9月26日,國家主席習近平在紐約聯合國總部出席聯合國發展峰會并發表題為《謀共同永續發展 做合作共贏伙伴》的重要講話。[新華社 馬占成 攝] Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 at the UN headquarters in New York, Sept. 26, 2015. [Ma Zhancheng/Xinhua] |
國家主席習近平9月26日在紐約聯合國總部出席聯合國發展峰會并發表題為《謀共同永續發展做合作共贏伙伴》的重要講話。講話全文如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 at the UN headquarters in New York on Sept. 26, 2015. Following is the full text: |
謀共同永續發展 做合作共贏伙伴 | Towards a Mutually Beneficial Partnership for Sustainable Development |
主席先生,各位同事: | Mr. Co-Chairs, Distinguished Colleagues, |
很高興出席今天的峰會。在聯合國成立70周年之際,各國領導人齊聚紐約,共商發展大計,具有重要意義。 | It gives me great pleasure to attend today's summit. With the United Nations marking its 70th anniversary, this is a significant and timely opportunity for world leaders to get together in New York to chart the course for future development. |
對各國人民而言,發展寄托著生存和希望,象征著尊嚴和權利。正是帶著這個愿望,15年前,我們制定了千年發展目標,希望幫助億萬人民過上更好生活。 | Development bears on the hopes and the very survival of the peoples of all countries. It embodies the expression of their dignity and their rights. It is in such a context that we laid down the Millennium Development Goals 15 years ago in an effort to better the lives of hundreds of millions of people. |
回首過去,我們經歷了全球經濟持續增長,也承受了國際金融危機嚴重沖擊。我們見證了發展中國家的崛起,也面對著南北發展失衡的現實。我們既為11億人民脫貧而深受鼓舞,也為8億多人仍在挨餓而深為擔憂。 | In the intervening years, we have witnessed both continued worldwide growth and severe consequences of the international financial crisis. We have seen both the sweeping rise of developing countries and the lingering imbalance between the North and the South. While elated at the fact that more than 1.1 billion people have since been raised from poverty, we cannot but feel deep concern that more than 800 million still go to bed every day with an empty stomach. |
環顧世界,和平與發展仍然是當今時代兩大主題。要解決好各種全球性挑戰,包括最近發生在歐洲的難民危機,根本出路在于謀求和平、實現發展。面對重重挑戰和道道難關,我們必須攥緊發展這把鑰匙。唯有發展,才能消除沖突的根源。唯有發展,才能保障人民的基本權利。唯有發展,才能滿足人民對美好生活的熱切向往。 | At the global level, peace and development remain the dominant themes of the times. To properly address the range of global challenges we face, including the recent refugee crisis in Europe, there is no fundamental solution other than the pursuit of peace and development. Confronted by such a multiplicity of challenges and difficulties, we must hold fast to development as our master key, for only through development can we resolve the root cause of conflicts, safeguard the basic rights of the people, and meet the ardent hopes of people for a better future. |
主席先生、各位同事! | Mr. Co-Chairs, Distinguished Colleagues, |
本次峰會通過的2015年后發展議程,為全球發展描繪了新愿景,為國際發展合作提供了新機遇。我們應該以此為新起點,共同走出一條公平、開放、全面、創新的發展之路,努力實現各國共同發展。 | The Post-2015 Development Agenda adopted by this summit draws up a new blueprint for global development and provides fresh opportunities for international cooperation. We should take this as a new starting point, work out a course of equitable, open, all-round and innovation-driven development, and strive to realize the common development of all countries. |
——我們要爭取公平的發展,讓發展機會更加均等。各國都應成為全球發展的參與者、貢獻者、受益者。不能一個國家發展、其他國家不發展,一部分國家發展、另一部分國家不發展。各國能力和水平有差異,在同一目標下,應該承擔共同但有區別的責任。要完善全球經濟治理,提高發展中國家代表性和發言權,給予各國平等參與規則制定的權利。 | — We need to ensure equitable development for all. All countries should have equal rights as participants in, contributors to, and beneficiaries of global development. This must not be a privilege available to just one or to a small number of countries, and inaccessible to a large number of others. Countries may differ in their capacity for development and the progress they have made towards their goals. In spite of this, they have shared objectives, and should bear the common – if differentiated – levels of responsibility. It is important to improve global economic governance, increase the representation and the voice of developing countries, and give all countries equal rights to participate in international rule-making. |
——我們要堅持開放的發展,讓發展成果惠及各方。在經濟全球化時代,各國要打開大門搞建設,促進生產要素在全球范圍更加自由便捷地流動。各國要共同維護多邊貿易體制,構建開放型經濟,實現共商、共建、共享。要尊重彼此的發展選擇,相互借鑒發展經驗,讓不同發展道路交匯在成功的彼岸,讓發展成果為各國人民共享。 | — We need to ensure open development, to deliver its benefits to all parties. With the steady onward march of economic globalization, all countries should keep their doors wide open and allow factors of production to flow more freely and smoothly across the world. It is important for all countries to uphold the multilateral trading system, build an open economy, and come to share the benefits through mutual consultation and joint collaboration. We should respect each other's choice of path towards development, draw on each other's experience, and bring these different paths together at the point of success, thus furnishing the rich fruits of development to all peoples. |
——我們要追求全面的發展,讓發展基礎更加堅實。發展的最終目的是為了人民。在消除貧困、保障民生的同時,要維護社會公平正義,保證人人享有發展機遇、享有發展成果。要努力實現經濟、社會、環境協調發展,實現人與社會、人與自然和諧相處。 | — We need to ensure all-round development to make the foundations more solid. Development will ultimately serve the people. While striving to eliminate poverty and improve standards of living, it is important for us to uphold equality and social justice and ensure that everyone has access to the opportunities and benefits of development. Efforts must be made to balance the development of the economy, society, and the environment, and achieve harmonious coexistence between man and society and between man and nature. |
——我們要促進創新的發展,讓發展潛力充分釋放。創新帶來生機,創新產生動力。發展中的問題只有通過發展才能解決。各國要以改革創新激發發展潛力、增強增長動力,培育新的核心競爭力。 | — We need to ensure innovation-driven development to release the potential to the greatest extent possible. Innovation is a vibrant driver. Problems arising in the process of development can only be resolved through further development. All countries should look to reform and innovation for ways to bring out their potential, build stronger engines for growth, and hone their competitive edge to the maximum. |
主席先生、各位同事! | Mr. Co-Chairs, Distinguished Colleagues, |
2015年后發展議程是一份高標準的任務單,也是一份沉甸甸的承諾書。“一分部署,九分落實。”我倡議,國際社會加強合作,共同落實2015年后發展議程,努力實現合作共贏。 | The Post-2015 Development Agenda is an ambitious list of deliverables that carries with it our solemn commitment. It is often said that the worth of any plan lies in its implementation. I therefore call on the international community to redouble its collective efforts to achieve the joint implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda and work hard to realize our goal. |
第一,增強各國發展能力。發展歸根到底要靠本國自身努力。中國人講:“量腹而受,量身而衣。”各國要根據自身稟賦特點,制定適合本國國情的發展戰略。國際社會要幫助發展中國家加強能力建設,根據他們的實際需求,有針對性地提供支持和幫助。 | First, to build up capacity for development. Development, in the final analysis, is the job of individual countries. We Chinese say, "Eat according to the size of one's stomach and dress according to the size of one's figure." It is therefore necessary for each country to formulate its own development strategies that fit its strengths and national conditions. The international community has a duty to help developing countries grow their capacity and to provide them with support and assistance tailored to their actual needs. |
第二,改善國際發展環境。和平與發展相輔相成。各國要共同維護國際和平,以和平促進發展,以發展鞏固和平。發展還需要良好外部制度環境,國際金融機構要加快治理改革,多邊開發機構要增加發展資源。 | Second, to improve the international environment for development. Peace and development go hand in hand. Countries should work together to maintain international peace, promoting development with peace and securing peace through development. A sound external institutional environment is required to sustain development. International financial institutions therefore need to step up the reform of their governance, and multilateral development agencies need to increase their supply of resources. |
第三,優化發展伙伴關系。發達國家應該及時兌現承諾、履行義務,國際社會應該堅持南北合作主渠道地位,深化南南合作和三方合作,支持私營部門等利益攸關方在伙伴關系中發揮更大作用。 | Third, to update the partnership for development. Developed countries should honor their commitments and live up to their obligations in a timely manner. The international community, while maintaining the role of South-North cooperation as the main channel, should work to reinforce South-South and tripartite cooperation, and encourage the private sector and other stakeholders to play an even larger role in these partnerships. |
第四,健全發展協調機制。各國要加強宏觀經濟政策協調,避免負面溢出效應。區域組織要加快一體化進程,通過域內優勢互補提升整體競爭力。聯合國要繼續發揮領導作用。 | Fourth, to strengthen the coordination mechanisms for development. Countries need to step up coordination of their macroeconomic policies to avoid as far as possible negative spillover effects. Regional organizations should accelerate their integration and invigorate their overall competitiveness by exploiting intra-regional complementary advantages. The United Nations must continue to fulfill its leadership role. |
主席先生、各位同事! | Mr. Co-Chairs, Distinguished Colleagues, |
改革開放30多年來,中國立足自身國情,走出了一條中國特色發展道路。中國基本實現了千年發展目標,貧困人口減少了4.39億,在教育、衛生、婦女等領域取得顯著成就。中國發展不僅增進了13億多中國人的福祉,也有力促進了全球發展事業。 | Over the past 30 years and more since China inaugurated its reform and opening up, our country has followed a development path with distinct Chinese characteristics – one that was chosen in the light of our prevailing national conditions. Through our success in lifting 439 million people out of poverty and the remarkable progress we have made in areas such as education, health and development of women, we have essentially realized our Millennium Development Goals. China's development has not only improved the well-being of the 1.3 billion-plus Chinese people, but also given a strong boost to the global cause. |
60多年來,中國積極參與國際發展合作,共向166個國家和國際組織提供了近4000億元人民幣援助,派遣60多萬援助人員,其中700多名中國好兒女為他國發展獻出了寶貴生命。 | Over the past six decades, China has taken an active part in international cooperation. We have provided 166 countries and international organizations with nearly RMB400 billion worth of development assistance and dispatched over 600,000 aid workers, more than 700 of whom have laid down their precious lives in aiding the development of other countries. |
面向未來,中國將繼續秉持義利相兼、以義為先的原則,同各國一道為實現2015年后發展議程作出努力。為此,我宣布: | Looking to the future, China will continue to maintain an ethical balance between justice and its own interests by putting justice before such interests. We will join our own efforts with those of other countries in a concerted drive to realize the Post-2015 Development Agenda. To this end, I wish to announce the following: |
——中國將設立“南南合作援助基金”,首期提供20億美元,支持發展中國家落實2015年后發展議程。 | — China will establish an assistance fund for South-South cooperation, with an initial pledge of US$2 billion to support developing countries in their implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. |
——中國將繼續增加對最不發達國家投資,力爭2030年達到120億美元。 | — China will continue to increase investment in the least-developed countries, aiming to attain a level of US$12 billion by 2030. |
——中國將免除對有關最不發達國家、內陸發展中國家、小島嶼發展中國家截至2015年底到期未還的政府間無息貸款債務。 | — China will write off the debt on outstanding intergovernmental interest-free loans due by the end of 2015 owed by designated least-developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing countries. |
——中國將設立國際發展知識中心,同各國一道研究和交流適合各自國情的發展理論和發展實踐。 | — China will establish an international development knowledge center for studying and exchanging between countries on the theories and practice of development best-suited to their respective national conditions. |
——中國倡議探討構建全球能源互聯網,推動以清潔和綠色方式滿足全球電力需求。 | — China will propose a discussion on establishing a global energy internet to facilitate efforts to meet global power demand with clean and green alternatives. |
中國也愿意同有關各方一道,繼續推進“一帶一路”建設,推動亞洲基礎設施投資銀行和金磚國家新開發銀行早日投入運營、發揮作用,為發展中國家經濟增長和民生改善貢獻力量。 | China is also ready and willing to work with other stakeholders to make rapid progress on the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative,* to quickly render the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the BRICS New Development Bank operational, and to contribute to the economic growth of the developing countries and the well-being of their peoples. |
主席先生、各位同事! | Mr. Co-Chairs, Distinguished Colleagues, |
中國鄭重承諾,以落實2015年后發展議程為己任,團結協作,推動全球發展事業不斷向前! | We, the people of China, make this solemn pledge: to maintain our commitment to implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda as our bounden duty, to work together with the world as one, and to strive for continued progress in global development. |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. |
* The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative |