

Full text: Premier Li’s statement at General Debate of 71st session of UN General Assembly

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2016-09-30

9月21日,國務院總理李克強在紐約聯合國總部出席第71屆聯合國大會以“可持續發展目標:共同努力改造我們的世界”為主題的一般性辯論并發表題為《攜手建設和平穩定可持續發展的世界》的重要講話。[新華社 李濤 攝]
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks during the general debate of the UN General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, Sept. 21, 2016. Premier Li called for joint efforts to address sustainable development and global challenges. (Xinhua/Li Tao)
國務院總理李克強當地時間21日上午在紐約聯合國總部出席第71屆聯合國大會以“可持續發展目標:共同努力改造我們的世界”為主題的一般性辯論并發表題為《攜手建設和平穩定可持續發展的世界》的重要講話。講話全文如下:Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Sept. 21 made a statement at the General Debate of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York. The following is the full text of Li's statement:


Work for a World of Peace, Stability and Sustainable Development

祝賀您當選第71屆聯合國大會主席,相信在您的主持下,本屆聯大將順利推進各項議程。我也贊賞上屆聯大主席呂克托夫特先生卓有成效的工作。I congratulate you on your election as President of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. I believe that under your presidency, this session of the General Assembly will move forward and make good progress according to its agenda. I also appreciate the effective work of Mr. Lykketoft as President of the last session of the UNGA.
我還要向潘基文秘書長致以敬意。過去10年,秘書長先生以包容、謙遜、和諧的處事之道和勤勉、務實的工作作風,為維護世界和平、推動可持續發展、促進和保護人權等作出了重要貢獻。I also wish to pay tribute to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who, with modesty and a drive for harmony and accommodation, has worked tirelessly and in a down-to-earth manner over the past decade, and whose work has contributed significantly to world peace, sustainable development and the advancement and protection of human rights in the world.
主席先生,各位同事!Mr. President, Dear Colleagues,
去年聯合國發展峰會通過《2030年可持續發展議程》,為全球發展描繪了新愿景。中國國家主席習近平在峰會上圍繞“謀共同永續發展,做合作共贏伙伴”,闡述了中國的原則立場,表明了中國的積極態度。The UN Sustainable Development Summit held last year adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, opening a new vision for global development. At the summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a speech entitled "Towards Win-win Partnership for Sustainable Development" to expound on China's principles and position as well as its readiness to advance the agenda for sustainable development.
今年是落實可持續發展議程的開局之年。前不久召開的二十國集團領導人杭州峰會,就推動世界經濟增長達成杭州共識,為構建創新、活力、聯動、包容的世界經濟描繪了愿景。峰會共同承諾積極落實2030年可持續發展議程,并制定了落實2030年可持續發展議程行動計劃,為全球可持續發展事業注入新的動力。中國政府還率先批準并發布了《中國落實2030年可持續發展議程國別方案》。聯大一般性辯論以“可持續發展目標:共同努力改造我們的世界”為主題,很有現實意義。This year is the first in the Agenda's implementation. The G20 Summit held not long ago in Hangzhou of China reached the Hangzhou consensus on world economic growth. A blueprint was drawn for building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy. Participants at the Summit pledged to actively implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and formulated an action plan toward that end, which injected new vigor to global sustainable development. The Chinese government was also among the first to adopt and release the country's National Plan on Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As for the General Assembly, it has decided that for this year's session, the general debate will focus on the theme "The Sustainable Development Goals: a universal push to transform our world". These, in my view, are all highly relevant.
可持續發展首先是要發展,基礎也在于發展。離開了發展,也就談不上可持續。當今世界的很多問題,都是由于發展不足引起的。無論是貧困、難民危機,還是戰亂沖突、恐怖主義等,都能從發展落后上找到根源,也都需要通過發展尋求根本解決之道。唯有發展,才能保障人民的基本權利。唯有發展,才能消除全球性挑戰的根源。唯有發展,才能推動人類文明進步。Sustainable development is first and foremost about development. Development underpins every human achievement. Without development, nothing can be sustainable. The lack of development is often at the root of many problems facing the world. Be it poverty or the refugee crisis, war, conflicts or terrorism, they all could be attributed to insufficient development and none can be addressed properly without development. Only development can guarantee people's fundamental rights. Only development can root out the cause for global challenges. And only development can advance human civilization and progress.
發展必須是可持續的。可持續有著豐富內涵,哪個方面做不到,都將使發展陷入停滯與困頓。如果發展不平衡、不平等,南北差距、貧富差距拉大,則不可持續。如果發展方式粗放,高消耗、高污染、高排放,超過資源環境承受能力,也不可持續。如果經濟社會發展不協調,一條腿長一條腿短,同樣不可持續。只有深刻認識和把握可持續的內涵,全面推進減貧、南北合作和南南合作、應對氣候變化等各項事業,促進公平共享和綠色發展,發展才能立得穩、走得遠。Development must be sustainable. It must be sustainable in all dimensions, otherwise development will be stalled and strained. Development won't be sustainable if it is unbalanced, unequal and widens the gap between the North and the South and the rich and the poor. Development won't be sustainable if it is achieved in an extensive manner, driven by high consumption, high pollution and high emissions and depletes resources and strains the environment. Development won't be sustainable if economic growth and social progress are not well coordinated. Only when we keep a profound understanding of the implication of sustainability, make all-round progress in poverty reduction, North-South and South-South cooperation, climate change and other fields, and work to promote equal sharing and green development can we ensure that development is truly solid and sustainable.
可持續發展必須包容聯動。當前,可持續發展面臨嚴峻挑戰。地區沖突和熱點問題此起彼伏,傳統和非傳統安全威脅相互交織,可持續發展環境堪憂。世界經濟復蘇乏力,經濟全球化阻力加大,可持續發展動力不足。重大疫情、自然災害頻發等問題日益突出,能源資源安全、糧食安全、金融安全問題交織,可持續發展任務艱巨。越是在艱難時刻,越要提振信心。人類總是有智慧找到辦法、有能力突破困境的,關鍵是要相互合作、同舟共濟。國際社會應以命運共同體、利益攸關者的新視角,采取一致行動,共同應對全球性挑戰。Sustainable development must be inclusive and interconnected. Currently, the sustainable development endeavor is faced with grave challenges: regional conflicts and hotspots are incessant, traditional and non-traditional security threats intertwine, and the environment for sustainable development gives no reason for optimism. World economic recovery remains lukewarm, economic globalization faces strong headwind, and the momentum for sustainable development is weak. Frequent occurrence of major infectious diseases and natural disasters is increasingly prominent, the issues of energy and resource security, food security and financial security are interwoven, and sustainable development remains an uphill journey. Difficult moments call for stronger confidence. I believe mankind has the wisdom and capability to find a way out of difficulty. For that to happen, there must be cooperation and a spirit of working together to tide over difficulties. It is time that the international community take on a new perspective. It should see itself as a community of shared future in which all are stakeholders, and should make concerted efforts to jointly tackle global challenges.
主席先生,各位同事!Mr. President, Dear Colleagues,
推動可持續發展,要近期和遠期結合,以務實的行動應對當前的挑戰,積極變革和改造我們的世界。To advance sustainable development, we must keep both short-term and long-term interests in mind, tackle challenges with concrete efforts and work actively to transform and change our world.
——我們必須維護《聯合國憲章》的宗旨和原則。沒有和平穩定的環境,就沒有可持續發展,已經取得的發展成果也會喪失。世界能保持70多年的和平,是來之不易的,這說明以聯合國為核心的現行國際體系和以《聯合國憲章》為基礎的國際關系準則行之有效,必須堅決予以維護。這不僅符合各國人民的共同利益,也是實現可持續發展目標最重要的保障。各國要把《聯合國憲章》的宗旨和原則真正落到實處,支持聯合國及其安理會在國際事務中發揮主導作用,支持不斷改革完善全球治理機制,以適應國際政治、經濟格局出現的新變化。要樹立共同、綜合、合作、可持續的新安全觀,建設“對話而不對抗、結伴而不結盟”的全球伙伴關系。-- We must uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Without peace and stability, there will be no sustainable development; even the fruits of development already reaped risk being lost. The hard-won peace that has prevailed over the past 70 years or more testifies to the effectiveness of the existing international system with the UN at its core and of the norms of international relations established on the basis of the UN Charter. This international system and these norms governing international relations must be upheld resolutely, for they not only serve the common interests of people of all countries, but also provide the most essential guarantee for attainment of the sustainable development goals. Countries need to honor the purposes and principles of the UN Charter in letter and in spirit, and should support the leading role of the UN and its Security Council in global affairs. Countries need to be supportive of steady reform and improvement of global governance mechanisms, so as to adapt to the changing international political and economic landscape. A new concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security should be nurtured and a global partnership should be established that features "dialogue instead of confrontation, and partnership instead of alliance".
——我們必須堅持政治解決熱點問題的大方向。化解地區熱點,政治解決是根本之道。歷史一再證明,訴諸武力、以暴制暴,只能使仇恨延續、戰火不已,最終不會有贏家。沖突各方應摒棄零和思維,以對話解爭端、以協商化分歧、以寬容求和解。國際社會斡旋調解要主持公道正義,勸和不挑事、幫忙不添亂。在敘利亞問題上,應當堅持政治解決的大方向,國際社會應加緊推動敘有關各方盡早結束戰亂,達成全面政治解決方案。關于朝鮮半島核問題,應堅持實現半島無核化目標,堅持維護半島和地區和平穩定,堅持通過對話協商解決問題,有效維護國際核不擴散體系。恐怖主義是人類公敵,必須堅決予以打擊,同時不能搞雙重標準,不能把恐怖主義與特定國家、民族和宗教掛鉤。-- We must stay committed to the general direction of settling hotspot issues through political means. Political resolution is the fundamental way to address regional hotspot issues. History has shown once and again that to repress violence with force can only lead to more hatred and warfare, from which no winner will emerge. Parties involved in conflicts must reject the zero-sum mentality. They should settle disputes through dialogue, address differences through consultation and seek reconciliation with tolerance. The mediation efforts of the international community must be fair and impartial. It should only facilitate the settlement of issues, not invite new troubles. On the Syrian issue, it is important to seek a political settlement. The international community should step up efforts to encourage parties concerned in Syria to put an end to conflict at an early date and reach a deal for comprehensive political settlement. On the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, it is imperative to achieve denuclearization and maintain peace and stability both on the Peninsula and in the region. It is important to address issues through dialogue and consultation, and effectively uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation regime. Terrorism is the common enemy of mankind and must be combated resolutely. At the same time, the practice of double standard should be avoided and there should be no linkage between terrorism and a certain country, ethnicity or religion.
——我們必須攜手促進世界經濟穩定復蘇。世界經濟不能長期低迷下去,否則可持續發展就成無源之水。當前世界經濟既面臨總需求不足的問題,又存在突出的結構性矛盾。要統籌運用多種有效政策工具,做到需求管理與供給側改革并重、短期政策與長期政策結合。二十國集團領導人杭州峰會,就加強宏觀政策協調、創新增長方式、推進結構性改革、完善全球經濟金融治理、重振國際貿易和投資兩大引擎、實現包容和聯動式發展等達成一系列共識,提出重大倡議和舉措。我們呼吁世界各國同心協力,推動世界經濟真正走上強勁、可持續、平衡、包容增長之路。主要經濟體影響舉足輕重,應以負責任態度制定和協調宏觀政策,既要考慮促進自身增長,也要盡力減少負面外溢效應,不能給復蘇乏力的世界經濟雪上加霜。-- We must work together for steady recovery of the global economy. The world economy cannot afford long-term sluggishness, otherwise sustainable development will be a fountain without source. The current world economy is faced with both insufficient aggregate demand as well as outstanding structural problems. It is necessary to employ effective policy tools in a holistic manner, and to combine demand management with supply-side reform and short-term policies with long-term ones. At the G20 Hangzhou Summit, participants reached common ground and put forward a series of major initiatives and measures to strengthen macro policy coordination, find new ways of growth, advance structural reform, improve global economic and financial governance, reinvigorate international trade and investment, the twin engines of global growth, and achieve inclusive and interconnected development. We call on all countries to make concerted efforts to drive the global economy along a path of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. Major economies, given their significant influence, need to act in a responsible manner in policy-making and policy coordination. While focusing on their own growth, they also need to strive to reduce negative spill-overs of their policies and refrain from adding to the difficulty of global economic recovery.
以貿易和投資自由化便利化為代表的經濟全球化,是過去幾十年世界經濟快速發展的重要動力。但世上不存在有百利而無一弊的靈丹妙藥。毋庸諱言,經濟全球化也對有的國家產業和群體造成了一定的沖擊和影響。對此,應積極采取措施加以化解,而不能因噎廢食、因小失大。經濟全球化符合各國長遠和根本利益,是大勢所趨。各方應堅決反對一切形式的保護主義,堅定維護以世界貿易組織為代表的自由貿易體制,使各國經濟在雙贏、多贏、共贏中實現持續健康發展。Economic globalization, represented by trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, has been a strong driving force behind fast global growth in past decades. Yet, this is not to say that there exists any panacea in the world. Frankly, economic globalization has taken its toll on some industries and communities in certain countries to certain extent. Active measures need to be taken to address the problem, but it is always important to keep in mind the bigger picture instead of keeping one' s eyes on the narrow interests only. Economic globalization is a general trend that is in line with the long-term and fundamental interests of all countries. Countries need to stand firm to oppose protectionism of any form, and need to be resolute in upholding the free trade regime represented by the WTO. This is a way to enable sustained and sound economic growth for all countries through win-win and all-win development.
——我們必須著力解決人類面臨的全球性挑戰。要更加關注和支持非洲和最不發達國家,幫助他們加快工業化進程、保障糧食安全、消除貧困和饑餓,讓更多的人生活得體面、有尊嚴。要努力營造有利于減少全球發展不平等和不平衡的國際環境。國際機構應該把新增資源首先用于幫助發展中國家,發達國家要切實兌現官方發展援助承諾,發展中國家應該立足自主發展,探索符合自身國情的發展道路。現在,我們正面臨二戰結束以來最大規模的難民危機。當務之急是要確保難民有基本生活保障,避免發生人道主義危機;根本之策是要消弭戰端、恢復發展,使難民來源國走上長治久安與發展繁榮之路。各方要堅持共同但有區別的責任原則、公平原則和各自能力原則,共同應對氣候變化,推動《巴黎協定》獲得普遍接受和早日生效。發達國家應發揮帶頭作用,兌現減排承諾,并幫助發展中國家提高減緩和適應氣候變化能力。-- We must redouble efforts to address global challenges facing mankind. Greater attention and more support need to be given to Africa and the least developing countries (LDCs) to help them speed up industrialization, ensure food security, eliminate poverty and hunger, and provide everyone with a life of decency and dignity. More needs to be done to create an international environment that helps reduce inequality and imbalance in global development. International institutions should spend their newly-acquired resources on helping developing countries on a priority basis. Developed countries should make good on their official development assistance commitments, while developing countries need to rely on themselves for development and need to seek development paths that suit their national conditions. As we speak, the world is facing the largest-ever refugee crisis since World War II. It is imperative to ensure refugees access to basic living conditions to stave off a humanitarian crisis. Of fundamental importance is to root out the cause of war and restart development, so that source countries of refugees can embark on a path of long-term stability, development and prosperity. Countries need to stay committed to the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, equity and respective capabilities, and need to jointly tackle climate change and work for the Paris Agreement to be universally accepted and take effect at an early date. Developed countries need to play a leading role, deliver on their emissions reduction pledges and help developing countries improve the capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
主席先生,各位同事!Mr. President, Dear Colleagues,
改革開放以來,中國經濟持續快速增長,于2010年成為世界第二大經濟體。近幾年,在較高的發展基數上,在嚴峻復雜的國際環境和國內長期積累的深層次矛盾凸顯的情況下,我們依靠改革創新,經濟保持中高速增長,結構加快轉型升級。今年上半年,經濟增長6.7%,位居全球主要經濟體前列。民生不斷改善,居民收入與經濟增長基本保持同步,城鎮新增就業每年超過1300萬人。中國經濟規模已超過10萬億美元,現在一個百分點的增量相當于過去幾個百分點的增量,一年的經濟增量相當于一個中等收入國家經濟總量,對世界經濟增長的貢獻率保持在25%左右。Since China adopted the reform and opening-up policy, the Chinese economy has maintained rapid growth to become the world's second largest economy in 2010. In recent years, the Chinese economy has been growing on a large base figure amidst global complexities as well as long accumulated underlying domestic issues. China has relied on reform and innovation to maintain a medium-high growth rate and accelerated economic transformation and upgrading. In the first half of this year, the growth rate was 6.7%, which was among the fastest in major economies. People's livelihood kept improving, personal income growth was basically in sync with economic growth, and over 13 million new urban jobs were being created on an annual basis. China's economic aggregate has exceeded US$10 trillion. Every one percentage point of growth now equals several percentage points of growth before, and the yearly economic increment is tantamount to the economic aggregate of a middle-income country. China's contribution to global economic growth has been around 25%.
中國雖然是世界第二大經濟體,但仍然是發展中國家,要實現現代化,還有很長的路要走。展望未來,中國經濟發展潛力大、優勢足、空間廣,前景光明。我們將緊緊抓住發展這個第一要務,深入貫徹落實創新、協調、綠色、開放、共享的發展理念,推動經濟保持中高速增長、邁向中高端水平。The world's second largest economy as it is, China remains a developing country, and much awaits to be done in modernization. Looking ahead, the Chinese economy enjoys bright prospects given its big potential, ample advantages and vast space of development. China will continue to give priority to development, pursue innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and strive to maintain medium-high speed of growth and move to medium-high level of development.
——中國要在深化改革中發展。中國過去發展取得成就靠的是改革,今后的發展仍然要依靠改革。我們將堅定不移全面深化改革,激發市場活力和社會創造力。既要保持總需求力度,也要加快推動供給側結構性改革,著力改善供給質量,保持經濟平穩運行、推動結構轉型升級。深化簡政放權、放管結合、優化服務改革,積極推進財稅、金融、投資、國企等重點領域改革。深入實施創新驅動發展戰略,推動大眾創業、萬眾創新,培育發展新動能,改造提升傳統動能,促進中國經濟在加快轉型升級中平穩增長、在平穩增長中加快轉型升級。-- China will promote development through deepening reform. Reform has held the key to China's achievements in development, and the same remains true for the future. China will not waver in deepening reform across the board to boost market vitality and social creativity. While maintaining aggregate demand, we will accelerate supply-side structural reform, improve the quality of supply, ensure steady economic performance, and advance structural transformation and upgrading. We will streamline administration, delegate powers, strengthen regulation and improve services, and will make proactive efforts to advance reforms in key sectors such as fiscal policy, taxation, finance, investment and state owned enterprises. We will follow an innovation-driven development strategy and one of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and foster new growth drivers while upgrading traditional ones. The purpose is to ensure faster economic transformation and upgrading and steady economic growth.
——中國要在擴大開放中發展。中國過去幾十年的經驗證明,封閉則停滯落后,開放則發展繁榮。中國將堅定不移奉行互利共贏的開放戰略,對外開放的大門會越開越大。我們將進一步提高開放型經濟水平,擴大服務業和一般制造業開放,推進國內高標準自由貿易試驗區建設,加快同有關國家商簽自由貿易協定和投資協定,對外商投資企業實行負面清單管理制度,營造更加公平、透明、可預期的營商環境。我們將創新對外投資合作方式,愿同有關各方一道,共同推動“一帶一路”建設和國際產能合作,實現更廣泛的互利共贏。-- China will promote development through expanding opening-up. China's experience in past decades proves that a close-door policy only leads to stagnation and backwardness, and it is opening-up that brings development and prosperity. With a firm commitment to the win-win strategy of opening-up, China will open its door even wider to the outside world. We will further improve the open economy, increase access to the service and manufacturing sectors, develop high-standard pilot free trade zones, accelerate the signing of FTAs and investment treaties with countries concerned, conduct negative list management for foreign-invested companies, and foster a more equitable, transparent and predictable business environment. We will adopt new approaches to investment overseas, and work with parties concerned to advance the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road as well as global production capacity cooperation. These are ways to achieve even greater mutual benefits and win-win development with more countries.
——中國要在維護和平中發展。曾長期飽受戰亂之苦的中國人民,倍加珍惜和平。中國堅定不移走和平發展道路,堅持大小國家一律平等,在和平共處五項原則的基礎上同所有國家發展友好合作關系。中國踐行親誠惠容的周邊外交理念,積極通過對話談判和友好協商解決包括領土和海洋權益爭端在內的各種分歧和問題,努力求同存異、聚同化異,為維護地區和平穩定作出了不懈努力。中國一貫推動和平解決熱點問題,積極參與反恐、防擴散等領域國際合作。中國支持國際社會解決難民問題的努力,將向有關國家和國際組織提供總額達3億美元的人道主義援助。-- China will promote development by upholding peace. For the Chinese people that have in the past seen too many wars for too long, peace is to be doubly cherished. China is a dedicated follower of the path of peaceful development. China regards all countries as equals whatever their size, and China pursues friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China's neighborhood policy is one of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. China has worked through dialogue, negotiation and friendly consultation to address differences and questions with other countries, including disputes concerning territory and maritime rights and interests. China's approach is to expand common ground and shelve differences, and China has never relented its efforts for regional peace and stability. China has all along worked for the peaceful settlement of hotspot issues, and has taken an active part in international cooperation in counter-terrorism and non-proliferation. China supports international efforts to address the refugee issue, and will provide US$300 million worth of humanitarian assistance to relevant countries and international organizations.
作為13億人口的發展中大國,中國辦好自己的事情,就是對世界和平與發展的最大貢獻。同時,中國認真履行應盡的國際義務,對廣大發展中國家謀求發展、擺脫貧困的愿望感同身受,一直在努力予以支持和幫助。截至2015年底,中國累計向166個國家和國際、區域組織提供4000多億元人民幣的援款,為發展中國家培訓各類人員1200多萬人次。今后,中國將繼續加強與發展中國家的合作,對非洲和最不發達國家給予力所能及的幫助,實現共同發展繁榮。China is a major developing country with a 1.3 billion population. Managing its own affairs well is its biggest contribution to peace and development in the world. Meanwhile, China also works in real earnest to fulfill its international obligations. China knows just how much other developing countries desire to achieve development and root out poverty, and has rendered them support and assistance to the best of its ability. By the end of 2015, China had provided a total of over RMB400 billion to 166 countries and international and regional organizations and provided training to over 12 million professionals in various sectors from other developing countries. Going forward, China will strengthen cooperation with other developing countries, and will do whatever is possible to help African countries and LDCs for the purpose of achieving common development and common prosperity.
中國在推動可持續發展議程方面已付諸行動,率先發布了《中國落實2030年可持續發展議程國別方案》。同時,支持相關領域國際合作,到2020年中國對聯合國有關發展機構的年度捐款總額,將在2015年的基礎上增加1億美元。中國是第一批向聯合國交存《巴黎協定》批準文書的國家,將認真履行承諾。China has taken action to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It was among the first to release a national plan on agenda implementation. Meanwhile, China remains supportive of relevant international cooperation. China' s total annual contributions to UN development agencies will be raised by US$100 million by 2020 from the 2015 level. China was among the first countries to deposit with the UN an instrument of ratification of the Paris Agreement, and China will earnestly honor its commitment made in this regard.
主席先生,各位同事!Mr. President, Dear Colleagues,
實現可持續發展目標,是我們共同的任務。中國愿與國際社會攜手前行,為建設一個人人免于匱乏、獲得發展、享有尊嚴的美好世界作出應有貢獻!To achieve the goals for sustainable development is our common task. China stands ready to work with other members of the international community and contribute its fair share to a world free from want, and a world of development and dignity for all.
謝謝大家!Thank you.


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