5月7日,在赴貝爾格萊德對塞爾維亞進行國事訪問之際,國家主席習近平在塞爾維亞《政治報》發表題為《讓鐵桿友誼之光照亮中塞合作之路》的署名文章。文章全文如下: | A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "May the Light of Our Ironclad Friendship Shine on the Path of China-Serbia Cooperation" was published Tuesday in Serbian media Politika. The following is an English version of the full text of the article: | |
讓鐵桿友誼之光照亮中塞合作之路 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | May the Light of Our Ironclad Friendship Shine on the Path of China-Serbia Cooperation Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China | |
孟夏之日,萬物并秀。在這充滿希望的時節,應阿萊克桑達爾·武契奇總統邀請,我即將對塞爾維亞共和國進行國事訪問。這是我擔任中華人民共和國主席以來第二次踏上塞爾維亞這片美麗傳奇的土地。8年前訪問塞爾維亞的美好情景仍然歷歷在目,8年來雙方緊密合作已經取得豐碩成果。我期待,再次同武契奇總統等塞爾維亞領導人和朋友們暢敘友情、共商合作,為中塞鐵桿友誼注入新活力。 | When summer comes, all beings flourish. This is what makes summer the season of hope. I will pay a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the invitation of President Aleksandar Vu?i?. This will be my second visit to your country, a land of beauty and legends, as President of the People's Republic of China. The sweet scenes that prevailed during my last visit eight years ago remain very much alive in my mind. The close cooperation between our two countries over the past eight years has delivered fruitful outcomes. I look forward to meeting with President Aleksandar Vu?i? and other Serbian leaders and friends to renew our friendship, explore ways of cooperation, and make the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia more dynamic. | |
中國和塞爾維亞相距遙遠,但兩國人民始終心手相連。在上世紀反法西斯戰爭的浴火歲月和國家建設時期,兩國人民培育了跨越時空的深厚友好感情。在當前世界百年未有之大變局中,雙方彼此支持更加堅定,互利合作更加緊密,交流互鑒更加深入。無論國際風云如何變幻,中塞始終是真朋友、好伙伴。我們的鐵桿友誼歷久彌堅,樹立了國家和人民交往的典范。 | There has always been an affinity between Chinese and Serbian peoples despite the long distance between us. During the bitter Anti-Fascist War and our respective nation-building in the last century, the Chinese and Serbian peoples forged a strong friendship that extends through time and space. Amid the ongoing transformations unseen in a century in the world, our mutual support remains as strong as ever, our cooperation is closer, and our exchanges and mutual learning more substantive. Whatever changes in the international landscape, China and Serbia remain true friends and good partners. Our ironclad friendship is ever-growing, setting a model for state-to-state and people-to-people interactions. | |
我們堅持互尊互信。我同武契奇總統通過會晤、通話、信函等方式建立起良好工作關系。兩國各層級各領域保持密切交往。雙方充分理解和尊重各自人民選擇的發展道路,堅持公平正義原則,堅定支持彼此核心利益和重大關切,在雙邊和多邊領域的協調和合作密切順暢。兩國全面戰略伙伴關系不斷走深走實。 | Our two countries have always respected and trusted each other. President Vu?i? and I have developed a good working relationship through our meetings, phone calls, and exchanges of letters. Our two countries have also maintained frequent exchanges at all levels and in all areas. We fully appreciate and respect the development paths that our respective nation has chosen. We uphold fairness and justice, firmly support each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. We have kept close and smooth coordination and collaboration at the bilateral and multilateral levels. We have built an ever stronger comprehensive strategic partnership that is delivering tangible outcomes. | |
我們堅持互惠互利。塞爾維亞是中國在中東歐地區首個自由貿易伙伴。去年,中國是塞爾維亞最大投資來源國和第二大貿易伙伴。雙方經貿、產業鏈、基礎設施建設合作方興未艾,助力兩國各自現代化進程。2016年我到訪的河鋼斯梅戴雷沃鋼廠已是塞爾維亞三大出口企業之一。塞爾維亞的蜂蜜、紅酒、牛羊肉等農食產品備受中國消費者喜愛。 | Our two countries have stayed committed to mutual benefit. Serbia is China's first free trade partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Last year, China was Serbia's largest source of foreign investment and its second largest trading partner. Our thriving cooperation in trade and economic relations, industrial chain, and infrastructure development lends a great boost to our respective process of modernization. In 2016, I visited the Smederevo steel plant of HBIS Serbia, which has become one of the three biggest export companies in Serbia. Serbian honey, red wine, beef, lamb and other agricultural products are very popular among Chinese consumers. | |
我們堅持互幫互助。新冠疫情發生后,我同武契奇總統兩次通話,就抗疫合作達成重要共識。中方向塞方援助并優先提供多批醫療防護物資,還派遣專家組赴塞爾維亞。塞方全力支持中方在疫情期間幫助旅外僑民的“春苗行動”,塞爾維亞民間組織自發向中國人民捐助口罩等物資。這種雪中送炭的兄弟情誼彌足珍貴。 | Our two countries have always helped each other. Following the COVID-19 outbreak, I spoke with President Vu?i? twice on the phone and we agreed on a collaborative response to the pandemic. China provided assistance, prioritized the provision of multiple shipments of protective medical supplies, and sent medical experts to Serbia. On its part, Serbia provided full support to China in implementing its "Spring Sprout" program to vaccinate Chinese citizens living and working in Serbia. Nongovernmental organizations in Serbia voluntarily donated masks and other supplies to the Chinese people. Our mutual support in challenging times testifies to our invaluable brotherly friendship. | |
我們堅持互學互鑒。中塞都致力于追求人民幸福、國家富強,兩國積極開展治國理政經驗交流,加強政黨交往。兩國人民對彼此深懷好感,文化、體育、旅游等人文交流熱絡。塞爾維亞籃球明星約基奇為中國和美鄉村籃球大賽鼓勁加油。兩國互免持普通護照人員簽證,為人員往來和交流合作提供了便利。 | Our two countries have always been learning from each other. We are both committed to delivering a better life for our peoples and making our countries strong and prosperous. We have implemented many programs to share experience in governance, and have enhanced exchanges between our political parties. Our peoples have warm feelings toward each other, as evidenced by the robust cultural, sports, tourism and people-to-people exchanges. Nikola Joki?, the Serbian basketball superstar, personally cheered on players of Chinese rural basketball games. China and Serbia have agreed on a mutual visa-free arrangement for ordinary passport holders, which facilitates people-to-people exchanges and bilateral cooperation. | |
中國人講,“朋友以義合”。塞爾維亞人說,“朋友是生命中最好的財富”。中塞長期友好交往和互利合作充分表明,兩國關系不斷深化發展順應歷史潮流,符合人民根本利益,有利于雙方共同進步。新時代新征程,中塞全面戰略伙伴關系進一步發展具有廣闊空間。我愿通過這次訪問,同塞方一道努力,發揚光大中塞鐵桿友誼,用實實在在的行動,更好造福兩國人民,促進世界和平和發展,共同推動構建人類命運共同體。 | A Chinese axiom goes, "Friends are those who are like-minded." And Serbians would say, "Friends are the greatest asset in life." The long-lasting friendship and win-win cooperation between China and Serbia makes it clear to us that a stronger bilateral relationship conforms with the trend of history and serves the best interests of our two peoples. It also helps promote our common progress. On the new journey of the new era, the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership has more potential for further growth. During my upcoming visit, I will work with my Serbian friends to bring out the best in our ironclad friendship and take real efforts to deliver more benefits to our two peoples, advance world peace and development, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
我們要始終做真誠相待的好朋友。中塞將深化和拓展全面戰略伙伴關系。雙方將沿著相互理解、相互信任、相互支持、相互助力的道路不斷前進,繼續在涉及彼此核心利益和重大關切問題上給予對方堅定支持。中國尊重和支持塞爾維亞人民自己選擇的發展道路,支持塞爾維亞維護國家主權和領土完整的努力,反對任何勢力干涉塞爾維亞內政。 | We should always be good friends and treat each other with sincerity. We will deepen and expand our comprehensive strategic partnership. We will continue to show each other understanding, trust, support and assistance. We will remain steadfast in supporting each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. China respects and supports the development path that the Serbian people have chosen of their own will. We support Serbia's efforts to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose any attempt by any forces to interfere in Serbia's internal affairs. | |
我們要始終做合作共贏的好伙伴。中國正在以高質量發展全面推進中國式現代化,加快發展新質生產力。近年來,塞爾維亞經濟社會發展成就顯著。中塞要深入挖掘互利合作潛力,落實好共建“一帶一路”中期行動計劃,爭取打造更多標志性項目,拓展科技創新、先進制造、綠色能源、數字經濟、人工智能等新興領域合作,共享發展機遇,共創美好未來。 | We should always be good partners for win-win cooperation. China is striving for its modernization in all respects through high-quality development, and moving faster to develop new quality productive forces. Serbia has achieved remarkable economic and social development in recent years. Our two countries should further unleash the potential of our mutually beneficial cooperation. We should deliver on the midterm action plan for Belt and Road cooperation, and build more flagship projects. We should expand cooperation in technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green energy, digital economy, artificial intelligence and other emerging areas. We should share development opportunities and create a better future together. | |
我們要始終做促進公平正義的好榜樣。中塞兩國作為鐵桿朋友和世界和平的維護者,在諸多重大國際和地區問題上立場相近。面對變亂交織的國際形勢,我們要加強在聯合國等國際組織中的協調和配合,共同倡導平等有序的世界多極化和普惠包容的經濟全球化,踐行真正的多邊主義,致力于維護世界和平穩定和國際公平正義。 | We should always play an exemplary role in promoting fairness and justice. As ironclad friends and defenders for world peace, China and Serbia hold similar positions on many major international and regional issues. Facing a fluid and turbulent world, we should step up coordination and cooperation in the United Nations and other international organizations, and advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We should practice true multilateralism, and endeavor to maintain world peace and stability and safeguard international fairness and justice. | |
我們要始終做民心相通的好知音。中塞鐵桿友誼經歷過血與火的淬煉,在新時代更加煥發出新的光彩。我們要打造立體多元的人文交流和地方合作格局,用好“免簽+直航”效應,發揮好互設文化中心的作用,加大教育、體育、文化、旅游等合作,為青年創造更多機遇,讓中塞友好薪火相傳。 | We should always strengthen the heart-to-heart connection between our two peoples. Our ironclad friendship has withstood the test of blood and fire, and shines even brighter in the new era. We should promote multi-dimensional people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and diversify subnational cooperation. We should make good use of the combined effect of "mutual visa exemption plus direct flights" as well as our respective cultural centers to promote cooperation in education, sports, culture and tourism. We should create more opportunities for our youth so that the China-Serbia friendship will be carried forward from generation to generation. | |
此時此刻,我們不能忘記,25年前的今天,北約悍然轟炸中國駐南聯盟大使館,邵云環、許杏虎、朱穎3名中國記者不幸遇難。中國人民珍視和平,但絕不會讓歷史悲劇重演。中塞兩國人民用鮮血凝成的友誼成為兩國人民的共同記憶,也將激勵雙方一道闊步前行。 | Twenty-five years ago today, NATO flagrantly bombed the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists -- Ms. Shao Yunhuan, Mr. Xu Xinghu and his wife Zhu Ying. This we should never forget. The Chinese people cherish peace, but we will never allow such tragic history to repeat itself. The China-Serbia friendship, forged with the blood of our compatriots, will stay in the shared memory of the Chinese and Serbian peoples, and will inspire us to march forward with big strides. | |
回望征途千山遠,翹首前路萬木春。站在新的歷史起點上,我們愿同塞爾維亞朋友一道,不忘初心、攜手進步,共譜國家發展振興新篇,共建新時代中塞命運共同體。春華秋實,讓我們一起見證和期待中塞友誼之樹茁壯成長,結出更多造福兩國人民的累累碩果。 | While looking back at the journey our two countries have traveled together, we also look forward to the promising future we aspire to embrace. We have now come to a new historic milestone. We on the Chinese side are ready to work hand in hand with our Serbian friends to make our shared aspiration and common progress a reality. Together we will write a new chapter in the development and rejuvenation of our nations. Together we will build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. Flowers in spring will turn into fruits in autumn. The tree of China-Serbia friendship will grow tall and sturdy and bear more fruits for our two peoples. This is what we expect and what we hope to witness together. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |