

Full text: Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2018

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China's State Council Information Office published a document titled "Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2018" on Thursday. Following is the full text of the document:





Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2018                

State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 

March 2019



1日 美聯社報道,2018年1月1日,一枚美軍無人機導彈擊中也門拜達省的一個農場,致2名平民死亡。

January 1

AP reported that on January 1, a U.S. drone missile slammed into a farm in Bayda province of Yemen, killing two civilians.

10日 蓋洛普咨詢公司網站報道,46%的女性受訪者對自己的社會地位表示不滿或非常不滿,這一比例在2008年的調查中為30%。

January 10

The Gallup website reported 46 percent of women in the United States said they were very or somewhat dissatisfied with their position in society, up from 30 percent in 2008, when Gallup last asked the question.

11日 得克薩斯州政府十幾年間為應該接受特殊教育服務的學生數量設定“指標”,導致約15萬名殘疾兒童得不到應有的治療、輔導和咨詢的事件被曝光。

January 11

For more than 10 years, Texas state government had set a "target" for the maximum percentage of students who should receive special education services, leading to the denying of therapy, tutoring and counseling to about 150,000 children with disabilities.

17日 《國會山報》網站報道,過去一年美國政治權利保障持續下降,美國的選區劃分存在不公。

January 17

The Hill newspaper website reported the United States saw gerrymandering and a continued decline in the protection of political rights over the past year.

18日 美國政府宣布叫停一筆原計劃在2018年向巴勒斯坦提供的4500萬美元食品援助專款。

January 18

The U.S. government announced it had withheld a pledged 45 million dollars in food aid to Palestinians.

19日 《哥倫比亞新聞評論》網站報道稱,2017年,美國共逮捕記者34人次,其中9人被控重罪;15名記者的設備被沒收,44名記者遭到人身攻擊。

January 19

The Columbia Journalism Review website reported that journalists were arrested 34 times in the United States in 2017. Nine of these journalists were charged with felonies. Fifteen journalists had their equipment seized. Forty-four reporters were physically attacked.

20日 《紐約時報》網站報道,數百萬人參加“2018女性游行”,對現任政府政策表示強烈抗議。

January 20

The New York Times website reported that millions of people participated in Women's March 2018 to protest against the policy of the current administration.

23日 英國《獨立報》報道,自2016年美國總統選舉以來,短短兩年時間,美國反穆斯林團體的數量激增2倍。

January 23

British newspaper The Independent reported that the number of anti-Muslim groups in the United States had trebled since the 2016 presidential election.



1日 卡塔爾半島電視臺網站報道,美國當局發布行政命令,繼續維持臭名昭著的關塔那摩監獄的運行,并授權國防部長將更多囚犯轉移到該監獄。有41名囚犯被關押在關塔那摩監獄,他們中的大部分人都沒有經過審判。

February 1

According to a report by Al Jazeera News, the U.S. administration decided to keep the notorious Guantanamo military prison in Cuba open using an executive order which also gave the secretary of defense the authority to transfer more detainees to the prison camp. There were still 41 detainees being held in the prison, the majority of whom had not faced trial.

5日 《赫芬頓郵報》網站報道,非洲裔美國人患癌癥、中風、心臟病等十大致死疾病的死亡率明顯高于白人。有充分的證據表明,由于個體和制度層面的歧視導致了這種健康上的種族差異。

February 5

When looking at the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S.-- including cancer, stroke and heart disease -- mortality rates among African Americans are higher than among white Americans, according to a report by the Huffington Post. Compelling evidence suggests both individual- and institutional-level discrimination causes such racial disparity in health.

6日 《紐約客》網站報道,美國紐約市布朗克斯區的愛德華·加里于1995年受謀殺罪指控含冤入獄。他經過23年的不懈努力才最終洗脫罪名被改判無罪。

February 6

The New Yorker reported that Edward Garry from Bronx, the New York City, was jailed on murder charges in 1995. After 23-year quest to clear his name, Garry was finally acquitted.

13日 《國會山報》網站報道,美國殘障者維權人士因抗議眾議院法規委員會的一場準備立法的聽證會而被捕。

February 13

According to a report by the Hill, disability rights advocates were arrested for demonstrating against a House Rules Committee hearing to prepare legislation.

14日 美國佛羅里達州帕克蘭市的一所高中發生槍擊事件。19歲的尼古拉斯·克魯茲攜槍支和多個彈匣,進入學校并拉響火災警報,趁大量學生跑出教室時,用半自動步槍掃射,造成17人死亡、至少14人受傷。

February 14

A shooting occurred at a high school in Parkland, Florida. Nineteen-year-old Nikolas Cruz, equipped with a gun and multiple magazines of ammunition, entered the school, pulled the fire alarm and opened fire at students who came pouring out of the classrooms, killing 17 people and injuring at least 14.

21日 美國國家公共電臺報道,根據在線調查,81%的女性受訪者表示在一生中經歷過某種形式的性騷擾,51%的女性受訪者表示曾經遭到身體騷擾,27%的女性受訪者表示曾遭受性侵犯。66%的女性受訪者表示她們在公共場所遭受過性騷擾,38%的女性受訪者表示她們在工作場所遭受過性騷擾。

February 21

National Public Radio cited an online survey, saying that 81 percent of women in the United States had experienced some form of sexual harassment during their lifetime, 51 percent said they had been sexually touched without their permission, and 27 percent said they had survived sexual assault. The survey found that 66 percent of women said they'd been sexually harassed in public spaces while 38 percent of women said they experienced sexual harassment at the workplace.

22日 皮尤研究中心網站報道,美國非洲裔家庭財富的中位值只有白人家庭財富中位值的十分之一。2017年的調查顯示,81%的非洲裔認為種族歧視仍是當今社會的嚴重問題,比8年前增長37個百分點;92%的非洲裔認為白人相對他們在社會上具有優勢。

February 22

According to a report by Pew Research Center, the median wealth of white households was almost 10 times the wealth of African American households. In 2017, 81 percent of African Americans said racism was a big problem in society, up from 44 percent eight years prior, and 92 percent of African Americans said whites benefited at least a fair amount from advantages that blacks did not have.

26日 美國經濟政策研究所網站報道,非洲裔美國人的貧困率是白人的2.5倍,失業率長期維持在白人的2倍左右,入獄率是白人的6倍以上,嬰兒死亡率是白人的2.3倍,人均預期壽命比白人低約3.5歲。

February 26

According to a report by Economic Policy Institute, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites. The unemployment rate for African American workers is consistently about twice as high as it is for white workers. African Americans are about six times as likely as whites to be in prison or jail. African American infants are about 2.3 times as likely to die as white infants, and an African American born today, on average, still expect to live about 3.5 fewer years than a white person born on the same day.



10日 《洛杉磯時報》網站報道,2018年1月以來,駐阿富汗美軍增加了攻擊機和其他類型的飛機。美國在發動阿富汗戰爭已超過16年,仍在加強其在阿富汗的駐軍。

March 10

The Los Angeles Times website reported that attack planes and other aircraft have been added to U.S. forces in Afghanistan since January, 2018. The U.S. is bolstering its military presence in Afghanistan, more than 16 years after the war started.

14日 在致17死、14傷的帕克蘭校園槍擊案發生一個月之際,美國近3000所學校的數萬名學生走上街頭抗議槍支暴力,要求政府對槍支管控進行更嚴格的立法。

March 14

A month after the school shooting in Parkland that left 17 dead and 14 injured, tens of thousands of students from nearly 3,000 schools across the United States took to the streets to protest gun violence, demanding stricter government legislation on gun control.

18日 22歲的非洲裔男子斯蒂芬·克拉克在祖父母家被薩克拉門托的兩名警察連開20槍殺死。警察當時正在附近搜尋一名打碎車窗的男子,看到克拉克時突然朝他沖了過來。事后在其尸體旁發現的唯一物品是一部手機。受害者的兄弟史蒂夫特·克拉克說:“他們就像槍殺一條狗一樣處決了他。”“連開20槍,就像踩死一只蟑螂一樣,一腳又一腳。”克拉克是2015年以來薩克拉門托警察開槍射殺的第6人,其中5人是非洲裔。

March 18

Stephon Clark, a 22-year-old African American, was shot 20 times in his grandmother's back yard by two Sacramento policemen who were searching nearby for a man who had broken a car window. The only object found next to Stephon's body was a mobile phone. "They gunned him down like a dog," Stevante Clark, the victim's brother, said of the police shooting. "They executed him." "Twenty times. That's like stepping on a roach. And then stepping, stepping, stepping, stepping, stepping, stepping, stepping." Stephon Clark was the sixth person shot dead by Sacramento police since 2015, five of whom were African Americans.

19日 《紐約時報》網站報道,共和黨某富豪資助的劍橋分析數據公司在2016年美國總統選舉期間受雇于競選團隊,非法獲得5000多萬臉譜用戶的私人信息。該公司通過識別美國選民的個性定向推送信息影響其投票傾向。

March 19

The New York Times reported that Cambridge Analytica, a political data firm largely funded by a wealthy Republican donor and hired by the 2016 election campaign, gained access to private information on more than 50 million Facebook users. The firm offered tools that could identify the personalities of American voters and influence their behavior.

19日 《國家公共廣播》網站和《紐約時報》網站報道,斯坦福大學、哈佛大學和人口普查局的研究人員研究發現,在美國99%的社區中,非洲裔男孩成年后的收入低于來自相似社會經濟背景的白人男孩。對于上述研究,美利堅大學反種族主義研究和政策中心主任伊布拉姆·肯迪表示:“后種族自由主義最流行的觀點之一是,階層而非種族是問題的本質所在,研究顯然推翻了這一觀點。”“人們都不愿意正視種族主義。”

March 19

According to reports by National Public Radio and the New York Times, a study conducted by researchers at Stanford, Harvard and the Census Bureau, found that in 99 percent of neighborhoods in the United States, African American boys earned less in adulthood than white boys who come from similar socioeconomic backgrounds. "One of the most popular liberal post-racial ideas is the idea that the fundamental problem is class and not race, and clearly this study explodes that idea," said Ibram Kendi, a professor and director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. "But for whatever reason, we're unwilling to stare racism in the face."

25日 《華盛頓郵報》網站報道,據統計,1999年哥倫拜恩槍擊案發生以來,美國至少有193所中小學的超過18.7萬名學生在校園內遭遇槍擊事件。2018年不到3個月的時間內已經發生了11起槍擊事件。

March 25

The Washington Post reported that beginning with Columbine in 1999, more than 187,000 students attending at least 193 primary or secondary schools have experienced a shooting on campus during school hours. Less than three months into 2018, there had been 11 shootings.



1日 美國國家婦女與家庭伙伴關系網站報道,從事全職工作的非洲裔美國女性收入僅相當于同等情況下非拉美裔白人男性的63%。美國有超過400萬家庭靠非洲裔女性養活,其中近三分之一的家庭生活在貧困線以下。

April 1

The National Partnership for Women & Families website reported that black women in the United States who work full time, year-round are typically paid just 63 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men. More than 4 million households in the United States are headed by black women – and nearly one in three of those households live below the poverty level.

4日 皮尤研究中心網站報道,約59%的美國女性受訪者表示曾遭受過性侵犯、言語或身體上的性騷擾。半數受訪者認為,工作場所性騷擾和性侵犯多發的一個主要原因是實施騷擾者能夠輕易逃脫罪責。

April 4

A survey on the Pew Research Center website pointed out that 59 percent of women in the United States say they have personally received unwanted sexual advances or verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. When asked about sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace today, half of Americans think that men getting away with this type of behavior is a major problem.

12日 非洲裔男子拉松·納爾遜和唐特·羅賓遜進入費城中心城區一家星巴克咖啡店使用洗手間,遭到店員拒絕并被要求離開。在二人拒絕離開后店員報警,警察趕到現場逮捕了他們。這一種族歧視行徑引起了廣泛抗議。

April 12

Two African American men, Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, went to a Starbucks in the Center City district of Philadelphia and asked to use the restroom. The employee refused and demanded them leave. As the two refused to leave, the employee called the police, and the police arrested them. The act of discrimination triggered wide demonstrations.

19日 美國廣播公司網站報道,費城警察局長因警方在星巴克內逮捕兩名非洲裔美國人一事,迫于壓力不得不作出道歉。費城市長吉姆·肯尼指出,這一事件讓很多費城人目睹和重溫了“種族定性的歷史創傷”。

April 19

The ABC News website reported that Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross has apologized to two black men who were arrested at a local Starbucks. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said that arrest caused "many Philadelphians" to witness and relive "the trauma of racial profiling."

23日 美國伊斯蘭關系委員會發布報告稱,上年度美國反穆斯林事件中,三分之一以上受到聯邦政府機構煽動。其中,464起事件與聯邦政府違憲的“穆斯林旅行禁令”有關。上年度反穆斯林事件同比增加17%,仇恨犯罪案件增加15%。

April 23

The Council on American-Islamic Relations released a report, saying that the American federal government agencies have instigated more than a third of all anti-Muslim bias incidents in 2017. Of those, 464 incidents were related to the administration's unconstitutional "Muslim Ban" executive orders. The new report also shows a 17-percent increase in anti-Muslim bias incidents and a 15-percent increase in hate crimes in 2017 over the previous year.

25日 凱斯西儲大學網站報道,研究指出,美國每年約有1550萬兒童至少目睹過一次家庭暴力事件,超過25%的兒童一生中遭受過家庭暴力。美國疾病控制與預防中心發布的調查報告顯示,27.3%的美國女性在生活中至少經歷過一次來自親密伴侶的身體暴力、性暴力或跟蹤。

April 25

The Case Western Reserve University website reported that its research showed that in the United States, an estimated 15.5 million children each year are exposed to at least one episode of intimate partner violence, with more than 25 percent of children exposed to domestic violence in their lifetime. The Centers for Disease Control's National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey reports that 27.3 percent of women have experienced physical violence, sexual violence or stalking by intimate partners at least once in their lives.

26日 皮尤研究中心對美國民主和政治體制的一項調查顯示,53%的受訪者認為美國沒有做到“尊重所有人的權利和自由”。大多數受訪者認為,那些向政客捐很多錢的人比其他人有更大的政治影響力。

April 26

Pew Research Center's report, The Public, the Political System and American Democracy, shows that 53 percent of the public say they are not in the opinion that "the rights and freedoms of all people are respected" in America. Most Americans think that those who donate a lot of money to elected officials have more political influence than others.

27日 皮尤研究中心對美國人口普查局數據的分析指出,30%的單身母親及其家庭處于貧困狀態,17%的單身父親及其家庭處于貧困狀態。

April 27

Pew Research Center's analysis of the data from U.S. Census Bureau found that 30 percent of solo mothers and 17 percent of solo fathers and their families are living in poverty.

30日 美國司法部網站報道,前阿肯色州參議員、州眾議員亨利·威爾金斯收受賄金,按照政治說客的意圖進行投票。

April 30

The U.S. Department of Justice website reported that the former Arkansas State Senator and State Representative Henry Wilkins was found guilty of accepting briberies and voting in accordance with the intensions from the lobbyists.



2日 國際非政府組織“第十九條”網站報道,美國的新聞報道環境進一步惡化,記者遭到攻擊、搜查、逮捕、邊境攔截以及被限制發布公共信息等情況時有發生。美國政府不斷公開、激烈指責媒體和記者制造“假新聞”,營造一種恐嚇和敵意的氛圍。該組織執行主任托馬斯·休斯指出,近年來美國新聞自由受到的威脅出現了驚人的上升。

May 2

Article 19, an international non-governmental organization, reported on its website on May 2, 2018, the hostile climate to the U.S. press had worsened. Journalists' ability to report was being undermined by attacks, arrests, border stops and restrictions on the release of public information. By openly and aggressively accusing journalists and media outlets of lying and producing "fake news," the current U.S. administration risked creating a culture of intimidation and hostility. Thomas Hughes, executive director of Article 19, said threats to press freedom in the United States saw alarming rise over recent years.

4日 《今日美國報》網站報道,美國疾病控制與預防中心的研究表明,少數族裔社區家庭暴力事件更為多發。45%的非洲裔美國女性遭受過親密伴侶的身體或性虐待。

May 4

The USA Today website reported, a study of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed domestic violence occurred more often in minority communities. About 45 percent of black women had been physically or sexually abused by intimate partners.

12日 《今日美國報》網站報道,美國老年照護機構中普遍存在欺凌現象,約五分之一的老年人遭遇過欺凌。

May 12

The USA Today website reported, bullying had become an epidemic in U.S. nursing homes and senior housing. About one in five seniors encountered bullying, it reported.

12日 《紐約時報》網站報道,美國政府將非法入境兒童與其監護人分開安置,引發公眾強烈抗議。已有2000多名移民兒童被強制與父母骨肉分離。

On the same day, the New York Times website reported that the U.S. government separating migrant children from their parents had drawn public outcry. More than 2,000 migrant children had been separated from their parents.

18日 得克薩斯州休斯敦市附近的圣達菲高中發生大規模槍擊案,17歲的帕格瑞斯持獵槍和手槍射殺10人,打傷13人。該校及周邊還發現了爆炸裝置。

May 18

A shooting rampage took place at the Santa Fe High School near Houston, Texas. A 17-year-old student named Pagourtzis, armed with a pistol and a shotgun, killed 10 people and wounded 13 others. Explosive devices were found inside the school and at locations off campus.

22日 《天主教國家紀事報》網站報道,100多名天主教徒在華盛頓游行,反對系統性的種族主義和壓制選民的立法。2010年以來,有23個州通過了某種形式的選民壓制法,其中17個州的選民壓制法針對的是印第安人等土著居民。“窮人運動”的創始人之一利茲·西奧哈里斯說,“我們譴責正在進行的、已被證實的種族主義壓制選民的行為以及種族選區劃分不公的行為,這些行為破壞了民主進程,對最貧困的居民產生了持續的負面影響。”

May 22

The National Catholic Reporter website reported, Catholics were among the more than 100 participants demonstrating in Washington, D.C. to demand an end to systemic racism and voter suppression laws. Since 2010, 23 states had passed some type of voter suppression laws, while 17 had voter suppression laws that target Native Americans and indigenous people. Rev. Liz Theoharis, co-founder of the Poor People's Campaign, said, "We condemn ongoing, proven acts of racist voter suppression, of racial voting district gerrymandering that undermine our democratic process. Voter suppression has a consistent, negative impact on our nation's poorest residents."

23日 英國《獨立報》網站報道,美國邊境執法人員虐待尋求庇護兒童的案件數量增長驚人。有116起虐待尋求庇護兒童的事件被披露,涉事人員被指控對5至17歲的兒童進行身體、性或心理上的虐待。

May 23

The Independent website reported there had been a startling increase in the number of instances where U.S. Border Patrol officers had abused children seeking shelter in the United States. A total of 116 incidents were disclosed where officers were alleged to have physically, sexually, or psychologically abused children between the ages of 5 and 17.

27日 《洛杉磯時報》報道,聯邦消費者金融保護局的數據顯示,在所有貸款類型中,非洲裔申請人被拒絕的比例是非拉美裔白人的2倍以上。非洲裔和拉美裔還被收取更高的貸款利率,他們通常要承擔比平均利率高出1.5個百分點的年利率。

May 27

The Los Angeles Times reported, according to data from the federal Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, black applicants were rejected at more than double the rate of non-Hispanic white applicants on all types of loans. Black and Hispanic applicants were also charged higher interest rates more often. They carried annual percentage rates that were at least 1.5 percentage points above the "average prime offer rate" for loans of a similar type.

29日 美國全國廣播公司新聞網報道,一項問卷調查顯示,64%的受訪者認為種族主義是美國的一個重大社會問題,45%的受訪者認為美國的種族關系在惡化,30%的受訪者認為種族問題是當今美國社會分裂的最大根源。40%的非洲裔受訪者說他們上個月在商店或餐館中因種族身份受到過歧視。

May 29

The NBC reported that a poll showed 64 percent of the respondents said racism remains a major problem in American society and 45 percent said race relations in the United States were getting worse. About 30 percent of them thought race was the biggest source of division in America today. Four in 10 African Americans said they had been treated unfairly in a store or restaurant because of their race in the last month.

30日 《華盛頓郵報》網站報道,反誹謗聯盟、仇恨與極端主義研究中心和南方貧困法律中心等組織報告稱,自2016年以來,美國仇恨犯罪和仇恨組織數量的增長令人擔憂。種族主義者在美國公然表達種族仇恨,是因為他們看到政府高層領導也在做類似的事情。

May 30

The Washington Post website reported that according to organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League, the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, the number of hate crimes and hate groups had increased. Racists might feel emboldened to publicly vent their hatred because they saw senior government leaders doing something similar.



1日 《舊金山紀事報》網站報道,三名女性向聯邦法院提起訴訟,指控著名電影制作人哈維·韋恩斯坦對她們實施性侵。

June 1

The San Francisco Chronicle website reported that three women had filed a sexual-assault lawsuit in federal court against renowned film producer Harvey Weinstein.

5日 英國《衛報》網站報道,聯合國敦促美國立即停止其在南部邊境強制將尋求庇護的中美洲兒童與其父母分開的做法,對美國采取的“零容忍”移民政策深表關切。這一做法構成對家庭生活的任意和非法干涉,嚴重侵犯了兒童的權利。聯合國人權官員拉維娜·沙姆達尼稱:“將拘留和強制拆散家庭作為威懾非正常入境人員的手段,違反了人權標準和原則。美國應立即停止拆散家庭的做法。”她呼吁美國作為全世界唯一未批準《兒童權利公約》的國家,盡快加入該公約并尊重所有兒童權利。

June 5

The Guardian website reported that the United Nations had urged the United States to immediately halt its controversial practice of separating asylum-seeking Central American children from their parents at the southern border. The UN human rights office said it was deeply concerned over the zero tolerance policy introduced by the U.S. government to deter illegal immigration, noting that the practice of separating families amounted to arbitrary and unlawful interference in family life and was a serious violation of the rights of the child. Ravina Shamdasani, a spokeswoman of the UN human rights office, said: "The use of immigration detention and family separation as a deterrent runs counter to human rights standards and principles. The US should immediately halt this practice." She expressed regret that the United States was the only country in the world not to have ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child and urged it to hold children's rights in high regard.

6日 消除無家可歸聯盟網站報道,非洲裔占美國總人口的13%,卻占美國無家可歸者總數的40%以上;夏威夷土著和太平洋島民只占美國總人口的0.2%,在美國無家可歸者中的比例卻高達1.3%。

June 6

The National Alliance to End Homelessness website reported that African Americans represented 13 percent of the general population but made up more than 40 percent of the homeless population. Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders accounted for 0.2 percent of the general population but 1.3 percent of the homeless population.

7日 美國疾病控制與預防中心發布報告指出,自1999年以來,美國的自殺率上升了近30%,近半數自殺死亡者都有心理健康問題。

June 7

A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that suicide rates in the U.S. have risen nearly 30 percent since 1999 and nearly half of people who died by suicide had a known mental health condition.

7日 《紐約時報》網站報道,截至2017年底,在輿論廣泛關注的15起警察槍殺非洲裔案件中,只有一名警察被判入獄。

On the same day, the New York Times website reported that only one officer had faced prison time as of late 2017 in 15 high-profile cases involving deaths of black people.

8日 《休斯敦紀事報》網站報道,得克薩斯州共和黨參議員瓊·霍夫曼試圖利用她的影響力阻止對其擁有的一家酒吧的調查。

June 8

The Houston Chronicle reported that Texas Republican senator Joan Huffman had used her influence to try to halt investigation into a bar she owned.

15日 美聯社報道,國土安全部的數據顯示,4月19日至5月31日期間,共有1995名兒童在美國南部邊境被強制離開父母家人。

June 15

The Associated Press reported that Department of Homeland Security figures showed that 1,995 minors were separated from their families at the U.S. southern border between April 19 and May 31, 2018.

19日 《今日美國報》網站報道,17歲的手無寸鐵的黑人少年安托萬·羅斯在從被截停的汽車中逃跑時,警察從背后連開多槍將其射殺。賓夕法尼亞州美國公民自由聯盟執行主任雷吉·舒福德表示,警察選擇對這個男孩使用致命武器時似乎已經不把他當成一個人看待了。

June 19

The USA Today website reported that 17-year-old unarmed black teenager Antwon Rose was shot multiple times and killed after fleeing from a car stopped by police. Reggie Shuford, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, said officers seemed to have disregarded the basic humanity of this boy when they chose to use lethal force.

19日 美國國務卿蓬佩奧和常駐聯合國代表黑莉共同舉行記者會,宣布美國正式退出聯合國人權理事會。此前一天,聯合國人權事務高級專員辦公室剛剛抨擊了美國在邊境地區將移民兒童與父母強制分離的做法。

On the same day, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced at a joint press conference that the United States was withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council. The move came one day after the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights slammed the separation of children from their parents at the US-Mexico border.

23日 英國《衛報》網站報道,聯合國人權專家指責美國對待移民兒童的政策“可能構成酷刑”。“有2300個嬰兒和孩子被政府從他們的父母身邊奪走”,“這無異于綁架”。

June 23 

The Guardian website reported that United Nations human rights experts said U.S. policy of detaining children may amount to torture. The report also said there are 2,300 babies and kids who were ripped away from their parents by the government in detention centers around the United States, calling the policy "functional equivalent in kidnapping."

25日 英國《衛報》網站報道,拉美裔男子埃斯特班·古茲曼在加利福尼亞州被一名白人女子用手指著臉進行辱罵,她稱墨西哥人為“強奸犯、牲畜、販毒者”。這與一些美國政治人物對墨西哥人所使用的侮辱性話語如出一轍。

June 25

The Guardian website reported that Latino man Esteban Guzman was racially abused in California by a white woman, who pointed her finger in Guzman's face and called Mexicans "rapists, animals, drug dealers." The language closely echoed abusive words used by some U.S. politicians against Mexicans.

28日 一名槍手暴力襲擊了位于馬里蘭州安納波利斯市的《首都公報》報社辦公室,槍殺了報社5名員工,打傷2人。警方稱這是針對該報的“有針對性的襲擊”,是數十年來美國發生的針對新聞從業人員的最嚴重暴力犯罪事件。

June 28

A gunman opened fire in the newsroom of Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, killing five people and injuring two others in what police called a "targeted attack" on the newspaper. It was the most violent crime targeting media staff in several decades in the United States.

28日 《芝加哥論壇報》網站報道,在華盛頓特區集會抗議美國移民政策時,575名抗議者被逮捕,其中多數是女性。

The Chicago Tribune website reported that 575 protesters, most of whom were women, were arrested in their mass demonstration at the Washington, D.C. against U.S. immigration policy.

29日 美國有色人種促進會網站報道,最新數據顯示,全國十個最大城市的仇恨犯罪數量連續4年持續上升,達到近10年來最高水平。出于種族動機的犯罪占仇恨犯罪總數的近60%,非洲裔仍然是仇恨犯罪最主要的對象群體。

June 29

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) reported that new data showed "hate crime totals for the 10 largest cities rose for four straight years to the highest level in a decade." The report said racially-motivated crimes had comprised nearly 60 percent of overall crimes and African Americans remained the most targeted group.

29日 英國《衛報》報道,美國各地的監獄和羈押場所管理混亂。販賣人口者經常將被關押的女性偷運出來,通過毒品控制、野蠻毆打等方式強迫她們進行性交易,使她們陷入犯罪和被剝削的無盡循環中。


The Guardian reported that jailhouses and prison cells across the U.S. were so appallingly managed that imprisoned women were trafficked out of criminal justice institutions into illegal captivity, forced into sex trade under the control of narcotics and brutal beatings, and trapped in an endless loop of criminalization and exploitation.


30日 美國50個州的數十萬人舉行主題為“家人本應在一起”的示威游行,抗議美國政府“零容忍”的移民政策導致至少2300名兒童被迫與家人分離。僅洛杉磯市就有上萬名民眾走上街頭抗議。

June 30

Hundreds of thousands of people joined the "Families Belong Together" march to protest the U.S. government's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which had led to the separation of at least 2,300 children from their parents. In Los Angeles alone, over 10,000 people took to the street in protest.



11日 美國司法部網站報道,美國聯邦前囚犯押送官員埃里克·斯科特·金德利在任職期間曾多次持械性虐性侵女囚,導致被害人身心受到嚴重傷害。

July 11

The website of the U.S. Department of Justice reported that Eric Scott Kindley, a former prisoner transport officer, was indicted for crimes related to his sexual assaults of females in his custody and possessing his firearm in furtherance of the sexual assaults on multiple occasions, causing serious physical and mental injuries to the victims.

12日 《今日美國報》網站報道,在外部團體為影響2018年國會選舉而播放的電視廣告中,超過40%是秘密捐贈者資助的。在參議院和眾議院競選中,有超過四分之一的廣告資助來自不披露捐贈者的團體。自2014年中期選舉以來,聯邦競選中由這類“黑錢”團體播放的廣告次數增加了26%。

July 12

The USA Today website reported that secret donors financed more than four out of every 10 television ads that outside groups broadcast in 2018 to influence congressional elections. Two groups accounted for more than one-quarter of the House and Senate advertising from groups that don't disclose their donors. An analysis found a 26-percent increase in airings by similar "dark money" groups in federal races since the 2014 midterms.

12日 《今日美國報》網站報道,美國32%的家庭負擔沉重,住房日益成為難以滿足的基本需求。哈佛大學住房研究聯合中心的《2018年美國住房狀況》報告指出,美國經濟適用房嚴重短缺,數百萬美國人,尤其是中低收入階層的人,已經買不起住房。

On the same day, the USA Today website reported that 32 percent of American households are cost burdened and housing is a basic need that is becoming increasingly difficult to meet in the United States. According to "The State of the Nation's Housing 2018," a report compiled by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, there is a serious shortage of affordable housing in the United States. Housing has become unaffordable for millions of Americans, particularly those in lower- and middle-income brackets.

17日 美國參議員伯尼·桑德斯發表署名文章指出,美國的收入和財富不平等程度達到二十世紀二十年代以來的最高水平。隨著美國中產階級的衰落,40%的美國人拿不出400美元的可支配收入來支付醫療急救等意外開支;43%的美國家庭入不敷出,只能借債支付住房、食品、兒童護理、醫療、交通和通訊費用;約有一半美國老年人沒有退休儲蓄;成千上萬年輕人因交不起學費而上不了大學。

July 17

An article by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders said that the United States has more income and wealth inequality than at any time since the 1920s. As the American middle class continues to collapse, it was reported that 40 percent of Americans lack 400 U.S. dollars in disposable income to pay for an unexpected expense like a medical emergency. In America, 43 percent of households live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to pay for their housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and their cell phone without going into debt. About half of older Americans have no retirement savings. In terms of American young people, hundreds of thousands are unable to go to college because of the cost.

21日 美國國家廣播公司新聞網報道,美國財政部宣布不再要求大多數非營利組織報告捐贈來源。此前,非營利組織必須報告每年捐贈5000美元以上的捐贈者信息。這項新政策會大大降低選舉的透明度,導致“黑錢”侵蝕政治競選。

July 21

The NBC News website reported that the U.S. Treasury Department announced that it will no longer require most non-profit organizations to report their donors to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Previously non-profits had to report the name of donors who gave them more than $5,000 per year to the IRS. This new policy will make elections less transparent, resulting in a rise of so-called "dark money" in political campaigns.

26日 《今日美國報》網站報道,根據美國疾病預防與控制中心的統計,美國四分之一的兒童遭受過虐待。在密歇根州發生的一起駭人聽聞的刑事案件中,包括一名癌癥患兒在內的5名兒童經常被父母鎖在“黑屋”中,缺吃少喝,遭受了超過6年的虐待。

July 26

The USA Today website reported that according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics, an estimated one in four children in America experience maltreatment at some point in their lives. In an appalling criminal case in Michigan, five young children, including one with cancer, were locked in what a local police officer described as a "dungeon" and whipped for punishment on and off for at least six years.

27日 《洛杉磯時報》網站報道,一名被誤認為是極端主義分子的巴基斯坦人,未經審判被關押在關塔那摩監獄長達14年之久,屢遭酷刑折磨,身體和精神遭受嚴重損害。

July 27

The Los Angeles Times website reported that a Pakistani was mistaken for an extremist and had been detained without trial at Guantanamo Bay for almost 14 years, having withstood a lot of torture which had caused serious physical and mental trauma.




7日 英國《衛報》網站報道,據統計,2016年美國總統選舉和國會選舉候選人整整花費65億美元,贏得一個參議院席位的平均成本為1940萬美元。

August 7

The Guardian reported on its website that according to the campaign finance watchdog Open Secrets, an overall 6.5 billion U.S. dollars was spent by presidential and congressional candidates in 2016, and the average cost of winning a Senate seat was 19.4 million U.S. dollars.

9日 《華爾街日報》報道,芝加哥市近年來年均數百人被謀殺,僅有17.5%的謀殺案進入起訴、判決等司法程序。僅2018年8月4日和5日,該市就有74人遭槍擊,其中12人死亡。成千上萬的美國年輕人紛紛逃離嚴重暴力案件多發的城市。

August 9

According to a report by Wall Street Journal, several hundred people were murdered every year in Chicago in recent years, but the prosecution rate for homicide cases was only 17.5 percent. At least 74 people were shot on the weekend of August 4 and 5, 12 of them fatally. Tens of thousands of young Americans were fleeing cities with frequent and serious violence cases.

14日 《華盛頓郵報》網站報道,賓夕法尼亞州300多名天主教牧師在過去70年對大量兒童實施性虐待,受害者超過1000人。相關教會高層一直設法掩蓋真相。

August 14

The Washington Post said on its website that more than 300 Catholic priests across Pennsylvania sexually abused more than 1,000 children over seven decades, protected by a hierarchy of church leaders who covered it up.

14日 《今日美國報》網站報道,在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提,無家可歸者在市中心附近安營扎寨。而當地法官羅伯特·魯曼卻宣稱無家可歸者營地是一種公害,并禁止在市中心及周邊地區建立這種營地。

August 14

The USA Today reported that when dozens of homeless people set up camp near the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio, Robert Ruehlman, a local judge, declared homeless camps a public nuisance and banned them in the affected part of downtown.

22日 美國公民自由聯合會網站發表文章指出,國家安全局、聯邦調查局和中央情報局恣意收集和搜查民眾的國際電子郵件、網絡電話和聊天記錄。未經授權的“棱鏡”項目24小時運行,對電子郵件、臉譜網消息、谷歌聊天、Skype網絡通話等進行監聽監控。

August 22

The ACLU website said in an article that it was a common occurrence that the NSA, FBI and CIA gather and search through Americans' international emails, internet calls, and chats without obtaining a warrant. It said PRISM is a warrantless wiretapping program that operates around the clock, vacuuming up emails, Facebook messages, Google chats, Skype calls, and the like.

27日 美國《經濟內幕》網站報道,根據美國人口普查局的數據,美國平均性別工資差距約為19.5%,女性平均收入僅為男性的80.5%。

August 27

Business Insider US reported that according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average gender pay gap in the United States is around 19.5 percent, meaning that, on average, a woman earns 80.5 percent her male counterpart earns.

30日 美國移民委員會網站報道,亞特蘭大移民拘留中心衛生條件糟糕,被拘留的移民經常受到“關禁閉”和“單獨囚禁”的懲罰。

August 30

American Immigration Council said on its website that the Atlanta City Detention Center was accused of an unsanitary environment, and rampant use of lockdown and isolation.

31日 美國政府宣布將停止向聯合國巴勒斯坦難民救濟機構提供援助,并威脅要取消美國在約旦河西岸和加沙地帶向巴勒斯坦方面提供的超過2億美元援助項目。此舉將加劇本已嚴峻的人道主義局勢。

August 31

The United States government announced that it would no longer contribute to the United Nations relief agency for Palestinian refugees, and threatened to cancel the assistance programs to Palestine worth over 200 million U.S. dollars in the West Bank and Gaza, aggravating the already serious humanitarian situation in the area.



2日 美國國家婦女與家庭伙伴關系網站報道,在全職工作者中,擁有準學士學位的女性薪酬低于僅擁有高中文憑的男性,擁有碩士學位的女性薪酬低于擁有學士學位的男性。

September 2

The website of National Partnership for Women & Families reported that among full-time, year-round workers, women with associate's degrees are paid less than men with just a high school diploma, and women with master's degrees are paid less than men with bachelor's degrees.

6日 《國會山報》網站報道,在針對聯邦最高法院大法官提名人選布雷特·卡瓦諾的抗議活動中,美國國會警察三天內逮捕了212人。

September 6

The Hill reported on its website that U.S. Capitol Police arrested 212 people over three days amid protests surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings.

6日 《紐約客》網站報道,2018年4月,南卡羅萊納州的一所監獄內發生了血腥的騷亂,7名男子在騷亂中喪生。

On the same day, the website of the New Yorker reported that seven men were killed in a bloody prison riot in April 2018 at a prison in South Carolina.

10日 美國廣播公司旗下的網站發表文章指出,截至8月27日,美國眾議院候選人籌集的資金總額超過了2014年的中期選舉。與2014年相比,2018年中期選舉的廣告數量增長了86%,流向政治行動委員會的“黑錢”增加了26%。金錢是決定候選人能否獲勝的關鍵因素,眾議院席位競選中90%以上花錢最多的候選人獲勝。

September 10

A website owned by ABC News said in an article that collectively, U.S. House candidates raised more money by August 27 than House candidates raised during the entire 2014 midterm election cycle. Ad volumes are up 86 percent compared to that previous midterm. Dark money -- flowing to political action committees from undisclosed donors -- is up 26 percent. For House seats, more than 90 percent of candidates who spend the most win.

11日 英國廣播公司網站報道,美國軍方涉嫌在阿富汗的秘密拘留地點實施了酷刑。

September 11

BBC reported that the U.S. military was alleged to have committed torture at secret detention sites in Afghanistan.

12日 《美國新聞和世界報道》網站報道,美國人口普查局公布的數據顯示,2017年美國有3970萬人處于貧困狀態,占總人口的12.3%,相當于每8個美國人就有一人處于貧困狀態。

September 12

U.S. News & World Report reported that according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 39.7 million people were poor in 2017, about 12.3 percent of the population or 1 in 8 Americans.

20日 皮尤研究中心網站報道,約70%的女性受訪者表示,如今在政界和商界擔任高層領導職位的女性太少。

September 20

Pew Research Center posted on its website that about 70 percent of the female interviewees say they would like to see more women in top leadership positions – not only in politics, but also in the corporate world.

20日 《紐約時報》網站報道,白人退伍軍人詹姆斯·哈里斯·杰克遜因憎恨跨種族婚戀,策劃殺死幾名與白人婦女在一起的非洲裔男子。作為預先演練,他于2017年3月用短劍殘忍殺害了一名66歲的非洲裔男子。

On the same day, the New York Times website reported that James Harris Jackson, a white Army veteran, fatally stabbed a 66-year-old black man with a sword in March 2017 and said the slaying was "practice" for the murdering of several black men -- preferably younger black men in the company of white women -- because of his hatred of interracial dating.

24日 《今日美國報》網站報道,針對27個州超過16萬名中學生的調查顯示,2017年近40%的初中生和27%的高中生表示曾經遭受校園欺凌。其中,有色人種學生經歷的校園欺凌比上一年度顯著增加。

September 24

The USA Today reported on its website that according to a survey, based on responses from more than 160,000 secondary students in 27 states, nearly 40 percent of middle-schoolers said they'd been bullied; 27 percent of high-schoolers said the same. Students of color in these schools experienced a steeper increase in bullying over last year.

26日 《今日美國報》網站報道,性騷擾、性侵犯在好萊塢已經成為系統性問題。根據對全行業的調查,94%的受訪女性表示在職業生涯中經歷過某種形式的性騷擾或性侵犯。

September 26

The USA Today reported that sexual harassment and assault had become a systemic issue in Hollywood. Based on an industry-wide survey, 94 percent of women surveyed said they had experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault over the course of their careers.

26日 美國有線電視新聞網站報道,法國總統馬克龍在9月25日的聯合國大會上對美國政府的孤立主義政策進行了猛烈抨擊,批評美國在伊朗核問題、氣候變化、聯合國、移民及中東和平等方面的政策。

On the same day, CNN reported that French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a fiery rebuke of U.S. isolationist policies at the UN General Assembly on September 25. At times directly referring to the United States, Macron rapped the U.S. government for its policies on Iran, climate change, the UN, migration and the Middle East peace, among others.



5日 美國有線電視新聞網站報道,超過300名抗議者在針對聯邦最高法院大法官提名人選布雷特·卡瓦諾的抗議活動中被國會警察逮捕。

October 5

The website of CNN reported that more than 300 protesters were arrested by U.S. Capitol Police in demonstrations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

18日 《休斯敦紀事報》報道,得克薩斯州10所監獄中曾有12名囚犯死于高溫。

October 18

Houston Chronicle reported that 12 inmates died at 10 Texas prisons during heat waves.

22日 英國《衛報》網站報道,在2018年美國中期選舉中,反穆斯林言論大幅上升。調查顯示,針對穆斯林的陰謀論日益進入政治主流,“超過三分之一的候選人聲稱穆斯林天生暴力或構成迫在眉睫的威脅”,“將近三分之一的候選人呼吁剝奪穆斯林的基本權利或宣稱伊斯蘭教不是宗教”。

October 22

The website of the Guardian reported that the 2018 midterm elections have seen a dramatic rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric. A report found that conspiracy theories targeting Muslims have increasingly entered the political mainstream. "More than a third have claimed that Muslims are inherently violent or pose an imminent threat," and "Just under a third of the candidates considered have called for Muslims to be denied basic rights or declared that Islam is not a religion."

25日 皮尤研究中心網站發表文章稱,47%的拉美裔受訪者認為在過去一年他們的處境變得更糟了,55%的拉美裔受訪者擔心自己、家人或親友可能被驅逐出境。

October 25

Pew Research Center's website reported that 47 percent of Latinos said their situation in the U.S. has worsened over the past year, and 55 percent said they are worried that they, a family member or close friend could be deported.

27日 46歲的白人男子羅伯特·鮑爾斯攜帶步槍、手槍等武器,闖入位于賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡市的猶太人教堂,高喊反猶太主義極端口號,向正在教堂內禮拜的教徒進行了20分鐘的掃射,致11人死亡、6人受傷。這是美國歷史上猶太人社區遭受的最為致命的攻擊。

October 27 

Robert Bowers, 46, stormed into a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with rifle and handguns, shouting hate for Jews and killing worshipers in a 20-minute attack. The Caucasian male killed 11 and wounded six, making the attack the deadliest on the Jewish community in U.S. history.



7日 為阻止美國有線電視新聞網駐白宮記者的不斷追問,白宮工作人員搶奪該名記者的話筒,并取消了該記者的白宮通行證。

November 7

To stop the follow-up questions of a CNN reporter at a White House news conference, a White House intern tried to take the microphone away from the correspondent and the reporter's press pass was also revoked.

8日 前海軍陸戰隊員伊恩·大衛·朗闖入加利福尼亞州千橡樹市一家酒吧,持槍向人群射擊,射殺12人,射傷多人。

November 8

Former Marine Ian David Long opened fire inside a bar in Thousand Oaks, California, killing 12 and injuring a lot.

8日 美國司法部網站報道,丹尼爾·戴維斯等路易斯安納州安哥拉監獄的多名監管人員故意剝奪囚犯免受酷刑的權利,肆意毆打毫無反抗能力的囚犯,導致犯人重傷,并在事后合謀掩蓋事實。

On the same day, U.S. Department of Justice reported on its website that Daniel Davis and other officers at Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, Louisiana were found guilty of willfully depriving an inmate of his right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment, beating the inmate who was unable to resist, leaving the inmate with severe injuries. They were also convicted of conspiring to cover up the beating.

8日 美國政治響應中心網站報道,2018年美國中期選舉中,現任共和黨人特德·克魯茲和民主黨挑戰者貝托·奧羅克對于參議院席位的角逐,是有史以來候選人花費最多的國會選舉。奧羅克以6910萬美元保持著國會候選人籌集資金最多的記錄。

The website of the Center for Responsive Politics reported that during the 2018 midterm election cycle, the Texas race between incumbent Republican Ted Cruz and Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke is the most expensive congressional election ever in terms of spending by candidates. O'Rourke himself holds the record for the most money raised by a congressional candidate at 69.1 million U.S. dollars.

12日 英國廣播公司網站報道,芝加哥郊區一家酒吧的26歲非洲裔保安杰梅爾·羅伯遜制服了一名持槍斗毆嫌犯,但趕到的警察卻開槍射殺了正在控制嫌犯的羅伯遜。目擊者稱,當時大家都在喊“他是一個保安”,但警察看到持槍的是非洲裔男子,還是向他開了槍。

November 12

BBC website reported that Jemel Roberson, 26, an armed African security guard at a bar in suburban Chicago was killed by police as he detained a suspected gunman. Everybody was screaming out "security, he was a security guard," a witness said, adding that the police saw a black man with a gun and opened fire on him.

12日 《紐約時報》網站報道,得克薩斯州邊境巡邏隊的執法人員埃斯特班·曼扎納雷遇到3名尋求庇護的女性移民,其中有2名未成年人。他將三人驅趕到距邊境16英里的一個樹林,在那里性侵了一名女孩,毒打了另外兩人,之后把流血不止的她們扔在了灌木叢中。檢方提供的信息顯示,得克薩斯州南部過去4年至少有10人被邊境巡警綁架、強奸或謀殺。

The New York Times reported on its website that Esteban Manzanares, a Border Patrol agent in Texas, came into three undocumented female immigrants, including two minors, who surrendered to him for help. He drove them to an isolated, wooded area 16 miles from the border. There he sexually assaulted a teenager, viciously attacked the other two, and left them, finally, to bleed in the brush. Over the past four years, at least 10 people in South Texas have been victims of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping or rape -- all, according to prosecutors and officials, at the hands of Border Patrol agents.

20日 《紐約時報》網站報道,洛杉磯地方檢察官指出,有9人被指控向無家可歸者支付1美元和幾支香煙,以換取他們在選民登記表上簽名。

November 20 

The website of the New York Times reported that the Los Angeles district attorney announced that the nine people had been charged with paying homeless people off -- with one dollar bills and stray cigarettes -- in exchange for signing fake names on voter registration forms.

22日 感恩節當晚,亞拉巴馬州一家購物中心內發生槍擊案,21歲的非洲裔男子小伊曼蒂克·菲茨杰拉德·布拉德福德在幫助其他顧客脫離險境時,卻被警方視為槍手而擊斃。目擊者稱,他當時并未對任何人構成威脅。律師本·克朗普說:“布拉德福德無辜喪命令人震驚,再次證明非洲裔男性僅因膚色就被視作威脅而遭槍殺。”

November 22

In a gunfire at an Alabama mall on the Thanksgiving night, Emantic "EJ" Fitzgerald Bradford Jr., an 21-year-old African American, helped other shoppers to safety. He was mistaken for the gunman and killed by police officers. The Bradfords' lawyer, Ben Crump, said that "EJ's senseless death is the latest egregious example of a black man killed because he was perceived to be a threat due to the color of his skin."

24日 美國有線電視新聞網報道,哈佛大學被指控多年來在招生過程中蓄意歧視亞裔申請學生,聯邦地區法院開庭審理此案引發廣泛關注。

November 24

CNN reported that Harvard University had been sued for intentionally discriminating against Asian-American applicants over the years. The trial of the case at a U.S. District Court drew wide public attention.

26日 半島電視臺美國頻道報道,美國當局對靠近查帕拉爾邊境檢查站的包括兒童在內的移民和難民發射了催淚瓦斯。人權組織指責美國政府刻意對庇護申請拖延處理。

November 26

Al Jazeera America reported that U.S. authorities used tear gas on migrants and refugees, including children, who approached the border fence near the El Chaparral crossing. Rights groups have accused to the U.S. government of stalling the processing of asylum claims.

28日 《紐約時報》報道,佛羅里達州畢斯坎亞帕克郡前警長阿特西亞諾被指控在2013年和2014年偽造罪名,構陷3名非洲裔美國人。

November 28 

The New York Times reported that Raimundo Atesiano, former police chief of Biscayne Park, Florida, was found guilty of framing three African Americans in 2013 and 2014.

28日 英國《衛報》網站報道,美國在阿富汗赫爾曼德省發動空襲,造成至少30名阿富汗平民死亡,死者中有婦女和16名兒童。根據聯合國統計數據,2018年前9個月美國在阿富汗的空襲造成的平民傷亡人數已經超過2009年以來的任何一年。

The Guardian reported that at least 30 Afghan civilians have been killed in U.S. air strikes in the Afghan province of Helmand. Women and 16 children were among the dead. It also cited UN statistics that the number of civilian casualties from air strikes in the first nine months of 2018 was already higher than in any entire year since 2009.

30日 《今日美國報》報道,調查數據顯示,2017年美國超過23萬老年人或殘疾人遭受過虐待。近年來,此類虐待案件數量不斷上升。

November 30 

The USA Today reported that a survey found more than 230,000 aged or disabled people in the United States were abused in 2017. In recent years, the number of such maltreatment cases has been on the rise.



3日 《赫芬頓郵報》網站報道,根據最新數據,受美國政府的“零容忍”移民政策影響,在2600多名被強制與父母分離的移民兒童中,仍有171名被美國政府監管。

December 3

According to a report by The Huffington Post, latest figures showed that out of more than 2,600 children who were separated from their parents, 171 were still in government custody, as a result of the U.S. government's "zero tolerance" immigration policy.

6日 《赫芬頓郵報》網站報道,根據對美國2000年至2016年槍支致死的官方數據分析,槍支暴力導致美國人均預期壽命減少近2.5歲,其中非洲裔減少4.14歲,白人減少2.23歲。

December 6

As reported by The Huffington Post, a research examined federal data on gun deaths between 2000 and 2016, and found that gun violence has shortened the life expectancy of Americans by nearly 2.5 years. It said black Americans have lost 4.14 years of life expectancy due to gun violence, while white Americans lost 2.23 years.

6日 美國有線電視新聞網站報道,2018年6月至10月,俄亥俄州庫亞霍加縣的懲教機構有6名被羈押者死亡,其中3人死于吸毒過量,3人死于自殺。美國聯邦執法局的調查結果顯示,該縣監獄的條件非常不人道,嚴重人滿為患且管理混亂。

As reported by CNN, six inmates died in correctional facilities in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, between June and October of 2018, three from accidental overdose and three by suicide. The investigation by the U.S. Marshals Service revealed inhumane conditions in the county's jails, from severe overcrowding to disordered management.

7日 《洛杉磯時報》網站報道,俄亥俄州衛生部門的統計數據顯示,2017年在該州嬰兒死亡總數比前一年下降的背景下,非洲裔嬰兒死亡人數卻在增長。非洲裔嬰兒死亡率是白人嬰兒的近3倍。

December 7

According to Los Angeles Times, health departments of Ohio revealed that the number of infant deaths in the state decreased overall from 2016 to 2017, but deaths among black infants increased. The number of black infants who died was three times the rate of white infants.

7日 一個耶和華見證會的禮拜堂被縱火焚毀。這是2018年針對華盛頓州宗教團體的第五次襲擊。

On the same day, a Jehovah's Witnesses house of worship was destroyed by a fire, which was the fifth attack targeting the religious group in Washington state in 2018.

8日 8名新納粹光頭黨組織的成員在華盛頓州的一家酒吧群毆一名黑人男子,并高呼種族主義口號。

December 8

Eight members of a neo-Nazi skinhead group assaulted a black man at a bar in Washington state, while yelled racist slurs during the incident.

8日 美國海關及邊境保衛局拘留了7歲的危地馬拉女孩杰奎琳·卡奧,她于其后不到48小時死于脫水和休克。據稱她“已經幾天沒有進食或飲水”。

On the same day, a 7-year-old girl named Jakelin Caal from Guatemala died of dehydration and shock less than 48 hours after she was taken into Border Patrol custody. She reportedly "had not eaten or consumed water for several days."

9日 《福特沃茲-星電訊報》報道,分布在美國40個州的原教旨浸會教教堂的百余位神職人員,被指控對兒童實施性犯罪。

December 9

As reported by Fort Worth Star Telegram, more than one hundred church leaders of independent fundamental Baptist churches were accused of committing sexual crimes against children, spanning 40 states.

10日 一名21歲的男子因涉嫌在托萊多市的猶太人教堂密謀殺害禮拜者而被捕。

December 10

A 21-year-old man was arrested for allegedly plotting to kill worshipers in a Jewish synagogue in Toledo.

10日 在圣迭戈市美國邊境舉行的要求停止拘留和驅逐中美洲移民的抗議活動中,32名宗教領袖和社會活動家被捕。

On the same day, a total of 32 religious leaders and activists were arrested at the U.S. border fence in San Diego during a protest to support the Central American migrant caravan.

11日 WFAA網站報道,美國卓達飛機座椅制造公司的一名非洲裔員工,對公司存在種族歧視的工作環境提起訴訟。白人員工對他使用種族歧視性語言,稱他為“黑猴子”。他在向公司舉報后遭到報復,兩位白人女同事竟將絞索放在他的工作臺上。

December 11

As reported by WFAA.com, an African-American employee of Zodiac Seats U.S. sued his employer for discrimination in work environment. White employees used racial slurs against him by calling him "black monkey." He received retaliation after reporting the issue, with a noose left in his workplace by two white women.

12日 美國有線電視新聞網站報道,反猶太人的宣傳冊在整個匹茲堡市傳播,紐約州立大學多個地點還出現了納粹主題的海報。

December 12

As reported by CNN, anti-Semitic pamphlets were spread throughout the city of Pittsburgh, with Nazi-themed posters found in various locations around the State University of New York.

12日 英國廣播公司新聞網報道,2018年是自1970年有記錄以來美國校園槍擊事件發生數量最多的年份,也是造成傷亡最嚴重的一年。根據美國國土防御和安全中心以及聯邦緊急事務管理局發布的數據,2018年已發生94起校園槍擊案,共有163人傷亡,超過了1986年創下的傷亡97人的最高紀錄。

BBC reported on the same day that the year 2018 has seen the highest number of school shooting incidents in the United States ever recorded, in figures going back to 1970, which also saw the most casualties. According to figures from the U.S. Center for Homeland Defense and Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 94 school shooting incidents were reported in 2018, with 163 casualties, compared with a previous high of 97 in 1986.

12日 《大西洋月刊》網站報道,美國政府2017年開始將在美國長期生活的越南、柬埔寨等國移民驅逐出境,聲稱這些移民是“暴力罪犯”。

According to the Atlantic, the U.S. administration in 2017 began pursuing the deportation of many long-term immigrants from Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries, who the administration alleges are "violent criminal aliens."

14日 聯合國人權理事會移民人權問題特別報告員莫拉勒發表聲明,對7歲的危地馬拉女孩杰奎琳·卡奧近日在美國移民機構監管中死亡深表關切,呼吁美國政府全面調查該事件,強調美國政府應停止拘留移民兒童。

December 14

Felipe Gonzalez Morales, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, expressed his concern of the death of the 7-year-old Jakelin Caal, who died in the U.S. Border Patrol custody. He called on the U.S. government to conduct comprehensive investigation into the case, stressing that the U.S. government should stop detaining child migrants.

14日 美國死刑信息中心發布的全國死刑與種族統計數據顯示,1976年以來的跨種族犯罪被執行死刑的案件中,有290名非洲裔因殺害白人而被執行死刑;相比之下,在白人是兇手而非洲裔是受害者的案件中,被執行死刑的白人僅有20人。

On the same day, the U.S. Death Penalty Information Center's figures showed that among the cases of interracial crimes that involved death penalties since 1976, 290 African Americans were sentenced to death for murdering the whites, but only 20 white people received death penalties for murdering African Americans.

16日 美國有線電視新聞網報道,戰亂中的也門爆發大規模饑荒和霍亂,超過2200萬人需要人道主義援助和保護,約有85000名5歲以下的兒童因饑餓和疾病等原因死亡。國會參議員克里斯·墨菲評論說,“美國支持發動的戰爭使也門成為人間地獄”,“每個平民的死亡都有美國的印記”。

December 16

As reported by CNN, Yemen was facing large-scale famine and cholera outbreak due to war, with more than 22 million people require humanitarian assistance and protection. An estimated 85,000 children under the age of 5 in Yemen might have died from starvation and disease. "The United States is enabling war that has made Yemen a hell on earth for civilians," U.S. Senator Chris Murphy said. "There is a U.S. imprint on each of these civilian deaths."

17日 美國廣播公司網站報道,得克薩斯州醫療保障不力,高達470萬65歲以下的該州居民沒有醫療保險,占該州居民總人口的19%。該州的孕產婦死亡率自2016年以來上升了9%。

December 17

According to American Broadcasting Company, Texas lacks the ability to support its health care. It has 4.7 million uninsured residents under age 65, accounting for 19 percent of the state's population. The state's maternal mortality rate has increased 9 percent since 2016.

18日 《紐約日報》網站援引美聯社報道,南佛羅里達州的兩名獄警在任職期間,毆打并恐嚇多名年輕囚犯,嚴重侵犯被羈押者的人身權利。

December 18

According to an AP report cited by New York Daily News on its website, two prison guards assaulted and intimidated several young inmates at a south Florida facility where they worked, severely damaging the detainees' personal rights.

18日 英國《衛報》網站報道,位于馬薩諸塞州坎頓市的羅滕貝格教育中心經常使用高功率電擊懲罰學生,他們承受的電流強度遠超過電擊槍釋放的電流。美洲人權委員會罕見地發出正式通知,要求該機構立即停止實施電擊“酷刑”。

According to the Guardian, the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Massachusetts, often used high-powered electric shocks as a form of punishment on the students. The students were zapped with electric currents far more powerful than those discharged by stun guns. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued a rare formal notice that called for immediate cessation of the electric shocks.

18日 《今日美國報》網站報道,美國疾病控制與預防中心發布的報告稱,自殺是美國的第十大死因。1999年以來,美國的自殺率上升了33%,2017年自殺人數超過4.7萬。

On the same day, the USA Today reported that suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Since 1999, the suicide rate had climbed 33 percent, with 47,000 people killed themselves in 2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

19日 《芝加哥論壇報》報道,伊利諾伊州檢察長發布的報告顯示,該州天主教會有690名神職人員涉嫌性侵兒童。一些教會未對涉嫌性侵人員進行調查,甚至利用個人信息威脅原告。

December 19

As reported by Chicago Tribune, 690 Catholic priests were accused of sexual abuse against children in Illinois, according to a report issued from Attorney General of the state. Some dioceses did not conduct proper investigations into allegations and even used personal information against the person making the allegation.

19日 《華盛頓郵報》網站報道,美國巴爾的摩市一名男性公民被指控一級謀殺罪,在案件調查階段,當地警方罔顧證人證言,既不調查他的不在場證明,也不調查其他嫌疑人,造成其沉冤服刑長達27年。

According to the Washington Post website, a Baltimore City man was convicted of first-degree murder, and the local police ignored the testimony, did not investigate his alibi or tips that another man was the shooter, which led to his 27 years in prison.

24日 8歲的危地馬拉男孩費利佩·阿隆佐-戈麥斯于平安夜在監管場所內死亡,這是本月在美國海關及邊境保衛局監管下死亡的第二名危地馬拉兒童。

December 24

Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, an 8-year-old Guatemalan boy, died on Christmas Eve in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which was the second Guatemalan child to die in the agency's custody that month.

31日 據《華盛頓郵報》網站統計,美國警察2018年共射殺998人。按照月份統計,美國警察2018年1月射殺99人,2月射殺80人,3月射殺111人,4月射殺100人,5月射殺83人,6月射殺82人,7月射殺89人,8月射殺74人,9月射殺56人,10月射殺75人,11月射殺78人,12月射殺71人。

December 31

According to the Washington Post, 998 people had been shot and killed by the U.S. police in 2018. By month, 99 were shot and killed in January, 80 in February, 111 in March, 100 in April, 83 in May, 82 in June, 89 in July, 74 in August, 56 in September, 75 in October, 78 in November, and 71 in December.


(Source: Xinhua)


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