人工智能是人類發展新領域。當前,全球人工智能技術快速發展,對經濟社會發展和人類文明進步產生深遠影響,給世界帶來巨大機遇。與此同時,人工智能技術也帶來難以預知的各種風險和復雜挑戰。人工智能治理攸關全人類命運,是世界各國面臨的共同課題。 | Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new area of human development. Currently, the fast development of AI around the globe has exerted profound influence on socioeconomic development and the progress of human civilization, and brought huge opportunities to the world. However, AI technologies also bring about unpredictable risks and complicated challenges. The governance of AI, a common task faced by all countries in the world, bears on the future of humanity. | |
在世界和平與發展面臨多元挑戰的背景下,各國應秉持共同、綜合、合作、可持續的安全觀,堅持發展和安全并重的原則,通過對話與合作凝聚共識,構建開放、公正、有效的治理機制,促進人工智能技術造福于人類,推動構建人類命運共同體。 | As global peace and development faces various challenges, all countries should commit to a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and put equal emphasis on development and security. Countries should build consensus through dialogue and cooperation, and develop open, fair, and efficient governing mechanisms, in a bid to promote AI technologies to benefit humanity and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
我們重申,各國應在人工智能治理中加強信息交流和技術合作,共同做好風險防范,形成具有廣泛共識的人工智能治理框架和標準規范,不斷提升人工智能技術的安全性、可靠性、可控性、公平性。我們歡迎各國政府、國際組織、企業、科研院校、民間機構和公民個人等各主體秉持共商共建共享的理念,協力共同促進人工智能治理。 | We call on all countries to enhance information exchange and technological cooperation on the governance of AI. We should work together to prevent risks, and develop AI governance frameworks, norms and standards based on broad consensus, so as to make AI technologies more secure, reliable, controllable, and equitable. We welcome governments, international organizations, companies, research institutes, civil organizations, and individuals to jointly promote the governance of AI under the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits. | |
為此,我們倡議: | To make this happen, we would like to suggest the following: | |
——發展人工智能應堅持“以人為本”理念,以增進人類共同福祉為目標,以保障社會安全、尊重人類權益為前提,確保人工智能始終朝著有利于人類文明進步的方向發展。積極支持以人工智能助力可持續發展,應對氣候變化、生物多樣性保護等全球性挑戰。 | We should uphold a people-centered approach in developing AI, with the goal of increasing the wellbeing of humanity and on the premise of ensuring social security and respecting the rights and interests of humanity, so that AI always develops in a way that is beneficial to human civilization. We should actively support the role of AI in promoting sustainable development and tackling global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity conservation. | |
——面向他國提供人工智能產品和服務時,應尊重他國主權,嚴格遵守他國法律,接受他國法律管轄。反對利用人工智能技術優勢操縱輿論、傳播虛假信息,干涉他國內政、社會制度及社會秩序,危害他國主權。 | We should respect other countries' national sovereignty and strictly abide by their laws when providing them with AI products and services. We oppose using AI technologies for the purposes of manipulating public opinion, spreading disinformation, intervening in other countries' internal affairs, social systems and social order, as well as jeopardizing the sovereignty of other states. | |
——發展人工智能應堅持“智能向善”的宗旨,遵守適用的國際法,符合和平、發展、公平、正義、民主、自由的全人類共同價值,共同防范和打擊恐怖主義、極端勢力和跨國有組織犯罪集團對人工智能技術的惡用濫用。各國尤其是大國對在軍事領域研發和使用人工智能技術應該采取慎重負責的態度。 | We must adhere to the principle of developing AI for good, respect the relevant international laws, and align AI development with humanity's common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom. We should work together to prevent and fight against the misuse and malicious use of AI technologies by terrorists, extreme forces, and transnational organized criminal groups. All countries, especially major countries, should adopt a prudent and responsible attitude to the research, development, and application of AI technologies in the military field. | |
——發展人工智能應堅持相互尊重、平等互利的原則,各國無論大小、強弱,無論社會制度如何,都有平等發展和利用人工智能的權利。鼓勵全球共同推動人工智能健康發展,共享人工智能知識成果,開源人工智能技術。反對以意識形態劃線或構建排他性集團,惡意阻撓他國人工智能發展。反對利用技術壟斷和單邊強制措施制造發展壁壘,惡意阻斷全球人工智能供應鏈。 | We should uphold the principles of mutual respect, equality, and mutual benefit in AI development. All countries, regardless of their size, strength, or social system, should have equal rights to develop and use AI. We call for global collaboration to foster the sound development of AI, share AI knowledge, and make AI technologies available to the public under open-source terms. We oppose drawing ideological lines or forming exclusive groups to obstruct other countries from developing AI. We also oppose creating barriers and disrupting the global AI supply chain through technological monopolies and unilateral coercive measures. | |
——推動建立風險等級測試評估體系,實施敏捷治理,分類分級管理,快速有效響應。研發主體不斷提高人工智能可解釋性和可預測性,提升數據真實性和準確性,確保人工智能始終處于人類控制之下,打造可審核、可監督、可追溯、可信賴的人工智能技術。 | We should promote the establishment of a testing and assessment system based on AI risk levels, implement agile governance, and carry out tiered and category-based management for rapid and effective response. R&D entities should improve the explainability and predictability of AI, increase data authenticity and accuracy, ensure that AI always remains under human control, and build trustworthy AI technologies that can be reviewed, monitored, and traced. | |
——逐步建立健全法律和規章制度,保障人工智能研發和應用中的個人隱私與數據安全,反對竊取、篡改、泄露和其他非法收集利用個人信息的行為。 | We should gradually establish and improve relevant laws, regulations and rules, and ensure personal privacy and data security in the R&D and application of AI. We oppose theft, tampering, leaking, and other illegal collection and use of personal information. | |
——堅持公平性和非歧視性原則,避免在數據獲取、算法設計、技術開發、產品研發與應用過程中,產生針對不同或特定民族、信仰、國別、性別等偏見和歧視。 | We should adhere to the principles of fairness and non-discrimination, and avoid biases and discrimination based on ethnicities, beliefs, nationalities, genders, etc., during the process of data collection, algorithm design, technology development, and product development and application. | |
——堅持倫理先行,建立并完善人工智能倫理準則、規范及問責機制,形成人工智能倫理指南,建立科技倫理審查和監管制度,明確人工智能相關主體的責任和權力邊界,充分尊重并保障各群體合法權益,及時回應國內和國際相關倫理關切。 | We should put ethics first. We should establish and improve ethical principles, norms, and accountability mechanisms for AI, formulate AI ethical guidelines, and build sci-tech ethical review and regulatory system. We should clarify responsibilities and power boundaries for entities related to AI, fully respect and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of various groups, and address domestic and international ethical concerns in a timely manner. | |
——堅持廣泛參與、協商一致、循序漸進的原則,密切跟蹤技術發展形勢,開展風險評估和政策溝通,分享最佳操作實踐。在此基礎上,通過對話與合作,在充分尊重各國政策和實踐差異性基礎上,推動多利益攸關方積極參與,在國際人工智能治理領域形成廣泛共識。 | We should uphold the principles of wide participation and consensus-based decision-making, adopt a gradual approach, pay close attention to technological advancements, conduct risk assessments and policy communication, and share best practices. On this basis, we should encourage active involvement from multiple stakeholders to achieve broad consensus in the field of international AI governance, based on exchange and cooperation and with full respect for differences in policies and practices among countries. | |
——積極發展用于人工智能治理的相關技術開發與應用,支持以人工智能技術防范人工智能風險,提高人工智能治理的技術能力。 | We should actively develop and apply technologies for AI governance, encourage the use of AI technologies to prevent AI risks, and enhance our technological capacity for AI governance. | |
——增強發展中國家在人工智能全球治理中的代表性和發言權,確保各國人工智能發展與治理的權利平等、機會平等、規則平等,開展面向發展中國家的國際合作與援助,不斷彌合智能鴻溝和治理能力差距。積極支持在聯合國框架下討論成立國際人工智能治理機構,協調國際人工智能發展、安全與治理重大問題。 | We should increase the representation and voice of developing countries in global AI governance, and ensure equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal rules for all countries in AI development and governance. Efforts should be made to conduct international cooperation with and provide assistance to developing countries, to bridge the gap in AI and its governance capacity. We support discussions within the United Nations framework to establish an international institution to govern AI, and to coordinate efforts to address major issues concerning international AI development, security, and governance. | |
(來源:“網信中國”微信公眾號) |