應南非共和國總統西里爾·拉馬福薩邀請,中華人民共和國主席習近平于2023年8月22日對南非共和國進行國事訪問。兩國元首就中南、中非合作和共同關心的國際地區問題深入交換意見,達成一系列重要共識。 | At the invitation of H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, paid a state visit to South Africa on 22 August 2023. The two leaders had an in-depth exchange of views on China-South Africa relations, China-Africa cooperation, and regional and international affairs of mutual interest. They reached consensus on a series of important related issues. | |
一、雙方高度評價自1998年建交25年來中南關系取得的長足發展,認為兩國關系發展勢頭強勁,政治關系持續深化,經濟交往不斷加強,技術合作蓬勃發展,人文交流富有成效,在多邊場合保持良好溝通協作,不僅展現了中南友誼的堅實基礎和兩國合作的強大韌性,也表明兩國關系越來越具有戰略性影響。面對層出不窮的全球挑戰,雙方攜手發展全面戰略伙伴關系,積極構建高水平中南命運共同體,為中非關系、南南合作共同發揮積極作用。 | 1. The two sides spoke highly of the substantial growth of China-South Africa relations over the past 25 years since establishing diplomatic ties in 1998. They agreed that the bilateral relationship enjoys strong growth momentum, deepening political ties, enhanced economic engagement, flourishing technical cooperation, and fruitful people-to-people exchanges. Furthermore, the two sides maintain regular interaction and collaboration on multilateral occasions, which attests to the solid foundation of the China-South Africa friendship and the resilience of bilateral cooperation and demonstrates the increasingly strategic nature of the partnership. In the face of emerging global challenges, the two sides undertook to strengthen their Comprehensive Strategic Partnership henceforth, actively build a quality China-South Africa community, and play a meaningful, joint role in China-Africa relations and South-South cooperation. | |
二、雙方重申尊重并支持各自選擇的社會經濟可持續發展道路和公正轉型。南方高度評價十年來中國取得的偉大發展成就,并認為中國式現代化道路為南非提供了許多經驗,相信中國將全面建成社會主義現代化強國,實現第二個百年奮斗目標,以中國式現代化全面推進中華民族偉大復興。中方高度贊賞南非致力于建設多元融合的現代化國家,相信南非國家發展規劃將不斷取得新的成就。 | 2. The two sides reaffirmed their respect and support for each other's sustainable social-economic development paths and just transitions. South Africa commended China's impressive development achievements over the past decade, and believes that the Chinese path to modernization offers many lessons. South Africa expressed confidence that China will realize its second centenary goal of building the country into a great modern socialist state in all respects and advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through its path to modernization. China highly commended South Africa's commitment to building a modern state, embracing diversity and inclusion, and expressed confidence that South Africa will continue to make new achievements in terms of its National Development Plan. | |
三、南方承諾在涉及中方核心利益和重大關切問題上繼續予以支持。南非重申堅定奉行一個中國政策。中方重申尊重和支持南非為維護國家利益、促進經濟社會發展和民生改善所作的努力。雙方一致認為,元首外交對于中南關系發展具有特殊重要意義。雙方同意保持兩國元首間的經常性接觸,就共同關心的重大問題加強溝通與協調,引領雙邊關系發展。雙方將充分發揮中南國家雙邊委員會、戰略對話、中國全國人大和南非國民議會定期交流、中南高級別人文交流等機制作用,深化治國理政交流,并以此帶動民間、地方等各層級各領域交往,促進合作。 | 3. South Africa pledged continuous support for China on issues concerning its core interests and major concerns. South Africa reaffirmed its commitment to the one-China policy. China reiterates its respect and support for South Africa's efforts to safeguard its national interests and social economic development and to better the livelihoods of its citizens. The two sides further agreed that Head-of-State diplomacy is particularly significant to developing China-South Africa relations. They agreed to maintain regular contact between the two heads of state to increase communication and coordination on major issues of mutual interest and chart the course for bilateral relations. The two sides agreed to leverage the role of structured bilateral mechanisms such as the Bi-National Commission (BNC), Strategic Dialogue (S.D.), the Regular Exchange Mechanism (REM) between the National People's Congress of China and the National Assembly of South Africa, and the High-level People-to-People Exchange Mechanism (PPEM) to deepen exchanges on governance and to promote people-to-people and sub-national interactions at various levels and across different fields to boost bilateral cooperation. | |
四、雙方認為“一帶一路”倡議提出十年來,已成為互利共贏的國際合作平臺。雙方愿加強共建“一帶一路”倡議與“經濟重建和復蘇計劃”對接,承諾繼續加強在基礎設施和物流、貿易投資、制造業、農產品加工、能源資源、金融、數字經濟、科學技術、綠色發展等重點領域合作。 | 4. The two sides agreed that since its inception ten years ago, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a useful, mutually beneficial platform for international cooperation. The two sides will consider working towards bilateral cooperation and synergy within the BRI and the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP) frameworks. Both sides pledged to continue to seek the strengthening of cooperation in key areas such as infrastructure and logistics; trade and investment; manufacturing; agro-processing; energy and resources; the financial sector; the digital economy; science and technology, and green development. | |
五、雙方認為《中南十年合作戰略規劃(2020-2029)》對兩國各領域合作具有全面重要指導作用,承諾繼續通過兩國年度戰略對話機制等加強協調與督促落實,定期進行回顧和評估,確保《規劃》及時得到全面、有效落實,推動互利合作,實現共同繁榮。 | 5. The two sides recognized the important overall guiding role of the 10 Years Strategic Programme on Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa (2020-2029) in bilateral cooperation in various fields. They agreed to continue to strengthen coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the Programme through the annual Strategic Dialogue and other mechanisms and to conduct regular reviews and assessments to ensure its timely, complete and effective implementation to promote mutual benefit and shared prosperity. | |
六、雙方積極評價兩國經貿合作成就,特別是中國是南非在全球最大貿易伙伴,南非是中國在非洲最大貿易伙伴。雙方愿充分發揮中南聯合工作組、經貿聯委會等機制作用,進一步對接合作需求,優化貿易結構,擴大市場準入,加強相互投資,確保產業鏈供應鏈穩定與安全。雙方鼓勵兩國工商界進一步探索擴大雙邊貿易的創新途徑,在相關原材料產地附近增加制造業基地,增加南非高附加值產品和優質農產品對華出口,加大對制造業和裝配業投資,加強技能和技術轉讓,促進當地就業。 | 6. The two sides acknowledged the achievements of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, especially with China being South Africa's largest global trading partner and South Africa being China's largest trading partner in Africa. The two sides stand ready to further identify specific needs in terms of bilateral cooperation within the China-South Africa Joint Working Group (JWG) and the Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETC), improve the current trade structure, address market access, enhance two-way investment, and to keep industrial and supply chains stable and secure. The two sides encouraged their respective business communities to explore creative ways further to expand two-way trade, increase their manufacturing bases within proximity of the relevant source of raw materials, improve the export of value-added goods from South Africa to China, increase the volume of export of high-quality South African agricultural exports to China and increase new investments in the manufacturing and assembly sector, the transfer of skills and technology, and to enhance local employment. | |
七、中方承諾將繼續支持南非應對能源安全挑戰,包括在發電和輸電基礎設施方面,積極參與南非主辦的投資大會等活動。南方將積極參加中國國際進口博覽會、中非經貿博覽會,支持兩國經貿代表團互訪。南非對中國將南非列入恢復中國公民出境團隊游首批20個國家名單表示歡迎。南非支持增加南非和中國之間直飛航班頻次。 | 7. China undertook to continue to support South Africa in addressing its energy security challenges, both in respect of generation and transmission infrastructure, and to actively participate in the South Africa Investment Conferences and other such activities hosted by South Africa. South Africa will actively participate in the China International Import Expo, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo and support trade missions between the two countries. South Africa further welcomed the identification of South Africa amongst the top 20 countries for group tourism promotion by Chinese tourists. In this regard, South Africa supports the increase in the frequency of direct flights between South Africa and China. | |
八、雙方高度重視兩國人文領域交流共鑒,充分肯定中南高級別人文交流機制作用,對今年2月在開普敦舉行的機制會議表示滿意,承諾繼續加強兩國在減貧戰略、文化、婦女、青年、教育、體育、衛生、媒體、旅游、地方等領域交流合作,不斷加深彼此理解和友誼,夯實雙邊關系的社會和民意基礎。 | 8. The two sides highly value people-to-people, cultural exchanges, and mutual learning. They acknowledged the role of the High-level People-to-People Exchange Mechanism and expressed satisfaction with the mechanism's meeting in Cape Town in February this year. The two sides reaffirmed the need to implement and further strengthen social exchanges and cooperation on poverty alleviation strategies; culture; women; youth; education; sport; health; the media; tourism; and other fields at the sub-national level to deepen mutual understanding and friendship, and to consolidate the social foundation of the bilateral relationship. | |
九、雙方強調有必要捍衛、促進并加強多邊應對氣候變化努力,將共同努力推動2023年12月在阿聯酋舉行的《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》第二十八次締約方大會取得成功。 | 9. The two sides underscored the need to defend, promote and strengthen the multilateral response to Climate Change and undertake to work together for a successful outcome of the 28th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP28) in the United Arab Emirates in December 2023. | |
十、雙方一致認為金磚國家合作對實現更具代表性和更公平的全球治理秩序、促進更具包容性的全球增長具有重要作用。雙方承諾繼續支持金磚國家在三大支柱領域的合作發展,同其他金磚成員共同努力,深化各領域務實合作,推動金磚擴員取得進展。中方支持南非擔任今年金磚國家主席國,支持南非引導金磚國家同非洲和“全球南方”國家加強合作,祝賀金磚國家領導人第十五次會晤取得成功。 | 10. The two sides agreed that BRICS cooperation is essential in achieving a more representative and equitable global governance order and promoting more inclusive global economic growth. The two sides agreed to continue supporting the development of BRICS in all three pillars of cooperation and to collaborate with all BRICS members to deepen practical cooperation in various fields and achieve progress in terms of BRICS membership expansion. China supports South Africa as BRICS Chair this year and the outreach to Africa and the Global South and wishes the 15th BRICS Summit success. | |
十一、雙方一致同意,繼續加強在國際事務和多邊機構中的合作,共同維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系、以國際法為基礎的公平國際秩序、以聯合國憲章宗旨和原則為基礎的國際關系基本準則,共同維護發展中國家權益,尊重國家主權和領土完整。南非注意到中國在包容性多邊主義的基礎上為促進和發展國家間關系所作努力,贊賞中國在促進全球和平合作方面發揮的領導作用。中方支持南非在聯合國、二十國集團等多邊機制中發揮更大作用。中方支持南非在2025年擔任二十國集團主席國。雙方一致認為,對話談判是解決烏克蘭危機的唯一可行出路,將堅持勸和促談,為政治解決該問題發揮建設性作用。中方對非洲和平代表團近期斡旋危機表示歡迎。 | 11. The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in international affairs and multilateral institutions, jointly uphold the UN-centred global system, an equitable international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms governing international relations, based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, including to uphold the rights and interests of developing countries jointly and respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity. South Africa has taken note of the efforts taken by China to promote and foster relations between states predicated on inclusive multilateralism and applauded China for its leadership role in promoting peaceful global cooperation. China expressed its support for a more significant role for South Africa in the United Nations, the G20 and other multilateral mechanisms. China supports South Africa's Presidency of the G20 in 2025. The two sides further agreed that dialogue and negotiation is the only viable option for resolving the Ukraine conflict, and they will continue to promote talks for peace and play a constructive role in the political settlement of the issue. Furthermore, China welcomed Africa's recent Ukraine-Russia peace mission. | |
十二、雙方歡迎中非合作成就,充分肯定中非合作論壇對推進中非全面戰略合作伙伴關系的重要作用。中方高度贊賞南非為中非合作論壇以及中非關系發展所作貢獻。雙方同意就中非合作論壇事務加強磋商和協調,共同落實好《達喀爾行動計劃(2022-2024)》框架內各領域務實合作。 | 12. The two sides welcomed the achievements of China-Africa cooperation and fully recognised the critical role of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in advancing the comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership between China and Africa. China also appreciates South Africa's contribution to developing FOCAC and China-Africa relations. The two sides agreed to further strengthen consultation and coordination on FOCAC affairs to enhance implementation and practical cooperation in various fields under the Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024). | |
十三、雙方決心進一步加強非洲事務合作,支持非洲聯盟和平解決非洲沖突。中國將繼續支持非洲大陸自由貿易區建設和非洲一體化進程,支持非洲國家和地區組織在非盟主持下以非洲方式自主解決非洲問題的努力,支持非盟早日加入二十國集團,支持非盟《2063年議程》第二個十年執行計劃。 | 13. The two sides reiterated their resolve to further strengthen cooperation in terms of African affairs and to support the African Union in resolving African conflicts peacefully. China expressed its support for the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the African integration process, as well as the efforts of African countries and regional organisations under the auspices of the African Union (A.U.) to provide African solutions to African problems, including to support the A.U.'s early accession to membership of the G20. China supports the second ten-year implementation plan of AU Agenda 2063. | |
十四、在國事訪問結束時,雙方領導人共同見證了雙邊合作文件的簽署。 | 14. At the conclusion of the State Visit, the two leaders jointly witnessed the signing of several bilateral cooperation instruments. | |
十五、中方對拉馬福薩總統及南非政府和人民接待習近平主席表示感謝。 | 15. The Chinese side expressed its appreciation to H.E. President Cyril Ramaphosa, the South African Government and the people of South Africa for hosting H.E. President Xi Jinping for his 4th State Visit to South Africa. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |