我們,二十國集團和各國領導人、國際和區域組織負責人于2021年5月21日在羅馬舉行全球健康峰會,分享應對仍在全球肆虐的新冠肺炎疫情的經驗,歡迎該領域開展的相關工作及預備會各項舉措,今天: | We, Leaders of G20 and other states, in the presence of the Heads of international and regional organisations meeting at the Global Health Summit in Rome, May 21, 2021, having shared our experience of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, and welcoming relevant work in this regard, including that presented during the pre-Summit, today: | |
重申新冠肺炎疫情是一場前所未有的全球健康和社會經濟危機,對脆弱群體,對婦女、女童和兒童,以及對一線工作人員和老年人造成尤為嚴重的直接和間接影響。在所有國家都能控制住疫情之前,疫情不會結束。因此,大規模、全球性、安全、有效和公平的疫苗接種加以其他適當的公共衛生措施,以及恢復強勁、可持續、平衡和包容增長仍是首要任務。 | Reaffirm that the pandemic continues to be an unprecedented global health and socio-economic crisis, with disproportionate direct and indirect effects on the most vulnerable, on women, girls and children, as well as on frontline workers and the elderly. It will not be over until all countries are able to bring the disease under control and therefore, large-scale, global, safe, effective and equitable vaccination in combination with appropriate other public health measures remains our top priority, alongside a return to strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. | |
表達對逝去生命的哀悼,并對醫護和所有一線工作人員在應對疫情中發揮的關鍵努力表示感謝。 | Convey our condolences for lives lost and express our appreciation for healthcare and all frontline workers' vital efforts in responding to the pandemic. | |
歡迎世界衛生組織將2021年定為“衛生和照護工作者年”,并重申全力支持世衛組織在應對新冠肺炎疫情和更廣泛全球健康議程中發揮領導和協調作用。 | Welcome the World Health Organization's (WHO) designation of 2021 as the Year of Health and Care Workers, and reaffirm our full support for the leading and coordinating role of the WHO in the COVID-19 response and the broader global health agenda. | |
強調在以實現初級衛生保健為中心的全民健康覆蓋、“同一健康”、防范和韌性等全球衛生方面的持續投資即為對全球公共產品的廣泛社會性和宏觀經濟的投入,不作為將付出沉重代價。 | Underline that sustained investments in global health, towards achieving Universal Health Coverage with primary healthcare at its centre, One Health, and preparedness and resilience, are broad social and macro-economic investments in global public goods, and that the cost of inaction is orders of magnitude greater. | |
認識到疫情對實現可持續發展目標(SDG)進程產生嚴重負面影響。我們重申致力于實現該目標,更加努力推進疫后重建(如2020年9月11日聯合國大會決議所述),致力于遵守《國際衛生條例》。上述努力將有助于增強韌性、增進全球健康福祉。 | Recognise the very damaging impact of the pandemic on progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We reaffirm our commitment to achieving them to strengthen efforts to build back better (as in UNGA resolution, 11th September 2020), and to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR), which together will improve resilience and global health outcomes. | |
強調迫切需要加大努力,包括通過公共、私營部門和多邊領域形成合力,促進全球及時、公平地獲得安全、有效和可負擔的新冠肺炎工具(疫苗、治療、診斷和個人防護裝備,以下簡稱“工具”)。憶及2020年3月26日舉行的二十國集團特別峰會,認識到有必要通過加強衛生體系來支持上述努力。 | Strongly underline the urgent need to scale up efforts, including through synergies between the public and private sectors and multilateral efforts, to enhance timely, global and equitable access to safe, effective and affordable COVID-19 tools (vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and personal protective equipment, henceforth 'tools'). Recognise the necessity to underpin these efforts with strengthened health systems, recalling the G20 extraordinary Summit of 26 March 2020. | |
認識到將新冠肺炎疫苗作為公共產品進行廣泛接種的作用,我們重申支持該領域所有合作,特別是“全球合作加速開發、生產、公平獲取新冠肺炎防控新工具”倡議(ACT-A)。強調需彌補“倡議”資金缺口,以幫助其履行職責。我們注意到開展全面戰略審議的意愿,在此基礎上可能調整和延長授權至2022年底。強調支持全球共享安全、有效、高質量、可負擔的疫苗,包括在國內條件允許的情況下,同ACT-A疫苗支柱“新冠肺炎疫苗實施計劃”(COVAX)開展合作。歡迎2021年6月舉行“新冠肺炎疫苗預先市場采購承諾機制”(COVAX AMC)峰會,并注意到“公平獲取新冠肺炎工具憲章”。 | Recognising the role of extensive COVID-19 immunisation as a global public good, we reaffirm our support for all collaborative efforts in this respect, especially the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A). We underline the importance of addressing the ACT-A funding gap, in order to help it fulfil its mandate. We note the intention to conduct a comprehensive strategic review as basis for a possible adaptation and extension of its mandate to the end of 2022. We emphasise our support for global sharing of safe, effective, quality and affordable vaccine doses including working with the ACT-A vaccines pillar (COVAX), when domestic situations permit. We welcome the June 2021 COVID-19 Vaccines Advance Market Commitment (COVAX AMC) Summit and we note the Charter for Equitable Access to COVID-19 tools. | |
注意到支持COVAX生產特別行動組的ACT-A疫苗生產工作組,該工作組由世衛組織、流行病防范創新聯盟(CEPI)、全球疫苗免疫聯盟(GAVI)和聯合國兒童基金會主導,包含世界貿易組織(WTO)和藥品專利池等合作伙伴。我們確認支持增強供應鏈、提高全球疫苗產能和多元化努力,包括通過分擔風險等方式提供生產疫苗所需材料,并歡迎世衛組織啟動的疫苗技術轉移中心。我們要求工作組和行動組于10月羅馬峰會上向二十國集團領導人及時報告進展情況。世貿組織和其他國際利益攸關方和組織將根據其宗旨和決策規則,就如何在當前危機中改善公平獲取工具問題為該報告提供信息。 | Note the COVAX Vaccine Manufacturing Working Group, supporting the COVAX Manufacturing Task Force, led by the WHO, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), GAVI and UNICEF, that includes partners such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Medicines Patent Pool. We affirm our support for efforts to strengthen supply chains and boost and diversify global vaccine-manufacturing capacity, including for the materials needed to produce vaccines, including by sharing risks, and welcome the vaccines technology transfer hub launched by the WHO. We ask the Working Group and Task Force to report on their progress to the G20 in time for the Leaders' Summit in October. This report will be informed by the WTO and other international stakeholders and organisations, consistent with their mandates and decision-making rules, on how to improve equitable access in the current crisis. | |
贊賞新冠肺炎疫苗在一年內實現安全和有效接種方面取得前所未有的成就,強調應繼續投資研究和創新,包括多邊機制和其他合作努力,以進一步加快開發安全、有效工具。 | Applaud the unprecedented achievement of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines within one year, and highlight the importance of continued investment in research and innovation, including in multilateral and other collaborative efforts, to further accelerate the development of safe and effective tools. | |
強調同所有相關公共和私營伙伴展開迅速合作、以增加工具的公平供應和獲取的重要性。短期方案包括:分享現有產品,包括通過“新冠肺炎疫苗實施計劃”分享疫苗;產能多樣化;查明和解決生產中的瓶頸;促進整個價值鏈的貿易和透明度;通過合作和擴大現有產能,提高產能利用和全球分配的效率,包括在“與貿易有關的知識產權協定”(TRIPS協定)及2001年TRIPS協定與公共健康多哈宣言框架下持續努力;推動使用知識產權自愿授權協議、技術和技術訣竅自主轉讓及共同商定的專利池等工具。 | Underline the importance of working with all relevant public and private partners rapidly to increase the equitable availability of tools and to enhance access to them. Short-term options include: sharing existing products, including of vaccines through COVAX; Diversifying production capacity; Identifying and addressing bottlenecks in production; Facilitating trade and transparency across the entire value chain; Promoting increased efficiency in the use of capacities and global distribution by cooperation and expansion of existing capacities, including by working consistently within the TRIPS agreement and the 2001 Doha Declaration on the TRIPS agreement and Public Health; and Promoting the use of tools such as voluntary licencing agreements of intellectual property, voluntary technology and know-how transfers, and patent pooling on mutually-agreed terms. | |
歡迎對突發衛生事件防范和應對的高層政治領導,注意到在世衛組織框架下涉及大流行病預防和防范的潛在國際工具或協議的建議,以及世衛組織、世界動物衛生組織、聯合國糧食及農業組織、聯合國環境規劃署和各方通過“同一健康高級別專家小組”為更好實施“同一健康”所作的努力。 | Welcome high-level political leadership for preparedness and response in relation to health emergencies. Note proposals on a possible international instrument or agreement with regards to pandemic prevention and preparedness, in the context of the WHO, and efforts by the WHO, World Organisation for Animal Health, Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations Environment Programme and others in relation to strengthening the implementation of the One Health approach through their One Health High-Level Expert Panel. | |
除上述聲明外,鑒于當前疫情形勢,我們在以下方面制定了原則和指導性承諾,為當前和未來的全球衛生行動提供自愿導向,以支持對有效衛生系統能力的融資、建設和維持以及全民健康覆蓋,改善對當前疫情和未來潛在突發公共衛生事件的防范、早期預警、預防、檢測、協調應對、韌性和恢復能力。 | Beyond these statements in view of the ongoing pandemic, we set out principles and guiding commitments below. These serve as voluntary orientation for current and future action for global health to support the financing, building, and sustaining of effective health system capabilities and capacities and Universal Health Coverage to improve preparedness, early warning of, prevention, detection, coordinated response, and resilience to, and recovery from, the current pandemic and future potential public health emergencies. | |
這些相互促進的原則再次確認我們承諾促進全球團結、公平和多邊合作,實現有效治理,以人為本加強防范及有效應對,在科學及證據基礎上制定政策,建立信任,并促進為全球健康進行持續融資。 | These mutually reinforcing principles reconfirm our commitment to global solidarity, equity, and multilateral co-operation; to effective governance; to put people at the centre of preparedness and equip them to respond effectively; to build on science and evidence-based policies and create trust; and to promote sustained financing for global health. | |
羅馬宣言原則 | Principles of the Rome Declaration | |
我們承諾在10月于羅馬舉行的二十國集團峰會等平臺推動以下原則及其指導的行動取得切實進展,并請所有利益攸關方在即將召開的世界衛生大會和其他相關場合考慮以下原則。我們將: | We commit to promote and make tangible progress towards these principles and the action they guide by the G20 Summit in Rome in October and beyond and invite their consideration in the forthcoming World Health Assembly (WHA) and other relevant fora, and by all relevant stakeholders. We will: | |
1. 考慮到即將召開的世衛大會,以及近期和正在進行的評估進程,包括此前世衛大會授權的評估,支持并加強現有多邊衛生架構以防范、預防、檢測和應對疫情,其核心是有適當、可持續、可預測資金來源且有效運作的世衛組織。支持為所有人實現可持續發展目標、以及《人人享有健康生活和福祉全球行動計劃》等具體倡議,以更好支持各國加快實現健康相關的可持續發展目標,包括全民健康覆蓋。支持實現可持續、包容和有韌性復蘇的目標,逐步推動人人享有可達到的最高健康標準的權利。 | 1) Support and enhance the existing multilateral health architecture for preparedness, prevention, detection and response with an appropriately, sustainably and predictably funded, effective WHO at its centre, taking account of the forthcoming WHA and various recent and ongoing review processes, including those resulting from the previous WHA. Support the achievement of the SDG, their targets, and specific initiatives such as the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Wellbeing for all to better support countries to accelerate progress towards the health-related SDG including towards Universal Health Coverage. Support the goal of a sustainable, inclusive and resilient recovery that promotes the progressive realisation of the right for all people to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health. | |
2. 努力并更好支持全面實施、監測和遵守《國際衛生條例》,推動循證的、符合“同一健康”方針的跨部門措施的有效實施,以應對人類-動物-環境交匯及抗微生物藥物耐藥性帶來的風險和威脅,注意到相關國際組織在該領域的作用,鼓勵在與相關衛生組織商討后,推動出臺新的包括郵輪在內的航空和海上國際旅行公共健康指導方案。 | 2) Work towards and better support the full implementation of, monitoring of and compliance with the IHR, and enhanced implementation of the multi-sectoral, evidence based One Health approach to address risks emerging from the human-animal-environment interface, the threat of anti-microbial resistance, noting the role of relevant international organisations in that regard and encourage new public health guidance in consultation with relevant health organisations on international travel by air or sea, including cruise ships. | |
3. 采取全社會、健康融入所有政策的措施,包括國家和社區要素相互促進,推動政府最高層負起責任,以達到更好的防范、預防、檢測和應對。 | 3) Foster all-of-society and health-in-all policies approaches, with mutually reinforcing national and community elements, and promote responsibility at the highest levels of government for the achievement of better preparedness, prevention, detection and response. | |
4. 推進多邊貿易體制,注意到世界貿易組織的核心作用,以及在全價值鏈中開放、韌性、多樣、安全、高效、可靠的全球供應鏈對突發衛生事件的重要性,包括疫苗生產原材料,及生產和獲取應對突發衛生事件的藥物、診斷、工具、醫療器械、非藥品物資和原材料。 | 4) Promote the multilateral trading system, noting the central role of the WTO, and the importance of open, resilient, diversified, secure, efficient and reliable global supply chains across the whole value chain related to health emergencies, including the raw materials to produce vaccines, and for the manufacturing of and access to medicines, diagnostic, tools, medical equipment, non-pharmaceutical goods, and raw materials to address public health emergencies. | |
5. 借鑒ACT-A相關經驗,使人們能夠公平、及時、可負擔地在全球范圍內獲得高質量、安全和有效的預防、檢測和應對工具,以及非藥物措施、清潔水、環境衛生、個人衛生及(充足食物)營養,以及強健、包容和有韌性的衛生系統;并支持建立強有力的疫苗交付系統、增強對疫苗的信心并普及衛生知識。 | 5) Enable equitable, affordable, timely, global access to high-quality, safe and effective prevention, detection and response tools, leveraging and drawing on the experience of ACT-A, as well as to non-pharmaceutical measures, clean water, sanitation, hygiene and (adequate food) nutrition and to strong, inclusive, and resilient health systems; and support robust vaccine delivery systems, vaccine confidence and health literacy. | |
6. 支持低收入和中等收入國家加強專業能力建設,發展當地和區域工具生產能力,包括繼續對“新冠疫苗實施計劃”進行投入,以提高全球、區域和地方生產、處理和分配能力。進一步促進衛生技術利用及衛生系統數字化轉型。 | 6) Support low- and middle-income countries to build expertise, and develop local and regional manufacturing capacities for tools, including by building on COVAX efforts, with a view to developing improved global, regional and local manufacturing, handling and distribution capacities. Further enable increased use of health technologies and the digital transformation of health systems. | |
7. 發揮相關組織和平臺的協同作用,并基于其專業知識,推動以各方同意的條件開展數據共享、能力建設、許可協議和自愿技術及經驗轉讓。 | 7) Leverage synergies and build on expertise of relevant organisations and platforms to facilitate data sharing, capacity building, licensing agreements, and voluntary technology and know-how transfers on mutually agreed terms. | |
8. 加大對現有疫情防范和預防架構的支持力度,針對疫苗可預防疾病推動公平疫苗接種,將上述疾病以及艾滋病、結核、瘧疾等其他傳染性疾病和非傳染性疾病納入監測和衛生計劃,作為提供綜合服務的一部分,確保沒有人掉隊。 | 8) Enhance support for existing preparedness and prevention structures for equitable immunisation against vaccine preventable diseases, and surveillance and health programmes for these and other diseases, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and others, and non-communicable diseases, as part of integrated service delivery and ensuring that no one is left behind. | |
9. 對全球衛生和照護工作者隊伍進行投入,通過包括世衛組織學院等世衛組織相關倡議在內的教育和培訓,提高其得到各國互認的專業能力,以實現更好的健康、加速發展、促進社會包容和性別平等的三重紅利。對社區衛生和衛生系統進行投入,讓所有國家享有更有力、有韌性、包容、高質量的衛生服務、持續護理能力、地方及家庭護理能力及公共衛生能力。對世衛組織領導的多邊機制進行投入,以提高對發展中國家和受危機影響國家的援助和應對能力。對衛生保健設施的水清潔和衛生條件進行投入,減少傳染風險,保障醫護人員安全。 | 9) Invest in the worldwide health and care workforce, to bring about the triple dividend of better health, acceleration of development, and advancements in social inclusion and gender equality, by developing mutually recognised competencies through education and training including through relevant WHO initiatives including the WHO Academy. Invest in community health and in health systems to achieve strengthened, resilient, inclusive, high quality health services, continuity of care, local and home care, and public health capacities in all countries. Invest in multilateral WHO-led mechanisms to facilitate assistance and response capacities for use in developing and crisis affected countries. Invest also in water sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities to reduce infection risks and safeguard healthcare workers. | |
10. 對公共和動物衛生診斷實驗室進行投入,為其提供包括基因組測序能力在內的充足資源、培訓機會和人力配備,在發生突發事件時,能夠按照適用法律、現有相關協議、法規和安排快速、安全地向國內外分享數據和樣本。 | 10) Invest in adequate resourcing, training, and staffing of diagnostic public and animal health laboratories, including genomic sequencing capacity, and rapidly and safely share data and samples during emergencies domestically and internationally, consistent with applicable laws, relevant existing agreements, regulations and arrangements. | |
11. 對進一步開發、加強和完善符合“同一健康”方針的可互操作的預警信息、監測和觸發系統進行投入。按照《國際衛生條例》相關規定,繼續努力提高潛在疫情暴發數據的監測和分析能力,包括快速、透明地進行跨部門和跨國界的信息和數據共享。 | 11) Invest in further developing, enhancing and improving inter-operable early warning information, surveillance, and trigger systems in line with the One Health approach. Invest in new efforts to strengthen surveillance and analyse data on potential outbreaks, including rapid and transparent cross-sectoral and international information and data sharing, in accordance with the IHR. | |
12. 根據國家能力,對衛生系統工具和非藥物措施研究、開發和創新的國內、國際、多邊合作進行可預測、有效、充分的投入,同時從早期階段就開始考慮可擴展性、獲取和制造問題。 | 12) Invest predictably, effectively and adequately, in line with national capacities, in domestic, international and multilateral cooperation in research, development, and innovation, for health systems tools and non-pharmaceutical measures, considering issues of scalability, access, and manufacturing from an early stage. | |
13. 在可持續和公平恢復的前提下,統籌推進藥品和非藥品措施、應急響應(包括危機和行動中心的在線協調),以科學建議為基礎對衛生健康、危機防范和應對以及政策制定進行投入。相關政策應有助于加速實現可持續發展目標,解決造成緊急衛生事件的根本原因,包括貧困、結構性不平等、環境惡化等影響健康的社會因素,加強人力資源建設,加快綠色和數字轉型,促進共同繁榮。 | 13) Coordinate pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical measures and emergency response (including online coordination of crisis and operation centres), in the context of a sustainable and equitable recovery, with investment in health, preparedness and response and policies informed by scientific advice. Policies should accelerate progress towards achieving the SDG, combat the root causes of health emergencies, including social determinants of health, poverty, structural inequality and environmental degradation, build human capital, accelerate green and digital transitions, and boost prosperity for all. | |
14. 支持和促進與當地社區、民間社會、一線工作者、弱勢群體、婦女和其他社會組織以及所有其他利益攸關方進行有意義和包容的對話,抵制錯誤信息、虛假信息,以提高防范和應對措施的有效性。為支持上述工作,應當將準確的信息、證據、不確定因素以及從新冠肺炎疫情和以往突發公共衛生事件中吸取的經驗教訓,以適應當地文化的方式及時向公眾傳遞,以提高治理和決策的透明度,爭取民眾信任。開展健康促進和影響健康的社會因素相關工作,以解決非傳染性疾病、心理健康、糧食與營養等其他關鍵健康問題,提高抵御未來健康危機的整體能力,同時在處理危機時應注意采取年齡和性別敏感的應對方式。 | 14) Increase the effectiveness of preparedness and response measures by supporting and promoting meaningful and inclusive dialogue with local communities, civil society, frontline workers, vulnerable groups, women's and other organisations and all other relevant stakeholders and by countering misinformation and disinformation. Underpin this with trust and transparency in relation to governance and decision-making, arising from the timely and culturally adapted communication of accurate information, of evidence and of uncertainty, and of lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic response and previous public health emergencies. Undertake health promotion and work on the social determinants of health to address other critical health issues such as non-communicable diseases, mental health and food and nutrition, as part of efforts to enhance overall resilience to future health crises and in addition ensure an age- and gender-sensitive response to future crises. | |
15. 建立強化的、精簡的、可持續的、可預測的融資機制,為大流行病長期防范、預防、監測、應對和快速擴充醫療資源提供資金,能夠以協調、透明、合作的方式,并在強有力的問責和監督下,迅速調動私人和公共資金和資源。加強團結合作,特別是支持疫苗和其他物資生產供應,以及向低收入和中等收入國家提供資金用于疫苗采購。 | 15) Address the need for enhanced, streamlined, sustainable and predictable mechanisms to finance long-term pandemic preparedness, prevention, detection and response, as well as surge capacity, capable of rapidly mobilising private and public funds and resources in a coordinated, transparent and collaborative manner and with robust accountability and oversight. In a spirit of solidarity, join efforts to support in particular the manufacture and supply of vaccines and other supplies and/or the provision of funding for vaccine purchase, to low- and middle-income countries. | |
16. 通過采取混合融資,建立創新機制,綜合運用公共、私人和慈善部門以及國際金融機構資金等方式,努力確保上述融資機制有效運作。努力避免工作重復,強調各國需根據自身國情,主要通過國內資源為履行《國際衛生條例》和國內研發能力提供資金,并為那些不具備此能力的國家爭取支持。強調為滿足中低收入國家融資需求進行多邊努力的重要性,包括國際貨幣基金組織提議的新增特別提款權分配方案、富有雄心的國際開發協會第20期增資,以及業經二十國集團核可的現有措施。歡迎多邊開發銀行和國際組織當前工作,并呼吁其在各自授權和預算范圍內加大努力,更好支持對衛生威脅的防范、預防、檢測、應對和控制,并加強相互協調。 | 16) Seek to ensure the effectiveness of such financing mechanisms, including by leveraging blended finance, innovative mechanisms, public, private, and philanthropic sources, and international financial institution funds. Seek to avoid duplication of efforts, and underline the need for countries to finance their national IHR and R&D capacities, primarily through domestic resources in line with their national circumstances, and mustering support for those unable to do so. Underline the importance of multilateral efforts to meet the financing needs of low- and middle-income countries, including the proposed new general allocation of Special Drawing Rights by the IMF, an ambitious IDA20 replenishment and existing G20 endorsed measures. Welcome the ongoing work of Multilateral Development Banks and International Organisations and call for increase within their mandates and respective budgets their efforts to better support the preparedness, prevention, detection, response, and control of health threats and enhance their coordination. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |