攜手努力共譜合作新篇章 ——在金磚國家領導人巴西利亞會晤公開會議上的講話 (2019年11月14日,巴西利亞) 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | Together for a New Chapter in BRICS Cooperation Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the Plenary Session of the BRICS Brasilia Summit Brasilia, 14 November 2019 | |
尊敬的博索納羅總統, 尊敬的普京總統, 尊敬的莫迪總理, 尊敬的拉馬福薩總統: | Your Excellency President Jair Bolsonaro, Your Excellency President Vladimir Putin, Your Excellency Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Your Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa, | |
很高興同大家相聚在巴西利亞,首先我要感謝博索納羅總統盛情邀請和熱情周到安排。 | It gives me great pleasure to join you in this meeting in Brasilia. Let me first thank President Bolsonaro for the kind invitation and gracious hospitality. | |
這是我10年來第三次到訪巴西。再次踏上這片充滿活力的熱土,巴西廣袤的土地、豐富的資源、熱情的人民、巨大的潛力使我印象深刻。 | This is my third visit to Brazil in ten years. Stepping once again on this land of vibrancy, I am deeply impressed by its vastness and natural endowment, by the friendly people, and by the great promise the country holds. | |
這次會晤是在世界經濟發展和國際格局演變的關鍵時刻舉行的。環顧全球,新科技革命和產業變革方興未艾,為各國實現跨越式發展提供更多機遇。新興市場國家和發展中國家的崛起勢頭不可逆轉,為全球經濟治理體系變革注入強勁動力。令人擔憂的是,保護主義、單邊主義愈演愈烈,治理赤字、發展赤字、信任赤字有增無減,世界經濟中不穩定不確定因素明顯上升。 | We are meeting at a time when crucial developments are taking place in the world economy and international landscape. A burgeoning round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has created more opportunities for countries across the globe to achieve leapfrog development. Meanwhile, the unstoppable rise of emerging markets and developing countries has injected strong impetus to the reform of the global economic governance system. Nevertheless, there are also causes for concern: rising protectionism and unilateralism; greater deficit of governance, development and trust; and growing uncertainties and destabilizing factors in the world economy. | |
面對百年未有之大變局,作為重要的新興市場國家和發展中國家,我們應該順應時代潮流,回應人民呼聲,展現應有的責任擔當,在追求發展道路上矢志不移,在團結合作歷程中攜手奮進,為人民謀幸福,為世界謀發展。 | Faced with profound changes rarely seen in a century, major emerging markets and developing countries like us must grasp the trend of the times. We must respond to the call of our people, and shoulder our responsibilities. We must remain true to our unwavering commitment to development and strengthen solidarity and cooperation for the well-being of our people and for the development of our world. | |
——營造和平穩定的安全環境。當今世界并不太平,地區安全局勢持續緊張,熱點問題層出不窮,傳統和非傳統安全威脅相互交織,全球性挑戰更加突出。 | -- Let us work to foster a security environment of peace and stability. Our world has yet to achieve full peace. As we speak, tensions continue in regional security situations; hotspot issues keep emerging; traditional and non-traditional security threats are interwoven. Challenges of a global nature are becoming more prominent. | |
我們應該以維護世界和平、促進共同發展為目標,以維護公平正義、推動互利共贏為宗旨,以國際法和公認的國際關系基本準則為基礎,倡導并踐行多邊主義。要維護聯合國憲章宗旨和原則,維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系,反對霸權主義和強權政治,建設性參與地緣政治熱點問題解決進程。要通過金磚國家外長會晤、安全事務高級代表會議以及反恐工作組、網絡安全工作組、常駐多邊機構代表定期磋商等機制,密切戰略溝通和協作,發出金磚共同聲音,推動國際秩序朝著更加公正合理的方向發展。 | We need to take it as our aim to safeguard peace and development for all; we need to uphold fairness and justice and promote win-win results; we need to base our efforts on international law and widely recognized norms of international relations; we need to champion and put into practice multilateralism. It is important that we uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the UN-centered international system, oppose hegemonism and power politics, and take a constructive part in settling geopolitical flash points. We can use BRICS mechanisms, including the meetings of our ministers of foreign affairs/international relations and high representatives for security issues, the working groups on counter-terrorism and cybersecurity, and the regular meetings among our permanent representatives to multilateral institutions, to maintain close strategic communication and coordination and speak in one voice for a more just and equitable international order. | |
——謀求開放創新的發展前景。發展才是硬道理。當今時代的許多問題,追根溯源都是發展不平衡不充分造成的。我們應該把握改革創新的時代機遇,深入推進金磚國家新工業革命伙伴關系,在貿易和投資、數字經濟、互聯互通等領域不斷打造合作成果,助力五國經濟發展,努力實現高質量發展。 | -- Let us pursue greater development prospects through openness and innovation. Development is what really matters to all. Many of the world's problems are rooted in unbalanced and inadequate development. We must therefore seize the opportunities that come with reform and innovation. We need to deepen the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution, and strive for more productive cooperation in such fields as trade and investment, digital economy, and connectivity. These efforts will surely lend impetus to economic growth and high-quality development in our five countries. | |
當前,經濟全球化遭遇挫折,一定程度反映出現行全球治理體系的缺陷。金磚國家應該發揮負責任大國作用,積極倡導共商共建共享的全球治理觀,推動全球經濟治理體系變革。要堅決反對保護主義,維護以世界貿易組織為核心的多邊貿易體制,提升新興市場國家和發展中國家在國際事務中的發言權和影響力。要推動將發展問題置于全球宏觀政策框架核心位置,堅定落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程和應對氣候變化《巴黎協定》,實現經濟、社會、環境各領域協同發展。 | At present, economic globalization is encountering setbacks, which reveal, to a certain degree, the flaws existing in the global governance system. We the BRICS countries need to play our role as responsible major countries. We need to advocate extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance, and push for reform of the global economic governance system. We need to stand firm against protectionism, uphold the WTO-centered multilateral trading system, and increase the voice and influence of emerging markets and developing countries in international affairs. We need to prioritize development in the global macro policy framework, follow through the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change, and promote coordinated progress in the economic, social and environmental spheres. | |
——促進互學互鑒的人文交流。人類社會發展史是一部多元文明共生并進的歷史。不同國家、地區、民族,不同歷史、宗教、習俗,彼此交相輝映、相因相生,共同擘畫出這個精彩紛呈的世界。 | -- Let us promote mutual learning through people-to-people exchanges. Human history is one of civilizations living and prospering together in diversity. Countries, regions and ethnic groups with varied histories, religions and customs have offered inspirations to each other and together contributed to a diverse and colorful world. | |
金磚國家為世界文明交流提供了最佳實踐。近年來,五國人文交流如火如荼,電影節、運動會、合拍電影和紀錄片等老百姓喜聞樂見的活動逐漸鋪開,正在五國間架起一座堅實的民心之橋。我們應該保持勢頭,再接再厲,不斷拓展人文交流廣度和深度。在這個基礎上,我們要以“金磚+”合作為平臺,加強同不同文明、不同國家的交流對話,讓金磚的朋友圈越來越大,伙伴網越來越廣。 | We the BRICS countries have many best practices to offer when it comes to cultural interactions. Over recent years, we have carried out flourishing cultural exchanges. Film festivals, sports games as well as film and documentary co-production have rolled in to the delight of our people, thus creating a bridge for our people to be brought still closer together. We need to sustain and build up this momentum to take our people-to-people exchanges to greater breadth and depth. On that basis, we can leverage "BRICS Plus" cooperation as a platform to increase dialogue with other countries and civilizations and win BRICS more friends and partners. | |
各位同事! | Dear Colleagues, | |
今年是中華人民共和國成立70周年。70年來,在中國共產黨領導下,中國人民自力更生、艱苦奮斗,在實踐中開辟出中國特色社會主義道路,踏上了中華民族偉大復興的時代征程。 | This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Over the past seven decades, working under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the resilient and assiduous Chinese people have blazed a trail of socialism with Chinese characteristics and embarked on an epic journey toward national rejuvenation. | |
中國將堅持擴大對外開放,增加商品和服務進口,擴大外資市場準入,加強知識產權保護,形成全方位、多層次、寬領域的全面開放新格局。 | Going forward, China will open up still wider. We will import more goods and services, ease market access for foreign investments, and step up intellectual property protection. With these efforts, we will break new ground in pursuing all-dimensional, multi-tiered and all-sectoral opening-up in China. | |
中國將遵循共商共建共享原則,秉持開放綠色廉潔理念,追求高質量、惠民生、可持續目標,與各國一道,推進高質量共建“一帶一路”。 | China will continue to act in the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and pursue open, green, and clean cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. We will continue to follow a high-standard, people-centered, and sustainable approach to promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with partner countries. | |
中國將繼續奉行獨立自主的和平外交政策,始終不渝走和平發展道路,在和平共處五項原則基礎上發展同各國友好合作關系。我們致力于落實中非合作論壇成果,共筑更加緊密的中非命運共同體。我們致力于在政治、經貿、人文、國際和地區事務等領域加強同拉美地區合作,努力構建攜手共進的中拉命運共同體。我們將著眼未來,深化亞太伙伴關系,致力于構建開放包容、創新增長、互聯互通、合作共贏的亞太命運共同體??傊覀冊竿瑖H社會一道努力,朝著構建新型國際關系、構建人類命運共同體的目標不斷邁進! | China will stay committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and to the path of peaceful development. We will continue to enhance friendship and cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. To be more specific, China will deliver the follow-ups to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and work with Africa for an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future; China will pursue closer cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in political, economic, trade, cultural, and regional and international affairs and build a China-LAC community with a shared future and common progress; and China will take a long-term perspective, deepen the Asia-Pacific partnership, and work for an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future of openness and inclusiveness, innovation-driven growth, greater connectivity, and mutually beneficial cooperation. All in all, China will work with the rest of the international community toward the goal of building a new type of international relationship and of building a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
歷史可鑒,未來可期。讓我們在打造第二個“金色十年”征程中,攜手努力、砥礪前行,共同譜寫金磚合作、南南合作、世界各國互利合作的新篇章! | A review of historic achievements gives ample room of expectation for the future. As we enter the second "Golden Decade" of BRICS cooperation, let us work in concert and with continued efforts to write a new chapter in not only BRICS cooperation but also South-South cooperation and the mutually beneficial cooperation of countries around the world. | |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |