
Construction Safety Guaranteed on the Dam Site

Guo Xiaohong,Li Jingrong

Safety management and supervision will be intensified in the process of construction of the Three Gorges project and the contractors of the project will adopt stricter measures to ensure the safety at the dam site, said Lu Youmei, manager of the China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Corporation, on Wednesday morning.

After a major accident happened on September 3 this year, which resulted in death of three workers and many seriously injured, all departments concerned in the project have launched an overhaul of all construction equipment and the unsafe factors are eliminated, said Lu.

Investigation shows the September 3 accident was due to the breaking of a leather belt on Tower No. 3 attached to a Rotec machine imported from the US.

The dam grows higher with each passing day of construction, the accidents of workers falling off from high above on the site are more likely to happen, therefore, it is important and imperative to stress the safety measure work, continued Lu Youmei.

The China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Corporation will serve as a watchdog to manage and supervise the construction safety of the whole project.

Lu added that the Three Gorges Project Development Corporation is negotiating and cooperating with Germany, which leads the world in ship lift building, for the research and plan of building ship lifts for the project. The two sides will try to allow no shiplift-related accident.

The building of the ship lift to be completed by the year 2009 will have the capacity of lifting a 3,000-ton ship to a height of 113 meters, according to Lu.

(CIIC 10/26/2000)

In This Series

Three Gorges Project Fund Secured

Plan for Preserving Three Gorges Relics

Relocation of Mosques

Three Gorges Accident Site Cleared

Dam Harmless to Yangtze's Ecosystems

Three Gorges: the Ecology and Environment

Relocated Three Gorges Residents Live in Spacious Houses

Three Gorges Reservoir Area, a Geological Museum

Three Gorges Accident Investigation Begins

More Investment in Relics Excavation at Yangtze Dam Area

GSM Introduced to Three Gorges Dam Area



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