

Li Keqiang: Greetings across rivers and mountains

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-11-26

國務院總理李克強25日在中東歐國家媒體發表題為《跨越千山萬水的問候——寫在第二屆中國—中東歐國家領導人會晤即將舉行之際》的署名文章。全文如下: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang published an article on major news media of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries on Nov. 25. The following is the full text of the article titled "Greetings across rivers and mountains":
中國與中東歐國家雖遠隔萬里,但我們的心是相通的。20多年前,我曾訪問一些中東歐國家,留下了深刻印象。11月26日,中國-中東歐國家領導人會晤和第三屆中國-中東歐國家經貿論壇開幕式將在布加勒斯特舉行,我將出席這兩場會議并訪問羅馬尼亞,期待與16國領導人就未來一段時期各領域合作共商大計,與各界人士深入交流。在即將啟程之際,我謹代表中國人民向中東歐國家人民致以親切問候。 Though thousands of miles apart, the hearts of the Chinese people and the people of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are linked to each other. My visit to some CEE countries over 20 years ago left a deep impression on me. The Meeting of Heads of Government of China and CEE Countries and the opening ceremony of the Third Economic and Trade Forum between the two sides will be held on Nov 26 in Bucharest. I will attend the two meetings and visit Romania. I look forward to discussing with leaders of the 16 countries plans for future cooperation in all fields and having in-depth exchanges with people from various sectors of these countries. Before embarking on my journey, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese people, cordial greetings to the people of CEE countries.?
中國與中東歐國家相互尊重、相互支持,結下了深厚的傳統友誼。60多年前新中國誕生時,中東歐國家率先承認,開啟了彼此友好合作的新篇章。長期以來,無論是遇到自然災害還是經濟困難,我們之間都能及時伸出援手,雪中送炭。這份患難與共的情誼將永遠銘刻在中國和中東歐國家人民心中。進入21世紀,中國的改革開放進入新階段,中東歐國家經濟轉軌取得積極成效,相互關系在新的歷史條件下煥發出新的生機。近年來,我與不少中東歐國家領導人在多個場合經常見面,互致賀電、賀信,建立了良好個人關系。相信我這次訪問將加深同16國領導人的相互了解和彼此國家間的合作。 With mutual respect and mutual support, China and CEE countries have forged a deep traditional friendship. When the People's Republic of China was founded over 60 years ago, CEE countries were among the first to recognize it, thus starting a new era of friendship and cooperation. Over the years, we have always rendered each other most needed assistance in times of natural disasters and economic difficulties. This profound friendship of sharing weal and woe will be forever cherished in the heart of our people. In the 21st century, China's reform and opening-up has entered a new stage and the economic transition in CEE countries has produced positive results. Our relations show greater vitality under the new historical conditions. In recent years, leaders of CEE countries and I have met often on numerous occasions, exchanged correspondence of congratulations, and established good personal relations. I am convinced that my visit this time will help deepen the mutual understanding between us and advance cooperation between China and the 16 CEE countries.


In 2012, economic cooperation between China and CEE countries delivered encouraging results, with two-way trade surpassing US$50 billion. China sent more than 100 trade and investment promotion missions to the CEE region to promote cooperation with the relevant countries in food, mechanical and electrical products, new energy and other fields. The signing of local currency swap agreements with Hungary and Albania has made financing and trade settlement easier for the companies of the two sides. China has conducted productive exchanges with Romania and other countries in crop plantation and plant breeding, and expanded cooperation with CEE countries in infrastructure development. The Belgrade bridge over the Danube is now a symbol of China-Serbia friendship. The China-CEE countries local leaders' meeting held in Chongqing last July attracted the participation of some 600 enterprises and over 1,000 representatives from various countries, giving new impetus to local exchanges and bringing tangible benefits to the people.
目前,中國與中東歐國家貿易額僅相當于中歐貿易總額的1/10,擴大彼此務實合作潛力巨大。我們都經受住了國際金融危機以及歐債危機的考驗,經濟增長總體企穩。我們都屬于新興市場,面臨著經濟轉型創新的共同任務。中國正在實施向西開放戰略,企業走出去步伐加快。中東歐國家越來越重視向東開放,不少企業瞄準亞太和中國市場。我們不謀而合,相向而行,經貿合作煥發出旺盛活力,展現出一系列新的增長亮點。 As it stands now, trade between China and CEE countries is only equivalent to 1/10 of China-EU trade, and there remains huge potential to be tapped in expanding practical cooperation between the two sides. China and CEE countries have both weathered the storm of the international financial crisis and the European debt crisis, and our economies are both growing steadily. Being emerging markets, we all face the task of achieving economic transition and innovation. China is implementing the strategy of westward opening, and Chinese companies are entering the global markets at a faster pace. Countries in the CEE region are also paying more attention to opening to the east, and many companies are now turning their eyes to the Asia-Pacific and Chinese markets. Such a shared vision has enabled our economic cooperation to thrive and prosper, and has produced new highlights of growth in cooperation.
——中東歐國家擁有高品質的肉、奶、酒制品,中國城鎮化進程將帶動牛羊肉、奶酪及葡萄酒等需求擴大,中東歐將成為中國重要農產品進口來源地,彼此農產品貿易額提高一個數量級沒有問題。 CEE countries produce meat, dairy and wine products with high quality. China's urbanization will unleash greater demand for beef, lamb, cheese, wine and other products, and the CEE region will be an important source of import of agricultural products for China. It will not be difficult for us to see an exponential growth in agricultural trade.
——大多數中東歐國家鐵路、公路、港口等交通設施都面臨改造更新問題,中國交通運輸裝備制造業飛速發展,特別是高鐵工程建設水平高、設備性能好,總運營里程已超過1萬公里,完全有把握高質量承接中東歐各種交通基建項目。 Most CEE countries see a need to upgrade and renovate their railway lines, roads, ports and other transportation facilities. China is making rapid progress in the manufacturing of transportation equipment, especially in the field of high-speed railway. We have strong building capacity and high-quality equipment, and the total mileage of high-speed railway under operation in China has by now exceeded 10,000 kilometers. We are fully capable of undertaking transportation infrastructure projects with high quality in CEE countries.
——中東歐國家電力設施亟待升級換代,中國火電、水電包括抽水蓄能電站設備制造和安裝水平已達到世界標準,核電、風電、光電技術也很成熟,設備加工能力全球一流,性價比高,可成為中東歐國家的理想選擇。 The power generation facilities in CEE countries are in urgent need of upgrading. China has reached world standards in terms of the manufacturing and installation of facilities used in coal-fired and hydro power stations, including pumped storage power stations. We also have mature technologies and world-class manufacturing capabilities in the development of nuclear, wind and solar energies. The facilities we offer are inexpensive and of high quality, which makes China an ideal choice for CEE countries.
——中東歐國家基礎設施建設需要資金保障,中方愿與各國協商,靈活用好中國-中東歐國家合作“100億美元專項貸款”,共同支持中東歐大項目建設。中方愿推動與中東歐國家互設金融分支機構,簽署更多本幣互換和結算協議,為各國企業貿易投資提供更多便利。 CEE countries need financing support for the building of infrastructure. China is ready to explore with CEE countries a flexible way to use the US$10 billion special credit line for China-CEE countries cooperation to support major projects in the CEE region. China is willing to work with CEE countries to promote the opening of financial branch institutions in each other's countries, sign more agreements on local currency swap and settlement, and provide more facilitation for the trade and investment activities of our companies.
中國與中東歐國家人文交流可謂異彩紛呈。學習漢語、留學中國、欣賞中國藝術在中東歐國家已成為潮流。不少中東歐國家的青年學生踴躍參加“漢語橋”競賽活動,并取得了優異成績。中東歐國家的經典影片、體育表演令中國觀眾印象深刻。塞爾維亞籍的世界著名網球選手德約科維奇是中國青少年體育愛好者的偶像,被中國球迷親切稱為“小德”。在“中歐信使”微博留言板上,一條關于中東歐國家的信息瞬間就可以聚集成千上萬的人氣。赴中東歐國家觀光旅行是中國百姓新的時尚,2012年中國與中東歐國家旅游等人員往來近32萬人次,很多人對華沙的肖邦故居、布達佩斯的漁人堡、羅馬尼亞的錫納亞王宮津津樂道,進一步擴大雙向旅游已成為彼此共識。中國正與16國商談建立旅游聯合會,為促進雙向旅游發展提供服務平臺。相信旅游業將成為中國-中東歐國家人文合作的重要增長點。 The cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and CEE countries cover a wide range of areas. Learning Chinese, studying in China and appreciating Chinese art have become popular trends in CEE countries. Quite a few students from CEE countries have actively participated and excelled in the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition. Classic films and sport performances from CEE countries have deeply impressed Chinese viewers. The world-famous Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic is an idol of young sports lovers in China and known affectionately as Xiao De among his Chinese fans. There is an account known as China-Europe Messenger on weibo, a popular social network in China. On its message board, news about CEE countries can instantly fetch tens of thousands of hits. Sightseeing in CEE countries is a new fashion among Chinese people. In 2012, nearly 320,000 people, mainly tourists, travelled between China and CEE countries. Many Chinese tourists have been deeply impressed by their visits to the family residence of Frederic Francois Chopin in Warsaw, Fisherman's Bastion (Halaszbastya) in Budapest and Peles Castle in Sinaia, Romania. To further encourage two-way tourism is now the common desire of our two sides. China and the 16 CEE countries are exploring the establishment of a tourism association to serve as a platform in facilitating two-way tourism. Tourism will become a major growth area in the people-to-people exchanges between us.
中東歐國家是歐洲大家庭的重要一員。中國堅定支持歐盟一體化進程,希望看到一個更加團結和繁榮的歐洲。中國支持中東歐國家加入歐盟的選擇,相信中國-中東歐國家全面合作不僅有利于雙方人民,也必將為中歐關系健康、均衡和持續發展注入新的動力。 CEE countries are an important member of the bigger European family. China firmly supports the integration of the European Union and wants to see a Europe that enjoys greater unity and prosperity. China supports the decision of CEE countries to join the European Union. We believe that comprehensive cooperation between China and CEE countries will not only serve the people of both sides but also lend fresh impetus to the sound, balanced and sustained growth of relations between China and Europe.
當今世界處于深刻變革之中。中國發展進入新階段,我們將繼續堅定不移地全面深化改革、進一步擴大開放,更好地激發市場活力,創新宏觀調控方式,促進經濟持續健康發展,打造中國經濟升級版,造福于全體人民。 The world is undergoing profound changes. As China's development enters a new phase, we will remain committed to comprehensively deepening reform, opening still wider to the outside, further unleashing market vitality, innovating the way of macro regulation, promoting sustained and healthy economic growth, upgrading the Chinese economy, and bringing benefits to the entire Chinese people.
中國仍然是一個發展中國家,人均GDP剛剛超過6000多美元,與不少中東歐國家相比仍有差距,實現現代化任重道遠,同時這也意味著未來發展空間十分廣闊。相信隨著改革開放不斷深入,中國這個擁有13億人口的巨大市場將為包括中東歐國家在內的世界各國發展帶來更多機遇和更大助益。 China remains a developing country. Its per capita GDP of just over US$6,000 is lower than that of many CEE countries. There is a long way to go before China achieves modernization. Yet that also represents vast room for development in the coming years. As the country continues to deepen reform and opening-up, China, with its huge market of 1.3 billion people, will bring more opportunities and benefits to the development of CEE countries and other countries in the world.
從布達佩斯到華沙再到布加勒斯特,從經貿論壇到領導人會晤,中國-中東歐國家合作一路走來,留下了堅實的腳印。我相信,我們的合作之路一定會越走越實,越走越寬。我對這次中東歐之行充滿期待。 From Budapest to Warsaw and now to Bucharest, from the economic and trade forum to the meeting of heads of government, the cooperation between China and CEE countries has come a long way and left clear footprints. I am confident that our cooperation will continue to be substantiated and expanded. I look forward to my visit to Central and Eastern Europe.
祝中東歐各國人民生活更加幸福! I wish the people of CEE countries greater happiness.


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