十三屆全國人大三次會議28日下午在人民大會堂舉行記者會,國務院總理李克強應大會發言人張業遂的邀請出席記者會,并回答中外記者提問。 | The Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress held a press conference at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of 28 May 2020. Premier Li Keqiang met with Chinese and foreign reporters and answered their questions at the invitation of Spokesperson Mr. Zhang Yesui. | |
記者會開始時,李克強說,首先感謝媒體朋友們在特殊時期克服了特殊困難,對中國兩會進行報道。因為疫情原因,我們用視頻連線形式開記者會,我想這個距離不會影響我們之間的溝通。時間有限,請大家提問。 | In his opening remarks, Premier Li Keqiang thanked the journalists for covering China's NPC and CPPCC Sessions at an unusual time and despite unusual circumstances. He noted that although the containment protocols require that the press conference be held via a video link, such distance would not impede their communication. In the interest of time, he went straight to questions. | |
路透社記者:新冠肺炎疫情對世界各國的經濟都造成了嚴重的影響,不少國家的政府出臺了數萬億美元的財政和貨幣措施,來應對新冠肺炎疫情對經濟產生的沖擊。今年中國政府工作報告中沒有設定GDP增速。根據路透社的測算,政府工作報告中出臺的財政措施約占中國2019年國內生產總值的4%,這個規模比一些經濟學家的預期要低,今年一季度中國經濟首次出現了幾十年以來的收縮。未來幾個月,中方是否會出臺更大規模的刺激措施?從更長遠看,中方是否有足夠的政策工具來應對全球疫情持續蔓延和不斷緊張的中美關系? | Reuters: The new coronavirus outbreak has devastated economies around the world. Trillions of dollars in fiscal and monetary measures have been pushed out to deal with the fallout. In this year's Government Work Report, China did not set a GDP growth target. But it did announce fiscal measures worth about 4% of China's GDP in 2019 according to our calculations. That's slightly less than some economists expected after seeing China's economy contract for the first time in decades in the first quarter. So my question is: can we expect China to deliver more ambitious stimulus in the months to come? Does China have sufficient policy options to deal with a prolonged global pandemic and rising tensions with the United States? | |
李克強:這次新冠肺炎疫情給世界經濟造成了嚴重沖擊,可以說是史上罕見。最近不少主要國際組織都預測,今年全球經濟增長是負3%,甚至更多。中國經濟已經深度融入世界經濟,不可能置身事外。所以今年我們沒有確定GDP增長的量化指標,這也是實事求是的。但是我們確定了保居民就業、保基本民生、保市場主體等“六保”的目標任務,這和經濟增長有直接關系。經濟增長不是不重要,我們這樣做實際上也是讓人民群眾對經濟增長有更直接的感受,使經濟增長有更高的質量。發展是解決中國一切問題的關鍵和基礎。如果統算一下,實現了“六保”,特別是前“三保”,我們就會實現今年中國經濟正增長,而且要力爭有一定的幅度,推動中國經濟穩定前行。 | Premier Li: The novel coronavirus disease has taken a heavy toll on the global economy in a way rarely seen before. Major international institutions have projected a negative 3 percent global growth or worse this year. As China's economy has become deeply integrated into the global economy, it is simply impossible for the Chinese economy to stay immune to such impacts. This year we decided not to set a specific growth target. This is a decision informed by the realities on the ground. In the meantime, we have formulated a series of goals and tasks in six key areas which are closely connected with economic development, with a particular focus on protecting employment, people's basic living needs, and market entities. Not setting a specific GDP growth target does not mean that economic development is not important. Our decision is designed for economic growth to deliver more real gains to our people and promote higher quality development in China. We believe that development still holds the key and is the foundation for resolving all the problems in China today. Putting protections in place in six key areas, especially in the areas of jobs, livelihoods and businesses, will help us achieve positive and solid growth this year to the extent possible, and maintain steady economic development. | |
你剛才說到有反映我們出臺的政策規模低于預期,但是我也聽到很多方面反映,認為我們出臺的規模性政策還是有力度的。應對這場沖擊,我們既要把握力度,還要把握時機。在新冠肺炎疫情蔓延的時候,我們也出臺了一些政策,但是當時復工復產還在推進中,復業復市受阻,一些政策不可能完全落地,很多人都待在家里。在這個過程中,我們也積累了經驗。正是根據前期的經驗和對當前形勢的判斷,我們在政府工作報告中推出的規模性政策舉措,應該說是有力度的。 | In your questions you said our measures are seen by some as below expectations. What I heard from many quarters is that our measures are forceful. For any response to work, we must get both the timing and intensity right. When COVID-19 was still raging, some policies were introduced. But with the economy barely reopened, the situation then made it difficult for these polices to get truly delivered on the ground, as most of the people still had to stay indoors. This has been a process of gaining experience. Based on the experience in the past weeks and months and our assessment of the current situation, we have decided on new policy steps of a sizable scale as set out in the Government Work Report, and we believe these measures are forceful. | |
過去我們說不搞“大水漫灌”,現在還是這樣,但是特殊時期要有特殊政策,我們叫作“放水養魚”。沒有足夠的水,魚是活不了的。但是如果泛濫了,就會形成泡沫,就會有人從中套利,魚也養不成,還會有人渾水摸魚。所以我們采取的措施要有針對性,也就是說要摸準脈、下準藥。錢從哪里來、用到哪里去,都要走新路。 | We have repeatedly said that we will not flood China's economy with liquidity. We didn't do it in the past; we will not do it now. But the current unusual time requires extraordinary measures. Just as water is important to fish farming, sufficient liquidity is important to economic development. But too much water will induce froth in the fish pond, whereby some people may attempt to muddy the waters and fish for arbitrage. We must ensure that measures taken are well-focused, the prescription is precise and the medicines for getting out of the hardship effective. New approaches must be employed as to where the money comes from and how it is spent. | |
這次規模性政策籌措的資金分兩大塊:一塊是新增財政赤字和發行抗疫特別國債,共兩萬億元。還有另外更大的一塊,就是減免社保費,有的國家叫工薪稅,并動用失業保險結存,推動國有商業銀行讓利、自然壟斷性企業降價以降低企業的經營成本。這一塊加起來大概是前一塊的兩倍。我們是要將這些資金用于保就業、保民生和保市場主體,支撐居民的收入。這些資金和我們現在全部居民收入40多萬億元的總盤子相比,比例達兩位數。 | The financing raised through policies of a sizable scale can be grouped into mainly two categories. The first covers the increase of fiscal deficits and issuance of government bonds for COVID-19 control. Together it amounts to 2 trillion RMB yuan. The other category, which is roughly twice as big, covers payment relief for enterprises of their contributions to social security schemes, also known as payroll tax in some other countries, and taps into the balance of the unemployment insurance fund, interest concessions made by state-owned commercial banks, and price reductions in natural monopoly industries to lower enterprises' operating costs. This money will be primarily used to support jobs, people's basic living needs and businesses, and sustain household income. It accounts for a double-digit share in the more than 40 trillion RMB yuan of total household income in China. | |
更重要的是錢往哪里去?我們這次為企業紓困和激發市場活力的規模性政策,主要是用來穩就業、保民生,使居民有消費能力,這有利于促消費、拉動市場,可以說是一條市場化改革的路子。 | What's more important is how the money is spent. Our measures of a sizable scale are designed to provide vital relief to businesses and revitalize the market. With a particular focus on supporting jobs and people's livelihoods, our people will have money to spend and consumption will drive market vitality. This is in keeping with market-oriented reform. | |
錢是可以生錢的,用之于民的錢可以創造新的財富,涵養稅源,使財政可持續。我們一定要穩住當前的經濟,穩定前行,但也要避免起重腳,揚起塵土迷了后人的路。如果經濟方面或其他方面再出現大的變化,我們還留有政策空間,不管是財政、金融、社保都有政策儲備,可以及時出臺新的政策,而且不會猶豫。保持中國經濟穩定運行至關重要。 | Money well-spent can create new money. Money invested in the people will generate new wealth, help us protect and preserve the tax base and make public finance more sustainable. We will do our utmost to keep China's economic growth stable and make steady progress. In other words, we will not kick up dirt and leave a trail of dust that will block the sight of those who follow. We have also reserved policy space on the fiscal, financial, social security and other fronts. And we are in a strong position to quickly introduce new measures without any hesitation should the evolving situation calls for it. It is essential that we keep China's economic growth on a steady course. | |
我們堅信,在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領導下,經過全國人民的共同努力,一定會戰勝當前的困難,實現全年目標任務,全面建成小康社會。中國經濟保持穩定、穩住基本盤,本身就是對世界的貢獻,會為世界經濟恢復增長、實現發展作出積極貢獻。 | I am confident that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and with joint efforts of people across the nation, we will be able to prevail over the current difficulties, fulfill our tasks and goals for the whole year, and complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Keeping China's economic growth and fundamentals stable will be a contribution to the whole world. And China will remain a positive force driving global economic recovery and growth. | |
彭博社記者:新冠肺炎疫情仍然是未解之謎,科學家認為找到該問題的答案有助于預防未來大流行病的發生。有人呼吁就源頭問題開展國際審議。中方對調查持何立場?您認為這樣的調查應該達到什么目的?應該避免什么問題? | Bloomberg News: The origins of COVID-19 are still a mystery. Scientists think if we can find out where it came from, we could prevent future pandemics. There have been calls for an international independent inquiry into the origins. What is China's stance on how such an inquiry should be carried out? What should such an inquiry do and what should it not do? | |
李克強:中國和許多國家都主張對病毒進行溯源。前不久召開的世衛大會通過了有關決議,中國也參與了。因為科學溯源可以更好地防控疫情,也是為了世界各國人民的生命健康。 | Premier Li: China and many countries believe that it is important to get a clear idea about the sources of the coronavirus. At the recently held World Health Assembly, a resolution was adopted, and China is one of the co-sponsors of this resolution. We believe that getting clear about the sources of the virus on the basis of science will help us better carry out containment of COVID-19, and also contribute to protecting life and health of people around the world. | |
這次疫情突如其來,對人類來說是個全新的傳染病,到現在可以說還是未知大于已知。病毒是沒有國界的,它是全世界、全人類的敵人。各國都在進行防控,在探索中前進,目前還沒有完整的經驗。我們要控制住疫情的發展,加快疫苗、有效藥物、檢測試劑研發突破,這將是人類戰勝這個病毒的強有力武器。中國和許多國家都在進行投入,我們也愿意開展國際合作。這些產品是全球公共產品,我們愿意共享,最終讓人類能夠共同戰勝病毒這個敵人。 | The novel coronavirus disease has caught all countries by surprise. It is a completely new disease to humankind. So far, I'm afraid there is still more to the virus that we do not yet know. Viruses respect no borders, and they are the common enemy of the whole world and entire humanity. Nowadays, all countries are still working hard to contain the spread of the virus, and we are gaining experience along the way. We must work together to keep the virus in check. Research efforts need to be intensified for breakthroughs in vaccines, effective medicines and testing reagents, as they will be powerful weapons to help us succeed in checking the virus. China and many other countries are making investments into R&D of these products, and we are open to international cooperation. The deliverables of the R&D will be global public goods that we are ready to share with others. They will help the entire humankind in defeating the virus. | |
中國人民經過艱苦卓絕努力,現在有效控制了疫情,同時積極參與國際合作,公開透明負責任地及時向國際社會通報有關信息。但現在疫情還在全球流行,在中國也未結束,還有散發病例,不少科學家都強調,還是要保持警惕,防止反彈。我們將繼續堅持實事求是、公開透明的原則,一旦發現疫情,堅決予以管控,不允許有任何隱瞞,而且要進行科學防治。 | With painstaking efforts, the Chinese people have successfully brought the spread of the virus under control. And China has taken an active part in international cooperation against the virus. We have all along acted with openness, transparency and a sense of responsibility. We have shared information in a timely way with the rest of the international community. The virus is still spreading around the world. And in China it has not come to a complete end yet; there are still sporadic cases. Scientists have cautioned us to stay on high alert to prevent a resurgence of infections. We must continue to adopt a factual, science-based, open and transparent approach in dealing with COVID-19. Any infection, once detected, must be promptly handled, and no cover-up will ever be allowed. | |
現在很多人都說疫情可能短期不會結束,還會延續一段時間。實際上國際社會已經面臨雙重挑戰、要做兩張答卷:一方面要控制住疫情;一方面要恢復經濟社會發展,恢復正常秩序。這兩者是有矛盾的,如果只是做一個方面的事就不一樣了。我們現在需要在矛盾中平衡、探索中前行,尤其需要國際合作。無論是抗擊疫情,還是發展經濟,都需要我們同舟共濟,使人類能夠越過這場巨浪的沖擊。 | Many people say that COVID-19 will not come to a stop any time soon and we may have to live with it for quite some time to come. All countries now are confronted with dual challenges. It's like doing double exams. We have to contain the spread of the virus, and at the same time do our best to get life and work back to normal. I'm afraid there is a certain level of trade-off between these two goals. Things would be quite different if we had only one task. So we will have to do our utmost to strike a delicate balance and continue to explore our way forward. In this process, international cooperation is vitally important. Whether it's fighting the virus or growing the economy, we must come together in a sense of partnership to eventually fight back the onslaught of the epidemic. | |
中央廣播電視總臺央視記者:您在政府工作報告中闡述了今年中國經濟政策。政府會采取哪些措施保證這些資金真正地惠及企業、避免空轉,能讓普通老百姓切切實實地感受到? | CCTV: In the Government Work Report, this year's economic polices have been spelled out. What will the government do to ensure that all these funds will be truly delivered to benefit companies, instead of just circulating within the financial sector, and bring real gains to the general public? | |
李克強:這是一次前所未有的沖擊,我們不可能輕車走熟路,只能是大車行難路。所以我們在政策上要注重創新。我剛才講了,我們推出的規模性政策叫作紓困和激發市場活力,注重的是穩就業、保民生,主要不是依賴上基建項目。因為現在中國經濟結構發生很大變化,消費在經濟增長中起主要拉動作用,而且中小微企業在吸納就業中占90%以上。我們這次所采取的規模性政策,用了70%左右的資金直接或比較直接地去支撐居民收入,這樣做可以促進消費、帶動市場。而且因為疫情,我們面臨一個很大的難題,就是疫情防控措施會抑制消費。我們按這樣的方向推動政策實施,也是市場化的改革。 | Premier Li: In coping with the current round of unprecedented shocks, we don't have ready experience to draw from. It's not something we can manage with ease, and we will have to blaze a trail with hard efforts. We must be creative in crafting and delivering our policies. As I said just now, our policies, which are of a sizable scale, are designed to provide vital relief to businesses and revitalize the market, with particular focus on stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihood. They are not focused on large infrastructure projects. This is because big changes have taken place in China's economic structure, where consumption is now the primary engine driving growth, and micro, small and medium-sized companies now provide over 90 percent of all jobs in China. So under the sizable-scale policies introduced this time, some 70 percent of the funds will be used to support the increase in people's income through direct or relatively direct means in order to spur consumption and energize the market. One big challenge we have confronted in coping with COVID-19 is that containment efforts have had a dampening effect on consumption. Hence, measures in this direction are also part of our market-oriented reform. | |
其次,我們強調政策資金要直達基層、直達企業、直達民生。新增的赤字和抗疫特別國債資金全部轉給地方,省里也只是“過路財神”,要直達基層。可能有人會問,那基層就能把這筆錢用好嗎?我們要采取一個特殊的轉移支付機制,這些錢要全部落到企業特別是中小微企業,落到社保、低保、失業、養老和特困人員身上。要建立實名制,這些都是有賬可查的,決不允許做假賬,也決不允許偷梁換柱。我們會瞪大眼睛盯著,也歡迎社會監督。我們采取措施的最終效果要讓市場主體和人民群眾認可。中央政府這次帶頭過緊日子,我們把中央部門的非急需非剛性支出壓縮了一半以上,調出資金用于基層、企業和民生。各級政府都要過緊日子,決不允許搞形式主義,干那些大手大腳花錢的事。 | Second, the funds made available will all be used to support primary-level governments and businesses, and ensure people's livelihood. The increase of budget deficits and funds raised from the issuance of government bonds for COVID-19 control will all be channeled to primary-level governments. Even provincial governments will be just passers-by to these funds. Some people may ask whether primary-level governments can ensure all the funds will be put to best use. In this respect, a special transfer payment mechanism will be established to see that companies, especially smaller firms, will truly benefit from these funds, and people who live on social security schemes, subsistence allowance, unemployment benefits, old-age support and those living in difficulties will be able to benefit. Real-name records will be established, and no cooking of books or embezzlement will ever be allowed. We will keep our eyes wide open and welcome public supervision. Eventually, the delivery of these measures will have to be recognized by businesses and our people. The Central Government will lead by example in living on a tight budget. We will cut over 50 percent of outlays on non-essential, non-obligatory expenditures at the central government level, and the money saved will be mainly used to support primary-level governments, enterprises and people's basic living needs. Governments at all levels must tighten their belts, and reject pointless formalities and spending splurges. | |
剛才我比較多地講了擴大消費,但并不是說不要投資,我們還要擴大有效投資。這次新增地方政府專項債券1.6萬億元,再加上一些國債,有2萬億元的規模,這在規模性政策當中占到百分之二三十。我們投資的重點是“兩新一重”,就是新型基礎設施、新型城鎮化和涉及國計民生的重大項目,而且要用改革的辦法,用這些資金來撬動社會資金的投入。項目要有效益、有回報,要經過科學論證、按規律辦事、不留后遺癥。 | Just now, I talked more about boosting consumption. That doesn't mean investment is not important. We will also expand effective investment. There will be an increase of 1.6 trillion RMB yuan of special local government bonds this year, and some treasury bonds as well, with the total amount topping 2 trillion RMB yuan. They account for between 20 and 30 percent of the funds made available under the sizable-scale policies we introduced this year. The focus of the funds will be on new infrastructures and new-type urbanization and key projects for national development. We will rely on reforms in undertaking these programs and mobilize private sector investment. And the projects supported must generate good returns, and be well-calibrated and delivered according to economic laws to avoid undesirable results. | |
中國時報記者:今年兩會因為疫情延到5月舉行,這個時間點剛好跟“5·20”非常接近。在民進黨繼續執政的情況下,未來大陸對臺政策的總體考量是什么?未來將如何繼續推進兩岸關系發展? | China Times: Because of COVID-19, the Two Sessions this year have been postponed to May, which is quite close to the date of 20 May. As the DPP continues to govern in Taiwan, what is the overall consideration of the mainland concerning its policy toward Taiwan? And what will the mainland do to promote relations across the Taiwan Strait? | |
李克強:我在政府工作報告中已經說了,我們對臺的大政方針是一貫的,也是世人共知的。要堅持一個中國原則、堅持“九二共識”、堅決反對“臺獨”。在這個政治基礎上,我們愿同臺灣各黨派、團體和人士就兩岸關系和民族未來對話協商,推動兩岸和平發展,我們愿以最大誠意,盡最大努力促進祖國和平統一。臺灣問題是中國的內政,我們從來都反對外來干涉。中華民族有智慧、有能力解決好自己的事。 | Premier Li: As I said in the Government Work Report, our principles and policies toward Taiwan have been consistent and well-known to the international community. We will stay committed to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. We will continue to firmly oppose "Taiwan independence". Based on this political foundation, we are ready to have dialogue and consultation with any party, group or personage in Taiwan regarding cross-Strait relations and the future of the Chinese nation, and promote peaceful growth of cross-Strait relations. We will continue to show maximum sincerity and do our very utmost to promote peaceful reunification of China. The Taiwan question is China's internal affair. And we have all along opposed external interference. The Chinese nation has the wisdom and the ability to handle its own affairs. | |
我們視臺灣同胞為手足,血濃于水,始終高度重視臺灣同胞的福祉。就像這次疫情發生后,大家共同努力,沒有臺灣同胞在大陸因感染新冠肺炎失去生命。面對疫情,我們祈福兩岸同胞都平安健康。 | We view our fellow compatriots in Taiwan as brothers and sisters. Blood is thicker than water. We will continue to pay high attention to their well-being. Thanks to our joint efforts, there has been no loss of life to COVID-19 among Taiwan compatriots working and living on the mainland. In the face of the epidemic, we wish people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait safety and good health. | |
中國日報記者:今年您在政府工作報告中調低了城鎮新增就業目標,調高了城鎮調查失業率。面對嚴峻的就業形勢,政府將如何遏制失業潮?如何幫助大學生和農民工找到工作? | China Daily: In this year's Government Work Report, the target of new urban jobs has been revised downward, and the target of surveyed urban unemployment rate upward, compared with the levels last year. In the face of the severe employment situation, what will the government do to avert massive job losses and help college graduates and rural migrant workers find jobs? | |
李克強:今年我們確定城鎮新增就業900萬人以上,的確比去年低,實現這個目標要有一定的經濟增長作支撐。我們把城鎮調查失業率定為6%左右,今年4月份城鎮調查失業率已經是6%了,我們這樣做也是實事求是。 | Premier Li: We have set this year's target of new urban jobs at over 9 million, somewhat below last year's level. To attain this goal, we need to maintain a certain level of economic growth. The urban surveyed unemployment rate target is set at around 6 percent. In fact, in April, that figure already hit 6 percent, so such a target was set on the basis of the situation on the ground. | |
就業是最大的民生,對于一個家庭來說是天大的事情。這幾天我看中國政府網上的留言,大概三分之一都是談就業的。其中有一位農民工說他50多歲了,在外打工30多年,每年如此,但今年還沒有找到工作,全家都陷入困境。還有一些個體工商戶,已經歇業幾個月了。一些外貿企業現在沒有訂單,影響員工就業。對他們的困難,我們要給予救助,但是從根本上說,還是要幫助他們就業。中國有9億勞動力,沒有就業,就只是9億張吃飯的口;有了就業,就是9億雙可以創造巨大財富的手。 | Employment matters the most in people's lives. It is something of paramount importance for all families. Of all the comments posted by netizens on the Chinese government portal website, some one third are about jobs. One of them was posted by a rural migrant worker in his 50s. He said that over the past 30 plus years, he had been working in cities every year. But so far this year he has been unable to find a job and the whole family is now in difficulty. Many self-employed individuals have seen their businesses grinding to a halt for several months. And some export companies have also been in great difficulty for lack of orders. This is affecting the jobs of their employees. We must provide support to all these people. But most importantly, we must help them land jobs. There is a labor force of 900 million in China. If they are out of work, there will be 900 million mouths to feed; if they are all put to work, 900 million pairs of hands will be able to generate tremendous wealth. | |
為了穩住現有就業崗位,可以說政策是能用盡用,投入的錢也是最多的。我們規模性政策的資金,允許基層用于減稅降費,而且允許用于為企業減房租、貼利息。采取這樣的措施就是要把企業穩下來,崗位保得住,而且要公平合理。我們還要采取資助企業以訓穩崗的政策,今明兩年將有3500萬人次通過失業保險結存資金來進行崗位培訓,給他們緩沖的機會。即便失業了,也要努力讓他們短時期內有再就業的機會。 | In order to retain existing jobs, all our pro-job measures will be fully employed with the largest input of funds. Such sizable policy funds can be used by primary-level governments to implement tax and fee cuts, and subsidize rents or interest payment in support of companies. So all these measures are designed to keep companies in business and secure the jobs of their employees and they will be implemented in a fair and reasonable way. We will also finance skills training initiatives by businesses to stabilize employment. This year and the next, we will tap into the balance of the unemployment insurance fund to provide some 35 million vocational skills training opportunities. This will cushion the impact of unemployment, and we will help people who lose their jobs get reemployed as soon as possible. | |
同時還要創造更多新的就業崗位。現在新業態蓬勃發展,大概有1億人就業。我們的零工經濟也有2億人就業。不僅要采取更多扶持政策,而且要打破那些不合理的條條框框,讓更多新就業崗位成長起來。去年我們平均每天凈增企業超過1萬戶,今年也要按這個目標去努力。 | We also need to do our best to create new jobs. Nowadays, some 100 million people are employed in new forms of business and industry, and some 200 million people are working in the gig economy. The government must continue to provide support and at the same time lift all unwarranted restrictions that prevent the development of those industries and sectors. We also need to create a favorable environment for the increase of new job opportunities. Last year, more than 10,000 new businesses were created on an average day, and we will continue to work hard to see that the figure stays at this level this year. | |
人民群眾有無窮創造力。回想改革開放之初,大批知青返城,就一個“大碗茶”解決了多少人的就業!兩周前,我看到報道,西部有個城市,按照當地的規范,設置了3.6萬個流動商販的攤位,結果一夜之間有10萬人就業。中國人民是勤勞的,中國的市場也在不斷開拓和升級。當然,對重點人群就業,我們有重點扶持政策。今年大學畢業生創新高,達到874萬人,要讓他們成為“不斷線的風箏”,今明兩年都要持續提供就業服務。對農民工,不論是在常住地還是返鄉,都要給他們提供就業服務平臺。對退役軍人,要切實把安置政策落實好。 | We can certainly rely on the innovation and initiative of the Chinese people in this respect. One may recall when young people returned to the cities from the countryside in large numbers in the early days of reform and opening-up, the opening of roadside tea stands helped to put many of them to work. About two weeks ago, I saw in the news that a city in China's western region, in keeping with local rules and regulations, set up 36,000 mobile stalls, adding some 100,000 new jobs overnight. Our people are hardworking and the Chinese market keeps expanding and upgrading. In this process, the government must focus on providing support to key groups in their employment. The number of new college graduates will reach a record high of 8.74 million this year. We must provide employment services to these people, both this year and next, so that they will not be left to their own devices. And for rural migrant workers, no matter whether they are still working in a city or have returned to their hometown, we will put in place employment service platforms to support them in landing jobs. We must also fully implement all the support measures for demobilized military personnel as well. | |
鳳凰衛視記者:這次全國人大會議作出了關于建立健全香港特別行政區維護國家安全的法律制度和執行機制的決定,全國人大常委會將就此制定專門的法律。這是否表明中央調整了對香港的政策,是否放棄了“一國兩制”?對于當下各方的反應您如何看待? | Phoenix TV: At this year's NPC Session, a decision was adopted on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR. The Standing Committee of the NPC will also set in motion a legislative process in this respect. Does this mean that the Central Government has adjusted its policy toward Hong Kong and abandoned "one country, two systems"? How do you respond to the various comments in this respect? | |
李克強:“一國兩制”是國家的基本國策,中央政府始終強調要全面準確貫徹“一國兩制”、“港人治港”、高度自治方針,嚴格按照憲法和基本法辦事,支持特區政府和行政長官依法施政,這是一貫的。你提到全國人大剛通過的有關維護國家安全的決定,是為了確保“一國兩制”行穩致遠,維護香港長期繁榮穩定。 | Premier Li: "One country, two systems" is China's basic state policy. The Central Government has all along fully and faithfully implemented the "one country, two systems" under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy, acted in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, and supported the Hong Kong SAR government and the Chief Executive in exercising administration according to law. The decision adopted at the NPC Session to safeguard national security is designed for the steady implementation of "one country, two systems" and for Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability. | |
美國全國廣播公司記者:美國繼續將新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行歸咎中國,出現了更多關于中美之間“新冷戰”的說法。與此同時,美中雙方官員還在討論如何為落實兩國之間第一階段經貿協議創造有利條件,推動中美關系穩定發展。考慮到中國自身經濟遇到的困難,您是否認為中國的經濟改革和讓步足以解決美方關切呢?如果合作努力失敗,中國經濟能否抵御“新冷戰”和“脫鉤”的威脅? | NBC News: The United States continues to blame China for the global pandemic. There's more and more talk of a cold war between the US and China. At the same time, Chinese and American officials talk of creating favorable conditions for the phase one trade deal that could help stabilize the relationship. Are you still confident that more economic reforms and concessions of China can adequately address America's concerns, given that China's economy has been weakened? Or if the efforts for cooperation fail, can China's economy withstand the threat of a "cold war" and "decoupling"? | |
李克強:當前中美關系的確出現一些新問題、新挑戰。中美關系很重要,兩國都是聯合國安理會常任理事國,在應對傳統和非傳統挑戰方面都有很多可以、而且應當合作的地方,在經貿、科技、人文方面也有廣泛的交流,兩國之間存在著廣泛的共同利益。中美兩國合則兩利、斗則俱傷,不僅關系兩國人民的利益,而且關系到世界,所以一些問題發生后引起世界的擔憂。至于你說到“新冷戰”,我們從來都主張摒棄“冷戰”思維。所謂“脫鉤”,可以說兩個主要經濟體“脫鉤”,對誰都沒有好處,也會傷害世界。我們應該按照兩國元首達成的重要共識,推動建立以協調、合作、穩定為基調的中美關系。 | Premier Li: It is true that at the moment, China-US relations have encountered some new problems and challenges. This is a very important bilateral relationship. Both countries are permanent members of the UN Security Council. There are many areas where the two countries can and should work with each other in tackling both traditional and non-traditional challenges. There are also extensive exchanges between the two countries in the economic, trade, scientific, technological, cultural and other fields. So it is fair to say that there is extensive common interest between China and the United States. Both countries stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. Getting Sino-US relationship right is in the interest of people of both countries and the whole world. Given the importance of this relationship, the problems that occurred in this relationship have been a cause for concern for the international community. As for a cold war, you know that we have all along rejected the "cold war" mentality. And "decoupling" between major economies will do neither side any good. It is also harmful to the world. I believe we should continue to work together to follow through on the important consensus reached between our two presidents and work jointly to foster a Sino-US relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability. | |
中美兩國經濟你中有我、我中有你,一路走來很不容易,雙方都從中獲益。這使我想起,就在幾天前,一家美國高科技公司宣布在中國武漢的投資項目開工。我不是做商業廣告,但是我對他們的行為是贊賞的,所以發了賀信。這個例子表明,中美商貿界是互有需要的,是可以實現合作共贏的。 | The economies of our two countries have become closely interconnected. Our economic and trade ties have come a long way, and both sides have benefited tremendously. Just a few days ago, an American high-tech firm announced the launch of an investment project in Wuhan. I shouldn't do any commercial promotion for any company, but I highly appreciate this move and sent my message of congratulations to mark the occasion. I believe this example shows that the business communities of our two countries need each other, and our business cooperation can be of mutual benefit. | |
中美之間的商貿合作應該遵循商業規則,由市場來選擇,由企業家判斷、拍板,政府起搭平臺的作用。中美兩國,一個是世界上最大的發展中國家,一個是世界上最大的發達國家,有不同的社會制度、文化傳統、歷史背景,存在矛盾、分歧不可避免,問題在于怎樣對待。中美關系幾十年來風風雨雨,一方面合作前行,一方面磕磕絆絆,的確很復雜,這需要用智慧去擴大共同利益,管控分歧和矛盾。總之,要相互尊重,平等互利,尊重對方的核心利益和重大關切,尋求合作共贏。這于己、于人、于世界都有利。 | I believe the economic cooperation and trade between our two countries should follow commercial principles. We should leave the decisions to the market and to the business leaders. The job of the government is to establish platforms for the business communities of the two countries. China and the United States are the world's largest developing and developed countries respectively. Given the differences in our social systems, cultural heritage and historical backgrounds, some disagreements and even frictions may be unavoidable. What's important is how we manage them. The relationship has been moving forward amid twists and turns in the past several decades, featuring both growing cooperation and some bumps along the way. Indeed, this is a complex relationship. We must use our wisdom to expand common interests and manage differences and disagreements. In a word, I believe that the two countries should develop a relationship on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and embrace cooperation. That will be conducive to the interests of both countries and the world. | |
新華社記者:講到今年的經濟工作,我們聽到頻率最高的詞就是“穩”和“保”。請問總理,這和市場化改革之間是什么關系?政府在這方面的重點是什么? | Xinhua News Agency: When we talk about the economic work agenda for the Chinese government this year, the words we have heard most frequently are stability and protections. What are their relations with market-oriented reforms? What will be the priorities of reform this year? | |
李克強:中國改革開放40多年的經驗表明,越是困難越要堅持改革。我們宏觀政策提出的“穩”和“保”,是通過市場主體去支撐的,而且是奔著市場主體的困難和關切去做的,這本身就是市場化改革的做法。 | Premier Li: Our experience in the past 40-plus years of reform and opening-up shows that the greater difficulty we face, the more important it is for us to keep to reform. In our macro policies, we outlined sets of priority areas where stability is key and where protections are needed. Our measures are designed to help those vast numbers of market entities and are built around addressing their difficulties and concerns. This in itself is consistent with our market-oriented reform. | |
我們首先是要讓市場主體活下來。政策的真金白銀主要是為市場主體紓困,激發市場活力。真金白銀要確保落到企業和個體工商戶身上。這次政府工作報告說,要留得青山,贏得未來。我們現在有1.2億市場主體,他們就是青山,留住他們,就會贏得未來。 | First and foremost, we must help all our businesses survive. Our solid measures must serve to provide vital relief to businesses and revitalize the market. Hence, all these measures must deliver real gains to companies and support self-employed individuals. As I said in the Government Work Report, we must do our utmost to help the 120 million market entities in China sustain themselves, and that will help us assure success for the future. | |
不僅要讓市場主體活下去,更重要的是通過“放管服”改革把他們激活起來。要打造市場化、法治化、國際化的營商環境,打掉那些不合理的條條框框,讓他們公平競爭。這種措施看似無形,但能創造出有形的財富,干好了,不亞于真金白銀的投入。 | At the same time we must work hard to help our businesses thrive by pressing ahead with reform of government functions. We will continue to foster a market-oriented and world-class business environment governed by a sound legal framework. The government must lift all unnecessary restrictions on market entities to facilitate fair competition. Such policies and measures, intangible as they are, will create tangible wealth in our businesses just like real investments. | |
再有,就是要讓新的市場主體更多地長出來。大家都知道,這次應對疫情中,像網購、快遞、云辦公等等一些新業態是逆勢增長,有的營業收入增長了三分之二,而且現在新業態還層出不窮。這和我們這些年來深化供給側結構性改革,推動高質量發展,培育壯大新動能,開展大眾創業、萬眾創新都有關。我們應該把這些經驗推廣開,促使新動能、新的市場主體更多地成長。今年我們要努力做到平均每日新注冊企業2萬戶左右,這是觀察中國經濟活力的一個重要指標。 | Furthermore, we must work hard to help more new market entities emerge. We have seen a trend-bucking surge of growth in new forms of business and industry during the COVID-19 response, including online shopping, express delivery services, and teleworking. Some new forms of business have even seen their revenues increase by two thirds. I believe such developments are very much attributable to our initiatives and reforms in recent years, including the supply-side structural reform, our efforts to promote high-quality development and foster new drivers of growth, and our initiative of encouraging business start-ups and innovation. We must use the experience gained in this process to the fullest extent to foster more growth drivers and help more market entities grow. This year, our goal is to see that the number of newly registered businesses stay at about 20,000 on an average day. And that figure has become an important indicator gauging the economic vitality of China. | |
我們重視中小微企業,并不是不重視大企業,還是希望大中小企業共生共榮,而且期待一些中小微企業將來會成長為大企業,形成一個相互融通發展的局面。今年我們不僅要看紓困政策用得怎么樣,還要看營商環境的改善是否明顯,這樣可以產生乘數效應。 | We pay close attention to these smaller firms, but we also highly value the role of big companies. We hope that companies of all sizes will be able to thrive together through close cooperation and collaboration. We also expect that more smaller firms will one day grow into large companies. This year,we must ensure full delivery of all these relief and support measures, and at the same time work for notable improvement in China's business environment. These measures, when combined, will produce multiplying effects. | |
日本朝日新聞記者:世界經濟因為新冠肺炎疫情的蔓延正在遭受嚴重打擊,中國已控制住疫情,今后是否有同包括日本在內的周邊各國開展經濟合作的計劃?中國今后在中日韓自貿協定和自由貿易體系建立方面計劃如何推進?中國打算參加跨太平洋伙伴關系協定(TPP)嗎? | Asahi Shimbun: COVID-19 has taken a big hit on the global economy. But China has been successful in bringing the spread of the virus under control. What does China plan to do to advance economic cooperation with Japan and other neighboring countries? What is China's plan for advancing the FTA among China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and other free trade arrangements? Does China have a plan to join the TPP? | |
李克強:在去年東亞合作領導人系列會議上,十五國領導人共同作出承諾,今年要如期簽署區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定,我希望并相信這個承諾不會落空。我們也在積極推進中日韓自貿區建設。中日韓都是近鄰,我們愿意在經濟大循環中建立中日韓經濟小循環。比如說最近中國和韓國就開辟了快捷通道,讓商務、技術等人員能夠順利往來,這有利于復工復產,可以說是近水樓臺先得月。 | Premier Li: I recall that last year at the leaders' meeting of East Asian cooperation, leaders of 15 countries made the commitment of signing the RCEP by the end of this year. I hope and believe that this commitment will not come to nothing. China, Japan and the ROK are also working closely together to advance their FTA development. The three countries are close neighbors, and we would like to work with the other two countries to develop a mini economic cycle within the bigger economic cycle. For example, recently China and the ROK have opened a fast-track service for personnel inter-flows in areas such as commerce and technology. We believe this will benefit the resumption of economic activities, and our geographical proximity has put us in a good position to benefit from this earlier. | |
至于剛才你提到TPP,我理解,可能指的是全面與進步跨太平洋伙伴關系協定(CPTPP)。對于參加CPTPP,中方持積極開放態度。 | As for your question about TPP, I suppose what you mean is the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). China has a positive and open attitude toward joining the CPTPP. | |
人民日報社記者:今年是脫貧攻堅的決勝之年,但是受疫情影響很多家庭收入都有所下降,甚至一些人還面臨著返貧。在這種情況下今年脫貧攻堅任務還能順利完成嗎?政府將如何保障基本的民生? | People's Daily: This year, China plans to win its battle against poverty. But because of COVID-19, many families have seen a decline in their household income. And some are even at the risk of falling back into poverty. So are we able to fulfill the task of winning the battle against poverty this year? And what will the government do to meet people's essential needs? | |
李克強:中國是一個人口眾多的發展中國家,我們人均年可支配收入是3萬元人民幣,但是有6億中低收入及以下人群,他們平均每個月的收入也就1000元左右,1000元在一個中等城市可能租房都困難,現在又碰到疫情。疫情過后,民生為要。怎么樣保障困難群眾和受疫情影響的新的困難群眾的基本民生,我們應該把這項工作放在極為重要的位置。我們采取的紓困政策,有相當一部分就是用于保障基本民生的。 | Premier Li: Our country is a developing country with a big population. The per capita annual disposable income in China is 30,000 RMB yuan. But there are still some 600 million people earning a medium or low income, or even less. Their monthly income is barely 1,000 RMB yuan. It's not even enough to rent a room in a medium Chinese city. And because of COVID-19, many families have encountered difficulties. So it is a very high priority on the government's work agenda to meet the essential needs of vulnerable groups and those families who have encountered new difficulties because of COVID-19. This is a very important part of the government's work agenda. And a fairly big part of our support policies are designed for this very purpose. | |
今年要如期完成脫貧攻堅任務,這是以習近平同志為核心的黨中央向全社會作出的莊嚴承諾。按原本的賬還有500多萬貧困人口,受這次疫情沖擊,可能會有一些人返貧,脫貧的任務更重了。我們會多策并舉,特別是要采取措施把脫貧的底線兜住,我們有把握完成今年決勝脫貧攻堅的任務。 | This year, we are determined to end poverty as scheduled. This is a serious commitment made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to the whole of Chinese society. Before COVID-19 struck, there were some 5 million people living below the poverty line. But because of the disease, some may have fallen back into poverty. Hence we now face a greater task in meeting our goal. But with our multi-pronged policies and measures to ensure the essential needs of our people, we have the confidence to win the battle against poverty this year. | |
各級政府都要以人民利益為上,以萬家疾苦為重。每出一策,都要考慮是否有利于千家萬戶、有利于民生。今年我們在應對疫情沖擊過程中,要特別認真細致地考慮把各方面困難人群保障起來,擴大低保和失業保障的范圍。現在低保、失業保障、特困救助等人員大概一年6000萬人左右,我們預計今年人數會增加較多。保障和救助資金是足夠的,把他們保障住是有能力的。我們要求一定要把賬算細,把錢用到刀刃上,使民生得到切實保障。全國還有近3億領養老金的人員,今年我們提高了養老金的標準,說到就要做到。 | Governments at all levels must always put people's interests first and bear in mind the hardships of the Chinese people. In introducing each and every policy, we must make sure that it contributes to the well-being of all families and to the better lives of our people. In responding to COVID-19 this year, we must make thoughtful and meticulous plans to ensure the basic needs of all vulnerable groups. In this respect, we have decided to expand the coverage of subsistence allowance and unemployment benefits. Some 60 million people in China still live on subsistence allowance or receive unemployment benefits, penury assistance, or other relief or support. This year, we are expected to see a big increase in the number of recipients. We have sufficient funds to support these vulnerable groups. We must use the money wisely to ensure that every cent will be well spent. Some 300 million senior Chinese citizens live on old-age pension. We decided to raise the pensions for these retirees this year. We must fully deliver all our commitments. | |
實干為要,行勝于言。我們現在的社保基金結存和儲備足以保證養老金按時足額發放,但工作不能出任何紕漏。在這個事上出紕漏,就會讓人們對未來沒有信心。中華民族有尊老傳統,我們要讓社會各方面都感到希望。要統籌把各項保障落實到位,這也會有力支撐民心安定,推動經濟發展。民為邦本,本固邦寧。這方面的工作不是一件事,而是多件事,我們都要做好、做到位。相信中國人民的生活會更好。 | Actions count, and actions always speak louder than words. We have sufficient balance in our social security fund to ensure that pension benefits will be paid on time and in full, and there should be no loopholes in the operation of the fund. This way, we will be able to give our people more hope about their future. More importantly, the Chinese have a tradition of respecting and taking good care of the elderly. We must ensure that all the benefits and support will be duly provided. This will reassure our people and also help us promote China's economic development. As the saying goes, the people is the foundation of a state. When the foundation is strong, the state will be secure. So we must fully deliver on all those policies and measures. And that will make our people more hopeful about their future. | |
新加坡聯合早報記者:您在政府工作報告中提到,因為全球疫情和經貿形勢不確定性很大,中國發展面臨一些難以預料的影響因素。您對目前中國面對的外部形勢有怎樣的判斷?中國將如何應對外部環境的變化?對于全球應對公共衛生挑戰和經濟嚴重衰退挑戰,中國將發揮什么作用? | Lianhe Zaobao: In the Government Work Report, you said that China will face some factors that are difficult to predict in its development due to the great uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and world economic and trade environment. So what is your reading of the external situation China faces? What will China do to cope with the changes in the international environment? And what role will China play in the global responses to the public health challenge and the challenge of serious global recession? | |
李克強:我們先看一下現在世界的變化。這次新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行,給世界造成了嚴重沖擊,帶來了巨大影響。現在因為防控疫情,各國之間的交流合作明顯減少,如果再持續下去,世界經濟會更加嚴重衰退,這是危險的。如果世界經濟不能夠恢復增長,可能將來連疫情都很難防控。在抗擊疫情過程中特別需要公共產品,需要保持產業鏈、供應鏈穩定,更需要開放,推進貿易投資自由化與便利化。這樣我們才能共同戰勝疫情給世界帶來的沖擊,把損失減少到最小。 | Premier Li: Let's look at what's happening around us. COVID-19 has impacted our world profoundly. There has been a significant deceleration and decline of exchanges and cooperation between countries because of the containment requirements. Should such a trend continue, the global economy will be pushed into deeper recession and that is something dangerous. And if the world economy cannot resume growth, it may be even challenging to sustain the COVID-19 response. In responding to COVID-19, we need public goods more than ever before; we need to keep the international industrial and supply chains stable. This requires even greater openness and the pursuit of trade liberalization and investment facilitation. With such joint efforts we will be able to prevail over and minimize the effects of COVID-19 on the world. | |
關起門來搞發展行不通,那就等于回到了農耕時代。中國堅定不移地推進對外開放,這不會、也不可能改變。我們會繼續擴大與世界的合作,自主出臺更多擴大開放措施。開放對各國如同空氣對人一樣,須臾不可離,否則就窒息了。我們在開放當中還要維護國際產業鏈、供應鏈穩定。當然也有人會說,要對產業鏈、供應鏈進行調整。至于企業的調整布局,是按市場規律辦事,市場規律本來就是企業進進出出、生生死死。我們不能違背市場規律,憑空設計,而是要讓市場更加相互開放。 | It is impossible for any country to achieve development with its door closed or retreat back to the agrarian times. China will keep to its opening-up policy. China will not waver in this commitment, nor is it possible for us to shut our door to the outside world. Instead, we will further expand our cooperation with the rest of the world and introduce more opening-up measures on our own initiative. Openness is as indispensable to a country's development as air is to human beings. One will suffocate in an enclosed space. We, in this process, will work with others to keep global industrial and supply chains stable. Some have made plain their intention to readjust the global industrial and supply chains. We believe the shifts in global production of businesses should be done in accordance with market principles. In the marketplace, it is only natural for companies to come and go, succeed or fail. People should not make arbitrary plans against market rules. Instead, we should open up our markets wider to each other. | |
堅持雙向開放,那就要友好相處。第一,我們希望同世界各國相互尊重、平等相待。國家不管大小、貧富、強弱,都應該遵循這個規則。相處規則如果有不完善之處需要調整改革,大家一起商量著辦。第二,互利互惠。既然是合作,就要共贏,獨贏是不會長久的,吃獨食也是行不通的。只有在共贏中大家才能夠共同成長。再有,就是相互幫助、相互學習。各國都有各自的長處,都要擔負起應盡的國際責任,攜手應對各種困難和挑戰。中國作為一個發展中大國,會擔負起我們應當擔負的國際責任。 | In an environment of mutual openness, we believe it's important for countries to live side by side in amity. We hope that all countries will observe the principles of mutual respect and equality. We believe that all countries should be equals, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak. And if there are some rules in today's world that need to be improved, we can all sit down and work things out through discussions. We need to pursue mutual benefit in our cooperation. We don't think for any one particular party to take all the benefits will work. Instead, we should pursue win-win. And in this environment we may achieve shared success. Countries should also support, help and learn from each other, as we can make the most of our comparative advantages. We believe all countries should fulfill their due international obligations and work together to tackle common challenges and difficulties. And China, as a large developing country, will surely live up to its share of international responsibilities. | |
中國是一個龐大的市場,我們推進的紓困和激發市場活力的規模性政策,會進一步擴大消費市場。希望中國還是大家看好的投資沃土。我們愿意進口更多國外商品,成為面向世界的大市場。 | China is a huge market. All these policies of a sizable scale that we have introduced to provide relief to businesses will further spur consumption and energize our market. And we hope that people will stay optimistic about coming to invest in this big market of China. China is also prepared to boost imports from other parts of the world and we will be a big market for the whole world. | |
至于說到怎么應對疫情這場公共衛生挑戰,讓世界經濟走出困境,我前面多次說了,要同舟共濟、攜手同行。我希望并相信,各國人民共同努力,疫情之后會更開放,衰退之后會有新繁榮。 | As for how to respond to the public health crisis and global economic recession, as I have said in my previous remarks, we believe all members of the global community should pull together in a sense of partnership to prevail over the current difficulty. We hope and believe that with joint efforts of people around the world, the post-COVID-19 world will be a more open one. And this post-recession world will embrace new prosperity. | |
記者會采用網絡視頻形式進行,主會場設在人民大會堂三樓金色大廳,分會場設在梅地亞兩會新聞中心。記者會歷時約110分鐘。 | The Press Conference was held via a video link between the main venue, the Golden Hall on the third floor of the Great Hall of the People, and the Press Center for the NPC and CPPCC Sessions at Media Center Hotel. It lasted for about 110 minutes. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: english.gov.cn) |