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Sino-US Ties: Understanding Built Through Dialogue

China is not satisfied with the US policy towards China, said Liu Xiaoming, the minister of the Embassy of China to the United States during Sunday's online press conference.

"We are very concerned about the Democratic and Republican conventions and their party programmes, and we are not satisfied with their policies on China released at the conventions,'' Liu said.

Stressing that the three Sino-US joint communiques are the basis for the healthy and steady development of relations between the two countries, Liu said China urges the US to support the one-China policy and to fully understand the sensitivity and complexity of Sino-US relations.

"The US has promised to follow the one-China policy and it should earnestly implement the three communiques between the Chinese and US governments and fulfil the series of promises it has made,'' Liu said.

Some people in the US Congress have cooked up the so-called "Taiwan Security Enhancement Act'' and are attempting to include Taiwan in the Theatre Missile Defence System, which the Chinese Government and people firmly oppose.

The Taiwan question is still the most crucial and sensitive problem holding up Sino-US relations, Liu said.

Admitting that China and the United States still have divergent views on many issues, such as human rights, religion, the Dalai Lama and the arms control and non-proliferation issue, Liu said that no two countries can agree on everything and added that China is optimistic about the future of bilateral relations.

"The most important thing is that both sides hold on to the principle of mutual respect, seeking common ground while reserving differences,'' Liu said.

Meanwhile, Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said in New York on Friday morning that China advocates dialogue with the United States to narrow their differences and opposes interference in China's internal affairs under any pretense.

Li sent this message to US leaders when he was interviewed by the China Press, a New York-based Chinese language newspaper.

China cherishes friendly relations with the US and advocates dialogue as a means of pursuing mutual understanding. .

"However, we resolutely oppose interference into China's internal affairs under any excuse,'' Li said.

It is natural, he said, that US congressmenmay disagree with China on some issuesdue to differences in national conditions and cultural and historical traditions.

Li also feels some US lawmakers might begin to understand China's perspective if they were to actually experience China first-hand.

"Seeing is believing. The National People's Congress welcomes more US congressmen to visit China. Parliamentary exchanges will help improve the overall Sino-US relations,'' he said.

"Better Sino-US relations are not only beneficial to China and the US, but also conducive to world peace and develpment," Li said while meeting overseas Chinese students, representatives of Chinese-funded organizations, Chinese missions to the United Nations and the consulate in New York.

Some people in the West have been spreading a "China threat" theory. This is unfounded and reveals a malicious motive, he said.

Chinese people love peace and need a peaceful environment to develop the country, he added.

(Chinadaily 09/04/2000)

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