國務院新聞辦公室16日發布《新時代的中國網絡法治建設》白皮書。全文如下: | China's State Council Information Office on Thursday released a white paper titled "China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era." | |
新時代的中國網絡法治建設 (2023年3月) 中華人民共和國 國務院新聞辦公室 | China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China March 2023 | |
目錄 | Contents | |
前言 | Preface | |
一、堅定不移走依法治網之路 | I. Upholding the Rule of Law in Cyberspace | |
二、夯實網絡空間法制基礎 | II. Consolidating the Legal System for Cyberspace Governance | |
(一)建立網絡權益保障法律制度 (二)健全數字經濟法治規則 (三)劃定網絡安全法律紅線 (四)完善網絡生態治理規范 | 1. Establishing a System of Laws for Protecting People's Rights and Interests in Cyberspace 2. Improving Law-Based Governance of the Digital Economy 3. Safeguarding Cybersecurity by Law 4. Improving Regulation for a Sound Cyber Environment | |
三、保障網絡空間規范有序 | III. Keeping Order in a Rule-Based Cyberspace | |
(一)保障個人信息權益 (二)保護網絡知識產權 (三)規范網絡市場秩序 (四)維護國家網絡安全 (五)營造清朗網絡空間 | 1. Protecting Personal Information 2. Protecting Online Intellectual Property Rights 3. Maintaining Order in the Online Market 4. Safeguarding National Cybersecurity 5. Creating a Clean Cyberspace | |
四、捍衛網絡空間公平正義 | IV. Defending Fairness and Justice in Cyberspace | |
(一)創新網絡司法規則 (二)探索網絡司法模式 (三)維護網絡司法權益 | 1. Defining New Rules of Cyber Justice 2. Exploring New Models of Cyber Justice 3. Judicial Protection of Online Rights and Interests | |
五、提升全社會網絡法治意識和素養 | V. Promoting Public Awareness and Competence in Law-Based Cyberspace Governance | |
(一)拓展“互聯網+普法”新模式 (二)普及網絡法律法規 (三)面向重點對象開展網絡普法 (四)強化網絡法治研究教育 | 1. Internet Plus Public Legal Education 2. Publicizing Cyber Laws and Regulations 3. Raising Legal Awareness of Key Groups 4. Strengthening Research and Education on Law-Based Cyberspace Governance | |
六、加強網絡法治國際交流合作 | VI. Increasing International Exchanges and Cooperation in Law-Based Cyberspace Governance | |
(一)積極參與規則建設 (二)廣泛開展交流合作 (三)努力搭建對話平臺 | 1. Playing an Active Role in Rule Making 2. Conducting Extensive Exchanges and Cooperation 3. Creating Platforms for Dialogue | |
結束語 | Conclusion | |
前言 | Preface | |
互聯網是人類文明發展的重要成果。互聯網在促進經濟社會發展的同時,也對監管和治理形成巨大挑戰。發展好治理好互聯網,讓互聯網更好造福人類,是世界各國共同的追求。實踐證明,法治是互聯網治理的基本方式。運用法治觀念、法治思維和法治手段推動互聯網發展治理,已經成為全球普遍共識。 | The internet is one of humanity's great achievements. Although it facilitates economic and social development, at the same time it poses severe challenges in terms of administration and governance. The development and governance of the internet is a goal shared by all countries for the benefit of humanity, and the rule of law has proved to be essential to internet governance. It has become a global consensus to apply law-based thinking and approaches based on an understanding of the rule of law. | |
自1994年全功能接入國際互聯網以來,中國堅持依法治網,持續推進網絡空間法治化,推動互聯網在法治軌道上健康運行。進入新時代,在習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想指引下,中國將依法治網作為全面依法治國和網絡強國建設重要內容,努力構建完備的網絡法律規范體系、高效的網絡法治實施體系、嚴密的網絡法治監督體系、有力的網絡法治保障體系,網絡法治建設取得歷史性成就。網絡立法、網絡執法、網絡司法、網絡普法、網絡法治教育一體推進,國家、政府、企業、社會組織、網民等多主體參與,走出了一條既符合國際通行做法,又有中國特色的依法治網之路。中國的網絡法治建設不僅有力提升了中國互聯網治理能力,也為全球互聯網治理貢獻了中國智慧和中國方案。 | Since China was fully connected to the internet in 1994, it has committed itself to law-based cyberspace governance, ensuring that the internet develops within the confines of the law. In the new era, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, China has made law-based cyberspace governance an essential part of the overall strategy of the rule of law and the drive to build up its strength in cyberspace. Marked improvements have been made in ensuring law-based cyberspace governance. China has boosted cyberspace governance by developing a complete system of laws and regulations, a highly efficient enforcement system, a stringent supervision system, and an effective supporting system. With participation of the government, businesses, social organizations and netizens, cyber legislation, law enforcement, and judiciary work have advanced alongside programs to spread legal knowledge via the internet, publicize cyber laws and cultivate the public's awareness in laws. This is a pioneering approach to cyberspace governance in line with international best practices. With stronger domestic capacity in law-based internet governance, China has contributed ideas and solutions to global internet governance. | |
為全面介紹中國網絡法治建設情況,分享中國網絡法治建設的經驗做法,特發布此白皮書。 | The Chinese government is publishing this white paper to introduce China's progress and experience in law-based cyberspace governance. | |
一、堅定不移走依法治網之路 | I. Upholding the Rule of Law in Cyberspace | |
中國順應全球信息化發展大勢,立足中國互聯網發展實踐,將網絡法治建設融入全面依法治國戰略布局,不斷深化對依法治網的規律性認識,在探索中發展、在發展中堅持,走出了一條中國特色的網絡法治道路。 | Adapting to the developing trends of global information technology, China set out from its own realities to integrate law-based cyberspace governance into the overall national strategy of the rule of law, gaining knowledge and experience in the process. It has pioneered a distinctive Chinese approach to law-based cyberspace governance. | |
——堅持以人民為中心。中國的網絡法治建設堅持人民主體地位,凝聚最廣大人民的智慧和力量,把體現人民利益、反映人民愿望、維護人民權益、增進人民福祉落實到立法、執法、司法、普法等網絡法治建設全過程各方面。切實維護人民群眾在網絡空間的合法權益,依法加強網絡空間治理,充分尊重網民交流思想、表達意見的權利,堅決打擊網絡違法犯罪活動,構建網絡空間良好秩序,營造安全、公平、健康、文明、清朗的網絡空間。 | -- People-centered development. In China, the people contribute ideas and solutions and play a principal role. Their rights, interests, aspirations and wellbeing are the focus in every aspect of cyber legislation, law enforcement, judiciary work, public education, and all other areas of law-based cyberspace governance. China protects people's legitimate rights and interests in cyberspace, and fully respects netizens' right to express ideas and exchange views. It has strengthened law-based cyberspace governance, taking resolute action against cybercrimes to keep order in this virtual world, and striving to create a safe, fair, healthy, clean and sound cyber environment. | |
——堅持促進互聯網發展。依法治網的本質,是為互聯網健康有序發展提供保障,而不是束縛互聯網的發展。中國將依法治網作為基礎性手段,完善數字經濟治理體系,提升數字政府建設法治化水平,依法推進數字社會建設,引領、規范、保障數字中國建設高質量發展。堅持發展和安全同步推進,筑牢網絡安全防線,以安全保發展、以發展促安全,推動互聯網這個最大變量成為社會經濟發展的最大增量。 | -- Further development of the internet. The purpose of law-based cyberspace governance is to guarantee the healthy and orderly development of the internet, not to hold it back. Under law-based cyberspace governance, China has guided and regulated efforts to build a high-quality digital China – improving the governance system for the digital economy, the legal framework of digital government, and the digital society initiative. Placing equal emphasis on development and security, China has consolidated its lines of defense so that the internet grows in a secure environment and further boosts cybersecurity. Cyberspace has thus been turned into a powerful engine for socioeconomic growth, rather than an area of uncertainty. | |
——堅持立足國情。中國的網絡法治建設立足中國是全球最大的發展中國家和網民數量最多的基本國情,針對中國網民規模巨大、企業平臺眾多、產品業態豐富的實際情況,適應法律主體多元、法律關系多樣、法律適用場景多變的特點,堅持處理好發展和安全、自由和秩序、開放和自主、管理和服務的關系,深入研究網絡法治前沿性、全局性重大問題,運用法治思維和法治方式解決制約互聯網發展的瓶頸問題,找出互聯網健康發展的中國答案。 | -- Proceeding from realities. China is the world's largest developing country and has the largest number of internet users. It boasts a large number of business platforms that offer all types of products and services. As a result, there are diverse legal subjects, relationships and situations where different laws apply. With all this in mind, China handles the relationships between development and security, freedom and order, openness and autonomy, and administration and service in an appropriate manner. It has conducted in-depth research on frontier areas of overbearing importance, employing law-based thinking and approaches to break through bottlenecks in internet development and find solutions for healthy internet growth. | |
——堅持創新引領。互聯網因創新而生,因創新而興,網絡法治尤其需要創新。中國全面把握網絡空間治理面臨的前所未有的艱巨性、復雜性,前瞻性應對互聯網新技術新應用新業態新模式帶來的風險挑戰,推進網絡法治理念、內容、方式、方法等全方位創新。完善和創新算法、區塊鏈等新技術新領域規則,努力填補重要領域制度的時間差、空白區,建立網絡綜合治理體系,創新網絡司法模式,以創新引領網絡法治實踐,全面提升互聯網治理效能。 | -- Innovation-driven cyberspace governance. The internet is a result of innovation and has flourished because of it. Law-based cyberspace governance cannot be achieved without innovation. With a keen understanding of the unprecedented difficulties and complications in cyberspace governance, China has been forward-looking in responding to the risks and challenges brought by new internet technologies, applications, and business forms and models, and promoted innovation in the concept, content, approach and methods of law-based cyberspace governance. By creating and improving rules on algorithm, blockchain technology, and other new technologies and domains, it has filled gaps in key areas where legislation once lagged behind. A system for comprehensive cyberspace governance is now in place, and new models of cyber judiciary work have been created. Driven by innovation, China has raised its capacity for internet governance in all areas. | |
——堅持開放合作。中國的網絡法治建設既堅持網絡主權,同時廣泛借鑒世界各國網絡法治先進經驗,吸收國外成熟做法,把中國互聯網發展置于國際互聯網發展的大背景下謀劃,形成了既有中國特色又符合國際通行做法的互聯網治理模式。積極參與網絡空間國際規則制定,開展網絡法治領域國際交流合作,與世界各國共同致力于建立多邊、民主、透明的全球互聯網治理體系。 | -- Openness and cooperation. Upholding cyber sovereignty, China has drawn from the experience of other countries in cyberspace governance, planning internet development in a global context and pioneering a distinctively Chinese model of internet governance in line with international best practice. It has played an active part in working with other countries to formulate rules for cyberspace governance, and engaged in international exchanges and cooperation in law-based cyberspace governance. It is committed to building a multilateral, democratic and transparent global internet governance system together with other countries. | |
新時代的中國網絡法治建設,立足自身發展實際,借鑒國外先進經驗,勇于探索、守正創新,走出一條具有自身特色的管網治網之路,取得了一系列顯著成就,為網絡強國建設、全面依法治國、黨在信息化條件下治國理政作出了重要貢獻。 | In the new era, China set out from its realities and learned from advanced foreign experience to explore its own approach to cyberspace regulation and governance, maintaining the right orientation while pursuing innovation. Significant achievements have been made in a range of areas, building up China's strength in cyberspace and adding momentum to law-based governance of the country, as well as contributing to national governance by the CPC in the information age. | |
——為網絡大國向網絡強國邁進提供了有力保障。中國網絡強國建設向著網絡基礎設施基本普及、自主創新能力顯著增強、數字經濟全面發展、網絡安全保障有力、網絡攻防實力均衡的方向不斷前進,取得重大成就。網民規模全球第一,移動物聯網發展實現“物超人”,建成全球規模最大、技術領先的光纖寬帶和移動通信網絡,5G實現技術、產業、應用全面領先。數字經濟發展勢頭強勁,2021年數字經濟規模達到45.5萬億元,位居世界第二。互聯網新技術在教育、就業、社保、醫療衛生、體育、住房、交通、助殘養老等領域深度應用,“互聯網+”依法健康運行,形成全球最為龐大、生機勃勃的數字社會。 | -- A guarantee of the transformation from scale to strength. China is building up its strength in cyberspace through these goals: universally available network infrastructure, significantly greater capacity of independent innovation, comprehensive development of the digital economy, guarantee of cybersecurity, and balanced ability of cyber attacks and defense. Major progress has been made in China towards these goals, as evidenced by the world's largest number of netizens, the largest and most advanced fiber-optic broadband and mobile telecommunication networks, and world-leading 5G technology, industry and applications. China's Internet of Things (IoT) now connects more cellular terminals than mobile phone users. China's digital economy has been growing with a strong momentum. In 2021, its value reached RMB45.5 trillion, ranking second in the world. New internet technologies are widely used in areas such as education, employment, social security, medical and health care, sports, housing, transport, support for persons with disabilities, and elderly care. Internet Plus services are running on a track of healthy development in accordance with the law. China has created the world's largest active digital society. | |
——推動全面依法治國在網絡空間深入實施。中國堅持依法治國原則適用于網絡空間,深入實施法治中國建設規劃,不斷推進網絡法治建設,堅持科學立法、嚴格執法、公正司法、全民守法,深化中國特色社會主義法治在網絡空間的實踐。網絡立法的“四梁八柱”基本構建,豐富和完善了中國特色社會主義法律體系。網絡執法不斷加強,嚴厲打擊網絡違法行為,網絡生態和網絡秩序持續向好,推動整個社會秩序更加平安和諧。網絡司法裁判規則逐步完善,網絡案件辦理力度不斷加大,公平正義在網絡空間有力彰顯。網絡普法深入推進,尊法學法守法用法逐步成為網絡空間的共同追求和自覺行動,廣大人民群眾的法治意識和法治素養全面提升。 | -- Law-based national governance fully implemented in cyberspace. In China, the principle of law-based governance of the country applies equally in cyberspace. The Law-based Governance of China Initiative has been implemented, and progress has been made in law-based cyberspace governance by ensuring sound lawmaking, strict enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and the observance of the law by all. Under socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics in cyberspace, the groundwork for cyber legislation has been laid, contributing to and improving China's socialist legal system. Cyber law enforcement has continued to strengthen. By taking tough action against illegal behaviors in cyberspace, China has fostered a sound cyber environment and maintained online order, which contributes to peace and harmony in the society as a whole. Rules of cyber adjudication have improved, more online cases have been handled, and justice is served in cyberspace as elsewhere. Knowledge of cyber laws has been further spread, and netizens have acted accordingly – respecting, learning, abiding by, and using the law. The Chinese people's awareness of and literacy in the law has increased. | |
——為全球互聯網治理貢獻中國經驗、中國智慧和中國方案。網絡空間是人類共同的活動空間,需要世界各國共同建設、共同治理。中國不斷探索依法治網的科學途徑和方案,在立法、執法、司法、普法一體推進中形成了中國特色治網之道,為全球互聯網治理提供了中國經驗。中國積極參與全球互聯網治理,推動發起《二十國集團數字經濟發展與合作倡議》《全球數據安全倡議》等多個倡議、宣言,創造性提出網絡主權原則,倡導《聯合國憲章》確立的主權平等原則適用于網絡空間,貢獻了中國智慧和中國方案。 | -- Contributing ideas, experience and solutions to global internet governance. Cyberspace is a shared space for human activities; it must be developed and managed by all countries. China has formed its own approach to law-based cyberspace governance by advancing legislation, law enforcement, judiciary work, and programs to spread knowledge about cyber laws, and has shared its experience with the world. It has taken an active part in global internet governance, promoting the G20 Digital Economy Development and Cooperation Initiative and the Global Data Security Initiative, and other proposals and declarations. It raised the principle of cyber sovereignty, and advocates that the principle of sovereign equality established by the UN Charter be applied to cyberspace, thereby contributing ideas and solutions to cyberspace governance. | |
二、夯實網絡空間法制基礎 | II. Consolidating the Legal System for Cyberspace Governance | |
法律是治國重器,良法是善治前提。中國把握互聯網發展規律,堅持科學立法、民主立法、依法立法,大力推進網絡法律制度建設,網絡立法的系統性、整體性、協同性、時效性不斷增強。 | The law is a powerful tool for governing a country, and sound laws are the prerequisite for good governance. Following the trend of internet development, China has advanced the legal system for cyberspace governance through legislation that is enacted in a well-conceived and democratic way and in accordance with the law. Cyber legislation is becoming systematic, holistic, coordinated, and time-efficient. | |
中國網絡立法隨著互聯網發展經歷了從無到有、從少到多、由點到面、由面到體的發展過程。第一階段從1994年至1999年,是接入互聯網階段。上網用戶和設備數量穩步增加。這一階段網絡立法主要聚焦于網絡基礎設施安全,即計算機系統安全和聯網安全。第二階段從2000年至2011年,是PC互聯網階段。隨著計算機數量逐步增加、上網資費逐步降低,用戶上網日益普遍,網絡信息服務迅猛發展。這一階段網絡立法轉向側重網絡服務管理和內容管理。第三階段從2012年至今,是移動互聯網階段。這一階段網絡立法逐步趨向全面涵蓋網絡信息服務、信息化發展、網絡安全保護等在內的網絡綜合治理。在這一進程中,中國制定出臺網絡領域立法140余部,基本形成了以憲法為根本,以法律、行政法規、部門規章和地方性法規、地方政府規章為依托,以傳統立法為基礎,以網絡內容建設與管理、網絡安全和信息化等網絡專門立法為主干的網絡法律體系,為網絡強國建設提供了堅實的制度保障。 | Cyber legislation in China has undergone a long, gradual process that can be roughly divided into three stages. The first stage ran from 1994 to 1999, a period when China became connected to the internet. Internet users and devices grew steadily in number. Legislation during this stage focused on network infrastructure security, specifically computer systems security and network security. The second stage lasted from 2000 to 2011, when personal computers (PC) served as the main terminal for internet connection. As PCs and internet users grew rapidly in numbers, internet connection services became more affordable and web-based information services boomed. Legislation during this stage shifted to internet services and content management. The third stage, which began in 2012, is dominated by mobile internet. Legislation now is gradually focusing on comprehensive cyberspace governance by covering areas such as network information services, information technology development, and cybersecurity. Over the years, China has promulgated more than 140 laws on cyberspace, forming a cyber legislation framework with the Constitution as the foundation, supported by laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, local regulations and local administrative rules, endorsed by traditional legislation, and underpinned by specialized cyber laws governing online content and management, cybersecurity, information technology, and other elements. This system of laws on cyberspace governance provides a strong institutional guarantee for building up China's strength in cyberspace. | |
(一)建立網絡權益保障法律制度 | 1. Establishing a System of Laws for Protecting People's Rights and Interests in Cyberspace | |
科學構建網絡權益保障法律制度,為實現人民群眾合法權益的線上、線下全方位保護提供了充分法律依據。 | China has established a sound system of laws to protect people's rights and interests in cyberspace, laying the legal groundwork for protecting both online and offline rights. | |
保障公民通信自由和通信秘密。通信自由和通信秘密的保護是確保公民能夠自主地在網絡空間表達訴求和思想的前提。早在1997年就制定《計算機信息網絡國際聯網安全保護管理辦法》,落實憲法對通信自由和通信秘密基本權利的保護。2000年制定《電信條例》,規定電信用戶依法使用電信的自由和通信秘密受法律保護。2016年修訂《無線電管理條例》,進一步強化無線電領域對通信秘密的保護,實現對這一基本權利在網絡空間的全方位保障。 | -- Protecting the freedom and confidentiality of correspondence. This is a prerequisite for citizens to air views and needs in cyberspace of their own volition. China enacted the Measures on Ensuring Security of Internationally Connected Computer Information Networks in 1997, to provide legal protection of the freedom and confidentiality of correspondence as enshrined in the Constitution. It formulated the Telecommunications Regulations in 2000, stipulating that citizens' freedom to use telecom services and their confidentiality of correspondence are protected by law. It revised the Regulations on Radio Administration in 2016, further strengthening the protection of the confidentiality of correspondence via radio service. Thus, this basic right enjoys full protection in cyberspace. | |
保護個人信息權益。通過民法、刑法和專門立法,構建個人信息權益全鏈條保護的法律屏障。2020年十三屆全國人大三次會議審議通過民法典,在前期法律規定的基礎上,對民事領域的個人信息保護問題作了系統規定。2009年、2015年通過刑法修正案,設立侵犯公民個人信息罪,強化個人信息的刑法保護。在網絡專門立法中,2012年通過《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關于加強網絡信息保護的決定》,明確保護能夠識別公民個人身份和涉及公民個人隱私的電子信息。2016年制定網絡安全法,進一步完善個人信息保護規則。2021年制定個人信息保護法,細化完善個人信息保護原則和個人信息處理規則,依法規范國家機關處理個人信息的活動,賦予個人信息主體多項權利,強化個人信息處理者義務,健全個人信息保護工作機制,設置嚴格的法律責任,個人信息保護水平得到全面提升。 | -- Protecting personal information rights and interests. China has built a line of defense in law for protecting personal information rights and interests. In 2020, the Civil Code was adopted at the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress, which makes systemic provisions on protecting personal information in civil cases based on previous legal stipulations. In 2009 and 2015, Amendment VII and Amendment IX to the Criminal Law added provisions on the crime of infringing upon citizens' personal information, thus strengthening the protection of personal information in the Criminal Law. In terms of cyber legislation, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress issued the Decision on Strengthening Online Information Protection in 2012, announcing clearly to protect electronic information that may reveal citizen's identity and privacy. The Cybersecurity Law enacted in 2016 further refined rules on personal information protection. The Personal Information Protection Law, promulgated in 2021, represented an overall upgrading of personal information protection. It defined and refined principles on protecting personal information and rules on processing personal information, and specified how state agencies should process personal information in accordance with the law. It empowered the subjects of personal information with a range of rights, emphasized the obligations of personal information processors, improved the mechanism for protecting personal information, and set clear and strict legal liabilities. | |
守護公民財產安全。持續加大立法保護力度,遏制利用網絡侵犯財產權益的行為。2018年出臺電子商務法,規定電子商務經營者銷售的商品或者提供的服務應當符合保障人身、財產安全的要求。民法典明確利用網絡侵害他人財產權益的行為應當承擔相應法律責任。2022年出臺反電信網絡詐騙法,為打擊電信網絡詐騙活動提供有力法律支撐,切實維護人民群眾的財產權益。 | -- Safeguarding citizen's property. China has strengthened legislation to curb infringements upon citizens' property by way of the internet. In 2018, the Electronic Commerce Law was promulgated, stipulating that products or services from e-commerce suppliers should not undermine personal safety or the security of property. The Civil Code has clear provisions on the legal liability of those who infringe upon others' property rights and interests by way of the internet. In 2022, China enacted the Law on Combating Telecom and Online Fraud, providing strong legal support for fighting crime and safeguarding people's property rights and interests. | |
保障特殊群體數字權利。通過多層次、多維度立法,彌合未成年人、老年人、殘疾人等特殊群體的數字鴻溝,使其能夠更加平等廣泛地融入數字社會,享受數字時代紅利。網絡安全法規定,國家支持研究開發有利于未成年人健康成長的網絡產品和服務,依法懲治利用網絡從事危害未成年人身心健康的活動。2019年制定《兒童個人信息網絡保護規定》,對兒童個人信息權益予以重點保護。2020年修訂未成年人保護法,對加強未成年人網絡素養教育、強化未成年人網絡內容監管、加強未成年人個人信息保護和網絡沉迷防治等做出專門規定,保護未成年人的網絡合法權益。2021年出臺數據安全法,要求提供智能化公共服務應當充分考慮老年人、殘疾人的需求,避免對老年人、殘疾人的日常生活造成障礙。 | -- Protecting the digital rights of special groups. Through multilevel and multifaceted legislation, China has invested a real effort to close the digital divide for minors, elderly people, and persons with disabilities, so that everybody can join in the digital society on an equal basis and enjoy the benefits of the digital age as much as possible. As stipulated in the Cybersecurity Law, the state supports research and development on internet products and services that are beneficial to minors' healthy growth, and punishes by law those who place their physical and mental health at risk via the internet. In 2019, China issued the Regulations on the Protection of Children's Online Personal Information, prioritizing the protection of personal information for children. In 2020, the Law on the Protection of Minors was revised, to strengthen minors' education on internet literacy, online supervision and regulation of content for minors, protection of minors' personal information online, and prevention and control of internet addiction, all to safeguard minors' legitimate rights and interests in cyberspace. The Data Security Law, promulgated in 2021, stipulates that providers of smart public services should take into full consideration the needs of elderly people and persons with disabilities, and make sure they do not create obstacles to their daily life. | |
(二)健全數字經濟法治規則 | 2. Improving Law-Based Governance of the Digital Economy | |
不斷完善數據基礎制度,維護數字市場秩序,規范數字經濟新業態新模式,為數字經濟健康發展提供良好制度基礎,助力經濟由高速增長轉向高質量發展。 | To transform from high-speed growth to high-quality growth, China has continued to improve institutions fundamental to data development, maintain order in the digital market, and regulate new business forms and models of the digital economy, laying a sound framework of rules for the healthy growth of the digital economy. | |
推動構建數據基礎制度。注重發揮數據的基礎資源作用和創新引擎作用,數據安全法對實施大數據戰略、支持數據相關技術研發和商業創新、推進數據相關標準體系建設、培育數據交易市場等作出規定,提升數據開發利用水平,促進以數據為關鍵要素的數字經濟發展。 | -- Creating institutions fundamental to data development. Data is a fundamental resource and an engine for innovation. The Data Security Law contains provisions on implementing the big data strategy, supporting R&D on data-related technology and business innovation, advancing data-related standards, and developing data trading markets. These provisions aim to improve data development and utilization, and promote the growth of the digital economy in which data serves as a key factor. | |
明晰數字市場運行制度。堅持依法規范發展數字市場,堅決反對壟斷和不正當競爭,健全數字規則,有力維護公平競爭的市場環境。電子商務法全面規范電子商務經營行為,明確電子商務平臺經營者和平臺內經營者責任,要求具有市場支配地位的電子商務經營者不得濫用市場支配地位排除、限制競爭,維護公平市場競爭秩序。2013年修改消費者權益保護法,建立網絡購物“七日無理由退貨”等制度,強化網絡經營者消費維權主體責任。2017年修訂反不正當競爭法,增加互聯網專條,禁止利用技術手段從事不正當競爭。2021年制定《網絡交易監督管理辦法》,細化電子商務法有關規定,進一步完善網絡交易監管制度體系。2021年發布《國務院反壟斷委員會關于平臺經濟領域的反壟斷指南》,并根據平臺經濟發展狀況、發展特點和規律,加強和改進反壟斷監管。2022年修改反壟斷法,完善平臺經濟反壟斷制度,規定經營者不得利用數據和算法、技術、資本優勢以及平臺規則等從事該法禁止的壟斷行為。 | -- Regulating the operation of the digital market. China regulates and develops the digital market in accordance with the law, stands firmly against monopolies and unfair competition, and improves digital rules to ensure a market environment for fair competition. The Electronic Commerce Law provides a full set of regulations on e-commerce operation, with clear provisions on the responsibilities of e-commerce platform operators and business owners on these platforms. It stipulates that e-commerce operators with a dominant share of the market should not abuse their position to eliminate or limit competition, so that fair competition is maintained. The Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests (2013 Revision) established a seven-day unconditional return policy for online shopping, to reinforce the primary responsibility of online business operators in consumer rights protection. The Law Against Unfair Competition (2017 Revision) has separate provisions regarding the internet, to ban unfair competition that takes advantage of technology. The Measures on the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions, enacted in 2021, contain detailed provisions on the relevant regulations in the Electronic Commerce Law, to strengthen online trading supervision. In 2021, the Anti-monopoly Commission under the State Council issued the Anti-monopoly Guidelines for Platform Economy, to strengthen and improve anti-monopoly supervision based on the status, characteristics, and development of the platform economy. In 2022, the Anti-monopoly Law was amended to improve the anti-monopoly framework for the platform economy, banning operators from abuse of a monopoly position by leveraging their strengths in data and algorithms, technology, capital, and platform rules. | |
規范數字經濟新業態新模式。數字經濟新業態新模式快速涌現,在為經濟社會發展帶來巨大動力和潛能的同時,也對社會治理、產業發展等提出了新的挑戰。中國聚焦新業態新模式特定領域、特殊問題,堅持“大塊頭”立法和“小快靈”立法相結合,防范和化解風險。民法典完善電子合同訂立和履行規則,將數據和網絡虛擬財產納入法律保護范圍,促進數字經濟發展。《網絡預約出租汽車經營服務管理暫行辦法》《互聯網信息服務算法推薦管理規定》《區塊鏈信息服務管理規定》《網絡借貸信息中介機構業務活動管理暫行辦法》《在線旅游經營服務管理暫行規定》等規范網約車、算法、區塊鏈、互聯網金融、在線旅游等新技術新業態,豐富“互聯網+”各領域治理的法律依據。 | -- Regulating new business forms and models of the digital economy. The rapid rise of new business forms and models in the digital economy created social and economic impetus and potential, and also posed new challenges for social governance and industrial growth. Focusing on problems unique to the new forms and models in certain areas, China has advanced legislation in both the comprehensive and special laws to prevent and defuse risks. The Civil Code improved the rules on the conclusion and execution of electronic contracts, and brought data and virtual assets under legal protection, giving a boost to the digital economy. To expand the legal framework for governing Internet Plus services, China has introduced an array of regulations, including the Interim Measures on the Administration of Online Taxi Booking Services, Regulations on the Administration of Algorithmic Recommendations for Internet Information Services, Regulations on the Administration of Blockchain Information Services, Interim Measures on the Administration of Business Activities of Intermediary Agencies for Online Lending, and Interim Regulations on the Administration of Online Tourist Services. | |
(三)劃定網絡安全法律紅線 | 3. Safeguarding Cybersecurity by Law | |
網絡安全是國家安全的新課題和新內容,成為關乎全局的重大問題。中國通過制定國家安全法、網絡安全法、數據安全法等法律,系統構建網絡安全法律制度,增強網絡安全防御能力,有效應對網絡安全風險。 | Cybersecurity is a new component of national security, and an issue of paramount importance. By formulating the National Security Law, Cybersecurity Law, and Data Security Law, China has defined the legal institutional framework for cybersecurity, to boost its defenses against cyber threats and effectively respond to cybersecurity risks. | |
確立網絡安全規則。1994年出臺《計算機信息系統安全保護條例》,確立計算機信息系統安全保護制度和安全監督制度。2000年出臺《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關于維護互聯網安全的決定》,將互聯網安全劃分為互聯網運行安全和互聯網信息安全,確立民事責任、行政責任和刑事責任三位一體的網絡安全責任體系框架。網絡安全法明確維護網絡運行安全、網絡產品和服務安全、網絡數據安全、網絡信息安全等方面的制度。《網絡安全審查辦法》《網絡產品安全漏洞管理規定》等進一步細化網絡安全法相關制度。通過多年努力,初步形成了一套系統全面的網絡安全法律規則,以制度建設提高國家網絡安全保障能力。 | -- Setting rules for cybersecurity. The Regulations on the Security and Protection of Computer Information Systems was released in 1994, designed to safeguard and supervise computer information system security. In 2000, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress issued the Decision on Ensuring Internet Security, detailing security requirements in operation and information, and establishing a framework of responsibilities for cybersecurity composed of civil, administrative and criminal liabilities. The Cybersecurity Law specifies the systems for ensuring security of network operation, online products and services, data, and information. Some of its provisions are further elaborated in the Measures on Cybersecurity Review and the Regulations on the Management of Security Loopholes of Online Products. After years of effort, China now has a complete set of legal rules on cybersecurity, and greater capacity for ensuring cybersecurity through institutional development. | |
保障關鍵信息基礎設施安全。關鍵信息基礎設施是經濟社會運行的神經中樞,是網絡安全的重中之重。保障關鍵信息基礎設施安全,對于維護國家網絡主權和國家安全、保障經濟社會健康發展、維護公共利益和公民合法權益具有重大意義。2021年制定《關鍵信息基礎設施安全保護條例》,明確關鍵信息基礎設施范圍和保護工作原則目標,完善關鍵信息基礎設施認定機制,對關鍵信息基礎設施運營者落實網絡安全責任、建立健全網絡安全保護制度、設置專門安全管理機構、開展安全監測和風險評估、規范網絡產品和服務采購活動等作出具體規定,為加快提升關鍵信息基礎設施安全保護能力提供法律依據。 | -- Ensuring security for critical information infrastructure. Critical information infrastructure is the nerve center of socioeconomic operation, and the top concern for cybersecurity. Its security is central to maintaining cyber sovereignty and national security, guaranteeing sound socioeconomic development, and protecting the public interest and the legitimate rights and interests of individual citizens. In 2021, China released the Regulations on the Security and Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure, with provisions defining what constitutes critical information infrastructure and the principles and goals of protection. The procedures for identifying critical information infrastructure were improved, and the operators' responsibility for cybersecurity was clarified. There were also provisions on improving the mechanisms for network security and protection, setting up special security management agencies, conducting safety monitoring and risk assessment, and regulating the purchase of online products and services. The Regulations provide the legal ground for upgrading the country's capacity for safeguarding critical information infrastructure. | |
構建數據安全管理法律制度。立足數據安全工作實際,著眼數據安全領域突出問題,通過立法加強數據安全保護,提升國家數據安全保障能力。數據安全法明確建立健全數據分類分級保護、風險監測預警和應急處置、數據安全審查等制度,對支持促進數據安全與發展的措施、推進政務數據安全與開放等作出規定,以安全保發展、以發展促安全。 | -- Developing the legal framework for data security management. Proceeding from reality and focusing on the outstanding problems in data security, China has strengthened its capacity for data security through legislation. The Data Security Law has clear provisions on establishing mechanisms for categorized and classified data protection, risk monitoring and early warning, emergency response, and data security review; it also contains measures to facilitate data security and development and provisions for the security and openness of government data. | |
(四)完善網絡生態治理規范 | 4. Improving Regulation for a Sound Cyber Environment | |
網絡空間是億萬民眾共同的精神家園,網絡空間天朗氣清、生態良好,是人民對網上家園的美好向往。中國本著對社會負責、對人民負責的態度,以網絡信息內容為主要規制對象,建立健全網絡綜合治理法律規范,持續凈化網絡空間。 | Cyberspace is a public space for internet users. A clean and sound cyber environment is in accord with the people's expectations. Out of a strong sense of responsibility towards society and the people, China has introduced laws and regulations for comprehensive cyberspace governance, to clean up the cyber environment with a focus on online information and content. | |
規范網絡信息傳播秩序。面對網絡信息治理這一世界性難題,制定民法典、網絡安全法、《互聯網信息服務管理辦法》等法律法規,明確網絡信息內容傳播規范和相關主體的責任,為治理危害國家安全、損害公共利益、侵害他人合法權益的違法信息提供了法律依據。 | -- Regulating the orderly dissemination of online information. To strengthen online information governance, a global challenge, China formulated the Civil Code, Cybersecurity Law, and Administrative Measures on Internet Information Services, to define the rules for the dissemination of online information and the liabilities of relevant subjects. These laid the legal groundwork for tackling illegal information that threatens national security, harms the public interest, and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of individuals. | |
打造網絡反恐法律利器。堅決依法遏制恐怖主義在網絡空間的威脅,刑法、刑事訴訟法、反洗錢法等法律對恐怖活動犯罪的刑事責任、懲治恐怖活動犯罪的訴訟程序、涉恐資金監控等作了規定。2015年制定反恐怖主義法,對網絡反恐的對象、措施和機制等作出專門規定。 | -- Sharpening the legal weapons against cyberterrorism. China stands firm against the threat of cyberterrorism. The Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, and Anti-Money Laundering Law contain provisions on criminal liability for terrorist activities and judicial proceedings in the investigation of terrorist crimes, as well as on monitoring the money for funding terrorist activities. The Counterterrorism Law promulgated in 2015 has separate provisions on the targets, measures and mechanisms for combating terrorism in cyberspace. | |
三、保障網絡空間規范有序 | III. Keeping Order in a Rule-Based Cyberspace | |
嚴格執法是依法治網的關鍵環節。中國堅持嚴格規范公正文明網絡執法,加大關系人民群眾切身利益的重點領域執法力度,全面保護人民群眾合法權益、維護社會公共利益,推動形成健康規范的網絡空間秩序,營造天朗氣清的網絡生態。 | Strict law enforcement is a critical link in law-based cyberspace governance. China has taken rigorous measures to ensure fair and rule-based law enforcement in cyberspace, strengthening enforcement in key areas of immediate concern to the people, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the individual as well as the general public. A sound, rule-based order has been created in a clean cyber environment. | |
(一)保障個人信息權益 | 1. Protecting Personal Information | |
伴隨數字經濟的快速發展,非法收集、買賣、使用、泄露個人信息等違法行為日益增多,嚴重侵害了人民群眾人身財產安全,影響了社會經濟正常秩序。個人信息保護不僅關系廣大人民群眾合法權益,也關系公共安全治理和數字經濟發展。中國針對個人信息侵權行為的密集性、隱蔽性、技術性等特點,采取新的監管思路、監管方式和監管手段,加大違法行為處置力度,持續開展移動互聯網應用程序(App)違法違規收集使用個人信息專項治理,有效整治違法違規處理個人信息問題。2019年以來,累計完成322萬款移動互聯網應用程序檢測,通報、下架違法違規移動互聯網應用程序近3000款。通過專項治理,侵害用戶個人信息權益的違法違規行為得到有力遏制,個人信息保護意識顯著增強,個人信息保護合規水平明顯提升,全社會尊重和保護個人信息權益的良好局面初步形成。 | With a thriving digital economy come a growing number of crimes, such as the illegal collection, buying and selling, use and leakage of personal information, which threaten people's personal and property security and disrupt social and economic order. Personal information protection concerns people's legitimate rights and interests, as well as public security governance and the future of the digital economy. Targeting covert, high-frequency personal information infringements with high-tech means, China has adopted new thinking and methods of supervision, taking tougher action against illegal activities. For example, it carries out regular actions against mobile applications that illegally collect and use personal data. Since 2019, the authorities in China have inspected 3.22 million mobile applications, issuing notice of criticism to or removing about 3,000 applications that violated laws and regulations. Through these targeted actions, violations of personal information rights have been effectively curbed, as many more applications are now conforming to relevant regulations and the public has also built a strong awareness of personal data protection. Respecting and protecting personal information is recognized as essential by all. | |
(二)保護網絡知識產權 | 2. Protecting Online Intellectual Property Rights | |
加強網絡知識產權保護是支持網絡科技創新的關鍵。新技術新應用不斷涌現,使得網絡知識產權侵權的手段更加隱蔽、形式更加多樣、成本更加低廉,執法面臨溯源難、取證難、執行難等問題。中國持續探索、準確把握網絡環境下知識產權創造、保護、運用的特點規律,通過建立健全監管機制、構建知識產權保護社會共治新格局,推動平臺建立知識產權保護合作機制,開展打擊網絡侵權盜版專項行動等多重舉措,持續加強網絡知識產權保護。推進線上線下一體化執法,重拳出擊,嚴厲打擊網絡商標侵權、假冒專利違法行為。常態化組織開展打擊網絡侵權盜版的“劍網”專項行動、打擊院線電影盜錄傳播集中行動、重點市場版權專項整治等執法活動,嚴厲打擊各類侵權盜版行為,集中整治重點領域、重點市場版權秩序。北京冬奧會、冬殘奧會期間,開展冬奧版權保護集中行動,推動網絡平臺刪除涉冬奧侵權鏈接11萬余個。經過多年執法,網絡知識產權保護環境得到明顯改善。 | Strengthening online intellectual property rights (IPR) protection is central to innovation in internet technology. As new technologies and applications flourish, IPR infringements online have become cheaper and more diversified and covert, posing a severe challenge to law enforcement in terms of tracing, evidence collection, and enforcement. Over the years, China has developed a keen understanding of online IPR creation, protection and application, and taken strong actions for online IPR protection. These include: establishing and improving supervision mechanisms, creating a new dynamic of IPR protection by all members of society, launching cross-platform cooperation for IPR protection, and punishing online infringement and piracy. Integrated online-offline law enforcement has been strengthened to enable firm action against online trademark infringements and counterfeiting of patented products. Regular targeted actions have been taken against all types of infringements and piracy, including online copyright infringement, pirated film copies and illegal dissemination, and copyright infringement in key markets and areas. During the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics, more than 110,000 unauthorized links containing content about the Games were deleted from internet platforms. Through years of effort, China has achieved a marked improvement in online IPR protection. | |
(三)規范網絡市場秩序 | 3. Maintaining Order in the Online Market | |
網絡市場快速崛起,對穩經濟、促消費、保就業、惠民生發揮了重要作用。中國積極探索與網絡市場新業態相適應的執法模式,通過規范市場公平競爭發展、打擊不法新型交易行為等一系列行動,助力網絡市場健康可持續發展。 | The rapid rise of the online market has played a major role in stabilizing the economy, spurring consumption, securing employment, and serving the people's wellbeing. China has tried out new models of law enforcement adapted to the online market, a new business form, and supported its sound and sustainable growth by regulating the market for fair competition and taking resolute action against all forms of illegal transactions. | |
保障公平競爭的網絡市場環境。隨著網絡平臺企業不斷擴展自身的體量和實力,“掐尖式并購”、無正當理由屏蔽鏈接、“二選一”、大數據殺熟、流量挾持等妨礙市場公平競爭的問題也逐漸凸顯。中國積極回應人民群眾訴求,在支持網絡平臺企業創新發展的同時,依法規范和引導資本健康發展,采取多種治理平臺競爭失序的執法舉措。聚焦大型網絡平臺價格欺詐、低價傾銷等重點問題,通過行政約談、行政指導、規則指引等多種監管手段,整治壟斷和不正當競爭行為。圍繞民生、金融、科技、傳媒等重點行業,依法審查涉及平臺經營者集中案件,防止可能妨礙市場競爭和創新發展的并購行為,引導網絡平臺企業增強合規意識,規范自身經營行為。通過一系列行動,平臺經濟市場環境不斷優化,公平競爭的行業生態穩步向好,中小企業獲得更廣闊的發展空間,統一、開放、公平、競爭、有序的網絡競爭環境正在形成。 | -- Ensuring fair competition in the online market. As online platforms expand in size and grow in strength, they have increasingly hampered fair competition by acquiring the best-performing startups in their sectors, deliberately blocking URL links of other platforms, compelling platform users to choose one platform over another, engaging in big data-enabled price discrimination against existing customers, and hijacking traffic. In response to public appeal, China has taken a range of measures to address disorderly competition among online platforms, support their innovation-driven growth, and regulate and guide capital growth by law. Acts of unfair competition by major online platforms such as price cheating and dumping, monopoly abuse, and other acts of unfair competition have been redressed through regulatory means including administrative admonition, administrative guidance, and guidance on rules. Cases relating to concentration of platform operators in key areas such as finance, high-tech, media that affect people's wellbeing have been reviewed and handled in accordance with the law. Mergers and acquisitions that might adversely affect market competition and innovation have been prevented, and online platform businesses are advised to increase their awareness of rules and regulate their operations. All this has contributed to an improved market environment for the platform economy, a sound business environment of fair competition, and broader space for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to grow. A unified, open, fair, competitive, and orderly online business environment is taking shape. | |
規范網絡交易活動。讓網絡交易活動在規范中運行,是營造良好網絡市場環境、維護廣大網絡交易主體權益的必然要求。開展“網劍行動”,集中治理網上銷售侵權假冒偽劣商品違法行為,重拳打擊網上非法交易野生動植物及其制品活動。嚴格落實網絡平臺責任,強化互聯網廣告監管。針對“直播帶貨”、微店營銷等新型網絡交易形式,嚴管網絡招徠渠道,查處多家涉嫌違法網站和平臺用戶。針對網絡傳銷行為開展專項行動,對網絡購物型傳銷、網絡投資理財型傳銷、網絡創業型傳銷,實施重點打擊查處。通過一系列執法,重點領域、重點主體、重點形式的網絡交易活動得到有效規范。 | -- Regulating online trading and transactions. Rule-based online trading and transactions are essential to creating a sound online market environment and protecting the rights of those engaged in these activities. China has launched Operation Wangjian to fight online sales of pirated, counterfeit, and sub-standard products, and illegal trading of wildlife and products. It has made sure that online platforms assume their due responsibilities, and strengthened supervision over internet advertisement. In response to new online trading forms such as livestreaming e-commerce and mini online stores, China has exercised strict regulation over customer soliciting by online channels, and investigated a number of websites and platform users suspected of wrongdoing. Targeted actions have been taken against online pyramid selling, particularly under the disguise of e-commerce, investment and money management, and online business startups. Online trading and transactions by main market players in key areas have thus been effectively regulated. | |
(四)維護國家網絡安全 | 4. Safeguarding National Cybersecurity | |
筑牢網絡安全防線是實現互聯網健康發展的重要前提和基礎。中國持續在網絡基礎資源、重要網絡系統、網絡數據等領域開展安全執法工作,有效防范化解安全風險,體系化構建網絡時代的安全環境。在網絡基礎資源領域,強化網站、域名、IP地址等基礎資源管理,通過加強技術手段建設、完善預警機制等舉措,強化安全保障。在重要網絡系統領域,深化網絡系統安全防護,持續監測網絡安全威脅,有效防治網絡系統遭受大規模服務攻擊等重大安全事件。在網絡數據領域,提升數據安全保護監管能力,通過建立安全監測體系、實施分類分級管理等手段,強化工業互聯網、車聯網、5G應用等領域的數據安全執法。 | A strong line of defense against cyber threats is the precondition and basis for the healthy development of the internet. China has continued to carry out law enforcement in securing core internet resources, key network systems, and internet data, effectively preventing and defusing risks to cybersecurity, and creating a safe online environment in the internet age. In the area of core internet resources, it has strengthened the management of websites, domains and IP addresses, and improved early warning systems through more sophisticated technical means to guarantee security. In the area of key network systems, it has further strengthened protection for network security and monitored cybersecurity threats, effectively guarding against large-scale denial-of-service attacks and other major security incidents. In the area of internet data, through monitoring systems and category-specific management at all levels, it has increased the ability to protect and oversee data security, and strengthened law enforcement on data security involving the Industrial Internet, Internet of Vehicles, and 5G application. | |
(五)營造清朗網絡空間 | 5. Creating a Clean Cyberspace | |
緊緊圍繞人民群眾的新期待新要求,規范網絡信息傳播秩序,整治各類網絡生態亂象。聚焦網絡淫穢色情、虛假信息、網絡暴力、算法濫用等人民群眾反映強烈的突出問題,持續開展“凈網”“清朗”系列專項行動,對傳播各類違法違規信息的網站平臺,采取約談、責令改正、警告、暫停信息更新、罰款等多種措施。督促網站平臺履行主體責任,依法依約對用戶發布的信息進行管理,建立網絡信息安全投訴、舉報機制,形成治理合力。網絡生態持續優化,全社會網絡文明素養有效提升,網絡環境有效凈化。 | In response to public demand and expectations, China has acted to regulate online information dissemination and rectify disorder in cyberspace. It has launched Operation Clean Net, Operation Qinglang and other special campaigns to address outstanding problems of strong public concern on the internet, such as pornography, fake information, cyberbullying, and abuse of algorithms. Websites and platforms spreading information that violates laws and regulations have received administrative admonition, rectification orders and warnings, and punishments such as fines and temporary bans on issuing new content. In addition, websites and platforms have been urged to assume their principal responsibility, and manage the information released by their users in accordance with the law and their user agreements. A complaint and reporting system for online information security is now in place to form synergy for cyber governance. With continued improvements to the online environment, the internet has become much cleaner and netizens more civil and better-behaved. | |
堅持對未成年人優先保護、特殊保護,構建有利于未成年人上網的良好環境。通過開展“護苗”、未成年人網絡環境專項治理等行動,圍繞網絡違法和不良信息、沉迷網絡游戲、網絡不良社交等問題進行重點整治,凈化未成年人網絡環境。加強未成年人網絡安全教育,依法懲處利用網絡從事危害未成年人身心健康的活動,形成家庭、學校、社會多方位保護合力,營造良好安全的未成年人網絡環境。 | China prioritizes special protection for minors, creating a sound, friendly online environment for them. It has cleaned up the internet through Operation Child Protector and other special programs to maintain a safe online environment for minors, with a focus on illegal and harmful information, online gaming addiction, and unhealthy online socializing. It has strengthened the education on online safety among minors, and punished online crimes that harm the physical and mental health of minors, creating a sound and safe online environment for minors supported by joint efforts from families, schools, and society. | |
四、捍衛網絡空間公平正義 | IV. Defending Fairness and Justice in Cyberspace | |
公正司法是維護社會公平正義的最后一道防線。中國堅持司法公正、司法為民,積極回應網絡時代司法需求,運用網絡信息技術賦能傳統司法,完善網絡司法規則,革新網絡司法模式,依法解決新型網絡糾紛,打擊網絡犯罪,保障網絡空間主體權益,使人民群眾獲得更加公平公正、公開透明、高效便捷、普惠均等的司法服務。 | An impartial judiciary is the last line of defense for social fairness and justice. China has stayed committed to the principle of maintaining judicial justice and administrating justice for the people. Actively responding to the needs of justice in the age of the internet, China has employed internet and information technology to empower the traditional judiciary, improved rules of cyber justice, and reformed models of cyber justice. This has allowed it to settle new types of cyber disputes in accordance with the law, combat cybercrime, safeguard the rights and interests of cyberspace players, and deliver judicial services that are more fair, just, open, transparent, efficient, accessible, inclusive, and equitable. | |
(一)創新網絡司法規則 | 1. Defining New Rules of Cyber Justice | |
隨著互聯網新技術新應用新業態的快速發展,網絡空間承載的法律關系更為豐富多元,給網絡空間司法保障帶來了新挑戰,需要構建更為完善的網絡司法規則。中國及時制定涉及網絡知識產權、人格權、網絡交易、網絡不正當競爭、電信網絡詐騙等領域的民事和刑事司法解釋。通過審理涉及網絡基礎設施安全、算法規則、數據權屬交易、個人信息保護、網絡平臺治理等一大批新類型、疑難復雜和互聯網特性突出的司法案件,細化法律適用標準,促進裁判標準統一,網絡空間規則、行為規范、權利邊界和責任義務日益明晰。制定人民法院在線訴訟、在線調解、在線運行規則,細化電子數據證據規則,規范網絡犯罪案件辦理程序,網絡司法程序規則體系逐步建立。網絡司法規則的體系化、系統化,為網絡司法工作提供了規則引領和制度保障,讓網絡司法有章可循。 | As new internet technologies, applications and business forms develop quickly, legal relationships in cyberspace are becoming more diverse, posing new challenges to the administration of justice in cyberspace. This calls for better-defined rules of cyber justice. For this purpose, China has produced timely judicial interpretations of civil and criminal issues such as intellectual property rights, the right to dignity, online transactions, and unfair competition on the internet, as well as telecom and online fraud. It has handled a good number of unprecedented, complicated cases that are closely related to the internet, such as those involving internet infrastructure security, algorithms, data rights and trading, protection of personal information, and management of online platforms. In the process, it has refined the criteria for the application of the law and made the standards for adjudication consistent. This has led to increasing clarity on the rules, code of conduct, and boundaries of rights, obligations and responsibilities in cyberspace. China has formulated rules for online litigation, mediation and operation of the people's courts, refined rules on taking electronic data as evidence, and standardized the procedures for handling cybercrime cases. As a result, a system of rules and procedures for cyber justice is taking shape. This systematic development of relevant rules provides regulatory guidance and institutional safeguards for cyber justice, which is therefore becoming more rule-based. | |
(二)探索網絡司法模式 | 2. Exploring New Models of Cyber Justice | |
積極探索司法活動與網絡技術深度融合的新路徑、新領域、新模式,讓社會正義“提速”。積極推行大數據、云計算、人工智能、區塊鏈等現代科技在訴訟服務、審判執行、司法管理等領域的深度應用,先行先試構建中國特色的網絡司法模式。鼓勵各地法院因地制宜,結合當地互聯網產業發展情況和網絡糾紛特點,探索具有地域特色的新型互聯網審判機制。相繼設立杭州、北京、廣州互聯網法院,探索實行“網上案件網上審理”。大力推進數字檢察工作,堅持大數據賦能法律監督,系統整合各類辦案數據,積極探索構建大數據法律監督模型和平臺,努力推動個案辦理式監督和類案治理式監督相結合,為新時代法律監督提質增效。網絡司法的新模式標志著中國特色社會主義司法制度在網絡領域進一步發展完善,逐漸成為中國司法的一張亮麗名片。 | China has been active in exploring new channels, domains and models for further integrating internet technology with judicial activities, for the purpose of speedier delivery of justice. In order to build a cyber justice model with Chinese characteristics, it has piloted measures in applying the latest technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and blockchain in judicial proceedings, judgment enforcement, judicial administration, and other fields. Local courts are encouraged to explore new mechanisms with regional features for internet-empowered adjudication, on the basis of the development of local internet industry and the characteristics of local cyber disputes. Internet courts have been established in Hangzhou, Beijing and Guangzhou, in an attempt to realize adjudication of internet-related cases via the internet. In the process of digitalizing procuratorial work, China has used big data to empower legal oversight. It has systematically integrated a wide range of case information, worked on models and platforms for big data-based legal oversight, and implemented oversight of the prosecution of individual cases and of similar cases in order to address the common problems they raise. This has helped improve the quality and efficiency of legal oversight in the new era. The emergence of these new models signifies the further development of a socialist judicial system with Chinese characteristics in cyberspace, and is becoming a salient feature of China's judicial system. | |
(三)維護網絡司法權益 | 3. Judicial Protection of Online Rights and Interests | |
中國積極開展網絡司法活動,堅決打擊網絡違法犯罪活動,努力讓人民群眾在每一個司法案件中感受到公平正義。 | China has carried out judicial activities to combat cybercrime, so that the people can see that justice is served in every judicial case. | |
強化公民網絡民事權益司法保護。依法辦理個人信息保護、網絡知識產權、網絡交易、網絡侵權等領域的民商事案件,保障各方主體的網絡民事權益。在個人信息保護方面,重點關注處理大規模個人信息的網絡平臺,對侵犯公民個人信息的網絡平臺提起民事公益訴訟,通過案件審理明確用戶個人信息商業使用的規則和邊界,督促網絡平臺企業合法合規收集使用數據。在網絡知識產權保護方面,針對涉及專利、集成電路布圖設計、技術秘密、計算機軟件等專業技術性較強的案件,探索引入技術調查官制度,逐步構建起維護網絡空間公民合法權益的“防護欄”。 | Strengthening judicial protection of online civil rights and interests. To protect the online civil rights and interests of all parties concerned, China handles civil and commercial cases involving personal information, intellectual property rights, online transactions, and online infringement in accordance with the law. For protection of personal information, the focus is put on online platforms that process huge amounts of personal information. Civil public-interest litigations have been launched against online platforms suspected of abusing personal information. In adjudicating these cases, the courts have clarified the rules and limits for the commercial use of customers' personal information, and prompted companies running online platforms to collect and use data in accordance with laws and regulations. For protection of intellectual property rights in internet-related cases of high technological complexity such as those involving patents, integrated circuit designs, technological secrets, and computer software, the courts have introduced a technology investigator system. Step by step, safeguards are being set up in cyberspace to protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests there. | |
加大網絡犯罪懲治力度。隨著互聯網技術的快速發展,傳統犯罪加速向以互聯網為媒介的非接觸式犯罪轉變,電信網絡詐騙、網絡賭博、網絡淫穢色情等涉網違法犯罪多發。中國依法辦理新型網絡犯罪案件。連續多年開展“凈網行動”,嚴厲打擊群眾反映強烈的黑客攻擊破壞、侵犯公民個人信息等違法犯罪活動。持續推進“云劍”“斷卡”“斷流”“拔釘”等專項行動,打擊套路貸、校園貸、“以房養老”、“投資養老”等電信網絡詐騙犯罪,依法懲處為電信網絡詐騙犯罪團伙提供互聯網接入、域名注冊、服務器托管、移動互聯網應用程序制作開發、網絡支付、引流推廣等服務支撐的黑灰產業。完善國家反詐大數據平臺和反詐移動互聯網應用程序,建設國家涉詐黑樣本庫,完善快速止付凍結機制、涉詐資金返還機制。堅決打擊網絡賭博犯罪行為,從嚴治理網絡淫穢色情。網絡犯罪治理工作取得明顯成效,人民群眾安全感有效提升,社會更加和諧穩定。 | Intensifying punishment for cybercrime. As internet technology evolves swiftly, conventional crimes are transforming rapidly into internet-enabled, no-contact forms, leading to a rise in illicit acts such as telecom and online fraud, online gambling, and online pornography. China handles new types of cybercrime in accordance with the law. In recent years China has carried out a systematic "internet clean-up" campaign, combating cyber hacking, invasion of individual privacy, and many other criminal acts that cause strong concern to the public. It has launched a number of campaigns against telecom and online fraud, including those to hunt fugitives via cloud services and platforms, freeze the SIM cards and bank accounts used by suspects, intercept domestic recruitment by criminal groups operating from abroad, and pursue the heads and key members of criminal groups. It combats all types of predatory lending including trap loans, the student loan, reverse mortgage, and elder investment scams. It punishes in accordance with the law the shadowy businesses that provide services such as internet connection, domain registration, server hosting, mobile application development, online payment, and promotion to criminal groups behind telecom and online fraud. China has also updated its national anti-fraud big data platform and anti-fraud app, built a national fraud database, and improved the mechanisms for quick freezing of payments and retrieval of swindled money. It takes resolute action against online gambling and delivers harsh punishments for online pornography. Through these efforts, remarkable progress has been made in combating cybercrime, giving the people a stronger sense of security and reinforcing social harmony and stability. | |
探索未成年人網絡司法保護新路徑。以懲防網絡犯罪為重點,依法精準打擊“隔空猥褻”等網絡違法犯罪,加大對以未成年人為目標的網絡詐騙犯罪的打擊懲治力度。依法懲戒和精準幫教相結合,最大限度教育挽救涉網絡犯罪的未成年人。積極推動網絡領域未成年人公益保護,以辦理涉毒音視頻傳播、侵犯未成年人個人信息權益、網絡高額打賞等典型個案作為突破口,通過公益訴訟、檢察建議、支持起訴、情況通報等多種形式,推動網絡平臺、社會、政府共同守護未成年人健康網絡環境。 | Exploring new avenues for judicial protection of minors in cyberspace. While focusing on forestalling and punishing cybercrime, China takes targeted measures against online criminal activities such as virtual sexual harassment, and has increased punishments for those preying on minors. Through law-based punishment and individualized assistance and education, the state does its utmost to rehabilitate underage people involved in cybercrime. China has strengthened the protection of minors in cyberspace, making breakthroughs in typical cases such as those concerning circulation of audio and video about narcotics, violation of minors' personal information rights and interests, and excessive livestream rewards from minor viewers. By taking action in the form of public-interest litigation, written suggestions from prosecutorial organizations, support for prosecutions, and briefings on relevant information, China is working to pool the strength of online platforms, the public, and the government to foster a healthy cyber environment for young people. | |
五、提升全社會網絡法治意識和素養 | V. Promoting Public Awareness and Competence in Law-Based Cyberspace Governance | |
網絡法治宣傳教育需要全社會共同參與。中國借助互聯網,法治宣傳教育的內容、形式、手段不斷創新,網民法治觀念全面提升,網絡平臺主體責任和行業自律有效落實,尊法學法守法用法日益成為網絡空間廣泛共識和基本準則,社會主義法治精神在網絡空間得到全面彰顯。 | Public participation is necessary for spreading knowledge of the rule of law in cyberspace. China makes every effort to break new ground in the content, form and means of spreading legal knowledge via the internet. The Chinese netizens' awareness and understanding of the rule of law have generally increased, and online platforms have assumed their primary responsibility for legal compliance and the industry has embraced self-discipline. Respecting, learning, abiding by, and using the law is a shared understanding and basic principle, and the spirit of the socialist rule of law is fully manifested in cyberspace. | |
(一)拓展“互聯網+普法”新模式 | 1. Internet Plus Public Legal Education | |
互聯網日益成為人民群眾學習、工作、生活的新空間,成為獲取公共信息和服務的新平臺,也逐漸成為普法的新渠道、新手段。“互聯網+普法”將單向式法治宣傳轉變為互動式、服務式、場景式傳播,專業化的法律術語轉化為通俗易懂的生活話語、網言網語,受眾的參與感、體驗感、獲得感不斷提升。 | The internet has become a new space where people study, work and live; it provides a new platform for them to obtain information and access public services, which makes it a new avenue and means to spread knowledge of the law. The internet has changed the structure of legal literacy from unidirectional communication to interactive, service-based and immersive communication, and interpreted technical terms in plain everyday language. The participants have become increasingly active with better experiences and more gain. | |
充分運用互聯網開展法治宣傳教育。政府網站、公眾號設立普法專題專欄,圍繞憲法、民法典、國家安全法、網絡安全法等重要法律法規,以及生態文明建設、食品藥品安全、個人信息保護等人民群眾關心關注的問題,開展網上法治宣傳,全面普及法律知識。充分利用中國普法“一網兩微一端”,加強智慧普法平臺建設,宣傳中國法治建設實踐經驗,推送普法信息,引導全社會樹立權利與義務、個人自由與社會責任相統一的法治觀念,培育遇事找法、解決問題用法、化解矛盾靠法的法治意識和行為規范,引導全體人民做社會主義法治的忠實崇尚者、自覺遵守者、堅定捍衛者。 | Employing the internet to spread knowledge of the law. Government websites and WeChat official accounts set up special columns and features to spread legal knowledge regarding eco-environmental progress, food and drug safety, protecting personal information, and other matters of public concern, with a focus on the Constitution, Civil Code, National Security Law, Cybersecurity Law, and other important laws and regulations. China makes full use of the legal publicity website (legalinfo.moj.gov.cn), its weibo account, WeChat account and app and builds a smart legal publicity platform to spread knowledge and experience of the rule of law in China, so as to inculcate the idea in the public that rights and duties are integral to each other, as are personal freedom and social responsibility, to raise legal consciousness that laws should be applied to regulate behaviors and solve problems and conflicts, and to guide the people to advocate, abide by and defend the socialist rule of law. | |
積極運用網絡媒體開展網上普法活動。互聯網媒體發揮內容、渠道、資源優勢,結合不同群體普法需求,運用圖解、動漫、短視頻、網絡直播、網絡音樂等多種形式創作大量網絡普法作品,通過論壇、博客、微博客、公眾賬號、即時通信工具、網絡直播、搜索引擎、問答社區等多種渠道向公眾提供法律知識,解讀法律法規。網絡普法打通了普法與群眾間的“最后一公里”,促進普法更充分地融入市場經營、社區生活、校園學習、鄉村建設,法律知識的到達率、普及率、知曉率得到顯著提升。 | Strengthening legal literacy through online media. With their strengths in content, channels, and resources, internet media have created a large number of graphics, cartoons, comics, short videos, livestream, and online music products on internet forums, blogs, microblogs, WeChat official accounts, instant messaging tools, livestreaming, search engines, Q&A communities and through many other channels that are tailored to meet the different needs of various groups in spreading legal awareness and explaining laws and regulations. These give the people direct access to the government's public legal education information that has deeply penetrated businesses, communities, campuses, and villages. Legal literacy has improved significantly among all the people. | |
線下普法活動向線上延伸。隨著互聯網與經濟社會生產生活的廣泛融合,傳統的線下法治講座、普法基層行動、法律咨詢服務、法治文藝展播等普法活動借助互聯網不斷擴大影響力和覆蓋面。學習培訓、微視頻比賽、互聯網法律法規知識大賽等更多“鍵對鍵”的線上活動和“面對面”的線下普法相互融合、相互補充、相得益彰,吸引更多人群參與法治宣傳教育,讓網絡法治宣傳教育惠及更廣泛社會群體。 | Extending real-world legal literacy efforts into the virtual world. With the widespread integration of the internet with the economy and social life, those lectures, legal literacy initiatives in communities, legal consulting services, and artistic performances on the rule of law that used to be conducted in the real world are now expanding their influence and coverage through the internet. Online legal literacy training courses, micro-video contests, and quiz games are integrating with and complementing those face-to-face activities, attracting wider participation, and benefiting a larger population. | |
(二)普及網絡法律法規 | 2. Publicizing Cyber Laws and Regulations | |
宣傳普及網絡法律法規是網絡法治宣傳教育的重點內容。網絡法律法規全面普及提升了人民群眾的網絡法治觀念,為培育健康向上、文明法治的網絡生態環境提供了重要支持。 | Cyber laws and regulations are the main content of public legal education in cyberspace. They are becoming increasingly familiar to the public, providing the foundation for a sound and law-based cyberspace with high ethical standards. | |
網絡法律法規普及融入網絡立法全過程。在網絡安全法、數據安全法、個人信息保護法等網絡法律法規制定過程中,利用線上線下渠道,通過公開征求意見、研討論證等方式,廣泛聽取、充分吸納公民、法人、其他組織等各方意見。網絡法律法規公布實施時,通過召開新聞發布會、答記者問和專家解讀等方式解疑釋惑,引導公眾了解網絡法律知識、遵守網絡法律法規,為依法治網筑牢群眾基礎。 | Cyber laws and regulations are publicized during the whole legislative process. When drafting cyber laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law, the opinions of citizens, legal persons and other organizations are heard and can be adopted through public solicitation, deliberation, and appraisal via both online and offline channels. When these laws and regulations were promulgated, questions were explained through press conferences, answers to media questions, and expert interpretation. The public have been encouraged to learn more about cyber laws and regulations, and abide by them, which lays a solid public foundation for the law-based governance of cyberspace. | |
在網絡執法、司法活動中適時開展網絡法律法規普及。圍繞利用網絡傳播違法和不良信息、侵害個人信息權益、電信網絡詐騙、未成年人網絡保護等人民群眾關心關注的問題,發布網絡法治典型案事例,集中開展以案釋法。通過“中國審判流程信息公開網”“中國庭審公開網”“中國裁判文書網”“中國執行信息公開網”四大平臺,公開網絡司法案件。民眾以更加生動直觀的方式了解網絡法律知識,社會公眾從旁觀者變為參與者、支持者、宣傳者。 | Legal literacy efforts are also being made in law enforcement and judicial activities when appropriate. To explain cyber laws, China releases information on typical cases of public concern, including online dissemination of illegal and harmful information, infringement of rights and interests relating to personal information, telecom and online fraud, and protection of minors in cyberspace. All cases relating to cyberspace are accessible to the public through four websites – adjudication procedure information (splcgk.court.gov.cn), court trial information (tingshen.court.gov.cn), judgment information (wenshu.court.gov.cn), and enforcement information (zxgk.court.gov.cn). The general public can access this information in a more direct and vivid way, and have evolved from onlookers to participants, supporters and advocates. | |
(三)面向重點對象開展網絡普法 | 3. Raising Legal Awareness of Key Groups | |
法律的權威源自人民內心擁護和真誠信仰。中國圍繞青少年、互聯網企業從業人員等重要普法對象開展法治宣傳,引導青少年網民依法上網、文明上網、安全上網,督促互聯網企業合規合法經營,提升法律風險防范意識。 | The authority of the law comes from the people's firm belief and sincere support. China focuses its legal literacy efforts on key groups like teenagers and internet company employees. Teenagers are guided to adhere to laws, conduct themselves with civility, and follow cybersecurity protocols when surfing the internet. Internet companies are under supervision for their compliance with laws and regulations, and they are also required to guard against legal risks. | |
加強青少年網絡法治宣傳教育。青少年是祖國的未來、民族的希望。青少年網民在中國網民中的占比逐步增長。作為互聯網的“原住民”,青少年是網上學習、交流、生活最活躍的參與者、實踐者,其合法權益也更易受到網絡違法活動的侵害。中國從保護青少年網絡權益,促進青少年健康成長、全面發展出發,遵循青少年身心發展規律,貼近青少年學習生活實際,聚焦網絡沉迷、網絡欺凌、網絡淫穢色情信息等重點問題,通過普法微綜藝、兒童普法話劇、網絡普法故事廣播、網絡普法云課堂、學法用法知識競賽、法治副校長進校園、編寫網絡普法讀本等生動活潑、豐富多彩的形式開展法治宣傳教育,逐步形成了政府、社會、學校、家庭相結合的法治宣傳教育格局,為提升青少年網民法治意識和網絡安全素養提供了全面保障。 | Improving education on cyber laws among teenagers. Teenagers are the future of the country and the hope of our nation. They are a growing demographic in China's netizen population. As the pioneers of the internet, they are the most active participants in online classes, communication, and life, but their legitimate rights and interests are also vulnerable to infringement on the internet. To protect their rights and interests and promote their healthy growth and well-rounded development, China makes every effort to improve their understanding of the rule of law in cyberspace, especially on critical concerns such as internet addiction, cyberbullying, and online pornography. Varied and vivid forms are adapted to their physical and mental development and their realities, such as story books, micro variety shows, plays for kids, radio stories, online classes, quiz games, and law classes taught in primary and secondary schools by police officers, prosecutors and judges who serve as part-time vice principals. A public legal education framework integrating government, society, schools and families has taken shape, which promotes the all-round legal awareness of juvenile netizens and builds their cybersecurity competence. | |
強化互聯網企業的依法經營意識。互聯網企業是推動數字經濟健康發展的重要市場主體,守法誠信是其應當遵守的基本行為準則。中國加強對互聯網企業的網絡法治教育培訓,把網絡法律法規特別是電子商務法、網絡安全法、數據安全法、個人信息保護法、反壟斷法、反不正當競爭法等與經營活動、行業發展密切相關的法律法規納入企業入職培訓、日常培訓。支持互聯網行業組織為互聯網企業及其從業人員提供形式多樣的法律宣傳教育,鼓勵互聯網行業組織督促企業堅持經濟效益和社會效益并重的價值導向,通過完善行業規范、出臺行業標準、發布誠信倡議等方式,引導互聯網企業積極履行法律義務和社會責任,依法保護消費者合法權益,維護公平競爭的市場環境。 | Strengthening internet companies' compliance with the law. Internet companies are the main market players in the digital economy, and should promote its healthy development. Honesty and observing the law must be their cardinal principles. China is intensifying its efforts to promote legal literacy among internet companies, and requiring them to incorporate cyber laws into their induction and routine training. This applies especially to laws with a direct bearing on corporate operations and industry development, such as the Electronic Commerce Law, Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, Anti-Monopoly Law, and Anti-Unfair Competition Law. Industry associations are encouraged to provide legal education in various forms for internet companies and their employees, and to ensure that the companies place equal emphasis on economic returns and social benefit. They are also required to guide – through improving industry norms, formulating industry standards, and issuing business integrity initiatives – the companies to fulfill their legal and social responsibilities. With such measures, consumers' legitimate rights and interests are fully protected, and fair competition in the market is ensured. | |
(四)強化網絡法治研究教育 | 4. Strengthening Research and Education on Law-Based Cyberspace Governance | |
網絡法治教育、網絡法治人才是建設網絡強國的重要支撐和創新動力。中國面對網絡法治實踐中產生的重大理論問題和人才需求,初步形成了理論與實踐相結合、制度與發展相適應的教育研究、人才培養機制,為網絡法治建設提供了智力支持和人才保障。 | Education and professional practitioners of law-based cyberspace governance underpin a cyber power and drive innovation. Facing major theoretical problems in law-based cyberspace governance and a demand for talented people, China has established a preliminary system for cultivating professionals and conducting research that combines theory and practice, adapts to the development of cyberspace, and provides intellectual support and sufficient talented people for the country's law-based cyberspace governance. | |
全面提升網絡法治研究能力。高校、科研機構創建網絡法治研究新型智庫,先后建立多個綜合性網絡法治研究基地。截至2022年6月,中國網絡法治研究機構超過90家。網絡法治智庫充分發揮“智囊團”“思想庫”“人才庫”的重要作用,圍繞數據、算法、平臺治理等前沿問題開展研究,形成了大量學術研究成果。專家學者深入參與網絡法治活動,圍繞網絡法治重要規劃、重大立法、重點改革等加強調查研究,提出建設性建議。 | Improving comprehensive research capabilities on law-based cyberspace governance. Universities and scientific research institutes have set up new-type think tanks to conduct relevant research and established a number of comprehensive research centers. By June 2022, China had more than 90 research institutes in this field. Serving as a bank of brain trusters, ideas, and talented people, these think tanks have conducted research in many frontier areas like data, algorithms, and platform management, and produced remarkable academic results. Experts and academics are fully engaged in relevant activities and offer constructive advice on China's major plans, legislation and reforms in law-based cyberspace governance. | |
加強網絡法治領域人才培養。中國系統整合傳統法學學科教育和網絡相關學科教育,在設立網絡空間安全一級學科的基礎上,部分高校開設網絡與信息法學、數字法學、人工智能法學等二級學科。高校依規自主開設網絡安全與執法等網絡法治相關本科專業。組建從事網絡法學研究和教學的工作團隊,講授網絡與信息安全、法律與人工智能、網絡法學、區塊鏈與電子證據、法律數據分析等融合法律知識與計算機科學、統計學知識的跨學科跨專業課程,編寫了網絡法、計算法、數據法、個人信息保護法等領域的一系列具有前沿性、通用性及實操性教材,培養出一大批兼具法律專業知識和技術背景的復合型人才,為網絡強國建設提供了有力的法治人才支撐。 | Strengthening the training of personnel for law-based cyberspace governance. China integrates conventional legal studies with internet-related disciplines. Cybersecurity studies has been categorized as a primary discipline, and some universities have set up secondary disciplines like internet and information law studies, digital law studies, and artificial intelligence law studies. In line with specified regulations and procedures, institutions of higher learning, on their own initiative, have run undergraduate courses on the rule of law in cyberspace such as cybersecurity and law enforcement. Teams of research and teaching in cyber law have been organized to teach interdisciplinary courses that integrate legal knowledge with computer science and statistics, such as network and information security, laws and artificial intelligence, cyber law studies, blockchain and digital evidence, and legal analytics. A group of practical textbooks covering frontier research have been compiled for students in relevant majors, including cyber law, computational jurisprudence, data law, and personal information protection law. A large number of personnel with professional knowledge of both law and technology have been trained, providing a solid foundation for building up China's strength in cyberspace. | |
六、加強網絡法治國際交流合作 | VI. Increasing International Exchanges and Cooperation in Law-Based Cyberspace Governance | |
網絡空間是人類共同的活動空間。全球推動數字經濟發展的愿望相同,應對網絡安全風險的挑戰相同,加強網絡空間治理的需求相同。中國積極開展網絡法治國際交流合作,堅持在獨立自主、完全平等、互相尊重的基礎上,與世界各國一道,共同參與全球網絡治理體系變革,促進全球共同分享互聯網發展的機遇和成果,攜手構建網絡空間命運共同體。 | Cyberspace is a shared activity space for all of humanity. All countries around the globe share the same desire to develop the digital economy; all face the same challenges posed by cybersecurity threats and have the same need for strengthening cyberspace governance. China is fully engaged in international exchanges and cooperation in the field of law-based governance of cyberspace. Upholding independence, equality, and mutual respect, it joins with other countries to reform the global cyberspace governance system, to ensure that all countries share the opportunities and fruits brought by the development of the internet, and to jointly build a community with a shared future in cyberspace. | |
(一)積極參與規則建設 | 1. Playing an Active Role in Rule Making | |
中國堅定維護國際公平正義,堅定維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系、以國際法為基礎的國際秩序、以《聯合國憲章》宗旨和原則為基礎的國際關系基本準則。支持各國平等參與網絡國際治理,制定各方普遍接受的網絡空間國際規則。 | China is committed to international fairness and justice. It resolutely safeguards the international system with the United Nations at its core, and the international order with international law as its foundation, and upholds the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It supports the participation of all countries in global cyberspace governance on an equal footing, and in laying down international cyberspace rules that are universally accepted. | |
支持發揮聯合國在網絡國際治理中的主渠道作用。支持聯合國制定打擊網絡犯罪全球性公約,共提并推動聯合國大會通過決議,設立政府間特設專家委員會,并建設性參與公約談判,呼吁盡早共同達成具有權威性、普遍性的公約,為國際社會合作應對網絡犯罪挑戰提供法律基礎。注重發揮聯合國在應對國際信息安全威脅領域的關鍵作用,與上海合作組織其他成員國共同向聯合國提交“信息安全國際行為準則”,并于2015年提交更新案文。提出《全球數據安全倡議》,分別于2021年3月和2022年6月同阿拉伯國家聯盟、中亞五國發表《中阿數據安全合作倡議》《“中國+中亞五國”數據安全合作倡議》,為討論制定全球數據安全規則提供藍本。參與推動聯合國達成“網絡空間負責任國家行為規范框架”,明確主權平等、和平解決爭端、禁止使用武力、不干涉他國內政等國際法重要原則適用于網絡空間,明確應建立全球性、客觀的信息技術產品供應鏈安全標準。拓展與聯合國專門機構的網絡事務合作,參與聯合國教科文組織制定《人工智能倫理建議書》,并與世界知識產權組織在域名規則制定和域名爭議解決領域開展廣泛合作。 | China supports the UN's role as the main channel in international cyberspace governance. It supports the UN effort to formulate a global-level cybercrime convention, has pushed for the General Assembly to adopt a resolution to establish an open-ended ad hoc intergovernmental committee of experts, and has played a constructive role in the negotiations on a convention. It calls on the international community to reach agreement on an authoritative and universal convention at the earliest possible time to lay a legal foundation for the battle against cybercrime. China values the UN's key role in responding to international information security threats, and together with other Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states it submitted the original International Code of Conduct for Information Security to the UN General Assembly, and an updated version in 2015. It launched the Global Data Security Initiative, and issued the China-League of Arab States Cooperation Initiative on Data Security together with the League of Arab States in March 2021, and the Data Security Cooperation Initiative of China+Central Asia together with five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) in June 2022, which provide a blueprint for developing global data security rules. China encouraged the UN to draw up a framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace, making clear that the principles of international law – such as equal sovereignty, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-use of force, non-interference in other countries' domestic affairs – are also applicable in cyberspace, and that impartial global security standards for the supply chain of information technology products should be formulated. It has expanded its cyberspace cooperation with the UN's special organizations, taken an active part in formulating UNESCO's Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, and conducted extensive cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization in formulating domain name rules and settling disputes in this field. | |
積極參與形成區域性網絡治理規則。簽署《區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定》,與其他14個成員國一道,圍繞電子認證和簽名、在線消費者保護、在線個人信息保護、網絡安全、數據跨境流動、知識產權保護等領域形成區域規則,電子商務章節成為目前全球覆蓋區域最廣、內容全面、水平較高的電子商務國際規則。積極推進加入《全面與進步跨太平洋伙伴關系協定》和《數字經濟伙伴關系協定》,參與數字經濟領域高標準規則制定。 | Taking an active part in the formulation of regional cyberspace governance rules. China signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, under which the 15 member states including China laid down regional rules regarding electronic signature and electronic authentication, online consumer protection, online personal information protection, cybersecurity, cross-border transfer of information by electronic means, and intellectual property right protection. Its e-commerce chapter is by some margin the world's most extensive and most used set of e-commerce rules. China has also taken vigorous steps to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, in order to participate in the formulation of high-standard rules in the digital economy. | |
(二)廣泛開展交流合作 | 2. Conducting Extensive Exchanges and Cooperation | |
中國始終支持網絡法治領域的國際交流與合作,積極開展對話協商、交流互鑒,不斷拓展深化平等、開放、合作的全球伙伴關系,以共進為動力、以共贏為目標,共同推進網絡國際治理。 | As a longstanding supporter of international exchanges and cooperation in the rule of law in cyberspace, China takes part in dialogues, negotiations, exchanges, and mutual learning with other countries. It continues to expand and strengthen the network of global partnerships based on equality, openness, and cooperation, and to promote international cyberspace governance that is driven by common progress and designed for shared benefit. | |
開展網絡法治雙多邊對話交流。建立中俄信息安全磋商機制、中歐網絡工作組機制、中國-東盟網絡事務對話機制、中日韓三方網絡磋商機制等對話機制,聯合舉辦“2019中德互聯網經濟對話”“中英互聯網圓桌會議”“中韓互聯網圓桌會議”“中古(巴)互聯網圓桌論壇”“中巴(西)互聯網治理研討會”等活動,與相關國家在網絡政策法規和治網實踐等方面開展務實交流,及時回應各方關切,平等協商解決分歧。與泰國、印度尼西亞等簽署網絡安全合作備忘錄,加強網絡安全政策法規交流分享,共同促進網絡安全能力建設。 | Engaging in bilateral and multilateral dialogues and exchanges in law-based cyberspace governance. China has established the Sino-Russian Information Security Consultation Mechanism, China-EU Taskforce, China-ASEAN Cyber Dialogue Mechanism, and China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Cyber Consultation Mechanism, and co-hosted the 2019 China-Germany Dialogue on the Internet Economy, China-UK Internet Roundtable, China-ROK Internet Roundtable, China-Cuba Internet Development Forum, and China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar. Through these pragmatic exchanges, it has worked with other countries on cyber policies, laws, regulations, and governance experience. It has responded promptly to the concerns of various parties, and settled disputes through negotiation on an equal footing. It has signed cybersecurity cooperation memorandums with countries including Thailand and Indonesia to strengthen exchanges and sharing in cybersecurity policies, laws and regulations, and to jointly build capacity in cybersecurity. | |
加強網絡安全國際執法司法合作。中國與多國達成網絡安全領域合作共識,在打擊網絡恐怖主義、電信網絡詐騙等方面開展深層次務實合作。在打擊網絡恐怖主義方面,通過聯合反恐演習、聯合邊防行動、警務合作、司法協助等多種形式,不斷深化與相關國家交流合作,攜手應對威脅挑戰,共同維護世界和平和地區穩定。在打擊電信網絡詐騙方面,開展國際執法司法合作,與多國聯合偵辦跨境重大案件,取得明顯成效。2022年3月至6月,在國際刑警組織框架下,與其他75個成員國共同參與“曙光行動”,逮捕犯罪嫌疑人2000余名,攔截非法資金5000余萬美元,有效遏制跨國電信網絡詐騙活動。 | Increasing international law enforcement and judicial cooperation on cybersecurity. China has reached agreements on cybersecurity with many other countries and carried out in-depth and pragmatic cooperation in fighting cyberterrorism and telecom and online fraud. To combat cyberterrorism, China has increased cooperation with other countries through joint counterterrorism maneuvers, joint border defense operations, and police and judicial cooperation to meet threats and challenges and safeguard world peace and regional stability. In fighting telecom and online fraud, China has strengthened law enforcement and judicial cooperation with other countries, investigated major cross-border cases, and achieved substantial results. Between March and June 2022, 76 countries including China took part in an operation codenamed First Light 2022 initiated by the International Criminal Police Organization, with some 2,000 suspects arrested and some US$50 million worth of illicit funds intercepted, which effectively curbed transnational social engineering scams. | |
攜手保護未成年人網絡權益。積極與聯合國兒童基金會、國際互聯網舉報熱線聯合會等國際組織以及英國、德國、阿聯酋等國相關部門開展合作,治理線上未成年人色情問題。加入“WePROTECT終結網絡兒童性剝削全球聯盟”,與全球200多個政府、企業和民間社會組織一道努力打擊兒童網上性剝削及性虐待,為兒童創造更加安全的網絡環境。 | Jointly protecting the rights and interests of minors in cyberspace. China cooperates with the United Nations Children's Fund, the International Association of Internet Hotlines, and other international organizations, and relevant departments of the United Kingdom, Germany, the United Arab Emirates and other countries to fight online child pornography. As a member of WeProtect Global Alliance, China works with other member governments, companies and civil society organizations – totaling more than 200 – to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse online and create a safer cyber environment for children. | |
(三)努力搭建對話平臺 | 3. Creating Platforms for Dialogue | |
中國展現負責任大國擔當,積極搭建與世界互聯互通的國際平臺和國際互聯網共建共享的中國平臺,為世界各國在網絡法治領域密切聯系、增進了解、促進互信發揮了積極作用。 | As a responsible major country, China has made great efforts to build a global platform promoting connectivity between China and the rest of the world, and a Chinese platform for the global internet to be shared and governed by all. It has played an active role in promoting connections, understanding, and mutual trust in the rule of law in cyberspace between different countries. | |
通過世界互聯網大會搭建網絡法治交流平臺。自2014年起,中國連續九年舉辦世界互聯網大會,邀請各國政府、國際組織、互聯網企業、智庫、行業協會、技術社群等各界代表參加。大會組委會發布《攜手構建網絡空間命運共同體》概念文件,提出“尊重網絡主權,《聯合國憲章》確立的主權平等原則是當代國際關系的基本準則,同樣適用于網絡空間”。發布《攜手構建網絡空間命運共同體行動倡議》,提出開展數據安全和個人信息保護及相關規則、標準的國際交流合作,推動符合《聯合國憲章》宗旨的個人信息保護規則標準國際互認。開展未成年人保護立法經驗交流,打擊針對未成年人的網絡犯罪和網絡欺凌,進一步完善打擊網絡犯罪與網絡恐怖主義的機制建設。支持并積極參與聯合國打擊網絡犯罪國際公約談判,有效協調各國立法和實踐,合力應對網絡犯罪和網絡恐怖主義威脅。 | Hosting the world internet conferences for exchanging ideas on the rule of law in cyberspace. Every year since 2014, China has hosted the World Internet Conference, attended by representatives from governments, international organizations, internet companies, think tanks, industry associations, and technology communities. The organizing committee of the conference released a concept document named Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace, which calls for "respecting sovereignty in cyberspace" and points out that "the principle of sovereign equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations is a basic norm governing contemporary international relations. It covers all aspects of state-to-state relations, and should likewise apply to cyberspace." The organizing committee also launched the Initiative on Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace, proposing that "international exchanges and cooperation should be advanced in the fields of data security, personal information protection and relevant rules and standards, and efforts should be made to promote mutual recognition among countries on rules and standards on personal information protection in line with the purposes of the UN Charter." China has shared experience in legislation on the protection of minors, combated cybercrimes and cyberbullying targeted at minors, and further improved mechanisms for combating cybercrimes and cyberterrorism. It has supported and taken an active part in negotiations under the framework of the United Nations on the global convention against cybercrimes, and coordinated work on legislation and practices in different countries in a joint effort to tackle the threats of cybercrimes and cyberterrorism. | |
搭建多形式、多渠道、多層次網絡法治國際交流平臺。通過金磚國家合作機制、上海合作組織、亞非法律協商組織、東盟地區論壇等多邊平臺,就網絡立法、執法、司法、普法等網絡法治建設情況深入交流觀點、經驗和做法。舉辦世界互聯網法治論壇,發布《世界互聯網法治論壇烏鎮宣言》,為在網絡司法領域分享經驗、增進了解、相互學習借鑒搭建橋梁。支持互聯網行業組織建立中國互聯網治理論壇等國際交流平臺,圍繞數字包容、數據治理等議題開展交流研討,促進中外互聯網社群增進共識,共同解決互聯網行業發展面臨的問題。鼓勵專家學者通過學術論壇、研討交流會等多種平臺,圍繞數字經濟、數據安全、人工智能治理等網絡法治前沿問題,與國際同行開展學術交流,分享研究成果。 | Building multi-form, multi-channel and multi-tiered international platforms to exchange views, experience and practices on law-based cyberspace governance including legislation, law enforcement, judicial work, and public legal education. China organizes this through many multilateral platforms like the BRICS cooperation mechanism, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, and ASEAN Regional Forum. It hosted the World Forum on Rule of Law in Internet, and released the Wuzhen Declaration at the event, building a bridge for sharing experience, increasing understanding, and learning from each other in cyberspace justice. China supports industry associations of the internet to build international exchange platforms such as the China Internet Governance Forum, discussing such issues as digital inclusion and data governance. These platforms have promoted common understanding among Chinese and foreign internet communities, and facilitated joint solutions to the problems obstructing the development of the internet. China encourages Chinese experts and academics to attend academic forums and symposiums, conduct intellectual exchanges, and share research fruits with their foreign counterparts in frontier research on the digital economy, data security, governance of artificial intelligence, and other related matters. | |
結束語 | Conclusion | |
中國在互聯網發展治理實踐中,立足本國國情,借鑒世界經驗,形成了具有鮮明中國特色的依法治網之道。在全面建設社會主義現代化國家新征程上,中國將始終堅持全面依法治國、依法治網的理念,推動互聯網依法有序健康運行,以法治力量護航數字中國高質量發展,為網絡強國建設提供堅實的法治保障。 | Based on its own realities, and learning from other countries' experience, China has created a cyberspace governance model with distinct Chinese characteristics. On the new journey towards a modern socialist country, China will always be committed to all-round law-based governance of the country and of cyberspace. It will promote the lawful, orderly and healthy development of the internet in China, safeguard the high-quality development of a digital China under the rule of law, and provide a solid legal guarantee for building up China's strength in cyberspace. | |
互聯網發展紅利惠及全球,依法促進網絡空間發展和繁榮,符合世界各國人民利益。網絡法治既是數字治理的重要方式,也是數字文明建設的重要成果。面對數字化帶來的機遇和挑戰,中國愿同國際社會一道踐行共商共建共享的全球治理觀,共同推動全球互聯網治理法治化進程,讓數字文明發展成果更好造福各國人民,攜手構建網絡空間命運共同體,共同創造人類美好未來。 | The internet benefits the whole world. China champions the interests of the peoples of all countries in promoting the development and prosperity of cyberspace in accordance with the law. The rule of law in cyberspace is an important tool of digital governance, and a marker of digital progress. Facing the opportunities and challenges brought about by digitalization, China will follow the global governance principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration, and work together with the international community to ensure global cyberspace governance is law-based, and that digital progress will deliver greater benefit to the people. China stands ready to partner with all other countries to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace and create a better world. | |
(注:本文省略了原文中的專欄) | (Note: Boxes omitted) | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |