1月20日,中共中央、國務院在北京人民大會堂舉行2023年春節團拜會。中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平發表講話。[新華社記者 李學仁 攝]
Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers a speech at a Spring Festival reception at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 20, 2023. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council held the reception Friday in Beijing. (Xinhua/Li Xueren)
同志們,朋友們: | Comrades and Friends, | |
農歷癸卯兔年春節即將到來。今天,我們在這里歡聚一堂,辭舊迎新,共賀新春佳節。 | The Year of the Rabbit is coming. Today, we are gathered here to bid farewell to the old year and usher in a new year. | |
首先,我代表黨中央和國務院,向大家致以節日的美好祝福!向全國各族人民,向香港特別行政區同胞、澳門特別行政區同胞、臺灣同胞和海外僑胞拜年!祝大家新春愉快! | First, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council, I wish to extend the best holiday wishes to all of you. I wish Chinese people of all ethnic groups, compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, and overseas Chinese a happy New Year! Happy New Year to you all! | |
即將過去的壬寅虎年,是黨和國家發展史上極為重要的一年。面對風高浪急的國際環境和艱巨繁重的國內改革發展穩定任務,全黨全軍全國各族人民迎難而上、團結奮斗,憑著龍騰虎躍的干勁、敢入虎穴的闖勁、堅忍不拔的韌勁,書寫了社會主義現代化建設的新篇章。 | The Year of the Tiger, which is about to pass, is a very important year in the development history of the Party and the country. Confronted with the complex and unpredictable international situation and arduous domestic tasks of continuing reform and development and maintaining stability, the entire Party, the military, and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups rose to the challenge and worked together. With their energy, courage and perseverance, they wrote a new chapter in the development of socialist modernization. | |
我們勝利召開了黨的二十大,確立了全面建設社會主義現代化國家的宏偉藍圖。全黨全軍全國各族人民意氣風發踏上新征程,向著新目標,奮楫再出發! | We held the 20th CPC National Congress successfully and drew up a grand blueprint for comprehensively building a modern socialist country. The entire Party, the military, and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups have embarked on a new journey in high spirits and are heading towards a new goal. | |
一年來,我們全面貫徹新發展理念,堅持穩中求進工作總基調,全面落實疫情要防住、經濟要穩住、發展要安全的要求,加快構建新發展格局,著力推動高質量發展,經濟保持增長,糧食喜獲豐收,就業物價基本穩定,民生保障扎實,脫貧攻堅成果不斷鞏固,科技成果捷報頻傳,生態環境持續改善,國防和軍隊現代化邁出堅實步伐,全面從嚴治黨深入推進,社會大局保持穩定。 | Over the year, we have fully implemented the new development philosophy, adhered to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, fully implemented the requirements for keeping the epidemic at bay, stabilizing the economy and ensuring safe development, and accelerated the efforts to foster a new development pattern and pursue high-quality development. We have maintained economic growth, achieved a bumper harvest of grain, kept employment and prices stable, and firmly ensured people's well-being. We have also consolidated our gains in poverty elimination, made one achievement after another in the fields of sci-tech innovation, kept improving the ecological environment, taken solid steps to modernize the national defense and the armed forces, made further efforts to exercise full and rigorous governance over the Party, and maintained overall social stability. | |
我們堅持人民至上、生命至上,根據病毒變化和防疫形勢,不斷優化疫情防控措施,最大程度守護人民生命安全和身體健康,最大限度減少對經濟社會生活的影響。現在,防疫仍然吃勁,曙光就在前頭,只要我們上下同心、堅忍不拔,就一定能贏得防疫最后勝利。 | We have put people and their lives first and kept optimizing the epidemic prevention and control measures according to the mutation of the virus and the anti-epidemic situation, so as to protect people's lives and health to the greatest extent and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development. Now, epidemic prevention and control still requires much efforts, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, as long as we work together and persevere, we will surely win the final victory. | |
我們成功舉辦了北京冬奧會、冬殘奧會,向世界奉獻了一屆簡約、安全、精彩的奧運盛會,取得辦賽和競賽成績雙豐收,北京成為全球第一個“雙奧之城”。 | We successfully hosted the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, respectively, presented a streamlined, safe and splendid Games to the world, and achieved great achievement in organizing the Games and our athletes also achieved a success in competition, making Beijing the first city holding both Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games in the world. | |
我們隆重慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年,香港、澳門繼續保持繁榮穩定。我們堅定開展反分裂、反干涉重大斗爭,牢牢把握兩岸關系主動權。我們大力推進中國特色大國外交,廣交朋友,為動蕩不安的國際環境增添穩定性。 | We held a grand celebration marking the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Hong Kong and Macao have remained prosperous and stable. We have been fighting resolutely in major struggles against separatism and foreign interference, maintaining the initiative to steer cross-Strait relations. We have vigorously advanced major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics and made many friends, providing the volatile global environment with stability. | |
這一年的成績來之不易,是黨和人民一道拼出來、干出來、奮斗出來的。實踐表明,只要黨和人民始終站在一起、想在一起、干在一起,任何風浪都動搖不了我們的鋼鐵意志,任何困難都阻擋不了我們的鏗鏘步伐。 | The achievements of this year did not come easily, and were made by the Party and the people together. What has been achieved has shown that as long as the Party and the people stand together, think together and work together, no storm can shake our iron will, and no difficulty can stop our sonorous steps. | |
同志們、朋友們! | Comrades and Friends, | |
2023年是全面貫徹黨的二十大精神的開局之年,希望與挑戰并存。我們要堅持穩字當頭、穩中求進,更好統籌國內國際兩個大局,更好統籌疫情防控和經濟社會發展,更好統籌發展和安全,全面深化改革開放,努力實現經濟運行整體好轉,推動人民生活持續改善。只要我們堅定信心、頑強拼搏,就一定能夠實現新征程的良好開局。 | 2023 is the first year to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, with both hopes and challenges. We will take keeping stability the top priority, and seek progress while maintaining stability. We will better balance both domestic and international situations, coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, and development with security. We will comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, strive to achieve an overall upturn in economic performance, and continue to improve people's lives. As long as we work hard with firm confidence, we will get off to a good start on our new journey. | |
大道至簡,實干為要。新征程是充滿光榮和夢想的遠征,沒有捷徑,唯有實干。要腳踏實地,埋頭苦干,不馳于空想,不騖于虛聲;要篤實好學,尊重實際,不違背規律,不盲目蠻干;要求真務實,注重實效,不做表面文章,不耍花拳繡腿。為者常成,行者常至,歷史不會辜負實干者。我們靠實干創造了輝煌的過去,還要靠實干開創更加美好的未來。 | The greatest truths are the simplest, and hard work is the key. The new journey is a long one full of glories and dreams where there is no shortcut, but hard work. We should come down to earth, work hard, and not fall into fantasies or distractions. We should be honest and studious, respect the reality, do not act against rules or work recklessly. We should seek truth and be pragmatic, focus on the actual effect, and do not make superficial work or show. Those who work will succeed, and those who walk will arrive at their destination. A person of action will leave a good name in history. We created a glorious past with hard work, and we will create a better future in the same way. | |
同志們、朋友們! | Comrades and Friends, | |
在中華傳統文化中,兔被稱為瑞兔、玉兔,代表著機智敏捷、純潔善良、平靜美好。吉兔呈祥,象征中華大地愈發安寧祥和、生意盎然、朝氣蓬勃。在農歷兔年,希望全國人民特別是廣大青年像動如脫兔般奮躍而上、飛速奔跑,在各行各業競展風流、盡顯風采。 | In traditional Chinese culture, rabbit (tu) is called Ruitu (auspicious rabbit) or Yutu (jade rabbit), representing quickness and wit, purity and kindness, peace and beauty. The auspicious rabbit bodes well for China, which is increasingly peaceful, and full of vigor and vitality. In the lunar year of the Rabbit, I hope that the people of the whole country, especially the young people, sprint up and run at full speed like a moving rabbit to exhibit their ability and elegance in whatever work they do. | |
在這萬家團圓之時,還有許多人堅守在工作崗位,在同心共筑中國夢的偉大征途中留下自己閃亮的足跡。我們向這些無私奉獻者致敬! | At this time of family reunion, there are many people who are still at work, leaving their shining footprints in the great journey of building the Chinese dream together. We pay tribute to these selfless contributors! | |
最后,祝大家闔家團圓、身體健康、兔年吉祥、萬事如意! | Finally, I wish you all a happy family reunion, good health, good luck in the year of Rabbit and all the best! | |
謝謝大家! | Thank you all! | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |