一、2022年6月24日,全球發展高層對話會在金磚國家領導人第十四次會晤期間舉行。會議由中華人民共和國主席習近平主持,金磚國家成員國俄羅斯聯邦總統普京、印度共和國總理莫迪、南非共和國總統拉馬福薩、巴西聯邦共和國副總統莫朗,受邀的阿爾及利亞民主人民共和國總統特本、阿根廷共和國總統費爾南德斯、阿拉伯埃及共和國總統塞西、印度尼西亞共和國總統佐科、伊朗伊斯蘭共和國總統萊希、哈薩克斯坦共和國總統托卡耶夫、塞內加爾共和國總統薩勒、烏茲別克斯坦共和國總統米爾濟約耶夫、柬埔寨王國首相洪森、埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國總理阿比、斐濟共和國總理姆拜尼馬拉馬、馬來西亞總理伊斯邁爾、泰王國總理巴育出席會議。 | I. On 24 June 2022, the High-level Dialogue on Global Development was held on the margins of the 14th BRICS Summit. It was chaired by President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and attended by President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India, President Cyril Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa, Vice President Hamilton Mourao of the Federative Republic of Brazil, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, President Alberto Fernandez of the Republic of Argentina, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt, President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia, President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi of the Islamic Republic of Iran, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Macky Sall of the Republic of Senegal, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister Hun Sen of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama of the Republic of Fiji, Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob of Malaysia, and Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha of the Kingdom of Thailand. | |
二、與會領導人圍繞“構建新時代全球發展伙伴關系,攜手落實2030年可持續發展議程”的會議主題,討論共同關心的全球發展問題,并達成廣泛共識。作為主席國,中國將根據會議共識,落實全球發展倡議,同與會各國及國際社會共同努力,為促進全球共同發展作出積極貢獻。 | II. Under the theme "Foster a Global Development Partnership for the New Era to Jointly Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", the leaders discussed global development issues of common interest and reached extensive consensus. As Chair of the Dialogue, China will, based on the discussion of the meeting, implement the Global Development Initiative and make joint efforts with attending countries and the broader international community for common development around the world. | |
堅持多邊主義。維護聯合國憲章宗旨和原則,維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系和以國際法為基礎的國際秩序,堅持主權平等、不干涉別國內政。順應世界多極化和國際關系民主化的歷史潮流,構建相互尊重、公平正義、合作共贏的新型國際關系,共同反對霸權主義和強權政治。弘揚和平、發展、公平、正義、民主、自由的全人類共同價值,倡導共商共建共享的全球治理觀,以公平正義理念引領全球治理體系變革,提升新興市場國家和發展中國家在國際事務和機制中的代表性和發言權。推動構建開放型世界經濟,加強宏觀經濟政策協調,共同維護國際經濟金融體系穩健運行,推動世界經濟穩定復蘇,營造和平穩定、開放包容的國際發展環境。 | Committed to multilateralism. Uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, safeguard the international system with the UN at its core, uphold the international order underpinned by international law and adhere to the principles of sovereign equality and non-interference in other countries' internal affairs. Follow the historical trend of world multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations, build a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation, and jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics. Uphold humanity's common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, promote a global governance vision that emphasizes extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, guide reforms of the global governance system with the principle of fairness and justice, and increase the representation and say of emerging markets and developing countries in international affairs, institutions and mechanisms. Work to build an open world economy, step up macro-economic policy coordination, jointly uphold the stable and sound operation of the international economic and financial systems, promote the steady recovery of the world economy, and create a peaceful, stable, open and inclusive environment for international development. | |
堅持聚焦發展。將發展問題置于國際合作議程的核心位置,致力于落實2030年可持續發展議程,推動構建團結、平等、均衡、普惠的全球發展伙伴關系,攜手開創普惠平衡、協調包容、合作共贏、共同繁榮的全球發展新時代。 | Committed to development. Put development front and center on the international cooperation agenda, stay committed to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and foster united, equal, balanced and inclusive global development partnerships, to usher in a new era for global development featuring balance, benefits shared by all, coordination, inclusiveness, win-win cooperation and common prosperity. | |
堅持以人民為中心。從全人類共同福祉出發,積極回應各國人民對加強國際發展合作、實現共同可持續發展的呼聲,增進人民福祉,在發展中保障和改善民生,實現人的全面發展,讓所有人平等和有尊嚴地在健康環境中充分發揮自身潛能,讓每個人平等享有發展的惠益。 | Committed to a people-centered approach. Proceed from the wellbeing of humanity, actively respond to the call of people from across the world for strengthening international development cooperation and achieving common sustainable development, improve their wellbeing, ensure and improve livelihoods through development, pursue people's well-rounded development, and give everyone the equal opportunity to fulfill their full potential with dignity in a healthy environment and enjoy the benefits of development in an equitable manner. | |
堅持普惠包容。尊重各國人民自主選擇的發展道路,尊重各國平等參與、平等發展的權利,重視并切實解決發展中國家發展關切,解決國家間和國家內部不平等問題,不讓任何一國、任何一人掉隊。 | Committed to inclusiveness and benefits for all. Respect the development paths independently chosen by people of different countries, respect the right of all countries to equal participation and equal development, take seriously and address development concerns of developing countries with concrete actions, and reduce inequality among and within countries, leaving no country and no person behind. | |
堅持創新驅動。抓住新一輪科技革命和產業變革的歷史性機遇,加速科技成果向現實生產力轉化,挖掘創新增長新動能。推動理念創新、制度創新、科技創新,增強發展中國家發展能力,助力實現跨越式發展。 | Committed to innovation-driven development. Seize the historic opportunities created by the latest round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, speed up efforts to harness scientific and technological achievements to boost productivity, and unleash new impetus for innovation-driven growth. Promote innovation in development philosophy, institutions and science and technology, enhance developing countries' capacity for development and contribute to their leapfrog development. | |
堅持人與自然和諧共生。恪守《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》及其《巴黎協定》目標、原則和制度框架,完善全球環境治理,積極應對氣候變化,加快綠色低碳轉型,加強氣候適應,滿足人民對優美生態環境需要,實現更高質量、更可持續的發展。 | Committed to harmony between human and nature. Abide by the targets, principles and framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and of its Paris Agreement, improve global environmental governance, actively respond to climate change, accelerate transition to green and low-carbon development, enhance climate adaptation, meet humanity's demands for a beautiful environment and achieve higher-quality and more sustainable development. | |
堅持行動導向。加大行動力度,著眼當前和長遠,兼顧挑戰和機遇,加強發展政策溝通協調,深化國際發展合作,深化南北合作,加強南南合作和三方合作,支持聯合國在落實2030年議程中的統籌協調作用,加強對2030年議程落實的監測評估,推動聯合國發展機構及國際金融機構發揮應有作用,促進全球、區域、國別發展合作進程協同增效。 | Committed to results-oriented actions. Take stronger actions, with both the immediate and long-term interests and both challenges and opportunities in mind. Strengthen communication and coordination on development policies, and deepen international development cooperation, including North-South cooperation, South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation. Support the UN in coordinating global effort for the 2030 Agenda, enhance the monitoring and review of its implementation, encourage UN development agencies and international financial institutions to play their due roles, and coordinate development cooperation at the global, regional and national levels to generate synergy. | |
三、中國將在減貧、糧食安全、抗疫和疫苗、發展籌資、氣候變化和綠色發展、工業化、數字經濟、數字時代互聯互通等八個領域與國際合作伙伴特別是發展中國家開展務實合作。 | III. China will carry out practical cooperation with international partners, particularly developing countries, in the eight areas of poverty reduction, food security, pandemic response and vaccines, financing for development, climate change and green development, industrialization, digital economy, and digital-era connectivity. | |
(一)推動完善全球減貧治理機制,推動國際社會更加關注減貧問題。深化減貧政策交流、經驗分享和務實合作,拓展減貧伙伴關系,消除絕對貧困、解決因疫因亂返貧致貧和多維貧困問題,促進充分就業,幫助青年婦女等群體脫貧。加強能源政策協調,維護能源供應鏈安全穩定,確保發展中國家能源可及可負擔。 | 1. Improve global governance mechanisms for poverty reduction, and draw greater international attention to poverty reduction. Deepen policy exchanges, experience sharing and practical cooperation on poverty reduction and expand partnerships to eradicate extreme poverty, address pandemic- or conflict-induced poverty and relapse into poverty and multidimensional poverty, promote full employment, and help groups such as youth and women get out of poverty. Strengthen coordination on energy policies, keep energy supply chains secure and stable, and ensure access to affordable energy in developing countries. | |
(二)加強糧食生產、儲運、加工等環節和節糧減損方面的合作,增強發展中國家特別是最不發達國家糧食自給能力。推動完善公正合理的國際糧食貿易秩序,維護產業鏈供應鏈穩定暢通。深化農業技術合作,推進糧食系統轉型,實現農業農村綠色和可持續發展。 | 2. Enhance cooperation in such areas as food production, storage, transport, processing, and food loss and waste reduction, and improve food self-sufficiency of developing countries, especially the least developed countries. Make the international order for food trade more just and equitable, and keep industrial and supply chains stable and smooth. Deepen cooperation on agricultural technologies, promote transformation of the food system, and realize green and sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. | |
(三)深化抗疫合作,加強疫苗創新研發合作和聯合生產與技術轉移,確保疫苗在發展中國家可及可負擔,構筑全球免疫屏障。推動醫療衛生合作,幫助發展中國家加強基層公共衛生體系建設,提升應對突發公共衛生事件能力,深化傳染病防治和婦幼健康合作。 | 3. Deepen anti-pandemic cooperation, step up cooperation on vaccines innovation, research and development as well as joint production and technology transfer, ensure vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries, and build a global immunization shield. Promote medical and health cooperation, help developing countries strengthen primary-level public health systems, enhance public health emergency preparedness, and deepen cooperation on communicable disease prevention and treatment and on maternal and child health. | |
(四)加強可持續發展籌資,敦促發達國家向發展中國家履行官方發展援助承諾,充分發揮多邊開發銀行等國際金融組織作用,為發展中國家提供更多發展資源,增強發展中國家自主發展能力,提高發展資源與發展中國家實際發展需求的匹配度。 | 4. Increase financing for sustainable development, urge developed countries to fulfill ODA commitments to developing countries, fully harness the role of multilateral development banks and other international financial organizations to provide more development resources to developing countries, strengthen developing countries' capability of independent development and better match development resources with the actual development needs of developing countries. | |
(五)加強應對氣候變化國際合作,幫助發展中國家抵御氣候變化影響,提升氣候適應能力。加強生態環境保護與治理合作,加強技術轉移分享和能力建設合作,提高發展中國家綠色發展和綠色融資能力。深化可再生能源和清潔能源合作,加強技術轉移分享,推動能源資源、消費結構轉型升級。 | 5. Enhance international cooperation on climate change, help developing countries to deal with the impact of climate change and increase adaptation capabilities. Strengthen cooperation on ecological and environmental protection and governance, technology transfer and sharing, as well as capacity building, and enhance developing countries' capability of green development and green finance. Deepen cooperation on renewable energy and clean energy, strengthen technology transfer and sharing, and promote the transformation and upgrading of energy mix and energy consumption pattern. | |
(六)加強工業化產業化合作,幫助發展中國家提高工業生產能力和制造業水平,支持非洲工業化進程。加強工業韌性和產業鏈、供應鏈合作,推動國際智能制造和綠色工業化合作,實現新型工業化跨越式發展。 | 6. Enhance cooperation on industrialization and industrial development, help developing countries improve industrial production capacity and manufacturing, and support the industrialization process in Africa. Strengthen industrial resilience and cooperation on industrial and supply chains, and promote international cooperation on smart manufacturing and green industrialization to achieve a new type of industrialization and leapfrog development. | |
(七)加強數字能力建設,消除數字鴻溝。推動數字產業化、產業數字化國際合作,促進數字技術和實體經濟融合,賦能傳統產業轉型升級,通過數字化方式推動抗疫復蘇和經濟增長,加強數字化綠色化協同轉型發展。發揮數字減貧作用,開展惠農電商等領域合作。 | 7. Strengthen digital capacity building and bridge the digital divide. Promote international cooperation on digital industries development and digitalization of traditional industries, promote the integration of digital technology and the real economy, empower the transformation and upgrade of traditional industries with digital technology, bolster pandemic response and economic recovery and growth through digital means, and enhance coordinated digital and green transformation and development. Harness digital technology to promote poverty reduction, and conduct cooperation in such areas as e-commerce for farmers. | |
(八)促進數字時代互聯互通。加強各國海關政務服務數字化合作,推進“智慧海關、智能邊境、智享聯通”合作,促進供應鏈各方智能化互聯互通。提升公共服務數字化水平,加強在線教育等領域國際合作。加強可持續發展目標監測評估數據合作與分享,更科學推動2030年議程落實。加強知識分享和發展政策交流,鼓勵青年婦女等民間交流,為落實2030年議程匯聚眾力。 | 8. Promote digital-era connectivity. Strengthen cooperation on customs services digitalization. Promote "Smart Customs, Smart Borders, Smart Connectivity" to enhance connectivity among customs authorities and other stakeholders along supply chains. Improve the level of digitalization in provision of public services, and strengthen international cooperation in such areas as online education. Step up data cooperation and sharing for sustainable development goals monitoring and evaluation to promote more science-based implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Strengthen knowledge sharing and development policy communication and encourage people-to-people exchanges, including those among youth and women, to create strong synergy for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. | |
四、中國將在全球發展倡議框架下,采取一系列具體舉措,作為本次對話會成果(清單附后),包括將南南合作援助基金整合升級為“全球發展和南南合作基金”,并在30億美元基礎上增資10億美元,加大對中國-聯合國和平與發展基金的投入,發布《全球發展報告》,成立全球發展促進中心,建立全球發展知識網絡等。我們歡迎包括對話會參與國在內的各方積極參與相關合作。 | IV. China will take a series of concrete actions under the framework of the Global Development Initiative as deliverables of this Dialogue (list attached), including upgrading China's South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund into the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, with an additional input of 1 billion U.S. dollars on top of the existing 3 billion U.S. dollars, enhancing support for the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund established by China, issuing a Global Development Report, and establishing a Global Development Promotion Center and a Global Knowledge Network for Development. We welcome the participation of all attending countries and the broader international community. | |
五、與會領導人感謝中國舉辦全球發展高層對話會并發布成果清單,愿就加快落實2030年議程,實現共同可持續發展加強合作。 | V. The participating leaders expressed appreciation to China for hosting the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and issuing the list of deliverables, and expressed readiness to strengthen cooperation on accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and achieving common sustainable development. | |
全球發展高層對話會成果清單 | Deliverables of the High-level Dialogue on Global Development | |
中國將同合作伙伴一道,采取如下舉措以支持全球發展: | China will take the following measures in collaboration with partners to support global development: | |
1.成立全球減貧與發展伙伴聯盟,促進減貧經驗分享,推動減貧國際合作。 | 1. Setting up a Global Alliance for Poverty Reduction and Development (GAPRD) to promote sharing of best practices and international cooperation on poverty reduction. | |
2.成立國際民間減貧合作網絡。 | 2. Launching an International NGOs Network for Poverty Reduction Cooperation. | |
3.開展發展經驗交流系列對話,助力提升發展中國家可持續發展能力建設。 | 3. Carrying out a series of dialogues on development experience sharing to help developing countries enhance capacity building for sustainable development. | |
4.中國同聯合國南南合作辦公室共同實施“發展中國家青年跨境電商扶貧和可持續發展能力建設研修項目”。 | 4. Deepening the collaboration between China and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation on the Seminar Series on "South-South Cooperation in Cross-Border E-commerce for Poverty Eradication and Global Sustainable Development". | |
5.中國將為廣大發展中國家提供10萬研修研討名額,支持發展中國家疫后經濟社會與發展。 | 5. 100,000 training opportunities to be provided by China for other developing countries to facilitate post-COVID economic recovery and social development. | |
6.中國將發起“促進糧食生產專項行動”,同有關發展中國家開展農業生產和科技合作,幫助提高糧食生產能力,提升糧食自給自足水平。 | 6. Launching a Food Production Enhancement Action, to further agricultural production and technical cooperation between China and other developing countries to help improve their food production capacity and enhance food self-sufficiency. | |
7.舉辦全球重要農業文化遺產大會,發起農耕文明保護倡議。 | 7. Holding the World Conference on Globally Important Agriculture Heritage Systems (GIAHS), and launching an initiative for agrarian civilization protection. | |
8.實施“化學地球”大科學計劃,推動共建全球地球化學基準網,為發展中國家綠色土地保護利用、提高農作物產量與品質提供大數據支撐。 | 8. Implementing the Chemical Earth Big Science Program, to jointly build a Global Geochemical Baselines Network with other developing countries, which will provide big data support for protecting and utilizing green land and increasing the output and quality of agricultural products in these countries. | |
9.通過中國-太平洋島國農業合作示范中心,面向太平洋島國開展糧食生產、生態農業等領域培訓,提升糧食安全保障能力。 | 9. Training programs for Pacific Island Countries on food production, eco-agriculture and other areas via the China-Pacific Island Countries Demonstration Center for Agricultural Cooperation to help enhance food security in relevant countries. | |
10.建立國際疫苗創新與研發合作聯盟,深化疫苗研發國際合作,提升發展中國家的疫苗自給自足能力。 | 10. Establishing an International Vaccines Research, Development and Innovation Alliance, to deepen research and development cooperation on vaccines to improve vaccines self-sufficiency of developing countries. | |
11.中國將繼續對發展中國家實施“光明行”、“愛心行”等“小而美”義診活動,開展中非對口醫院合作機制建設。到2030年,向有需要的發展中國家派遣5000名中國醫療隊隊員,提升發展中國家自主抗疫和醫療能力建設。 | 11. Continuing with China's Brightness Action, the Heart-to-Heart Journey and other "small but beautiful" free medical programs for other developing countries, and stepping up cooperation between paired-up hospitals in China and Africa. By 2030, China will send 5,000 professionals of China Medical Team to other developing countries in need to help build up their capacity in infectious diseases response and medical treatment. | |
12.中國將充分利用有關基金,同聯合國發展機構在發展中國家開展務實項目,推動落實2030年可持續發展議程。 | 12. Making full use of relevant funds to support United Nations development agencies in carrying out practical projects in developing countries to accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. | |
13.正式啟動總額5000萬美元的中國-聯合國糧農組織第三期南南合作信托基金。 | 13. Officially launching the China-FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund Phase III of 50 million U.S. dollars. | |
14.中國將南南合作援助基金整合升級為“全球發展和南南合作基金”,并在30億美元基礎上增資10億美元,支持發展中國家落實全球發展倡議和2030年可持續發展議程。 | 14. Upgrading China's South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund into the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, with an additional input of 1 billion U.S. dollars on top of the existing 3 billion U.S. dollars, to support Global Development Initiative cooperation to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in developing countries. | |
15.中國將加大對中國-聯合國和平與發展基金的投入,支持開展全球發展倡議合作。 | 15. Enhancing support for the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund established by China to support Global Development Initiative cooperation. | |
16.推動建立全球清潔能源合作伙伴關系,舉辦國際能源變革論壇,探索建立國際能源變革聯盟。 | 16. Promoting to establish the Global Clean Energy Cooperation Partnership. China will hold the International Forum on Energy Transitions and explore the establishment of the International Coalition for Energy Transitions. | |
17.推動建立藍色伙伴關系,舉辦系列活動,支持發展中國家海洋資源可持續利用和能力建設。 | 17. Promoting the Blue Partnership. China will hold a series of events, and support sustainable use of marine resources and capacity building in other developing countries. | |
18.中國將同國際竹藤組織共同發起“以竹代塑”倡議,減少塑料污染,應對氣候變化。 | 18. Jointly launching the Bamboo as a Substitute for Plastic Initiative with International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR) to reduce plastic pollution and address climate change. | |
19.建立全球森林可持續管理網絡,促進生態系統保護和林業經濟發展。 | 19. Establishing the Global Network for Sustainable Forest Management to promote ecosystem conservation and forest economy. | |
20.推動新工業革命伙伴關系建設,幫助發展中國家提高把握第四次工業革命機遇的能力。 | 20. Advancing the Partnership for New Industrial Revolution to help improve developing countries' capacity to seize the opportunities brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. | |
21.舉辦世界職業技術教育發展大會,成立世界職業技術教育發展聯盟。 | 21. Launching a World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference and establishing a World TVET League. | |
22.開展“發展中國家信息通訊技術能力建設計劃”,提高發展中國家信息技術應用和通信技術能力。 | 22. Launching the ICT Capacity Building Programs for Developing Countries, with a view to improve application of information technology and capacity of telecommunications technology of relevant countries. | |
23.舉辦全球發展倡議數字合作論壇、2022全球數字經濟大會,推動數字技術應用合作。 | 23. Holding the Global Development Initiative Digital Cooperation Forum and the 2022 Global Digital Economy Conference to advance cooperation on digital technology application. | |
24.中國將舉辦第四屆聯合國世界數據論壇。 | 24. Hosting the United Nations World Data Forum 2023 by China. | |
25.中國將發起全民數字素養和技能提升倡議。 | 25. Launching a Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Initiative. | |
26.支持聯合國亞太經社會開展公共交通電氣化轉型和智慧城市創新實驗室項目。 | 26. Working with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) to implement projects on accelerating the transition to electric mobility for public transport and Smart Cities Innovation Lab. | |
27.開展“智慧海關、智能邊境、智享聯通”合作,促進國際海關及供應鏈各方互聯互通。 | 27. Carrying out cooperation on "Smart Customs, Smart Borders, Smart Connectivity" to promote connectivity among customs authorities and other stakeholders along supply chains. | |
28.中國將開展可持續發展衛星星座計劃,研制并分享可持續發展目標監測數據及信息。 | 28. Launching a Sustainable Development Satellite Constellation Plan, developing and sharing data and information for Sustainable Development Goals monitoring. | |
29.舉辦世界青年發展論壇,共同倡導全球青年發展行動計劃。 | 29. Holding a World Youth Development Forum and jointly initiating the Action Plan for Global Youth Development. | |
30.成立全球發展促進中心,建立項目庫,舉辦全球共享發展行動論壇。 | 30. Setting up a Global Development Promotion Center, developing a project pool and holding a Forum on Global Action for Shared Development. | |
31.發布《全球發展報告》。 | 31. Issuing a Global Development Report. | |
32.設立全球發展知識網絡,舉辦全球發展國際論壇。 | 32. Establishing a Global Knowledge Network for Development and holding a Global Development Forum. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |