國家主席習近平25日晚在北京以視頻方式出席世界經濟論壇“達沃斯議程”對話會,并發表題為《讓多邊主義的火炬照亮人類前行之路》的特別致辭。全文如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday delivered a special address via video link at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda. The following is an English translation of the full text of the speech. | |
讓多邊主義的火炬照亮人類前行之路 | Let the Torch of Multilateralism Light up Humanity's Way Forward 25 January 2021 | |
尊敬的施瓦布主席, | Professor Klaus Schwab, | |
過去一年,突如其來的新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球,全球公共衛生面臨嚴重威脅,世界經濟陷入深度衰退,人類經歷了史上罕見的多重危機。 | The past year was marked by the sudden onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global public health faced severe threat and the world economy was mired in deep recession. Humanity encountered multiple crises rarely seen in human history. | |
這一年,各國人民以巨大的決心和勇氣,同病魔展開殊死搏斗,依靠科學理性的力量,弘揚人道主義精神,全球抗疫取得初步成效。現在,疫情還遠未結束,近期又出現反彈,抗疫仍在繼續,但我們堅信,寒冬阻擋不了春天的腳步,黑夜遮蔽不住黎明的曙光。人類一定能夠戰勝疫情,在同災難的斗爭中成長進步、浴火重生。 | The past year also bore witness to the enormous resolve and courage of people around the world in battling the deadly coronavirus. Guided by science, reason and a humanitarian spirit, the world has achieved initial progress in fighting COVID-19. That said, the pandemic is far from over. The recent resurgence in COVID cases reminds us that we must carry on the fight. Yet we remain convinced that winter cannot stop the arrival of spring and darkness can never shroud the light of dawn. There is no doubt that humanity will prevail over the virus and emerge even stronger from this disaster. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, | |
歷史總在不斷前進,世界回不到從前。我們今天所作的每一個抉擇、采取的每一項行動,都將決定世界的未來。我們要解決好這個時代面臨的四大課題。 | History is moving forward and the world will not go back to what it was in the past. Every choice and move we make today will shape the world of the future. It is important that we properly address the four major tasks facing people of our times. | |
第一,加強宏觀經濟政策協調,共同推動世界經濟強勁、可持續、平衡、包容增長。人類正在遭受第二次世界大戰結束以來最嚴重的經濟衰退,各大經濟板塊歷史上首次同時遭受重創,全球產業鏈供應鏈運行受阻,貿易和投資活動持續低迷。各國出臺數萬億美元經濟救助措施,但世界經濟復蘇勢頭仍然很不穩定,前景存在很大不確定性。我們既要把握當下,統籌疫情防控和經濟發展,加強宏觀經濟政策支持,推動世界經濟早日走出危機陰影,更要放眼未來,下決心推動世界經濟動力轉換、方式轉變、結構調整,使世界經濟走上長期健康穩定發展的軌道。 | The first is to step up macroeconomic policy coordination and jointly promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the world economy. We are going through the worst recession since the end of World War II. For the first time in history, the economies of all regions have been hit hard at the same time, with global industrial and supply chains clogged and trade and investment down in the doldrums. Despite the trillions of dollars in relief packages worldwide, global recovery is rather shaky and the outlook remains uncertain. We need to focus on current priorities, and balance COVID response and economic development. Macroeconomic policy support should be stepped up to bring the world economy out of the woods as early as possible. More importantly, we need to look beyond the horizon and strengthen our will and resolve for change. We need to shift the driving forces and growth models of the global economy and improve its structure, so as to set the course for long-term, sound and steady development of the world economy. | |
第二,摒棄意識形態偏見,共同走和平共處、互利共贏之路。世界上沒有兩片完全相同的樹葉,也沒有完全相同的歷史文化和社會制度。各國歷史文化和社會制度各有千秋,沒有高低優劣之分,關鍵在于是否符合本國國情,能否獲得人民擁護和支持,能否帶來政治穩定、社會進步、民生改善,能否為人類進步事業作出貢獻。各國歷史文化和社會制度差異自古就存在,是人類文明的內在屬性。沒有多樣性,就沒有人類文明。多樣性是客觀現實,將長期存在。差異并不可怕,可怕的是傲慢、偏見、仇視,可怕的是想把人類文明分為三六九等,可怕的是把自己的歷史文化和社會制度強加給他人。各國應該在相互尊重、求同存異基礎上實現和平共處,促進各國交流互鑒,為人類文明發展進步注入動力。 | The second is to abandon ideological prejudice and jointly follow a path of peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. No two leaves in the world are identical, and no histories, cultures or social systems are the same. Each country is unique with its own history, culture and social system, and none is superior to the other. The best criteria are whether a country's history, culture and social system fit its particular situation, enjoy people's support, serve to deliver political stability, social progress and better lives, and contribute to human progress. The different histories, cultures and social systems are as old as human societies, and they are the inherent features of human civilization. There will be no human civilization without diversity, and such diversity will continue to exist for as long as we can imagine. Difference in itself is no cause for alarm. What does ring the alarm is arrogance, prejudice and hatred; it is the attempt to impose hierarchy on human civilization or to force one's own history, culture and social system upon others. The right choice is for countries to pursue peaceful coexistence based on mutual respect and on expanding common ground while shelving differences, and to promote exchanges and mutual learning. This is the way to add impetus to the progress of human civilization. | |
第三,克服發達國家和發展中國家發展鴻溝,共同推動各國發展繁榮。當前,公平問題日益突出,南北差距有待彌合,可持續發展事業面臨嚴峻挑戰。疫情之下,各國經濟復蘇表現分化,南北發展差距面臨擴大甚至固化風險。廣大發展中國家普遍期望獲得更多發展資源和空間,要求在全球經濟治理中享有更多代表性和發言權。應該看到,發展中國家發展起來了,整個世界繁榮穩定就會有更加堅實的基礎,發達國家也將從中受益。國際社會應該著眼長遠、落實承諾,為發展中國家發展提供必要支持,保障發展中國家正當發展權益,促進權利平等、機會平等、規則平等,讓各國人民共享發展機遇和成果。 | The third is to close the divide between developed and developing countries and jointly bring about growth and prosperity for all. Today, inequality continues to grow, the North-South gap remains to be bridged, and sustainable development faces severe challenges. As countries grapple with the pandemic, their economic recoveries are following divergent trajectories, and the North-South gap risks further widening and even perpetuation. For developing countries, they are aspiring for more resources and space for development, and they are calling for stronger representation and voice in global economic governance. We should recognize that with the growth of developing countries, global prosperity and stability will be put on a more solid footing, and developed countries will stand to benefit from such growth. The international community should keep its eyes on the long run, honor its commitment, and provide necessary support to developing countries and safeguard their legitimate development interests. Equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules should be strengthened, so that all countries will benefit from the opportunities and fruits of development. | |
第四,攜手應對全球性挑戰,共同締造人類美好未來。在經濟全球化時代,類似新冠肺炎疫情的突發公共衛生事件絕不會是最后一次,全球公共衛生治理亟待加強。地球是人類賴以生存的唯一家園,加大應對氣候變化力度,推動可持續發展,關系人類前途和未來。人類面臨的所有全球性問題,任何一國想單打獨斗都無法解決,必須開展全球行動、全球應對、全球合作。 | The fourth is to come together against global challenges and jointly create a better future for humanity. In the era of economic globalization, public health emergencies like COVID-19 may very well recur, and global public health governance needs to be enhanced. The Earth is our one and only home. To scale up efforts to address climate change and promote sustainable development bears on the future of humanity. No global problem can be solved by any one country alone. There must be global action, global response and global cooperation. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, | |
世界上的問題錯綜復雜,解決問題的出路是維護和踐行多邊主義,推動構建人類命運共同體。 | The problems facing the world are intricate and complex. The way out of them is through upholding multilateralism and building a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
——我們要堅持開放包容,不搞封閉排他。多邊主義的要義是國際上的事由大家共同商量著辦,世界前途命運由各國共同掌握。在國際上搞“小圈子”、“新冷戰”,排斥、威脅、恐嚇他人,動不動就搞脫鉤、斷供、制裁,人為造成相互隔離甚至隔絕,只能把世界推向分裂甚至對抗。一個分裂的世界無法應對人類面臨的共同挑戰,對抗將把人類引入死胡同。在這個問題上,人類付出過慘痛代價。殷鑒不遠,我們決不能再走那條老路。 | First, we should stay committed to openness and inclusiveness instead of closeness and exclusion. Multilateralism is about having international affairs addressed through consultation and the future of the world decided by everyone working together. To build small circles or start a new Cold War, to reject, threaten or intimidate others, to willfully impose decoupling, supply disruption or sanctions, and to create isolation or estrangement will only push the world into division and even confrontation. We cannot tackle common challenges in a divided world, and confrontation will lead us to a dead end. Humanity has learned lessons the hard way, and that history is not long gone. We must not return to the path of the past. | |
我們要秉持人類命運共同體理念,堅守和平、發展、公平、正義、民主、自由的全人類共同價值,擺脫意識形態偏見,最大程度增強合作機制、理念、政策的開放性和包容性,共同維護世界和平穩定。要建設開放型世界經濟,堅定維護多邊貿易體制,不搞歧視性、排他性標準、規則、體系,不搞割裂貿易、投資、技術的高墻壁壘。要鞏固二十國集團作為全球經濟治理主要平臺的地位,密切宏觀經濟政策協調,維護全球產業鏈供應鏈穩定順暢,維護全球金融體系穩健運行,推進結構性改革,擴大全球總需求,推動世界經濟實現更高質量、更有韌性的發展。 | The right approach is to act on the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind. We should uphold the common values of humanity, i.e. peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, rise above ideological prejudice, make the mechanisms, principles and policies of our cooperation as open and inclusive as possible, and jointly safeguard world peace and stability. We should build an open world economy, uphold the multilateral trading regime, discard discriminatory and exclusionary standards, rules and systems, and take down barriers to trade, investment and technological exchanges. We should strengthen the G20 as the premier forum for global economic governance, engage in closer macroeconomic policy coordination, and keep the global industrial and supply chains stable and open. We should ensure the sound operation of the global financial system, promote structural reform and expand global aggregate demand in an effort to strive for higher quality and stronger resilience in global economic development. | |
——我們要堅持以國際法則為基礎,不搞唯我獨尊。中國古人講:“法者,治之端也。”國際社會應該按照各國共同達成的規則和共識來治理,而不能由一個或幾個國家來發號施令。聯合國憲章是公認的國與國關系的基本準則。沒有這些國際社會共同制定、普遍公認的國際法則,世界最終將滑向弱肉強食的叢林法則,給人類帶來災難性后果。 | Second, we should stay committed to international law and international rules instead of seeking one's own supremacy. Ancient Chinese believed that "the law is the very foundation of governance". International governance should be based on the rules and consensus reached among us, not on the order given by one or the few. The Charter of the United Nations is the basic and universally recognized norms governing state-to-state relations. Without international law and international rules that are formed and recognized by the global community, the world may fall back to the law of the jungle, and the consequence would be devastating for humanity. | |
我們要厲行國際法治,毫不動搖維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系、以國際法為基礎的國際秩序。多邊機構是踐行多邊主義的平臺,也是維護多邊主義的基本框架,其權威性和有效性理應得到維護。要堅持通過制度和規則來協調規范各國關系,反對恃強凌弱,不能誰胳膊粗、拳頭大誰說了算,也不能以多邊主義之名、行單邊主義之實。要堅持原則,規則一旦確定,大家都要有效遵循。“有選擇的多邊主義”不應成為我們的選擇。 | We need to be resolute in championing the international rule of law, and steadfast in our resolve to safeguard the international system centered around the UN and the international order based on international law. Multilateral institutions, which provide the platforms for putting multilateralism into action and which are the basic architecture underpinning multilateralism, should have their authority and effectiveness safeguarded. State-to-state relations should be coordinated and regulated through proper institutions and rules. The strong should not bully the weak. Decision should not be made by simply showing off strong muscles or waving a big fist. Multilateralism should not be used as pretext for acts of unilateralism. Principles should be preserved and rules, once made, should be followed by all. "Selective multilateralism" should not be our option. | |
——我們要堅持協商合作,不搞沖突對抗。各國歷史文化和社會制度差異不是對立對抗的理由,而是合作的動力。要尊重和包容差異,不干涉別國內政,通過協商對話解決分歧。歷史和現實一再告訴我們,當今世界,如果走對立對抗的歧路,無論是搞冷戰、熱戰,還是貿易戰、科技戰,最終將損害各國利益、犧牲人民福祉。 | Third, we should stay committed to consultation and cooperation instead of conflict and confrontation. Differences in history, culture and social system should not be an excuse for antagonism or confrontation, but rather an incentive for cooperation. We should respect and accommodate differences, avoid meddling in other countries' internal affairs, and resolve disagreements through consultation and dialogue. History and reality have made it clear, time and again, that the misguided approach of antagonism and confrontation, be it in the form of cold war, hot war, trade war or tech war, would eventually hurt all countries' interests and undermine everyone's well-being. | |
我們要摒棄冷戰思維、零和博弈的舊理念,堅持互尊互諒,通過戰略溝通增進政治互信。要恪守互利共贏的合作觀,拒絕以鄰為壑、自私自利的狹隘政策,拋棄壟斷發展優勢的片面做法,保障各國平等發展權利,促進共同發展繁榮。要提倡公平公正基礎上的競爭,開展你追我趕、共同提高的田徑賽,而不是搞相互攻擊、你死我活的角斗賽。 | We should reject the outdated Cold War and zero-sum game mentality, adhere to mutual respect and accommodation, and enhance political trust through strategic communication. It is important that we stick to the cooperation concept based on mutual benefit, say no to narrow-minded, selfish beggar-thy-neighbor policies, and stop unilateral practice of keeping advantages in development all to oneself. Equal rights to development should be guaranteed for all countries to promote common development and prosperity. We should advocate fair competition, like competing with each other for excellence in a racing field, not beating each other on a wrestling arena. | |
——我們要堅持與時俱進,不搞故步自封。世界正在經歷百年未有之大變局,既是大發展的時代,也是大變革的時代。21世紀的多邊主義要守正出新、面向未來,既要堅持多邊主義的核心價值和基本原則,也要立足世界格局變化,著眼應對全球性挑戰需要,在廣泛協商、凝聚共識基礎上改革和完善全球治理體系。 | Fourth, we should stay committed to keeping up with the times instead of rejecting change. The world is undergoing changes unseen in a century, and now is the time for major development and major transformation. To uphold multilateralism in the 21st century, we should promote its fine tradition, take on new perspectives and look to the future. We need to stand by the core values and basic principles of multilateralism. We also need to adapt to the changing international landscape and respond to global challenges as they arise. We need to reform and improve the global governance system on the basis of extensive consultation and consensus-building. | |
我們要發揮世界衛生組織作用,構建人類衛生健康共同體。要推進世界貿易組織和國際金融貨幣體系改革,促進世界經濟增長,保障發展中國家發展權益和空間。要秉持以人為中心、基于事實的政策導向,探討制定全球數字治理規則。要落實應對氣候變化《巴黎協定》,促進綠色發展。要堅持發展優先,落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程,確保各國特別是發展中國家分享全球發展帶來的好處。 | We need to give full play to the role of the World Health Organization in building a global community of health for all. We need to advance reform of the World Trade Organization and the international financial and monetary system in a way that boosts global economic growth and protects the development rights, interests and opportunities of developing countries. We need to follow a people-centered and fact-based policy orientation in exploring and formulating rules on global digital governance. We need to deliver on the Paris Agreement on climate change and promote green development. We need to give continued priority to development, implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and make sure that all countries, especially developing ones, share in the fruits of global development. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, | |
中國人民經過長期艱苦奮斗,全面建成小康社會勝利在望,脫貧攻堅取得歷史性成果,開啟了全面建設社會主義現代化國家新征程。我們將立足新發展階段,貫徹新發展理念,積極構建以國內大循環為主體、國內國際雙循環相互促進的新發展格局,同各國一道,共建持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界。 | After decades of strenuous efforts by the Chinese people, China is on course to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We have made historic gains in ending extreme poverty, and have embarked on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist country. As China enters a new development stage, we will follow a new development philosophy and foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. China will work with other countries to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. | |
——中國將繼續積極參與國際抗疫合作。抗擊疫情是國際社會面臨的最緊迫任務。這既是堅持人民至上、生命至上的基本要求,也是穩定恢復經濟的基本前提。我們要深化團結合作,加強信息共享和聯防聯控,堅決打贏全球疫情阻擊戰。特別是要加強疫苗研發、生產、分配合作,讓疫苗真正成為各國人民用得上、用得起的公共產品。中國迄今已向150多個國家和13個國際組織提供抗疫援助,為有需要的國家派出36個醫療專家組,積極支持并參與疫苗國際合作。中國將繼續同各國分享疫情防控有益經驗,向應對疫情能力薄弱的國家和地區提供力所能及的幫助,促進疫苗在發展中國家的可及性和可負擔性,助力世界早日徹底戰勝疫情。 | — China will continue to take an active part in international cooperation on COVID-19. Containing the coronavirus is the most pressing task for the international community. This is because people and their lives must always be put before anything else. It is also what it takes to stabilize and revive the economy. Closer solidarity and cooperation, more information sharing, and a stronger global response are what we need to defeat COVID-19 across the world. It is especially important to scale up cooperation on the R&D, production and distribution of vaccines and make them public goods that are truly accessible and affordable to people in all countries. By now, China has provided assistance to over 150 countries and 13 international organizations, sent 36 medical expert teams to countries in need, and stayed strongly supportive and actively engaged in international cooperation on COVID vaccines. China will continue to share its experience with other countries, do its best to assist countries and regions that are less prepared for the pandemic, and work for greater accessibility and affordability of COVID vaccines in developing countries. We hope these efforts will contribute to an early and complete victory over the coronavirus throughout the world. | |
——中國將繼續實施互利共贏的開放戰略。經濟全球化是社會生產力發展的客觀要求和科技進步的必然結果,利用疫情搞“去全球化”、搞封閉脫鉤,不符合任何一方利益。中國始終支持經濟全球化,堅定實施對外開放基本國策。中國將繼續促進貿易和投資自由化便利化,維護全球產業鏈供應鏈順暢穩定,推進高質量共建“一帶一路”。中國將著力推動規則、規制、管理、標準等制度型開放,持續打造市場化、法治化、國際化營商環境,發揮超大市場優勢和內需潛力,為各國合作提供更多機遇,為世界經濟復蘇和增長注入更多動力。 | — China will continue to implement a win-win strategy of opening-up. Economic globalization meets the need of growing social productivity and is a natural outcome of scientific and technological advancement. It serves no one's interest to use the pandemic as an excuse to reverse globalization and go for seclusion and decoupling. As a longstanding supporter of economic globalization, China is committed to following through on its fundamental policy of opening-up. China will continue to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, help keep the global industrial and supply chains smooth and stable, and advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. China will promote institutional opening-up that covers rules, regulations, management and standards. We will foster a business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards, and unleash the potential of the huge China market and enormous domestic demand. We hope these efforts will bring more cooperation opportunities to other countries and give further impetus to global economic recovery and growth. | |
——中國將繼續促進可持續發展。中國將全面落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程。中國將加強生態文明建設,加快調整優化產業結構、能源結構,倡導綠色低碳的生產生活方式。我已經宣布,中國力爭于2030年前二氧化碳排放達到峰值、2060年前實現碳中和。實現這個目標,中國需要付出極其艱巨的努力。我們認為,只要是對全人類有益的事情,中國就應該義不容辭地做,并且做好。中國正在制定行動方案并已開始采取具體措施,確保實現既定目標。中國這么做,是在用實際行動踐行多邊主義,為保護我們的共同家園、實現人類可持續發展作出貢獻。 | — China will continue to promote sustainable development. China will fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will do more on the ecological front, by transforming and improving its industrial structure and energy mix at a faster pace and promoting a green, low-carbon way of life and production. I have announced China's goal of striving to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Meeting these targets will require tremendous hard work from China. Yet we believe that when the interests of the entire humanity are at stake, China must step forward, take action, and get the job done. China is drawing up action plans and taking specific measures already to make sure we meet the set targets. We are doing this as a concrete action to uphold multilateralism and as a contribution to protecting our shared home and realizing sustainable development of humanity. | |
——中國將繼續推進科技創新。科技創新是人類社會發展的重要引擎,是應對許多全球性挑戰的有力武器,也是中國構建新發展格局、實現高質量發展的必由之路。中國將加大科技投入,狠抓創新體系建設,加速科技成果向現實生產力轉化,加強知識產權保護,推動實現依靠創新驅動的內涵型增長。科技成果應該造福全人類,而不應該成為限制、遏制其他國家發展的手段。中國將以更加開放的思維和舉措推進國際科技交流合作,同各國攜手打造開放、公平、公正、非歧視的科技發展環境,促進互惠共享。 | — China will continue to advance science, technology and innovation. Science, technology and innovation is a key engine for human progress, a powerful weapon in tackling many global challenges, and the only way for China to foster a new development paradigm and achieve high-quality development. China will invest more in science and technology, develop an enabling system for innovation as a priority, turn breakthroughs in science and technology into actual productivity at a faster pace, and enhance intellectual property protection, all for the purpose of fostering innovation-driven, higher-quality growth. Scientific and technological advances should benefit all humanity rather than be used to curb and contain other countries' development. China will think and act with more openness with regard to international exchange and cooperation on science and technology. We will work with other countries to create an open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological advancement that is beneficial to all and shared by all. | |
——中國將繼續推動構建新型國際關系。你輸我贏、贏者通吃不是中國人的處世哲學。中國堅定奉行獨立自主的和平外交政策,努力以對話彌合分歧、以談判化解爭端,在相互尊重、平等互利基礎上,積極發展同各國友好合作關系。作為發展中國家的堅定一員,中國將不斷深化南南合作,為發展中國家消除貧困、緩解債務壓力、實現經濟增長作出貢獻。中國將更加積極地參與全球經濟治理,推動經濟全球化朝著更加開放、包容、普惠、平衡、共贏的方向發展。 | — China will continue to promote a new type of international relations. Zero-sum game or winner-takes-all is not the guiding philosophy of the Chinese people. As a staunch follower of an independent foreign policy of peace, China is working hard to bridge differences through dialogue and resolve disputes through negotiation and to pursue friendly and cooperative relations with other countries on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. As a steadfast member of developing countries, China will further deepen South-South cooperation, and contribute to the endeavor of developing countries to eradicate poverty, ease debt burden, and achieve more growth. China will get more actively engaged in global economic governance and push for an economic globalization that is more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, | |
人類只有一個地球,人類也只有一個共同的未來。無論是應對眼下的危機,還是共創美好的未來,人類都需要同舟共濟、團結合作。實踐一再證明,任何以鄰為壑的做法,任何單打獨斗的思路,任何孤芳自賞的傲慢,最終都必然歸于失敗!讓我們攜起手來,讓多邊主義火炬照亮人類前行之路,向著構建人類命運共同體不斷邁進! | There is only one Earth and one shared future for humanity. As we cope with the current crisis and endeavor to make a better day for everyone, we need to stand united and work together. We have been shown time and again that to beggar thy neighbor, to go it alone, and to slip into arrogant isolation will always fail. Let us all join hands and let multilateralism light our way toward a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |