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happytom, happytom16@china.com
The act of the USA is the one to despite China's right of air space. It is right for Chinese planes to warn American spy planes off when they fly into China's soveregnty. However,when the acident occured,instead of claiming the responsibility for this acident and appologize to Chinese people, the USA push all the responsibility into Chinese side . In a word, I think that the USA should take and admit all the responsibility for this issure and make a full and official appology, and China should deal this issure seriously and never make any compomise to the American side until the USA admit they are to blame.

Helen han, xiaomei1978@fm365.com
Hey, proud Americans, give us your views on your spy plane coming again?

Hey, arrogant Americans, how you justify your government's behavior this time?

It is true that every nation is conducting "intelligence gathering"---spying, but what if the spy is caught! Will the country being spied let it be, and let him go without any questioning? I doubt!!! Even those who is claiming loudly that US is the NO1 freeland in the world, can you tell me, is American government as generous and kind as to do so?

What's more, can you still claim that the American spy planes are carrying out another normal and routine duty?

I donot hate US people, and I have many friends coming from US, most of the ordinary people is friendly and kind. But I have to say that most of them are really ignorant, knowing nothing about the rest of the world, just living in a illusion that their country is the NO1 in the world, they are the people enjoy most human rights and freedom! I say, hey, come out and take a look at the world today!!! It is a beautiful world, not only in US, but also in the other part of the world, including China.We Chinese are reasonable, but we will not reason with hooligans! We Chinese are kind, but only to those friends.

To those who challenge us again and again, I want to tell you, we Chinese are strong and powerful, our sovereingty is inviolable, our people are undefeatable!!!

Tom To, tomto@jps.net
The current U.S. administration is either ill-informed, uninformed or misinformed. It is behind time. It is self-serving and not acting in the best interest of the American people, nor is it acting in the interest of world peace and progress. In fact, its behavior is extremely dangerous to world peace and the human right of other countries. Within the last three months, we have seen an expression of 'unbelievable' from many countries in the world including Euorpe, on the attitude and arrogance of the U.S. administration.

If these reports about the spy planes are correct, it further confirms the stone-age mentality of this administration. Besides power and confrontation, whatelse is in the mind of the leaders in Washington. Bush must grow up quickly and acquire some international maturity.

There are more than five billion human beings in this world and Bush should know he is only one of them. There are hundreds of countries in the world with different values, cultures, beliefs and systems, U.S. is only one of them. Bush and his administration must turn around from his reckless, unchristian and irresponsible behavior before he bankcrupts the respect of the Americans. He must learn how to respect others and their human rights if his parents have not taught him in his younger days.

There are five billion people cherish this world. Bush should not blow it up just because he can. I don't think he wants to be remembered as Hitler the Second. Does he?

wang zhun, wzlf311@mail.sc.cninfo.net
China should defend our territory and air border.

pxm_china, pxm.cn@sohu.com
I can not imagine how american people feels after reading our comments here, especially the family or friends of the 24 detained American air crew. maybe they would think their Bush really a bullshit!

Patrick Petit, ppetit@ asia!.com
I have traveled to China many times and love the country.I am well aware of America's arrogance and double standards.

It is good that China does not let itself bullied by an ignorant government which thinks it can do what pleases

it. So I think the sending of Chinese fighter jets is justified!

DDT, diditiddt@sina.com.cn
It is naive, silly to expect American saying sorry. China has law, the accident could be easily solved in China. Things happend in China, whole of the domestic laws in China suit for the case. Chinese govenment should not interrupt the judicatory investigation. According to domestic law of China, the crew must be sentenced into jail for 5 to 10 years. If the law is justice, President Jiang even should not change the sentence. Sorry and apology do not work in criminal case. No sufferer expects a criminal say sorry in the world, because it was too late to be accepted.

Second letter of IMCATATONIC@aol.com
After our editor wrote a responding letter to Mr. IMCATATONIC, he immediately answered another to us. We want to thanks for Mr. IMCATATONIC's concern for the missing pilot. The following is the fulltext of the letters.

God bless our missing pilot!

here is the editor's responding letter:


As an ordinary Chinese and on behalf of the poor wife and the son of the missing pilot, I want to extend my sincerious thanks for your concerns about the pilot beyond those politicians.

Chinese have undergone so many hardships in war and conflicts. The last thing they want would be turmoil and war. We just want peace and a better life, including environment, human rights and everything if that would not bother others.

Chinese are really warmhearted and peace loving. I bet anyone who have been to China would draw this conclusion.

Your concerns seems more valuable to me especially when we Chinese desperately find lots of words about boycotting Chinese products and "sending in special forces" and the president Bush's statement, which have frustrated many Chinese.

We want peace and prosperity. No war, no conflict would be this great nation wants, nor humiliation or indignity.

Thanks you


PS: we put your mail in "Remarks" in the feature of this collision. I wish that would be no offense to you.

We conceal his addresses to avoid any unnecessary offense by some Americans who do not agree with his opinions.The following is the second letter from IMCATATONIC, Mr.James Huffer.

I thank you for your reply, and also for comfirming something I allready knew. Having traveled extensively in most parts of the world doing research with endangered species, I have always found that people will treat you with the same respect that you extend to them. The comments of those who actually believe in one nations superiority over that of another frightens me as an

educated person who understands that communication is the only barrier to the realization that we are all basically the same. I have never had the plesure of visiting mainland China, but have had close relations with many of that nationality in my life. It has always been educational to understand the "other" side of a differing point of view and to see things from another's perspctive. In spite of the retoric all governments seem to expouse, no one side is always right. I'm honored that you chose to print my thoughts and concerns. Please include my sincere condolences to the family as I have heard that the pilot has not survived this and thus has become yet another victum of mans failure to understand his fellow man. My feelings and those of others will be little solace to his loved ones in what will be a long time of loss. I do so hope that the terrible comments made by the uneducated in my country will not affect them in their time of need. Be well and thank you for your communication.

Best regards,

James Huffer,

Naples, Florida, USA

Mr Smith, musicman@thehub.com.au
Hi all. I share a love with my Chinese practitioner and his wife who saved me from a worse fate than I am enduring but that's nothing to do with this email.

I am aware of the situation with the U.S. aircraft and believe you have a right to prioritize your enquiries in the following order

............1. Make your greatest concern the search for the missing aircraft, which will go on for a reasonable time of fourteen days

............2.Take a reasonable enough time to interview the American Airmen regarding this peace time accident which will go on for about fourteen days, after which the American Airmen will be returned to the U.S.A.

............3. After gathering the witnesses information and releasing the Airmen, review of the search area with the evidence gathered, which will go on for seven days or until the missing aircraft has been located

............ 4. Retrieve and inspect the missing aircraft if it has been found which will go on for seven days

............ 5. Hold an enquiry into this incident which will involve holding any evidence and will take about thirty days

............ 6. Release any evidence to it's rightful owner

............ 7. Request that the U.S. President be patient and give The Chinese People reasonable time to conduct their enquiries.

I would be keen to advise further if requested. Yours Respectfully. Mr Smith. (A relative of

some high profile Australian Politicians and a man who is full of ideas).

P.S. I tried to find other avenues to speak my piece and hope you can forward this message as you will.

Brisbane, Australia

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