特色產業、生態環境等重點領域,共規劃建設226個重大項目,5年計劃完成投資1931億元,其中中央政府投資占71.5%。2010年中央第五次西藏工作座談會后,中央政府按照省市財政收入的千分之一核定了17個援藏省市的援助資金量,并建立了穩定增長機制。 - Tibet would not have this development and progress without the support of the Central Government and the assistance of the rest of the country. The superiority of China's state system and the fine tradition of mutual help of the Chinese nation have given a strong impetus to the development of Tibet. The Central Government has always attached great importance to the development of Tibet, and the well-being of all ethnic groups in this autonomous region. It has mobilized the strength of the whole nation, made preferential policies, and provided enormous support in manpower, materials and funds to promote the development and progress of Tibet. From 1952 to 2012 the Central Government appropriated a total of 454.34 billion yuan to Tibet as financial subsidies, taking up 96 percent of the accumulated fiscal expenditures of the local government since it was founded. The Central Government has planned to complete 226 major projects in Tibet in the five years from 2011 to 2015 in sectors relating to the improvement of people's well-being, infrastructure construction, industries with local characteristics and ecological environment, with a total investment of 193.1 billion yuan, 71.5 percent of which will come from the Central Government. After the Fifth Tibet Work Forum held by the Central Authorities in 2010, the Central Government approved the amount of aid funds to be provided to Tibet by 17 provincial and municipal governments involved in the paired-up support program for Tibet, based on one-thousandth of the fiscal revenue of each. And a mechanism has been established to ensure stable increase of the funds.
——西藏的發展進步離不開各族人民的團結奮斗。西藏的發展進步,追根究底源自人民的創造。在西藏歷史發展的各階段,各族人民以自己的聰明才智和主人翁精神,破舊立新,改天換地,創造一個又一個新鮮事物,推動歷史不斷向前。 - Tibet's development can't be separated from the concerted efforts of all ethnic groups in Tibet. In the final analysis, credit should be given to the creative power of the people in Tibet. At all stages in the history of Tibet, relying on their wisdom and the awareness that they are the masters of their own affairs, people of all ethnic groups have destroyed the old and established the new, and brought about fundamental changes in the region, giving impetus to historical development.
——西藏的發展進步離不開對外開放合作。封閉曾經是舊西藏政教合一的封建農奴制延續數百年的重要條件,也是西藏發展進步需要破除的障礙。60多年來,西藏向全國和世界敞開胸襟,加強與國內其他地區和世界各國的交流交往交融,吸收來自外部的先進文明成果,不斷豐富和完善自身。 - Tibet's development can't be separated from opening up and foreign cooperation. Isolation used to be the prerequisite for the feudal serfdom under theocracy that lasted several hundred years in old Tibet, hindering the development of this region. Over the past sixty years or more, however, Tibet has implemented opening up, enhanced exchanges and communications with the rest of China and other countries, and absorbed the achievements of other civilizations to enrich and improve itself.
西藏的發展進步有目共睹,任何不持偏見立場的人都為之驚嘆不已,任何真正關心西藏的人都為之歡欣鼓舞。但是,也有少數人不僅對西藏的發展進步視而不見,反而大肆攻擊,否定西藏的發展道路和西藏各族人民為之奮斗的現代化事業。 The development and changes in Tibet are obvious to everyone. Any fair-minded person would be filled with amazement, and anyone who cares about Tibet will be pleased to see all this. However, a handful of people just turn a blind eye to the facts, and attack and deny Tibet's development path and modernization drive that people of all ethnic groups strive for.
長期流亡海外的十四世達賴集團,一直從事分裂祖國和破壞西藏發展穩定的活動。在1959年武裝叛亂失敗后,又對中國邊境地區進行多年武裝襲擾。這些年,又鼓吹“大藏區”、“高度自治”,這些主張完全違背中國國情,違反中國憲法和法律,實際上是想推翻西藏的社會主義制度和民族區域自治制度,動搖給西藏帶來發展進步的制度基礎。 The 14th Dalai Lama and his clique in exile are conducting separatist activities for a long time to sabotage the development and stability of Tibet. After the failure of their armed rebellion in 1959, they fled abroad and began to harass China's borders for years. In recent years, they have put forward the so-called concepts of "Greater Tibet" and "a high degree of autonomy," which in fact go against China's actual conditions, and violate the Constitution and relevant laws. Their true aim is to overthrow the socialist system and the system of regional ethnic autonomy that is practiced in Tibet, and rock the systemic foundations that have ensured the development and progress of Tibet.
在國際上,還有一些人,出于意識形態偏見和自私自利的扭曲心態,刻意歪曲西藏的昨天和今天。他們憑空杜撰了一個“香格里拉”神話,希望西藏永遠處于原始落后狀態。西藏60多年發展進步的事實證明,西藏人民與世界人民一樣,有權享受現代文明發展成果,有權提高自己的生活質量,有權選擇自己的生活方式。 There are some others in the world who intentionally distort the past and present of Tibet due to their ideological bias or out of consideration for their self interests. They created a "Shangri-La" myth, wishing to keep Tibet in a backward primitive state forever. The development and progress of Tibet over the past 60 years or so has proved that the people in Tibet and the people of the rest of the world have equal right to enjoy the achievements of modern civilization, to improve the quality of life and to choose their own way of life.
當前,西藏各族人民與全國人民一道,正在為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而奮斗。西藏的明天會更加美好! At present, people of all ethnic groups in Tibet and in the rest of the country are making combined efforts in fighting for the great renewal of the Chinese nation. We have every reason to believe that, in the course of this, the Tibet Autonomous Region will have a better future.
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