
Jiang Talks Over Phone With Putin, Chirac and Blair

Chinese President Jiang Zemin held respective phone talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Jacques Chirac and British Prime Minister Tony Blair Tuesday on the international situation following the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11.

Talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Russian President Vladimir Putin talked over phone Tuesday night.

Jiang thanked the Russian President for the warm hospitality Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji received from the Russian side when he visited Russia recently.

On the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, Jiang reiterated China's principled stance that the Chinese government is firmly opposed to any form of terrorism.

He stressed that in dealing with the issue, it is necessary to take note of both the direct result of the incident and its deep impact on the regional situation, and furthermore, the long-term interests of world peace and development should be taken into consideration.

Jiang said China is willing to strengthen and deepen the anti- terrorism cooperation with the international community. China holds that the role of the United Nations Security Council should be fully exerted and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council should increase consultations.

China and Russia have common stance on and common interests in combating terrorism, and the two countries should keep in contact and exchange views in accordance with the spirit of the Sino-Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, Jiang said.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should implement relevant conventions as soon as possible so as to safeguard peace, security and stability of the region more effectively, Jiang said.

Putin thanked Jiang for his remarks and expressed that it is of great importance and urgency that Russia and China increase cooperation under the current tense international circumstances. He agreed with Jiang on that it is necessary to perfect all kinds of international anti-terrorism mechanism as quickly as possible.

Putin stressed that in handling relevant issues of the region, the interests of all countries and people in the region should be considered and respected, and the peace and stability of the region should be maintained.

Both the two leaders agreed on keeping close contacts, consultations and cooperation on major issues concerning world and regional peace and stability.

Talk with French President Jacques Chirac

Chirac said European countries have expressed support to the United States after the attacks. He said all efforts should be made to combat terrorism.

The French president stressed that under current circumstances, it is necessary to restart the Middle East peace process as soon as possible and urge both Palestine and Israel to return to the negotiating table.

Jiang expressed appreciation for Chirac's views and expounded the principled stance of the Chinese government that it is always opposed to all kinds of terrorism. He stressed the necessity and urgency for international collaboration on the issue of combating terrorism.

Jiang said that under current circumstances, keeping sober-minded is especially needed and prudence should be exercised in handling relevant issues. All action should be conducive to the long-term interests of world peace and development, he said.

Jiang said that China will, as always, support the Middle East peace process, and hopes that all people in Middle East countries can live in peace.

The two leaders agreed that both China and France will continue to maintain close consultations and cooperation on major issues concerning world peace and stability.

Talk with British PM Tony Blair

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and British Prime Minister Tony Blair exchanged views over the phone on the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington D.C.

Blair said many British people lost their lives in the terrorist attacks and under the current circumstances, it is very necessary for leaders of Britain and China to have a direct exchange of views. He briefed Jiang on the views of the British side on the issue.

Jiang said many British people were killed or injured in the terrorist attacks, while some Chinese citizens were also killed, injured or missing. They were all victims of the terrorists, he said.

China strongly condemns this horrible act of terrorism, Jiang said. The Chinese people stand side by side with the American and British people as well as the international community on the issue of anti-terrorism. Terrorism has become a prominent threat to the world's peace and stability and a grave common scourge of the international community, Jiang said.

The Chinese government is firmly opposed to any kind of international terrorism, he said, adding that global collaboration is very necessary and pressing in combating terrorism.

Jiang stressed that any military action against terrorism should be taken with irrefutable evidence and should aim at clear targets so as to avoid casualties to innocent people.

He also said any military action must comply with the objectives and principles of the UN Charter as well as widely-recognized norms in international laws. It is necessary for the UN Security Council to play its due role, and all actions should help maintain the long-term interests of world peace and development, he said.

(china.org.cn 09/19/2001)

In This Series

China’s Public Security Chief Urges World Response to Terrorism

Jiang, Bush Discuss Disaster

Jiang Expresses Sympathy to Bush, Condemns Terrorists



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