十三屆全國人大三次會議24日在人民大會堂舉行視頻記者會,國務委員兼外交部長王毅就中國外交政策和對外關系回答中外記者提問。 | On 24 May 2020, a press conference was held via video link on the margins of the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress, during which State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions from Chinese and foreign media about China's foreign policy and external relations. | |
王毅:各位記者朋友,大家好!今年的記者會是在一個特殊的時間節點召開的,世界各國正在奮力抗擊新冠肺炎疫情。借此機會,我愿首先向全力拯救生命的各國醫護工作者致以崇高敬意,向所有不幸逝去的罹難者表示深切哀悼。同時,我也要向在這場疫情中給予中國理解、關心和幫助的各國政府和人民致以衷心感謝。病毒打不倒人類,人類必將戰勝疫情。至暗時刻終將過去,光明已在前方。下面,我愿回答大家的提問。 | Wang Yi: Friends from the media, good afternoon. This year's press conference is held at a special time as countries around the world are battling COVID-19. I wish to take this opportunity to salute health workers worldwide who are doing their best to save lives and to mourn the lives tragically lost. I'd also like to say thank-you to all the governments and nations who have given understanding, care and assistance to China in its COVID-19 response. The virus cannot defeat humanity; we will eventually prevail. The darkest hour will pass. Looking ahead, we can see light and hope. With these words, I'm happy to open the floor for questions. | |
《人民日報》記者:人們從這場疫情可以得到的最重要啟示是什么? | People's Daily: What's the most important thing people can learn from COVID-19? | |
王毅:這場疫情給我們帶來的最大啟示是:各國人民的生命健康從來沒有像今天這樣休戚與共、緊密相連;我們也從來沒有像今天這樣深刻意識到,各國生活在一個地球村,人類實際上是一個命運共同體。 | Wang Yi: In my view, the most important thing we could learn from COVID-19 is that the life and health of people in different countries have never been so closely connected. Also, it has never been made so clear to us that all nations live in the same global village and that humanity is in fact a community with a shared future. | |
病毒不分國界和種族,對全人類發起挑戰。政治操弄只會給病毒以可乘之機,以鄰為壑只能被病毒各個擊破,無視科學只會讓病毒乘虛而入。因此,習近平主席多次向全球呼吁,病毒是人類共同的敵人,只有團結起來,才能戰而勝之。團結合作是戰勝疫情最有力的武器。 | The virus respects no borders or races. It poses a challenge to all humans without distinction. Political manipulation will give the virus loopholes to exploit; a beggar-thy-neighbor approach will leave each of us more vulnerable; rejection of science will allow the virus to wreak greater havoc. With this in mind, President Xi Jinping has made the case to the world time and again that the virus is the common enemy of mankind, and that the only way to defeat it is to pull together with solidarity and cooperation, which are the most effective weapons against the virus. | |
疫情以生命作為代價告誡我們,各國應超越地域種族、歷史文化乃至社會制度的不同,攜起手來構建人類命運共同體,共同維護好我們人類唯一可以生存的這個星球。而其中一個重要目標,就是加快建設人類衛生健康共同體。中國作為世界上負責任的國家,愿意為此作出自己的貢獻。 | Having claimed so many precious lives, COVID-19 serves as a stark reminder that countries must rise above differences in geography, race, history, culture and social system. We must work together for a community with a shared future and jointly preserve Planet Earth, the only home we have. One important goal in this regard is to speed up efforts to build a global community of health for all. As a responsible country, China will contribute its share to the realization of this goal. | |
中國國際電視臺記者:受疫情和美國大選影響,中美關系日益緊張。您是否擔心中美關系進一步惡化? | China Global Television Network: COVID-19 and the upcoming US presidential election are straining China-US relations. How concerned are you that China's relations with the United States could further deteriorate? | |
王毅:當前,美國已經成為世界上疫情最嚴重的國家,每天都有無辜的生命被病毒奪走。對于美國人民遭受的不幸,我們深表同情,由衷希望和祝愿美國人民能夠盡快戰勝疫情,早日恢復正常生產生活。 | Wang Yi: The US has become the worst affected country; with every day that passes, many innocent lives are taken by the virus. I would like to express deep sympathy for what the American people are going through, and our sincere hope and best wishes that they will defeat the virus and resume normal life and work soon. | |
新冠肺炎疫情是中美兩國的共同敵人。相互支持幫助是兩國人民的共同心愿。疫情之初,美國很多社團、企業和民眾向中國伸出援手。在美國陷入疫情后,中國政府、地方和各界人士也積極回報,向美方捐贈了大量急需的醫療物資。我們還為美方在華采購提供支持和便利,僅口罩一項就向美方出口了120多億只,相當于為每個美國人提供了將近40只口罩。 | COVID-19 is a common enemy for China and the US. Mutual support and assistance are the shared preference of our two peoples. Early on in China's response, many American organizations, companies and citizens extended a helping hand. When the US was hit by the virus, the government, local authorities and people of China reciprocated their kindness, generously donating large quantities of needed supplies. We also supported and facilitated US procurement of medical supplies in China. Take face masks for example. More than 12 billion masks have been exported to the US, which roughly means 40 masks for every American. | |
但令人遺憾的是,除了新冠病毒的肆虐,還有一種“政治病毒”也正在美國擴散。這種“政治病毒”就是利用一切機會對中國進行攻擊抹黑。一些政客無視最基本的事實,針對中國編造了太多的謊言,策劃了太多的陰謀。最近,人們把這些謊言匯編成冊,曬在互聯網上公諸于世。如果再有新的謊言,還會繼續記錄在案。這本謊言錄越長,就越拉低造謠者的道德水平,越在歷史上留下更多的污點。 | It is most regrettable that while the coronavirus is still out there, a "political virus" is also spreading in the US and jumping at any opportunity to attack and slander China. Some politicians ignore the basic facts and make up countless lies and conspiracy theories concerning China. A list of these lies has been compiled and debunked online. New lies will be added to the list. The longer the list, the more it says about how low the rumor-mongers are willing to go and the more stains they will leave in history. | |
我要在此呼吁:不要再浪費寶貴時間,不要再無視鮮活的生命。中美兩國當前最需要做的事情,首先是相互借鑒和分享抗疫經驗,助力兩國各自的抗疫斗爭;第二是順應國際社會期待,共同參與和推動抗疫多邊合作,為全球抗疫發揮積極作用;第三是著眼疫情長期化和防控常態化,及早就如何減少疫情對兩國經濟以及世界經濟的沖擊展開宏觀政策的協調溝通。 | I call on the US side to stop wasting precious time and stop costing people's lives. China and the US need to work together on a number of urgent things. First, we may share our experience and learn from each other's best practices to bolster our respective responses to COVID-19. Second, we must do what the world expects of us, jointly participate in and advance multilateral cooperation against COVID-19 and make active contributions to the global response. Third, while getting prepared for a long fight against COVID-19 and maintaining our ongoing response, we must start to communicate and coordinate our macro-policies to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on our economies and the world economy. | |
對于中美關系的現狀和前景,中方歷來主張,作為世界上最大的發展中國家和最大的發達國家,我們對世界和平與發展都承擔著重大責任,應該本著對人類負責、對歷史負責、對人民負責的態度,認真對待和妥善處理兩國關系。中美合則兩利,斗則俱傷,這是從幾十年經驗教訓中得出的最精辟概括,需要雙方謹記在心。 | As for where we are and where we need to be in China-US relations, our position is consistent. As the largest developing country and the largest developed country, China and the US shoulder great responsibilities for global peace and development. It is imperative for us to seriously and properly handle our relations out of a strong sense of responsibility to humanity, to history and to our peoples. Both China and the US stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation: this best captures what we have learned, positive and otherwise, from the past decades. Both sides should take this lesson to heart. | |
中美社會制度不同,但這是兩國人民各自作出的選擇,應當彼此予以尊重。中美之間確實存在不少分歧,但這并不意味著沒有合作空間。當今世界上幾乎所有全球性挑戰,都有待中美兩個大國協調應對。 | China and the US have different social systems, but this is the result of the different choices made by our people, which we must respect. It's also true that we have many disagreements, but that doesn't preclude cooperation. When you think about the challenges facing today's world, almost all of them require coordination between China and the US. | |
中方始終愿本著不沖突不對抗、相互尊重、合作共贏精神,與美方共同建設一個協調、合作、穩定的中美關系。同時,我們也必須維護中國的主權和領土完整,維護自身的正當發展權利,維護中國人民歷經磨難贏得的地位和尊嚴。中國無意改變美國,更不想取代美國;美國也不可能一廂情愿改變中國,更不可能阻擋14億中國人民邁向現代化的歷史進程。 | China remains prepared to work with the US in the spirit of no conflict or confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation and build a relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability. At the same time, China will defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, its legitimate right to development, and its dignity and place in the world which the Chinese people have worked so hard to earn. China has no intention to change, still less replace, the US. It's time for the US to give up its wishful thinking of changing China or stopping 1.4 billion people's historic march toward modernization. | |
現在要警惕的是,美國一些政治勢力正在綁架中美關系,試圖將中美關系推向所謂“新冷戰”。這種危險的做法是在開歷史倒車,不僅會葬送兩國人民多年積累的合作成果,也將損害美國自身的未來發展,危及世界的穩定與繁榮。兩國各界有識之士都應當站出來予以制止。 | It has come to our attention that some political forces in the US are taking China-US relations hostage and pushing our two countries to the brink of a "new Cold War". This dangerous attempt to turn back the wheel of history will undo the fruits of decades-long China-US cooperation, dampen America's own development prospects, and put world stability and prosperity in jeopardy. People with wisdom and foresight on both sides must step forward to stop it. | |
還是那句話,為了中美兩國人民的根本和長遠利益,為了人類的未來與福祉,中美雙方應當,也必須找到一條不同社會制度、不同文化背景國家在這個星球上和平共存、互利共贏的相處之道。 | In short, for the fundamental and long-term interests of the Chinese and American people and the well-being and future of humanity, China and the US should and must find a way of peaceful co-existence and mutually beneficial cooperation, demonstrating that this is possible between two countries with different systems and cultures. | |
新華社記者:疫情使世界回不到過去,中方如何看待后疫情世界和全球化未來? | Xinhua News Agency: The world may never be the same again after COVID-19. How does China view the post-COVID-19 world and the future of globalization? | |
王毅:世界當然回不到過去,因為歷史在向前邁進。縱觀世界發展史,人類正是在與大災大難的一次次抗爭中得到發展和進步的。中方認為,只要各國作出正確選擇,堅持正確方向,我們這個世界就一定能夠在戰勝疫情后迎來更光明的未來。 | Wang Yi: The world will certainly not be the same again; history always moves forward. Throughout world history, humanity has progressed by wrestling with one disaster after another. In China's view, if countries make the right choice and stay on the right path, the world will triumph over the virus and embrace a brighter future. | |
首先,全球化需要更加包容和普惠的發展。全球化是推動世界發展的必然趨勢,也是促進人類進步的強大潮流。經濟全球化猶如百川匯成的大海,不可能再退縮為相互隔絕的湖泊。拒絕全球化、重拾保護主義,注定沒有前途。 | First, globalization needs to be more inclusive and beneficial to all. Globalization represents an inevitable trend in the development of the world and a strong tide driving human progress. It has turned the global economy into an ocean, to which every river flows. It's simply not possible to channel the water in the ocean back into isolated lakes. Likewise, attempts to reject globalization and fall back on protectionism will have no future. | |
我們在堅持資源全球合理配置、確保最佳成本效益的同時,也要更加注意緩解全球化引發的貧富差距擴大、地區發展不平衡等弊端。全球化存在的問題只能在全球化的發展中加以解決。這就需要我們積極引導全球化的走向。習近平主席在2017年達沃斯演講中就全面闡述了中方對經濟全球化的看法,提出應當推動經濟全球化朝更加開放、包容、普惠、平衡、共贏的方向發展。今天我們重溫這一論斷,更加深感其中蘊含的豐富內涵和巨大力量。 | Even as we continue to maximize cost efficiency through optimizing global allocation of resources, we must pay more attention to addressing the issues that have accompanied globalization, such as the widening wealth gap and regional imbalances. The solution lies in the further advancement of globalization. This requires us to steer globalization in the right direction. In early 2017, President Xi Jinping gave a speech in Davos in which he comprehensively laid out China's views on economic globalization and called for making it more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all. Three years on, his words are more relevant and inspiring than ever. | |
第二,多邊主義需要更加堅定地維護弘揚。這次疫情用事實證明,不管多么強大的國家,都不可能獨善其身。隔岸觀火最終會殃及自身,落井下石到頭來將信譽掃地。唯我獨尊、推卸責任,不僅解決不了自己面臨的問題,還會損害其他國家的正當權益。面對越來越頻繁的全球性挑戰,國際社會唯有奉行多邊主義,才能形成合力;只有團結一致,才能共克時艱。 | Second, multilateralism must be safeguarded and promoted even more firmly. COVID-19 drives home once again that no country, no matter how strong it is, can insulate itself from a global challenge. When a disaster wreaks havoc, watching from an apparently safe distance and sitting idle will eventually backfire. Pointing fingers at others will only end up damaging one's own reputation. Self-conceit and blame-shifting, instead of helping any country solve its problems, will only hurt other countries' legitimate rights and interests. In the face of mounting global challenges, only multilateralism can bring the world together. And only solidarity can see us through the current difficulties. | |
第三,全球治理需要更加精準地改革完善。這次疫情暴露出各國公共衛生體系的不足、全球產業鏈供應鏈的脆弱以及全球治理能力和治理體系的短板。改革和完善全球治理是國際社會的當務之急。為此,我們必須更充分地發揮聯合國的核心作用以及世界衛生組織和各專門機構的應有職責;更有針對性地加強各國宏觀政策協調以及治理能力的建設;更堅定地遵循國際法和國際關系基本準則。 | Third, global governance needs to be reformed and improved where it is most lacking. COVID-19 has exposed weaknesses in national public health systems, the fragility of the global industrial and supply chains, and deficiencies in our global governance capacity and system. It calls for urgent improvement and reform of global governance. The United Nations must play a central role; WHO and other UN specialized agencies must be able to perform their mandates without hindrance. All countries must intensify macro-policy coordination where appropriate and strengthen governance capacity. And we must redouble our commitment to international law and the basic norms of international relations. | |
世界回不到過去,中國同樣也不會停下前進的腳步。經此一役,中國的社會制度和治理能力經受住了全面檢驗,國家綜合實力得到了充分彰顯,大國擔當作為發揮了應有作用。疫情過后,中國經濟必將更加堅韌有力,中華兒女必將更加團結一心,中國人民必將更加堅定地走中國特色社會主義道路,中華民族實現偉大復興的歷史進程必將更加勢不可擋。 | The world will never be the same again, and China will never stop moving forward. COVID-19 has been an all-round test on China's social system and governance capacity. China has stood the test, displayed its composite national strength and shown itself to be a responsible major country. After COVID-19, our economy will emerge stronger and more resilient, our people more united and confident in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and our nation more unstoppable in its march toward rejuvenation. | |
今日俄羅斯國際通訊社記者:您如何評價疫情發生以來的中俄關系?是否同意有人認為中俄將聯手挑戰美國的領先地位? | RIA Novosti: How do you assess China-Russia relations in the context of COVID-19? Do you agree with some people's characterization that China and Russia may join force to challenge US predominance? | |
王毅:中方對俄羅斯疫情高度關注,已經并將繼續為俄方抗疫提供一切可能的支援。我相信,在普京總統領導下,堅韌不拔的俄羅斯人民一定能夠戰勝疫情,偉大的俄羅斯民族也一定能在疫情后煥發新的活力。 | Wang Yi: While closely following the COVID-19 response in Russia, we have done and will continue to do everything we can to support it. I believe under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, the indomitable Russian people will defeat the virus and the great Russian nation will emerge from the challenge with renewed vigor and vitality. | |
疫情發生以來,習近平主席同普京總統多次通話,在主要大國中保持了最緊密的高層溝通。俄羅斯是第一個派遣防疫專家代表團來華的國家,中國是向俄羅斯提供抗疫物資支持最有力的國家。雙邊貿易逆勢增長,中方自俄進口增速在中國主要貿易伙伴中排名第一。面對個別國家的無理攻擊與抹黑,雙方相互支持,彼此仗義執言,成為“政治病毒”攻不破的堡壘,體現了中俄高水平的戰略協作。 | Since the start of COVID-19, President Xi Jinping and President Putin have had several phone calls and kept the closest contact between two world leaders. Russia is the first country to have sent medical experts to China, and China has provided the most anti-epidemic assistance to Russia. Two-way trade has gone up despite COVID-19. Chinese imports from Russia have grown faster than imports from China's other major trading partners. The two countries have supported and defended each other against slanders and attacks coming from certain countries. Together, China and Russia have forged an impregnable fortress against the "political virus" and demonstrated the strength of China-Russia strategic coordination. | |
我毫不懷疑,中俄共同抗疫的經歷,將轉化為疫情后中俄關系提速升級的動力。中方愿同俄方攜手化危為機,穩定能源等傳統領域合作,辦好“中俄科技創新年”,加快開拓電子商務、生物醫藥、云經濟等新興領域,為疫情后兩國經濟復蘇打造新的增長點。中方也愿同俄方以紀念聯合國成立75周年為契機,堅定維護二戰勝利成果,堅定捍衛聯合國憲章和國際關系基本準則,堅決反對任何單邊霸凌行徑,不斷加強在聯合國、上合、金磚、二十國集團等國際機制中的協調合作,共同迎接百年變局的新一輪演變。 | I have no doubt that the two countries' joint response to the virus will give a strong boost to China-Russia relations after COVID-19. China is working with Russia to turn the crisis into an opportunity. We will do so by maintaining stable cooperation in energy and other traditional fields, holding a China-Russia year of scientific and technological innovation, and accelerating collaboration in e-commerce, bio-medicine and the cloud economy to make them new engines of growth in our post-COVID-19 economic recovery. China and Russia will also enhance strategic coordination. By marking the 75th anniversary of the UN, we stand ready to firmly protect our victory in WWII, uphold the UN Charter and basic norms of international relations, and oppose any form of unilateralism and bullying. We will enhance cooperation and coordination in the UN, SCO, BRICS and G20 to prepare ourselves for a new round of the once-in-a-century change shaping today's world. | |
只要中俄肩并肩站在一起,背靠背密切協作,世界和平穩定就會有堅實保障,國際公平正義就能得到切實維護。 | I believe that with China and Russia standing shoulder-to-shoulder and working back-to-back, the world will be a safer and more stable place where justice and fairness are truly upheld. | |
《中國日報》記者:中國向很多國家提供抗疫支持和幫助,但也有對此質疑聲音。您對此怎么看? | China Daily: China is providing support and assistance to many countries to help them fight COVID-19. But there is some skepticism about this. What's your comment? | |
王毅:在中國抗擊疫情的艱難時刻,我們得到了國際社會的幫助和支持。對此,我們銘記在心,深表感謝。在其他國家受到疫情沖擊時,中國人民也感同身受,及時伸出援手。 | Wang Yi: At the height of China's battle with COVID-19, we received assistance and support from across the world. This is something we will always cherish and be grateful for. Likewise, when other countries are struck by the virus, the Chinese people feel for their pain and readily extend a helping hand. | |
為踐行習近平主席倡導的人類命運共同體理念,這幾個月,我們發起了新中國歷史上規模最大的一次全球緊急人道行動。迄今為止我們已經向將近150個國家和4個國際組織提供了緊急援助,以解各方的燃眉之急;為170多個國家舉辦了衛生專家專題視頻會議,毫無保留地分享成熟的診療經驗和防控方案;向24個有緊急需求的國家派遣了26支醫療專家組,面對面地開展交流和指導。我們還在保證質量的前提下,開足馬力為全球生產緊缺的醫療物資和設備,僅口罩和防護服就分別向世界出口了568億只和2.5億件。 | To put into action President Xi Jinping's vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, we have in the last few months launched the largest global humanitarian operation in the history of the People's Republic. To date, we have shipped medical supplies to nearly 150 countries and four international organizations to meet their immediate needs. We have held video conferences with health experts from over 170 countries to share our proven protocols of diagnosis, treatment and control without any reservation. We have sent 26 expert teams to 24 countries to provide timely information and in-person guidance. Our factories have operated at full capacity to make high-quality medical supplies and equipment that are badly needed around the world, exporting 56.8 billion surgical masks and 250 million protective gowns, among other provisions. | |
中國之所以這么做,首先因為中華民族是一個崇尚感恩的民族,我們愿意投桃報李,回報各國人民對中國人民的情誼。同時,中國也是一個愿意助人的國家,每當朋友陷入困境時,我們從來都不會袖手旁觀。當年非洲遭到埃博拉疫情襲擊,中國在不少國家紛紛撤出疫區之時,第一時間派出醫療隊逆行馳援非洲,第一時間向非洲送去最急需的物資,并且同非洲兄弟并肩戰斗到最后。 | China has done all this because, first and foremost, we Chinese are a grateful nation. We are always ready to reciprocate acts of friendship and kindness from others. Moreover, China is always willing and ready to help others. When our friends are in distress, we never sit by and do nothing. A case in point is our assistance to Africa during the Ebola epidemic. While some countries evacuated their personnel from the affected areas, China rushed to Africa's aid despite risks of infection, sending in medical teams and badly needed supplies and fighting alongside our African brothers and sisters until victory was declared. | |
我們知道,中國的援助不可能完全滿足各國目前的需求,我們也了解一些政治勢力對中國的意圖編造出各種負面解讀。但我們光明磊落,坦然處之。因為,中國所做的事情,從來不謀求任何地緣政治目標,從來沒有任何經濟利益的盤算,也從來沒有附加任何政治條件。 | We know that the COVID-19 assistance from China may not cover the needs of all affected countries. We are also aware that some political forces are mischaracterizing our intention. But we have done everything in the open and we have a clear conscience. Nothing we do is out of geopolitical calculation, or in pursuit of economic gains, or with any political strings attached. | |
我們的初衷只有一個,就是盡可能多地挽救無辜的生命;我們的信念始終如一,就是一個國家控制住疫情并不是疫情的終結,各國共同戰勝了疫情才是真正的勝利。 | In providing assistance, we have but one goal, that is to save as many lives as possible. We have but one belief, that is one country's success does not mean the end of the global pandemic. Only when the virus is defeated in all countries can we claim a true victory. | |
目前疫情仍在各國肆虐,中國不是救世主,但我們愿做及時雨,是在朋友危難時同舟共濟的真誠伙伴。我們愿意繼續向有需要的國家提供力所能及的幫助,深入開展國際抗疫合作,共同迎接這場人類抗疫斗爭的最終勝利。 | The coronavirus is still raging in many places. China is not a savior. But we try to be a friend in need, a sincere partner you can count on in times of difficulty. We will continue to help the countries in distress to the best of our ability, pursue more international cooperation and fight alongside others until final, worldwide victory can be declared against COVID-19. | |
路透社記者:中國決定推進涉港國家安全立法可能導致美方報復。中方是否擔心香港作為全球金融中心的地位會因此受到損害? | Reuters: China's decision to press ahead with the national security legislation for Hong Kong may provoke threats of retaliation from the US. Is China concerned that Hong Kong's position as a global financial hub could be undermined? | |
王毅:第一,香港事務是中國內政,不容任何外來干涉。不干涉內政是國際關系基本準則,各國都應予以遵守。 | Wang Yi: First of all, Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs and allow no external interference. Non-interference, as a basic norm of international relations, must be observed by all countries. | |
第二,維護國家安全歷來是中央事權,在任何國家都是如此。中央通過基本法第23條授權香港特別行政區自行立法,履行其憲制責任,但這并不影響中央根據實際情況和需要繼續建構維護國家安全的法律制度和執行機制。中央政府對所有地方行政區域的國家安全負有最大和最終責任,這是基本的國家主權理論和原則,也是世界各國的通例。 | Second, the Central Government is responsible for upholding national security in China, as is the case in any other country. Through Article 23 of the Basic Law, the Central Government authorizes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) to fulfill its constitutional duty by enacting laws on its own. The authorization, however, does not prevent the Central Government from developing a legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security in light of the actual situation and needs. The Central Government holds the primary and ultimate responsibility for national security in all sub-national administrative regions. This is the basic theory and principle underpinning national sovereignty and a common practice in countries around the globe. | |
第三,去年6月修例風波以來,“港獨”組織和本土激進分離勢力日益猖獗,暴力恐怖活動不斷升級,外部勢力深度非法干預香港事務,這些都對中國的國家安全造成了嚴重危害,也對香港保持繁榮穩定、推進“一國兩制”構成了巨大威脅。建立健全香港特別行政區維護國家安全的法律制度和執行機制刻不容緩,勢在必行。 | Third, since the turbulence over proposed legislative amendments last June, we have seen increasingly rampant activities by "Hong Kong independence" organizations and radical localists in Hong Kong, escalating violence and terrorist activities as well as excessive, unlawful foreign meddling in Hong Kong affairs. All this has placed national security in serious jeopardy and posed a grave threat to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability and the practice of "one country, two systems". Under such circumstances, establishing a legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR has become a pressing priority. We must get it done without the slightest delay. | |
第四,全國人大這一決定,針對的是極少數嚴重危害國家安全的行為,不影響香港的高度自治,不影響香港居民的權利和自由,不影響外國投資者在香港的正當權益。大家對香港的未來,應更加充滿信心,而不必過于擔心。決定通過之后將啟動立法程序,這將使香港有更加完備的法律體系、更加穩定的社會秩序、更加良好的法治和營商環境,有利于維護“一國兩制”的基本方針,有利于維護香港的金融、貿易和航運中心地位。相信所有希望香港長治久安、“一國兩制”行穩致遠的各界朋友都會對此予以理解和支持。 | Fourth, the NPC decision targets a very narrow category of acts that seriously jeopardize national security and has no impact on Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents or the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors in Hong Kong. Instead of becoming unnecessarily worried, people should have more confidence in Hong Kong's future. A legislative process will be set in motion following the adoption of the NPC decision. This will improve Hong Kong's legal system and bring more stability, stronger rule of law and a better business environment to Hong Kong. It will protect the basic principle of "one country, two systems" and Hong Kong's position as a global financial, trading and shipping center. I trust that it will receive understanding and support from all those who wish to see a stable Hong Kong and the sound and sustained implementation of "one country, two systems". | |
鳳凰衛視記者:中方是否同意就病毒源頭開展國際獨立調查? | Phoenix Television: Would China agree to an independent international investigation into the source of the virus? | |
王毅:在病毒源頭問題上,中方與美國一些政客之間的分歧,是真相與謊言的距離,是科學與偏見的對比。 | Wang Yi: Regarding the source of the virus, the difference between China and some US politicians is as wide as that between facts and lies, between science and prejudice. | |
病毒溯源是一個嚴肅復雜的科學問題。應當由科學家和醫學專家研究探索。然而,美國內一些政治人物卻迫不及待地把病毒標簽化、把溯源政治化、對中國污名化。他們高估了自己的造謠能力,低估了世人的判斷能力。歷史應該由事實和真相來書寫,而不應被謊言誤導污染。我們應秉持良知和理智,為這次全球疫情敘事留下客觀真實的人類集體記憶。 | Source tracing is a serious and complex issue of science. It should be studied by scientists and medical experts. However, some American politicians have rushed to attach a geographical label to the virus, politicize its source and stigmatize China. They have both overestimated their own ability to spread disinformation and underestimated others' ability to tell right from wrong. History should be written with facts, not tainted by lies. The global narrative about COVID-19 should reflect reason and conscience. Humanity has an obligation to leave behind an objective and truthful account as part of its collective memory. | |
中方對國際科學界開展病毒溯源科研合作持開放態度,這一進程應堅持專業性、公正性和建設性: | China is open to joint efforts by the international science community to identify the source of the virus. Importantly, it must be a professional, impartial and constructive process. | |
專業性是指溯源應以科學為依據,由世衛組織主導,讓科學家和醫學專家在全球范圍內進行考察研究。目的是增進對此類病毒的科學認知,以便今后更好地應對重大傳染性疾病。 | "Professional" means being based on science and led by WHO, and letting scientists and medical experts conduct field missions and research worldwide. The goal is to help us better understand this kind of virus and deal more effectively with major infectious diseases in the future. | |
公正性是指溯源要排除各種政治干擾,尊重各國主權平等,反對任何“有罪推定”。考察應覆蓋所有與疫情密切關聯的國家,堅持公開透明和客觀理性。 | "Impartial" means being free from political interference, respecting the sovereign equality of nations and avoiding a presumption of guilt. All countries closely related to the virus should be covered by the field missions. The whole process should be open, transparent, objective and rational. | |
建設性是指溯源不應影響拯救生命的當務之急,不應損害各國之間的抗疫合作,不應削弱世衛組織的應有作用。而應有利于增強聯合國各系統履職功能和各國團結協作,有利于完善全球公共衛生體系和治理能力。 | "Constructive" means not hampering the work of saving lives, which clearly must be our top priority at the moment, not jeopardizing international cooperation against COVID-19, and not undermining the statutory role of WHO. Instead, we should bolster the ability of the UN system to perform its mandate, strengthen international solidarity and cooperation, and improve the system and capacity for global governance in the area of public health. | |
埃菲社記者:歐洲對華有兩種聲音,甚至有人將中國視為系統性對手。中方對此有何評論? | Agencia EFE: There are two voices among the European countries when it comes to China, with some even thinking that China is Europe's systemic rival. What's your comment? | |
王毅:中歐關系歷經國際風云變幻,總體保持合作的主基調,展現出強大的生命力。一路走來,雙方積累的最重要經驗是,我們完全可以通過平等對話來增進信任,完全可以通過建設性溝通來處理分歧。中歐之間并不存在根本利害沖突,開展互利合作的空間越來越廣,支持多邊主義的共識越來越多。從人類發展進程的寬廣角度看,中歐不應是制度性競爭對手,而應是全方位戰略伙伴。中歐之間的交往應當是相互成就的正循環,而不是你輸我贏的淘汰賽。 | Wang Yi: Despite all the changes going on in the world, the relationship between China and the EU continues to be defined by cooperation and demonstrate great potential. The most important thing we have learned from the past 45 years is this: China and the EU are fully capable of building trust through equal-footed dialogue and resolving differences through constructive communication. Between China and the EU, there is no fundamental conflict of interests, but ever greater room for mutually beneficial cooperation and extensive consensus on supporting multilateralism. For the advancement of human progress, China and the EU must remain each other's comprehensive strategic partners and not become systemic rivals. Our interaction should be a positive cycle that enables our mutual success, not a knock-out match which results in only one winner. | |
正如一句歐洲諺語所說,真朋友永不言棄。疫情發生后,中歐雙方堅定支持彼此抗疫努力,涌現出許多感人的友好事例。面對這場空前危機,中歐之間應該超越意識形態的差異,擺脫自我實現的猜忌,發出團結一致、攜手抗疫的共同聲音。 | As a European proverb goes, "True friends never give up on each other." In the wake of COVID-19, China and the EU have given each other strong support, illustrated by many touching stories. COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis. It requires China and the EU to rise above ideological differences, dispel self-fulfilling suspicions and send a common message of solidarity and cooperation. | |
中歐今年原定的重大外交議程受到疫情一定影響。雙方正就盡快舉辦第二十二次中國-歐盟領導人會晤保持溝通,并積極探索適時召開中國-歐盟峰會,雙方還將爭取年內完成中歐投資協定談判,拓展在互聯互通、生態環保、數字經濟、人工智能等新領域的互利合作,以中歐建交45周年為契機,推動雙方關系更加穩健成熟,實現提質升級。 | COVID-19 has affected the important diplomatic agenda between China and the EU set for this year, but only to some extent. The two sides are having discussions on holding the 22nd China-EU Summit as early as possible, and actively exploring the possibility of holding a special China-EU summit when appropriate. We are working to wrap up negotiations on the China-EU investment agreement within the year, and expand mutually beneficial cooperation in new areas such as connectivity, the environment, the digital economy and artificial intelligence. The 45th anniversary of China-EU relations affords the two sides an opportunity to build a more stable, mature, productive and substantive relationship. | |
《環球時報》記者:中方打算如何應對美國出現的就疫情針對中國索賠的訴訟? | Global Times: How will China respond to the lawsuits filed in the US that ask for compensation from China as a result of COVID-19? | |
王毅:針對中國的這些“濫訴”,無事實基礎、無法律依據、無國際先例,是徹頭徹尾的“三無產品”。 | Wang Yi: The attempt to file frivolous lawsuits is a shoddy one, as it has zero basis in fact, law or international precedence. | |
在這場突如其來的疫情中,中國同其他國家一樣,也是受害者。面對未知的新型病毒,中國以對人民生命健康和全球公共衛生事業高度負責的態度,最早向世衛組織報告疫情并及時與有關國家和地區分享信息,最早確定病毒基因序列并向各方提供,最早向世界公布診療和防控方案。面對嚴峻的防控形勢,我們以壯士斷腕的決心,在最短時間里切斷了病毒的傳播途徑,有效阻止了疫情的快速蔓延,為此付出了巨大代價,承擔了重大犧牲。中國的抗疫行動對全世界公開,時間經緯清清楚楚,事實數據一目了然,經得起時間與歷史的檢驗。 | COVID-19 has caught the whole world by surprise. China, like other countries, is a victim. Confronted by an unknown virus, we have acted responsibly to protect people's life and health and safeguard global public health. China was the first country to report cases to WHO and promptly share information with relevant countries and regions, the first to sequence the genome of the virus and share it with the world, and the first to publish guidelines for treatment and containment. Once we sensed the severity of the situation, we made a tough decision that cut off the route of transmission in the shortest possible time and stopped the fast-spreading virus in its tracks. All this was achieved at an enormous cost and with huge sacrifice. China's record of COVID-19 response is there for the world to see, with a clear timeline and solid facts that will stand the test of time and history. | |
對受害者鼓噪所謂“追責索賠”,為濫訴者偽造各種所謂“證據”,是對國際法治的踐踏,也是對人類良知的背棄,于實不符、于理不通、于法不容。今天的中國已不是百年前的中國,今天的世界也不是百年前的世界,如果想借濫訴侵犯中國的主權和尊嚴,敲詐中國人民的辛勤勞動成果,恐怕是白日做夢,必將自取其辱。 | Some people are clamoring for so-called "accountability and compensation" from a victim of COVID-19 and they are fabricating so-called "evidence" for frivolous lawsuits. These people are trampling on international rule of law and betraying human conscience. Their action does not square with facts, stand up to reason or have any legal foundation. Today's China is not what it used to be a hundred years ago, nor is the world anything like the one a century ago. If anybody thought they could use some ludicrous lawsuits to undermine China's sovereignty and dignity or deprive the Chinese people of their hard-won gains, they'd be daydreaming and bring disgrace to themselves. | |
共同社記者:中方如何看待中日韓關系發展? | Kyodo News: How does China see the future relations between China, Japan and the ROK? | |
王毅:中日韓三國是一衣帶水的友好近鄰。新冠肺炎疫情發生以來,中日韓三國團結協作,先后舉行了特別外長會和衛生部長會,就疫情信息、防控措施、出入境人員管理等保持密切協同,形成防控合力,有效遏制了病毒在地區的擴散。三國民眾守望相助,譜寫了“山川異域,風月同天”、“道不遠人,人無異國”的時代新篇。可以說,中日韓三國聯合抗疫,為全球抗疫樹立了樣板,為國際社會增添了信心。 | Wang Yi: China, Japan and the ROK are friendly neighbors separated only by a strip of water. The three countries have worked closely in responding to COVID-19. A special foreign ministers' video conference has taken place, followed by another one held by our health ministers. We are sharing information and coordinating containment measures and entry and exit management, which has proven effective in stemming the spread of COVID-19 in our region. The people of our three countries went to each other's aid and left many touching stories that give true meaning to the verses "Though we live in different lands, the same moon and sky make us one" and "United by the same humanity, we forget our nationality". The three countries' joint response to COVID-19 is providing an example and inspiration for the world. | |
下一步,在繼續嚴格防控疫情的同時,盡快恢復經濟發展是我們面臨的共同課題。作為全球主要經濟體,中日韓三國GDP占全球總量五分之一以上。三國率先控制疫情,率先推動復工復產,將為促進地區經濟復蘇提供重要動力,也將為維護全球經濟穩定發揮積極作用。 | While we stay vigilant, our immediate and shared priority must shift to restoring economic growth. As the world's leading economies, China, Japan and the ROK account for more than one-fifth of global GDP. We were among the first to bring COVID-19 under control and resume work and production. These efforts will contribute to a regional economic recovery and to the stability of the global economy. | |
首先要嚴防疫情反彈,鞏固抗疫成果。面對疫情防控常態化,我們要繼續分享信息和經驗,完善聯防聯控安排。加強藥物和疫苗研發合作,建立地區應急聯絡機制和醫療物資儲備中心,充分發揮互聯網、大數據等信息技術作用,不斷提高公共衛生治理水平和應急響應能力。 | First, we will forestall any resurgence of infections to consolidate the gains. Faced with ongoing risks from COVID-19, China, Japan and the ROK need to continue to share information and experience and coordinate our collective response. We are intensifying joint efforts on vaccine and drug research and development. We need to set up a regional emergency liaison mechanism and reserve of essential medical supplies. We need to also leverage the Internet, big data and other information technologies to upgrade the region's public health governance and emergency response capacity. | |
二是要推動復工復產合作,穩定產業鏈供應鏈。在做好防控前提下,中國愿與韓國以及更多國家開設便利人員往來的“快捷通道”和促進貨物流通的“綠色通道”,在可能的條件下加快恢復務實合作,暢通各自和地區的經濟循環。 | Second, we will coordinate the resumption of work and production and stabilize our industrial and supply chains. While never lowering its guard, China is prepared to open "fast tracks" for the movement of people and "green corridors" for the flow of goods with the ROK and other countries so that we can restore as much practical cooperation as possible and revitalize our respective and regional economic activities. | |
三是要著眼“后疫情時代”,提高區域經濟合作水平。要堅持多邊主義和自由貿易,減免關稅、取消壁壘、相互開放市場。在健康醫療、智能制造、5G等領域加強合作,打造新的經濟增長點。加快中日韓自貿談判,力爭年內簽署區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定,深化經濟融合。發揮各種地區多邊機制的作用,防范金融風險,增強經濟韌性。 | Third, we will aim for a higher standard of regional economic cooperation in the post-COVID-19 era. Our three countries need to stay committed to multilateralism and free trade. We need to cut tariffs, remove barriers and open up markets to each other. More collaboration will be pursued on health and medical care, smart manufacturing and 5G to turn them into new engines of economic growth. We will speed up trilateral free trade negotiations and work toward signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement within the year to strengthen regional economic linkages. We will fully leverage regional mechanisms to forestall financial risks and make our economies more resilient. | |
總之,中方愿與包括日韓在內的各國加強合作,爭取早日徹底戰勝疫情,重振東亞經濟活力,為促進地區和世界發展貢獻更多的東方智慧和力量。 | All in all, China is prepared to work with Japan, the ROK and other countries to completely defeat COVID-19 as soon as possible, restore economic vitality in East Asia, and promote development in our region and the world with Oriental wisdom and strength. | |
中央廣播電視總臺央視記者:中國外交如何適應疫情防控常態化?今年中國外交的重點是什么? | China Central Television: How will China's diplomacy adapt to the new normal of COVID-19 response? Is there anything in particular to watch for on this year's diplomatic agenda? | |
王毅:疫情為各國交往按下了“暫停鍵”,但中國外交并沒有止步,而是逆勢前行,開啟了以電話、書信、視頻為主渠道的“云外交”模式。 | Wang Yi: COVID-19 may have pressed the "pause" button on the interactions between countries, but China's diplomacy has not paused for a moment. China has engaged in what we call "cloud diplomacy" in the form of phone calls, correspondence and video conferences. | |
疫情發生以來,習近平主席親力親為,以元首外交統領抗疫外交,以領袖擔當推動國際合作。截至目前,習近平主席已經同近50位外國領導人及國際組織負責人通話或見面,出席二十國集團領導人應對新冠肺炎特別峰會,在世衛大會開幕式致辭,向全球表明中國支持團結抗疫的鮮明立場。李克強總理同多國領導人通話并出席東盟與中日韓(10+3)抗擊新冠肺炎疫情領導人特別會議。我本人也同各國外長通了100多次電話,我們還舉行了中國-東盟特別外長會、瀾湄國家外長會、中日韓、金磚、上合國家的視頻外長會。 | President Xi Jinping has personally led China's diplomatic efforts throughout this period. He has engaged with many world leaders and advanced international cooperation as a global statesman. To date, he has had phone calls or meetings with nearly 50 foreign leaders and heads of international organizations. He has attended the Extraordinary G20 Leaders' Summit and spoken at the opening of the World Health Assembly. In all his diplomatic engagements, he underscored China's unequivocal commitment to global solidarity and cooperation against COVID-19. Premier Li Keqiang has also spoken with foreign leaders by phone and attended a Special ASEAN Plus Three Summit on COVID-19. I myself have had over 100 phone calls with foreign counterparts. China has held special foreign ministers' meetings with ASEAN members, Lancang-Mekong countries, Japan and the ROK, BRICS countries, and SCO members. | |
2020年是中華民族偉大復興進程中非常不平凡的一年。中國外交將在疫情防控常態化形勢下整裝再出發,聚焦五大任務,打造新亮點: | This year is of special significance in China's national rejuvenation. China's diplomatic service will adapt to the new normal of COVID-19 response, focus on five priorities and create new highlights: | |
一是全力服務國內發展。我們將統籌國內國際兩個大局,充分運用各種外交資源,服務國家重大發展戰略。著眼“后疫情時代”,維護全球產業鏈供應鏈穩定,促進貿易投資自由化便利化,應對世界經濟下行壓力。 | First, we will make every effort to facilitate domestic development. Taking into account both domestic and international dynamics, we will leverage all the diplomatic resources at our disposal to support key national development strategies. We will work to keep the global production and supply chains stable after COVID-19, promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, and offset downward risks to the world economy. | |
二是堅決維護國家利益。我們將以更堅定的意志、更有力的舉措,堅決捍衛國家的主權、安全和發展利益,堅決防范遏制外部勢力干涉中國內部事務的圖謀。 | Second, we will firmly defend national interests. We will show more resolve and take more effective steps to safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests, and forestall and foil all external attempts to interfere in China's internal affairs. | |
三是不斷深化伙伴關系。推動與大國關系穩中有進,深化同周邊國家利益交融,厚植與發展中國家團結友誼。 | Third, we will build stronger partnerships. We will seek steady progress in our relations with other major countries, expand the convergence of interests with our neighbors, and reinforce solidarity and friendship with fellow developing countries. | |
四是堅定捍衛多邊主義。特別是促進全球公共衛生治理,支持世衛組織在全球抗疫合作中發揮應有作用,打造人類衛生健康共同體。 | Fourth, we will firmly uphold multilateralism. We will focus on enhancing global public health governance, support WHO in playing its due role in the global COVID-19 response, and garner efforts to build a global community of health for all. | |
五是積極擴大國際合作。與更多國家建立聯防聯控機制,加強防控疫情國際合作,推進“一帶一路”衛生合作,共建“健康絲綢之路”,為筑牢全球抗疫防線貢獻力量。 | Fifth, we will actively expand international cooperation. We propose to set up joint COVID-19 response mechanisms with more countries for more effective cooperation against the virus. We will also push forward health cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen global preparedness against epidemics. | |
埃及中東通訊社記者:中方如何幫助非洲抗擊疫情? | Middle East News Agency: How will China help African countries to fight against COVID-19? | |
王毅:非洲是中國同呼吸、共命運的好兄弟。中非人民在民族解放斗爭中并肩戰斗,在共同發展道路上攜手同行,在前幾年抗擊埃博拉疫情的合作中命運與共。我完全贊同非盟委員會主席所說:“中非是朋友,更是戰友,沒有任何事情能夠改變或損害中非友好關系。” | Wang Yi: China and Africa are good brothers who have shared weal and woe together. Our people, having fought shoulder-to-shoulder for national liberation, are partners for common development. A few years back, we were together fighting Ebola. I fully agree with the AU Commission Chairperson in saying that "Africa and China are friends and, more importantly, comrades-in-arms. Nothing can change or damage this friendship". | |
在新冠肺炎疫情面前,中非繼續患難與共、同心協力。五十多位非洲領導人或致電或發表聲明,向中國送來慰問和支援。中方向非洲五個次區域及周邊國家派遣抗疫醫療專家組。遍布非洲45個國家的中國醫療隊積極行動,為當地民眾提供醫療保障,迄今已開展抗疫培訓近400場,為當地數萬名醫護人員提供了指導。我們還像對待家人一樣,照顧非洲在華僑民的安全。非洲在湖北和武漢的3000多名留學生除1人感染并被很快治愈外,其他人都安然無恙。 | In the battle against COVID-19, China and Africa have again stood by each other. Over 50 African leaders have expressed solidarity and support in phone calls or public statements. China has subsequently sent medical expert teams to Africa's five sub-regions and surrounding countries. Resident Chinese medical teams based in 45 African countries have acted swiftly to assist in the local response. They have held nearly 400 training sessions for tens of thousands of African medical workers. We also look after the African community in China just like we take care of our own families. All of the over 3,000 African students in Hubei and Wuhan have been safe and sound, except for just one who got infected but was soon cured. | |
今年是中非合作論壇成立20周年。中非關系經歷風雨,歷久彌新。我們將繼續幫助非洲抗擊疫情,把抗疫物資援助盡量向非洲等發展中國家傾斜,并考慮向非洲派遣新一批醫療專家組。我們還將繼續落實中非合作論壇北京峰會制定的健康衛生行動,加快推進非洲疾控中心建設,提升非洲各國的公共衛生能力。此外,我們還將繼續致力于幫助非洲增強自主發展能力,妥善安排當前中非重大合作項目,支持受到疫情影響的非洲國家盡早復工復產,維護非洲經濟發展勢頭。我們還將積極推動落實二十國集團“緩債倡議”,減輕非洲國家債務負擔,并將考慮通過雙邊渠道為特別困難的非洲國家提供進一步的支持,幫助非洲兄弟姐妹渡過難關。 | This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). China's relations with Africa have stood the test of time and continue to flourish. We will continue to stand by Africa as it fights the virus. We will send anti-epidemic assistance to African and other developing countries as a matter of priority. We are considering sending more medical expert teams to the continent. China will continue to deliver on the health initiative announced at the FOCAC Beijing Summit. We will accelerate construction of the Africa CDC headquarters, and help boost public health capacity in African nations. In addition, China will continue to work with Africa on development capacity-building. We will work out ways to move ahead with major ongoing cooperation projects and support African countries in reopening businesses soon to sustain Africa's economic momentum. We will work with other G20 members to implement the debt service suspension initiative to ease Africa's debt burden. We are also considering further bilateral support for African countries under the greatest strain to help our African brothers and sisters through this difficult time. | |
“兄弟同心,其利斷金”。我們相信,在中非雙方以及國際社會共同努力下,非洲這片年輕的大陸一定能在戰勝疫情后實現更好和更快的發展。 | To quote a Chinese saying, "When brothers are of the same mind, they have the power to cut through metal." We are convinced that with help from China and the rest of the global community, the youthful continent of Africa will achieve greater and faster development after defeating COVID-19. | |
中央廣播電視總臺央廣記者:中國外交如何為打贏脫貧攻堅戰和全面建成小康社會發揮作用? | China National Radio: How can China's diplomatic service contribute to winning the battle against extreme poverty and achieving moderate prosperity? | |
王毅:全面小康是百年目標,脫貧攻堅是千年夢想。這兩大歷史任務是2020年舉國奮斗的坐標,也是外交戰線全體同志的責任與擔當。 | Wang Yi: Achieving moderate prosperity in all respects is a centenary goal of China, and eliminating extreme poverty has been our nation's dream for thousands of years. The entire Chinese nation are working doubly hard to accomplish these two historic goals this year. All members of China's diplomatic service are duty bound to contribute their share. | |
完成兩大任務,主要靠我們自己,同時也需要良好的國際環境。當前最突出的外部挑戰,就是疫情仍在全球肆虐,我國發展面臨極為復雜的外部挑戰。外交服務發展必須適應新形勢,解決新問題,創造性地開展工作,要最大限度降低國際疫情對人民生命健康和經濟社會發展的沖擊,在與世界各國并肩抗疫的進程中不斷開創新的發展機遇。要在繼續做好防范疫情輸入的同時,逐步為恢復國與國之間的正常交往營造更有利條件。要采取有力舉措加強國際間互利合作,為中國和世界的共同發展繁榮作出新的貢獻。 | While the completion of these two tasks mainly depends on China's own efforts, securing an enabling international environment is also important. Right now, the COVID-19 pandemic presents the greatest external complication and challenge to China's development. To better facilitate domestic development, we in the diplomatic service must adapt to the new realities and think out of the box to solve new problems. We will strive to minimize the pandemic's impact on our people's life and health and on China's economic and social development. We will look out for new opportunities of development from fighting COVID-19 with the rest of the world. While staying vigilant against imported cases, we will phase in more enabling conditions for resuming normal state-to-state interactions. We will take strong steps to advance international cooperation for shared benefit, and make new contributions to the development and prosperity of China and the rest of the world. | |
實現全面小康與脫貧攻堅的目標,外交部也承擔著具體任務。28年來,外交部堅持定點扶貧云南省金平、麻栗坡兩個國家級貧困縣,不久前這兩個縣已正式摘帽。我們將一如既往,履行好幫扶責任,鞏固好脫貧成果,同時繼續向世界講好中國扶貧開發故事,推動開展國際減貧交流與合作,為中國的脫貧攻堅爭取更多國際理解支持,也為實現全球2030年可持續發展議程作出中國貢獻。 | The Foreign Ministry has taken on specific responsibilities in the national drive for moderate prosperity and poverty eradication. For the past 28 years, the Ministry has been paired with Jinping and Malipo, two poverty-stricken counties in Yunnan Province designated by the central government, to help them escape poverty. I'm happy to report that the two counties have recently got rid of extreme poverty. My Ministry will see the job through and help the two counties consolidate their gains. At the same time, we will continue to share China's success story of eliminating poverty through development, and promote international exchange and cooperation on poverty reduction. We will work to gain more understanding and support for China's battle against poverty, and contribute to the global attainment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. | |
美國有線電視新聞網記者:中美雙方的“口水戰”愈演愈烈,所謂“戰狼外交”會是中國外交的未來嗎? | Cable News Network: We've seen an increasingly heated "war of words" between China and the US. Is "wolf warrior" diplomacy the new norm of China's diplomacy? | |
王毅:我尊重你提問題的權利,但你提問題的角度值得商榷。凡事都應有一個是非判斷,人無是非,難以立信;國無是非,難以立世。 | Wang Yi: I respect your right to ask the question, but I'm afraid you're not framing the question in the right way. One has to have a sense of right and wrong. Without it, a person cannot be trusted, and a country cannot hold its own in the family of nations. | |
對于中國外交,外界有著各種各樣的解讀和評論,但作為外長,我要正式和負責任地告訴你,中國始終奉行的是獨立自主的和平外交政策。不論國際風云如何變幻,我們都將高舉和平、發展、合作、共贏的旗幟,恪守維護世界和平、促進共同發展的宗旨,同各國開展友好合作,把為人類作出新的更大貢獻作為我們的使命。 | There may be all kinds of interpretations and commentary about Chinese diplomacy. As China's Foreign Minister, let me state for the record that China always follows an independent foreign policy of peace. No matter how the international situation may change, we will always stand for peace, development and mutually beneficial cooperation, stay committed to upholding world peace and promoting common development, and seek friendship and cooperation with all countries. We see it as our mission to make new and greater contributions to humanity. | |
中國的外交政策,建立在五千年優秀文明的傳統之上。中國自古就是公認的禮義之邦,中國人愛好和平、崇尚和諧,以誠待人,以信為本。我們從來不會主動欺凌別人,但同時,中國人是有原則、有骨氣的。對于蓄意的中傷,我們一定會作出有力回擊,堅決捍衛國家的榮譽和民族尊嚴。對于無端的抹黑,我們一定會擺明事實真相,堅決維護公平正義和人類良知。 | China's foreign policy tradition is rooted in its 5,000-year civilization. Since ancient times, China has been widely recognized as a nation of moderation. We Chinese value peace, harmony, sincerity and integrity. We never pick a fight or bully others, but we have principles and guts. We will push back against any deliberate insult to resolutely defend our national honor and dignity. And we will refute all groundless slander with facts to resolutely uphold fairness, justice and human conscience. | |
中國外交的未來,致力于與各國共同構建人類命運共同體。既然各國同在一個地球村,就應該和平共處,平等相待;就應該有事一起商量,而不是一兩個國家說了算。為此,中國一貫主張世界要走向多極化,國際關系要實現民主化。這一主張與人類文明進步的方向完全一致,與絕大多數國家的愿望完全一致。不管中國發展到什么程度,我們都不會在國際上稱王稱霸,都將始終站在世界各國的共同利益一邊,站在歷史發展潮流的正確一邊。那些總想給中國扣上霸權帽子的人,恰恰是自己抱著霸權不放的人。 | The future of China's diplomacy is premised on our commitment to working with all countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Since we live in the same global village, countries should get along peacefully and treat each other as equals. Decisions on global affairs should be made through consultation, not because one or two countries say so. That's why China advocates for a multi-polar world and greater democracy in international relations. This position is fully aligned with the direction of human progress and the shared aspiration of most countries. No matter what stage of development it reaches, China will never seek hegemony. We will always stand with the common interests of all countries. And we will always stand on the right side of history. Those who go out of their way to label China as a hegemon are precisely the ones who refuse to let go of their hegemonic status. | |
當今世界,正在經歷前所未有的百年變局,充滿各種亂象和動蕩。面對越來越多的全球性挑戰,我們希望各國能夠本著人類命運共同體的理念,相互之間多一些支持、少一點指責;多一些合作,少一點對抗,大家真正攜起手來,共同為世界開辟更加美好的未來。 | The world is undergoing changes of a kind unseen in a century and full of instability and turbulence. Confronted by a growing set of global challenges, we hope all countries will realize that humanity is a community with a shared future. We must render each other more support and cooperation, and there should be less finger-pointing and confrontation. We call on all nations to come together and build a better world for all. | |
中國國際廣播電臺記者:中方如何評價世衛組織作用?有何改革建議? | China Radio International: How does China see the role of WHO? What's China's view of WHO reform? | |
王毅:世衛組織是聯合國專門機構,在協調全球公共衛生事業方面發揮著核心作用。譚德塞先生是高票當選的總干事,得到國際社會的充分信任。尤其是他來自非洲大陸,代表著發展中國家在國際組織中的地位正在不斷提升。 | Wang Yi: WHO is a specialized UN agency with a central role in coordinating global public health matters. Dr. Tedros was elected as Director General with an overwhelming majority. He has the full confidence of the international community. The election of an African is a sign of the rising status of developing countries in international organizations. | |
在剛剛舉行的世界衛生大會上,習近平主席在開幕式致辭中積極評價了世衛組織為全球抗疫作出的重要貢獻,與會各國也都表達了對世衛組織的堅定支持。公道自在人心,世衛組織的國際地位和歷史評價,不會因為個別國家的好惡而改變。給世衛組織潑臟水的人只會弄臟他們自己。 | At the opening of the just concluded 73rd World Health Assembly, President Xi Jinping made a statement in which he applauded WHO's vital contributions to global COVID-19 response. His firm support for WHO was echoed by many countries. As for WHO's international standing and its place in history, I'm sure clear-eyed people the world over will reach a fair conclusion, one that will not be altered just because some country doesn't like it. Those who throw mud at WHO will only leave a stain on themselves. | |
疫情暴發以來,世衛組織在譚德塞總干事帶領下,在每一個關鍵時間節點,都本著科學態度,及時提出了專業建議,很好地履行了應盡的職責。事實證明,重視并遵循世衛組織建議開展抗疫工作的國家,疫情就會得到較為有效的管控。忽視和排斥世衛組織建議的國家,則為此付出了沉重代價。 | Since the start of the outbreak, WHO, under the leadership of Dr. Tedros, has followed science and given timely and professional advice at every turn. It has done a good job and performed its mandate. What we're seeing is this: those countries that heeded and followed WHO advice are more successful in bringing the virus under control, while those that ignored or rejected its advice are paying a heavy price. | |
我還想強調的是,世衛組織是194個主權國家組成的國際機構,不可能只為某一個國家服務,更不應是哪個國家出的錢多,就屈從于哪個國家的意志。疫情當前,任何對世衛組織的打壓甚至訛詐,都缺乏最起碼的人道精神,都不會被國際社會所接受。 | Let me also stress this: WHO is an international body made up of 194 sovereign states. It does not serve any particular country, and it should not defer to any country that provides more funding than others. In the face of COVID-19, those attempts to attack or blackmail WHO are lacking in basic humanity and will be rejected by the international community. | |
生命至上,救人第一。支持世衛組織,就是支持拯救生命,這是任何有良知的國家都應做出的選擇。 | Nothing is more precious than people's lives; nothing is more important than saving lives. To support WHO is to support saving lives. I believe all countries with decency will choose to do so. | |
至于世衛組織的改革問題。實際上每次重大疫情之后,世衛組織都會做出全面總結評估。但方向應當是繼續堅持而不是放棄多邊主義,支持而不是削弱世衛組織。第73屆世衛大會決議已就此做出明確闡述。我們認為重點可從三個方面入手:一是從制度、規則層面更好地排除政治因素干擾,尊重科學和專業意見,摒棄政治化和污名化的做法。二是賦予世衛組織更充足的資源,提升其應對全球公共衛生危機的能力。三是秉持人類衛生健康共同體理念,加大對發展中國家公共衛生事業的支持與投入。 | As for WHO reform, actually the Organization would undertake a comprehensive review and evaluation in the wake of every major epidemic. But the purpose of such review is to uphold rather than undermine multilateralism and to support rather than undercut WHO. The 73rd World Health Assembly has passed a resolution that makes this point very clear. From China's perspective, WHO reform should have three priorities: First, to improve mechanisms and rules so as to remove the interference of political factors, value science and professional views, and preclude politicization and stigmatization. Second, to equip WHO with more resources and enable it to better tackle global public health crises. Third, to act on the vision of a global community of health for all and scale up support and input to developing countries to bolster their health sector. | |
哈薩克斯坦通訊社記者:中方將如何恢復受疫情影響的“一帶一路”合作? | Kazinform: What steps will China take to revive cooperation with Belt and Road partner countries from the impact of COVID-19? | |
王毅:疫情對“一帶一路”合作確實造成了一些影響,但都是暫時的,也是局部的。從整體和長遠看,經過疫情的考驗,共建“一帶一路”的基礎將更加牢固,動力將更加充沛,前景將更加廣闊。 | Wang Yi: COVID-19 has affected Belt and Road cooperation to some extent, but the impact is temporary and limited. From an overall and long-term perspective, COVID-19 will only strengthen and re-energize Belt and Road cooperation and open up new possibilities. | |
“一帶一路”的基礎來自于為各國人民帶來的切身利益。合作啟動7年來,中國同138個國家簽署了“一帶一路”合作文件,共同展開了2000多個項目,解決了成千上萬人的就業。此次疫情期間,“一帶一路”的許多基礎設施和民生項目都為抗疫發揮了重要作用。比如中巴經濟走廊能源項目堅持運行,為巴基斯坦提供了三分之一的電力。在本地區大面積斷航停航情況下,中歐班列1-4月開行數和發貨量同比上升24%和27%,累計運送近8000噸抗疫物資,成為歐亞大陸之間名副其實的“生命之路”。 | Belt and Road cooperation is built on its real benefits to the people in partner countries. Over the past seven years, China has signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with 138 countries. More than 2,000 projects have been launched and tens of thousands of jobs created in the partner countries. Many of the infrastructure and livelihood projects have played a vital role in COVID-19 response. For example, energy projects along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor have kept running and provided one third of the country's electricity. While most of the air freight services have been suspended or canceled, the China-Europe Railway Express has seen its services and cargo volume increase by 24 percent and 27 percent between January and April. Delivering nearly 8,000 tons of anti-epidemic supplies in total, the railway has truly served as a lifeline for freight transportation between Asia and Europe. | |
“一帶一路”的動力來自于各國共同發展的堅定決心。合作啟動7年來,中國與沿線國家貨物貿易累計總額超過了7.8萬億美元,對沿線國家直接投資超過了1100億美元。盡管遭到疫情沖擊,今年第一季度中國對共建“一帶一路”國家投資逆勢增長11.7%,貿易額增長3.2%。中老鐵路、匈塞鐵路、柬埔寨雙燃料電廠、埃及新行政首都CBD項目穩步推進,一大批暫時停工的項目最近也開始復工復產,這些都將為各國戰勝疫情、恢復經濟提供強大助力。 | Belt and Road cooperation is driven by a strong and shared commitment to common development. Over the past seven years, China's trade in goods with Belt and Road partner countries has exceeded 7.8 trillion dollars, and direct Chinese investment in the partner countries has topped 110 billion dollars. Despite the impact of COVID-19, Chinese investment in Belt and Road partner countries increased by 11.7 percent in the first quarter and trade with them was up by 3.2 percent. Steady progress is being made in the China-Laos railway, the Budapest-Belgrade railway, the dual-fuel power plant in Cambodia, and the CBD project in the new administrative capital of Egypt. Construction has resumed for a number of projects suspended due to COVID-19. All this will generate strong impetus for the host countries' efforts to beat the virus and revitalize the economy. | |
“一帶一路”的前景來自于不斷開辟新的合作領域。疫情之后,各國發展經濟、保障民生的愿望將更加強烈,公共衛生領域的合作需求也會大幅上升。中方將與沿線國家一道,大力推進“健康絲綢之路”建設,適時舉辦“一帶一路”視頻高級別會議,更好維護各國人民的健康與安全。著力推動“數字絲綢之路”建設,為各國經濟發展創造更多新增長點,為全球經濟復蘇提供更多新動力源。 | The future of the Belt and Road Initiative lies in expanding the cooperation to new areas. Emerging from COVID-19, countries will have a stronger need to grow the economy and improve lives as well as a surging demand for public health cooperation. China will work with the partner countries to advance health cooperation along the Belt and Road and convene a high-level video conference to better protect people's health and safety in the partner countries. China will also advance the Digital Belt and Road to create new engines of growth for the partner countries and new impetus for global recovery. | |
總之,中國與各國攜手推進“一帶一路”的信心不減,決心未變,我們將繼續秉持共商共建共享原則,堅持開放、綠色、廉潔理念,努力實現高標準、惠民生、可持續目標,將“一帶一路”打造成一條發展之路、合作之路、健康之路。 | In sum, China is as confident and determined as ever to promote Belt and Road cooperation. We will continue to follow the principle of consultation and cooperation for shared benefits, and support open, green and clean development. By aiming for high-standard, people-centered and sustainable progress, we will make the Belt and Road a model of development, cooperation and health for all involved. | |
深圳衛視記者:中方對推動與東盟關系發展有何規劃? | Shenzhen Satellite TV: What are China's plans for growing its relations with ASEAN? | |
王毅:回顧中國與東盟關系的歷史,無論亞洲金融危機,還是國際金融危機,每一次危機都讓中國東盟關系更加緊密、中國東盟合作更加強勁。這充分說明了中國與東盟非同尋常的友好感情和深厚互信。我記得2003年SARS疫情發生后,第一個多邊國際會議就是中國和東盟舉行的。這次新冠肺炎疫情也一樣。2月20日,在中國-東盟抗擊疫情特別外長會上,外長們手拉手、肩并肩,一起高喊“武漢加油!中國加油!東盟加油!”這一畫面至今感動和鼓舞著中國與東盟各國的民眾。 | Wang Yi: If you look at the course of China-ASEAN relations over the years, you can see that, from the Asian financial crisis to the global financial crisis, each crisis has led to closer ties and stronger cooperation between the two sides. This is a testament to the extraordinary friendship and profound trust between us. I remember that during the SARS outbreak in 2003, the first multilateral conference was held between China and ASEAN countries. It is also the case this time with COVID-19. On 20 February, I joined my ASEAN colleagues for a special foreign ministers' meeting on COVID-19. We held hands, stood shoulder-to-shoulder and chanted "Stay strong, Wuhan! Stay strong, China! Stay strong, ASEAN!" To this day, that heart-warming moment still inspires the people in China and ASEAN. | |
在雙方的共同努力下,中國東盟合作在疫情重壓下逆勢增長。今年第一季度,中國和東盟的貨物貿易總額增長6.1%,突破1400億美元,東盟首次成為中國最大貿易伙伴。這是我們在共同挑戰面前為彼此發展前景投出的“信心票”。正如一些東盟國家外長們所說,那些無法將我們打倒的事物只會讓我們變得更加強大,經歷風雨之后我們會更有力量。 | Thanks to joint efforts, China-ASEAN cooperation continued to grow despite COVID-19. In the first quarter of this year, our trade in goods grew 6.1 percent to exceed 140 billion dollars, making ASEAN China's biggest trading partner. This is a vote of confidence in each other's development prospects even though we are confronted by a common challenge. Some ASEAN foreign ministers put it very well, "That which does not kill us can only make us stronger" and "We are stronger in the broken places". | |
風雨過后必是彩虹。中國將始終把東盟作為周邊外交優先方向,支持東盟在東亞區域合作中的中心地位,與東盟國家秉持“互信、互諒、互利、互助”的精神,推動雙方關系百尺竿頭,更進一步。我們將加快復工復產合作,彌補疫情造成的損失。我們將加強“一帶一路”倡議與東盟發展規劃對接,拓展智慧城市、人工智能、電子商務等新興領域合作。我們將維護多邊貿易體制,共同推動年內簽署區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定,提高經濟一體化水平。我們將推動建立地區公共衛生應急聯絡機制和防疫物資儲備中心,提高公共衛生合作水平和應對危機能力。我們將發揮好中國-東盟菁英獎學金等旗艦項目作用,促進人文交流。我們將加強藍色經濟和生態環保合作,推動可持續發展,造福地區人民。 | Indeed, just as rainbow appears after a storm, after COVID-19, China will continue to view ASEAN as a high priority in its neighborhood diplomacy and support ASEAN centrality in East Asian cooperation. We will work with ASEAN countries in the spirit of mutual trust, mutual accommodation, mutual benefit and mutual assistance to take our relationship to the next level. We will accelerate cooperation to resume economic activities and make up for the losses caused by the virus. We will seek stronger complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and ASEAN development plans and expand cooperation in emerging sectors such as smart cities, artificial intelligence and e-commerce. We will uphold the multilateral trading regime and work together for the signing of the RCEP agreement within this year to build a more integrated regional economy. We propose a regional liaison mechanism for public health emergencies and reserve centers for epidemic control provision, which may help us enhance public health cooperation and crisis response capacity. We will make the most of the China-ASEAN Young Leaders Scholarship and other flagship programs to promote people-to-people exchanges. We will also step up cooperation on the blue economy and ecological and environmental protection to drive sustainable development and benefit people in our region. | |
明年是中國-東盟建立對話關系30周年,是雙方關系發展史上又一重要里程碑。我們相信,進入而立之年的中國-東盟關系將更加成熟自信,雙方建設更為緊密命運共同體的步伐將更加穩健有力。 | Next year will mark the 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, another milestone for both sides. We are convinced that with the maturity and confidence this relationship has gained in the past three decades, China and ASEAN will take more solid steps forward in forging a closer community with a shared future. | |
韓聯社記者:中方認為朝鮮半島局勢以及朝美對話應朝何方向發展? | Yonhap News Agency: In what direction does China think the situation on the Korean Peninsula and dialogue between the DPRK and the US should be going? | |
王毅:朝美之間保持溝通與對話是化解雙方矛盾分歧、推動解決半島問題的重要前提。還是那句話,談總比不談好。中方樂見朝美領導人保持互動,希望朝美早日恢復有益的對話接觸。但同時,增進朝美互信、打破半島僵局更需要實實在在的行動。也就是說,真正解決半島問題,既要“坐而論道”,更要“起而行之”。 | Wang Yi: Continued communication and dialogue between the DPRK and the US is important for resolving their differences and a key stepping stone to settling issues on the Korean Peninsula. As China has often counseled, having a dialogue is better than having nothing at all. We would like to see continuous interaction between DPRK and US leaders. We hope that the two sides will resume meaningful dialogue and engagement as soon as possible. That said, building mutual trust and breaking the impasse on the Peninsula would require more concrete steps. To achieve a genuine settlement, they need to not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk. | |
我們看到,過去幾年朝方在緩解緊張局勢和無核化方面采取了不少積極舉措,但遺憾的是并沒有得到美方的實質回應,這是導致朝美對話陷入停滯的重要原因。目前,圍繞半島核問題的不確定因素有所積累。中國與俄羅斯早已在安理會共同提出了政治解決半島問題決議草案,并已多次建議安理會啟動對朝制裁決議可逆條款的討論,幫助緩解朝方的經濟民生困難,為半島問題的政治解決營造條件。希望包括美方在內的各方予以認真考慮,不要再耗費來之不易的對話成果。半島核問題解決思路已經明確,那就是堅持無核化與和平機制“雙軌并進”,盡快制定“分階段、同步走”路線圖,不要再流失解決問題的難得機遇。 | We have seen some positive steps taken by the DPRK in the last few years toward de-escalation and denuclearization. Regrettably, these steps have not been reciprocated in a substantive way by the US side. This is the main reason for the ongoing stalemate in DPRK-US dialogue. More uncertainties have built up surrounding the nuclear issue on the Peninsula. China and Russia have long introduced a draft resolution at the UN Security Council for a political settlement of Korean Peninsula issues, and repeatedly called on the Council to discuss rolling back sanctions as stipulated in relevant resolutions. This would help ease economic and livelihood hardships in the DPRK and create conditions for the political settlement of the Peninsula issues. We call on the US and other parties to take this proposal into serious consideration and stop squandering the hard-won outcomes of previous dialogue. The general outline of settling the nuclear issue is clear. The parties must follow a dual-track approach of pursuing both denuclearization and a peace mechanism, and work out a road map for phased and synchronized actions. The rare opportunity for solving the issue should not be missed again. | |
澎湃新聞記者:中方是否擔心涉臺問題將對中美關系產生進一步負面影響? | The Paper: Is China concerned that Taiwan-related issues may add further strain to China-US relations? | |
王毅:2300萬臺灣民眾是我們的骨肉同胞,我們始終關心臺灣島內的疫情變化,牽掛臺灣同胞的健康安全。疫情發生以來,我們精心照顧在大陸的臺胞,也悉心扶助身在海外的臺胞。對于臺灣同胞未來的防疫需求,我們會繼續全力以赴。 | Wang Yi: The 23 million people in Taiwan are our fellow compatriots. We have closely followed the COVID-19 developments in Taiwan, and we send our best wishes for the health of our Taiwan compatriots. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 situation, we have taken good care of our Taiwan compatriots on the Chinese mainland and given whatever help we can to those staying abroad. We will continue to do our utmost to meet Taiwan compatriots' needs in fighting COVID-19. | |
基于一個中國原則,中國政府與世衛組織已就中國臺灣地區參與全球衛生事務做出了妥善安排。臺灣地區與世衛組織及其成員分享抗疫信息、開展專家合作交流的渠道是完全暢通的,從來不存在什么技術障礙和防疫缺口。臺灣當局罔顧民生福祉,不承認兩岸同屬一個中國的“九二共識”,自行關閉了兩岸協商處理涉外問題的大門。 | The Chinese government and WHO have, in keeping with the one-China principle, made proper arrangements for Taiwan to participate in global health affairs as a region of China. The Taiwan region has unimpeded access to information and expert-level exchange and cooperation with WHO and its member states. There has never been any technical barrier, nor is Taiwan a loophole in the global fight against coronavirus. It's the Taiwan authorities who have turned a blind eye to their people's well-being. Turning its back on the 1992 Consensus that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China, they have shut the door to cross-Strait consultation on Taiwan's external activities. | |
臺灣問題是中國的內政,一個中國原則是國際社會的普遍共識,也是中國與所有建交國雙邊關系的政治基礎。我們堅決反對以防疫合作為幌子與臺灣當局開展官方往來,堅決反對違背一中原則為臺灣謀求所謂國際空間,堅決反對外部勢力對“臺獨”分子“借疫謀獨”予以鼓勵和縱容。 | The Taiwan question is China's internal affair. The one-China principle is an international consensus and the political foundation of China's diplomatic relations with other countries. We firmly oppose official interactions with the Taiwan authorities disguised as health cooperation. We firmly oppose Taiwan's pursuit of so-called "international space" in violation of the one-China principle. We firmly oppose any external support and encouragement to those elements who take advantage of COVID-19 to seek "Taiwan independence". | |
兩岸實現統一是歷史必然趨勢,任何人任何勢力都不可能阻擋。我們敦促美方充分認清臺灣問題的高度敏感性,恪守一個中國原則和中美三個聯合公報;奉勸美方丟掉不切實際的幻想,放下國內政治的算計;正告美方不要試圖挑戰中國的底線,不要誤判14億中國人民捍衛國家統一的堅定決心。 | Reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is the trend of history. No individual or force can stop it from happening. We urge the US side to fully appreciate the great sensitivity of the Taiwan question and abide by the one-China principle and the three Sino-US communiqués. We advise the US side to ditch its illusions and political calculations. We remind the US side not to make any attempt to challenge China's red line or misjudge 1.4 billion people's strong resolve to defend national unification. | |
新加坡《海峽時報》記者:有人認為中國借疫情加大在南海活動,你對此有何評價?是否會影響“南海行為準則”磋商? | The Straits Times: Some say that China is taking advantage of COVID-19 to increase activities in the South China Sea? What's your view? Will this affect the talks on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC)? | |
王毅:認為中國利用疫情在南海擴大存在的說法完全是無稽之談。最近一段時間,中國正在集中精力同東盟國家開展抗疫合作,雙方相互支持,相互幫助,彼此的互信得到進一步增強。一艘艘船只、一架架飛機裝載著抗疫物資在南海往來穿梭,南海正在成為中國與東盟國家攜手抗疫的互助之海、合作之海。反倒是少數域外國家還在向南海增派軍機軍艦炫耀武力,頻頻挑撥中國和東盟國家關系,處心積慮破壞南海得來不易的穩定局面,這樣的行為居心不良,令人不齒。 | Wang Yi: There is nothing to support the claim that China is using COVID-19 to expand its presence in the South China Sea. On the contrary, China has worked with ASEAN countries in recent months to beat the virus. We have assisted and supported each other, which has helped to strengthen mutual trust. Even as we speak, ships and planes carrying critical supplies are sailing in and flying over the South China Sea, a body of water that's witnessing mutual assistance and cooperation between China and ASEAN. In sharp contrast to this, a few non-regional countries are flexing their muscles by sending military aircraft and vessels to the South China Sea. Their ill-intentioned and despicable moves are meant to sow discord between China and ASEAN countries and undermine the hard-won stability in the region. | |
最近這幾年,在中國與東盟國家共同努力下,南海局勢不斷趨穩向好。中國與東盟各國在海上搜救、海洋環保、海洋科考等領域的合作取得了很多積極進展,“南海行為準則”磋商也在快速有序推進,目前已進入案文第二輪審讀階段。中國與東盟國家已就早日達成“準則”形成明確共識,我們實現這一目標的信心和決心是堅定的,不會受到外界的任何干擾破壞。中方將繼續同東盟各國加強協作,盡早重啟因疫情而暫停的“準則”磋商,并且積極探討新的海上合作方式,切實維護好南海地區的和平穩定與發展繁榮。 | In recent years, the situation in the South China Sea has stabilized due to the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries. A lot of progress has been made in our cooperation on maritime search and rescue as well as marine conservation and research. The COC consultations are proceeding smoothly and speedily, with the second reading of the text already begun. China and ASEAN countries have agreed to conclude the COC at an early date, a goal we are confident and determined to achieve. No external interference can distract or sabotage our efforts. COVID-19 has put the consultations on a break, but China is coordinating closely with ASEAN countries to pick up where we left off as soon as possible. We will also explore new ways of maritime cooperation to safeguard peace and stability and promote development and prosperity in the South China Sea region. | |
中新社記者:你能否談談外交部和駐外使領館為解決海外中國同胞遇到困難所做工作? | China News Service: Can you share more about how the Chinese Foreign Ministry and its missions abroad have helped overseas Chinese nationals who have encountered difficulties in their host countries? | |
王毅:疫情發生以來,海外中國公民一直是祖國母親心頭的牽掛。習近平總書記多次強調,要切實保護好海外中國公民的安全和健康。外交部和駐外使領館緊急行動起來,全球動員,全力以赴,把黨和國家的關心愛護傳遞給每一位海外中國公民,在全球范圍內開展了一場前所未有的領保專項行動。 | Wang Yi: Since the onset of COVID-19, the well-being of overseas Chinese nationals has been close to the heart of the motherland. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed on more than one occasion the need to ensure their safety and health. Acting on this, the Foreign Ministry and Chinese diplomatic and consular missions all over the world swiftly mobilized resources and conveyed to every Chinese national abroad the care and solicitude of the CPC and the government. An unprecedented operation was launched to provide consular protection to Chinese nationals wherever they are in the world. | |
我們同遍布各國的中國公民取得聯系,為他們排憂解難。安排國內知名專家視頻連線,向留學生傳授防護知識。協調20多支醫療專家組趕赴各國,為海外公民和廣大僑胞提供指導。聯系當地及國內遠程診療渠道,為大家在海外防疫做好服務支持。我們尤其關注每一位海外學子的安危,想方設法把100多萬份充滿愛心的“健康包”一一送到有需要的學子手中。 | We reached out to fellow Chinese all around the world to help address their difficulties. We invited leading Chinese experts to share COVID-19 prevention tips with overseas students via video link. We coordinated with other agencies to send over 20 medical expert teams to as many countries to provide guidance for Chinese citizens. We helped Chinese nationals get in touch with local health providers and with experts in China, the latter via telemedicine platforms. We paid particular attention to the well-being of Chinese students and, by one way or another, managed to deliver over one million health kits, which are symbols of the motherland's care, to those who need them. | |
外交部12308領保熱線24小時運轉,僅3至4月就接聽電話20多萬通,平均每天3600余通。我們對每通來電都高度重視,做到件件有記錄,事事有處理,努力暢通海外中國公民求助的綠色通道。 | The Foreign Ministry's consular hotline 12308, which runs 24/7, handled over 200,000 calls in March and April alone, which means more than 3,600 calls per day. We take every call seriously and make sure that the caller's concerns are noted down and addressed in each case. In this way, we keep the channels open for every overseas Chinese in need of help. | |
我們在疫情之初派包機接回受困海外的中國公民。海外疫情嚴重后,又安排臨時航班有序接回確有困難的各地同胞。 | Shortly after COVID-19 started, we chartered planes to bring back citizens stranded abroad. As infections spiked in some countries, we arranged ad hoc flights for Chinese nationals who had an urgent need to return. | |
外交為民是我們始終不渝的宗旨。在這幾個月的特殊時間里,每一位駐外使節,每一位使領館工作人員,都以高度的責任感,堅守在自己的工作崗位,不畏感染風險,甘愿犧牲奉獻。海外同胞雖然身在異鄉,但祖國永遠在你們身后,駐外使領館時刻與你們同在。 | Serving the people is the abiding mission of Chinese diplomats. The past few months have been an extraordinary time for us. Our entire diplomatic service, from heads of mission to everyone else in our embassies and consulates, have acted with a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to their job. They have braved the risk of infection and readily made sacrifices. Finally, a word to our fellow Chinese abroad: Whatever happens, the motherland is always behind you, and Chinese diplomatic and consular missions will always be there for you. | |
巴基斯坦通訊社記者:你如何看待當前的阿富汗局勢? | Associated Press of Pakistan: What do you view the current situation in Afghanistan? | |
王毅:阿富汗素稱是亞洲的心臟,對地區和平穩定具有重要影響。當前阿富汗局勢快速演變,前所未有地接近實現和平,但前進的道路并不平坦,需要完成五項緊迫任務: | Wang Yi: Afghanistan, long regarded as "the heart of Asia", has a significant impact on regional peace and stability. The fast-moving events in recent months have taken the country closer to peace than ever. But the road ahead is far from smooth. As we see it, five things cry out to be done: | |
一是鞏固政府團結。我們歡迎加尼總統和阿卜杜拉博士就組成聯合政府達成協議,期待盡早實現正常運轉。二是搭建和談架構。我們呼吁阿各派立即停火,早日就內部談判安排達成一致,以便就國家未來架構進行商討。三是妥善有序撤軍。美軍應以負責任方式撤離,避免損及阿富汗及地區國家利益。四是打擊恐怖主義。各方應繼續著力反恐,避免各種恐怖勢力卷土重來。五是爭取外部支持。繼續改善阿富汗和巴基斯坦等國家的關系,爭取國際社會對阿富汗和平和解進程更多支持配合。 | First, consolidating government unity. We welcome President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah's agreement to form a unity government, and look forward to its normal functioning as early as possible. Second, establishing the framework for talks. We call on all factions to immediately cease hostilities and reach an early agreement on the arrangements for intra-Afghan talks on the country's future political architecture. Third, withdrawing foreign troops in an appropriate and orderly manner. The US troop withdrawal must proceed in a responsible way without undermining the interests of Afghanistan or other countries in the region. Fourth, combating terrorism. All parties need to stay focused on this to prevent a regrouping of terrorist forces. Fifth, securing external support. Afghanistan's relations with Pakistan and other countries need to be further improved. More needs to be done to mobilize greater international support and collaboration for the peace and reconciliation process. | |
我們認為在此過程中,還應堅持三條原則: | In China's view, the process must be guided by three principles: | |
首先要堅持阿人主導,讓阿富汗人民自主決定國家的未來,完全掌握民族的命運。其次,堅持和平優先,各方都應避免使用武力來推進實現自己的利益訴求。第三,堅持廣泛包容,未來的阿富汗應更加包容、更加團結、更有力量。 | First, it should be Afghan-led. It must be left to the people of Afghanistan to decide their country's future and grasp the nation's destiny in their hands. Second, it should prioritize peace. No party may resort to the use of force to advance their interests. Third, the process should be broadly representative and inclusive to set the stage for a more inclusive, united and energetic Afghanistan. | |
阿富汗人民有權利擺脫戰爭的陰霾,追求幸福的生活。作為友鄰和兄弟,中國人民一直與阿富汗人民堅定地站在一起。中方將繼續為促進阿人內部談判、恢復和平穩定、推進經濟重建、參與區域合作發揮積極建設性作用。 | The Afghan people are entitled to a better life free from the shadow of war. As close neighbors and brothers, the Chinese people have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them. Going forward, China will continue to play an active and constructive role in promoting intra-Afghan talks, restoring peace and stability and advancing economic recovery in Afghanistan, and facilitating its participation in regional cooperation. | |
湖北衛視記者:外交部為替武漢正名、打贏武漢保衛戰付出了巨大努力。今后外交部還將為湖北發展開放提供哪些幫助? | Hubei TV: The Foreign Ministry has done a lot to clear Wuhan's name and help the city beat the virus. What will the Foreign Ministry do to assist Hubei's development and opening-up? | |
王毅:在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領導下,湖北保衛戰、武漢保衛戰取得決定性成果。在這場艱苦卓絕的斗爭中,湖北和武漢人民付出了巨大努力和犧牲,為全國乃至世界抗疫斗爭作出了重大貢獻。在此,我要代表外交戰線全體同志,向英雄的湖北人民和武漢人民致以崇高敬意! | Wang Yi: Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, a decisive victory has been won in the battle to safeguard Hubei Province and its capital Wuhan. In this extraordinary battle, the people of Hubei and Wuhan have made enormous efforts and sacrifices as well as a significant contribution to COVID-19 response in and beyond China. On behalf of the nation's diplomatic service, I wish to pay high tribute to the heroic people of Hubei and Wuhan! | |
疫情發生以來,外交戰線也積極投身湖北保衛戰、武漢保衛戰,我們在中央指導組的統籌下,向武漢派出工作組,籌措援鄂抗疫物資,協調接受國際援助。外交系統在湖北探親休假的一百多名干部也行動起來,就地參與抗疫工作,與父老鄉親們并肩戰斗。疫情發生時,身在海外的湖北同胞惦念自己的親人,但又因交通阻斷回國無門,我們發動各駐外使領館與同胞們取得聯系,安排包機送大家回家。 | We in the diplomatic service have contributed our share to the battle of safeguarding Hubei and Wuhan. Under the direction of the Central Guidance Group, the Foreign Ministry sent a team to Wuhan to help mobilize anti-epidemic resources and coordinate the distribution of international donations. Over 100 members of the diplomatic service who were visiting family in Hubei joined the local response. Upon learning that many overseas Chinese citizens from Hubei concerned about their families in the province were unable to return because of flight cancellations, the Foreign Ministry instructed Chinese missions abroad to reach out to them and arrange charter flights to bring them home. | |
目前,湖北經濟、社會各方面秩序已初步恢復正常。外交部將發揮自身優勢,為湖北“后疫情時代”的發展提供助力。我們將積極探討為湖北、武漢開辟急需人員往來的快捷通道,支持湖北涉外企業復工復產;我們將根據全球疫情走向,為湖北重啟國際交流、擴大對外合作創造更多機遇。待到條件成熟時,外交部愿意專門再為湖北舉辦一次特別的全球推介活動,向世界各國展示浴火重生、鳳凰涅槃的湖北和武漢,也讓世界人民更加了解湖北,支持武漢。 | By now, the economic and social order in Hubei has largely returned to normal. We at the Foreign Ministry will do whatever we can to boost its development in the post-COVID-19 era. We are exploring a fast track for essential international personnel to return to work in foreign-related enterprises in Hubei and Wuhan. Depending on how the pandemic evolves, we will create opportunities for Hubei to revive exchanges and cooperation with the outside world. When the time is right, the Foreign Ministry would love to hold a special promotion event to showcase the new Hubei and Wuhan that have emerged stronger from COVID-19. This will be a major opportunity for the world to know more about Hubei and give more support to Wuhan. | |
記者會歷時1小時40分鐘。 | The press conference lasted 100 minutes. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: fmprc.gov.cn) |