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Jiang: PNTR Bill Benefits Every One

Chinese President Jiang Zemin believes the passage of the bill granting China permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with the United States will ultimately do nothing but good for the whole world.

He made the remarks to a visiting delegation from the US Chamber of Commerce led by its President and CEO Thomas Donohue in Beijing Thursday.

Jiang said granting China PNTR status is in the interest of both China and the US and also benefits global economic and trade development.

Jiang expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by President Bill Clinton and the US Chamber of Commerce in trying to help China achieve PNTR status.

He pointed out that Sino-US relations should be dealt with from a long-term perspective. At the turn of the century and the beginning of the new millennium, Jiang said he hoped the two countries would take into consideration the fundamental interests of their people and the rest of the world, and further promote Sino-US bilateral ties and economic and trade relations.

Donohue said the passing of the bill by the US Senate with an overwhelming majority gives more room for Sino-US economic and trade co-operation. In another development, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan welcomed the US Senate's passage of a bill on PNTR with China, saying "this is an important step towards China's ultimate membership of the World Trade Organization.''

Annan said it was also an important step "towards a fuller integration of countries into the rules based on a multilateral trading system.''

"Trade is an important engine for growth and development. To serve development, the trading system needs to be open, equitable, secure, non-discriminatory and predictable,'' the UN chief said.

Stressing the importance of greater universality of the international trading system, he welcomed all measures assisting the full integration of those countries seeking accession into that system.

Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi said the differences between China and the US on human rights issues should be resolved through dialogue and co-operation rather than confrontation.

He said the articles concerning human rights in the bill have nothing to do with permanent normal trade relations.

Sun stressed that China is resolutely opposed to the articles concerning human rights in the bill.

The human rights issue falls within the internal affairs of each state, said Sun, adding that now, human rights conditions in China are at the best stage ever in its history.

He said China can never accept intervention in its internal affairs.

Sun said China will continue to protect and improve people's human rights.

(Xinhua 09/22/2000)

In This Series

President Jiang Meets US Guests



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