四、美國全球監聽受到廣泛批評 |
IV. The United States' global surveillance program hit by worldwide criticism |
| After the PRISM program was exposed, the United States encountered worldwide criticism, including from its allies. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, "We need trust among our allies and partners. Such trust now has to be built anew." |
美國國家安全局監控巴西總統羅塞夫和時為墨西哥總統候選人培尼亞·涅托的通信紀錄,引發巴墨兩國政府強烈不滿。羅塞夫說:“巴西政府堅決要求美 國方面澄清……要求采取具體行動,徹底消除監視的可能性?!庇捎诿婪轿丛诎头揭髸r間內對監視行為作出解釋,羅塞夫推遲對美國的國事訪問。 |
The fact that the NSA spied on Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, and hacked the email of Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto before he took office, triggered outrage in those countries. "The Brazilian government is determined to get clarification from the U.S. government... and require specific actions to be made to remove the possibility of espionage once and for all," Rousseff said. Not receiving a satisfactory reply, she postponed a state visit to Washington. |
| Rousseff also condemned the U.S. hacking of the computer networks of the Brazilian oil company Petrobras, noting that "it will be evident that the motive for the U.S. spying attempts is not security or the war on terrorism, but strategic economic interests... Clearly, Petrobras is not a threat to the security of any country." |
為了繞開美國的網絡監控,巴西將與歐洲之間鋪設一條海底光纜。巴西政府還下令郵政局和聯邦數據處理中心開發一套新的電子郵件系統,旨在防范他國的間諜行為,保障本國經濟與政治安全。 |
In order to avoid U.S. network surveillance, Brazil is planning to build an undersea optical cable to link with Europe. The Brazilian government has ordered its postal service and federal data processing center to develop a new email system to guard against foreign espionage and protect its economic and political security. |
2014年4月底在巴西圣保羅舉行的互聯網管理大會,焦點就是如何建立新的國際互聯網治理秩序。一向標榜網絡自由的美國盡管盡量低調,但仍不斷 被“嗆聲”。巴西總統羅塞夫在會議上不點名地批評美國說,“(在互聯網治理中)多邊參與是非常重要的。所有參與國家的政府都應該得到平等的、一視同仁的對 待,而不是某一個國家比其他國家具有更大的話語權”,矛頭直指美國政府對互聯網監管機構的控制以及對其他國家的網絡監控行為。俄羅斯尖銳地對美國進行了抨 擊,指責美“一國政府獨掌”國際互聯網名稱和編號分配公司。俄方代表說,“這一現狀令國際社會十分擔憂”。 |
The Global Internet Governance Conference held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in late April 2014 focused on building a new international Internet governance order. The United States, which had in the past often bragged about Internet freedom, tried to keep a low profile, yet still brought the blame of others on itself. During the conference, Brazilian President Rousseff chid the United States without mentioning it by name. "(In Internet governance) multilateral participation is very important. All the participating governments should be treated equally and all alike without discrimination instead of one country having more say than all the other countries," she said, directing at the U.S. government's manipulation over the Internet regulatory agencies, and its monitoring of other countries' networks. Russia also sharply denounced the United States, saying that the U.S had "arrogated to itself" the ownership of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). "This situation makes the international society very worried," the Russian representative said. |
美國在馬來西亞進行監聽的消息曝光后,馬來西亞外交部致函美國駐馬大使表示抗議。馬來西亞總理納吉布說,監聽涉及國家主權及原則問題,馬來西亞政府堅決反對美國對馬來西亞進行任何形式的監聽行動。 |
After U.S. surveillance of Malaysia was exposed, Malaysia's foreign ministry sent a written protest to the U.S. ambassador to Malaysia. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that the surveillance infringed upon national sovereignty and that the Malaysian government firmly opposed all forms of U.S. monitoring activities in Malaysia. |
| Nine major international civil liberties unions have issued a joint declaration that the U.S. federal government's secretive scrutiny program, PRISM, is a breach of international covenants on human rights. The joint declaration said, "Such vast and pervasive state surveillance violates two of the most fundamental human rights: the right to privacy and the right to freedom of expression." |
在美國本土,批評和抗議的聲音此起彼伏。美國民權聯盟官員嚴責美國國家安全局稱,該局越權監控私人訊息,侵犯“美國人民生活的每個層面”。 |
In the United States, criticism and protests arose one after another. An American Civil Liberties Union official blasted the NSA, saying the spy agency had gone far beyond judicial authorization when it monitors private communications and "virtually every aspect of the Americans' lives." |
有美國民權組織發表聲明,對美國國家安全局如此大規模收集移動電話紀錄表示抗議,對如此眾多美國人的行蹤遭到政府跟蹤表示不安。美國公民自由聯合會首席技術官克里斯·索格恩說:“在這種情形下,保護隱私權的唯一辦法是切斷所有現代通信手段,生活在一個山洞中。” |
American civil rights organizations have issued a statement to protest against the massive collection of mobile phone data by the NSA, and have expressed anxiety that so many Americans were being tapped by the government. Chris Soghoian, principal technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union, said, "The only way to hide your location is to disconnect from all the modern communication devices and live in a cave." |
針對美國的全球監聽行動,第68屆聯合國大會通過“數字時代的隱私權”決議,強調非法或任意監控、截取通信、非法搜集個人數據是對隱私權和言論 自由的侵犯。一些國家在決議通過前發言,指責美國不僅侵犯隱私權等基本人權,也違背了尊重國家主權和領土完整、不干涉內政等《聯合國憲章》宗旨和原則。 |
In dealing with the U.S. global surveillance, the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly passed the resolution "Privacy in the Digital Age" which stressed that illegal or arbitrary surveillance, interception of communications, and illegal collection of personal data violates the rights to privacy and freedom of expression. Some countries spoke before the resolution was passed, denouncing the United States because it not only violated the right to privacy and other basic human rights, but also violated the principles of the Charter of the United Nations on mutual respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the commitment of non-interference in each other's internal affairs. |
| After the NSA surveillance of Huawei was exposed, William Plummer, a Huawei executive, said that the company did not know it was an NSA target. "The irony is that what they are doing to us is exactly what they have always charged against China, " he said. |
“華盛頓正在失去其道德”,德國《焦點》周刊引述外交政策專家的評論稱,“多年來美國一直以‘中國間諜和黑客攻擊’為由向中國施壓。而實際上, 美國自己才是竊聽者?!钡聡侣勲娨暸_稱,美國幾乎在全方位監聽“整個中國”,“說到底,這是因為美國害怕中國超越自己成為世界超級大國?!?/td>
| "Washington is losing its moral ground," the German magazine Focus quoted an expert on foreign policy as saying. "Over the years the United States has exerted pressure on China in the name of Chinese spies and hacker attacks. In fact, the United States itself is the true eavesdropper." The German news television said the United States was monitoring "the whole of China". "After all, it is because the United States fears China will overtake it to become the world's superpower." |
斯諾登表示,美國政府“宣稱(監視行動)不會針對民間設施”?!袄忡R”項目曝光,目的就是揭露美國政府的“偽善”。 |
Snowden said the U.S. government had "declared that (surveillance) would not target civilian facilities." The purpose of exposing the PRISM program was to reveal the U.S. government's hypocrisy. |
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