當地時間8月24日上午,國家主席習近平在約翰內斯堡出席金磚國家同非洲國家及其他新興市場和發展中國家領導人對話會。習近平發表題為《勠力同心 攜手同行 邁向發展共同體》的講話。[新華社記者 李學仁 攝]
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech titled "Hand in Hand Toward a Community of Shared Development" at the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue in Johannesburg, South Africa, Aug. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Li Xueren)
勠力同心 攜手同行 邁向發展共同體 ——在“金磚+”領導人對話會上的講話 (2023年8月24日,約翰內斯堡) 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | Hand in Hand Toward a Community of Shared Development Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue Johannesburg, August 24, 2023 | |
尊敬的拉馬福薩總統, 各位同事: | Your Excellency President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, Colleagues, | |
感謝拉馬福薩總統組織這次對話會。很高興同各位嘉賓會面,共商全球發展大計。 | Let me begin by thanking President Ramaphosa for preparing the Dialogues. I am delighted to join you all in this discussion on global development. | |
發展承載著人民對美好生活的向往,是發展中國家的第一要務,也是人類社會永恒主題。今年是聯合國2030年可持續發展議程的中期評估年。目前,多數可持續發展目標落實緩慢、令人擔憂。全球發展事業面臨巨大挑戰。 | Development embodies our people's aspiration for a better life. It is the top priority for developing countries and a timeless theme for humanity. As the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is due for a midterm review this year, the delivery of most Sustainable Development Goals remains slow. This is a cause for concern, and the global development endeavor faces formidable challenges. | |
國際社會要以天下之利為利、以人民之心為心,推動發展問題重回國際議程的核心。要提高發展中國家在全球治理中的代表性和發言權,支持發展中國家實現更好發展。要堅持真正的多邊主義,構建全球發展伙伴關系,為共同發展營造安全穩定的國際環境。 | The international community must pursue the larger interests of all countries, respond to people's concerns, and restore development to the center of the international agenda. The representation and voice of developing countries in global governance should be increased, and developing countries be supported in realizing better development. It is also important to uphold true multilateralism, forge a global development partnership, and create a secure and stable international environment for shared development. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
中國始終同發展中國家同呼吸、共命運,過去是、現在是、將來也永遠是發展中國家的一員!我提出全球發展倡議,就是為了讓全世界聚焦發展,為落實可持續發展議程提供助力。去年,中國舉辦首屆全球發展高層對話會,推出一系列發展合作舉措,取得可喜進展。 | China has invariably stood in solidarity with fellow developing countries through thick and thin. China has been and will always remain a member of developing countries. I proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI), precisely for the purpose of calling on the world to stay focused on development and lending impetus to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Last year, China held the first High-Level Dialogue on Global Development where a host of measures for development cooperation were unveiled. Encouraging progress has been made since then. | |
——我們堅持發展優先,加大了資源投入。中方已經成立總額40億美元的全球發展和南南合作基金,中國金融機構即將推出100億美元專項資金,專門用于落實全球發展倡議。 | -- We have put development first and allocated more resources. China has set up a Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund with a total funding of 4 billion U.S. dollars, and Chinese financial institutions will soon set up a special fund of 10 billion dollars dedicated to the implementation of the GDI. | |
——我們堅持行動導向,深化了務實合作。從亞洲到非洲,從太平洋島國到加勒比海岸,200多個合作項目開花結果,減貧、教育、衛生等領域合作機制不斷拓展。 | -- We have taken results-oriented actions and deepened practical cooperation. From Asia to Africa, from Pacific island countries to the Caribbean, over 200 cooperation projects have come to fruition, and cooperation mechanisms are growing in areas such as poverty reduction, education and health. | |
——我們堅持創新驅動,增強了發展動能。全球發展倡議聚焦綠色發展、新型工業化、數字經濟等重點領域,推進新工業革命伙伴關系建設,助力高質量發展。 | -- We have unleashed the power of innovation and built up momentum for development. Under the GDI, we have prioritized green development, new-type industrialization, the digital economy and some other key areas, and pursued a Partnership on New Industrial Revolution to boost high-quality development. | |
——我們堅持共克時艱,提升了發展韌性。糧食安全和能源安全關乎國計民生。我們啟動中國-聯合國糧農組織南南合作信托基金,落實促進糧食生產專項行動,向許多國家提供糧食援助、分享農業技術知識。我們發起全球清潔能源合作伙伴關系,助力實現能源安全。 | -- We have tided over difficulties together and made development more resilient. Food and energy security bear on the economy of a country and the well-being of its people. We have launched a China-FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund, implemented the Food Production Enhancement Action, and provided food assistance to and shared agrotech with many countries. We have also initiated a Global Clean Energy Cooperation Partnership with a view to achieving energy security. | |
中國是非洲的可靠朋友,過去10年向非洲提供大量發展援助,參與建設6000多公里鐵路、6000多公里公路、80多個大型電力設施。下階段,中國將同非洲國家開展更多合作,支持非洲增強自主發展能力。這包括提供衛星測繪成套數據產品;實施“智慧海關”合作伙伴計劃;協同聯合國教科文組織開展“全球發展倡議助力非洲未來”行動,積極支持非洲實現可持續發展。 | China is a friend that Africa can count on. Over the past decade, China has provided a large amount of development assistance to Africa and helped build more than 6,000 km of railway, over 6,000 km of highway, and 80-plus large power facilities on the continent. Going forward, China will carry out more cooperation with African countries to support Africa in enhancing its own capacity for development. Specific measures will be taken, such as providing satellite mapping data products, implementing a Smart Customs cooperation partnership, and launching with UNESCO a "GDI for Africa's Future" action plan, to support sustainable development in Africa. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
“積力之所舉,則無不勝也;眾智之所為,則無不成也。”讓我們堅定信心,眾志成城,攜手構建發展共同體,不讓任何一個國家在世界現代化進程中掉隊! | A Chinese adage reads, "Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together." Let us stay committed and united to build a community of shared development, and make sure that in the process of global modernization, no country is left behind. | |
謝謝大家! | Thank you. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |