
November 22, 2002

China, Macedonia Issue Joint Statement

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and visiting Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski signed a joint statement Saturday in Beijing. The full text of the statement, titled as Joint Statement Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Macedonia on Consolidating and Promoting Their Friendly Relations and Cooperation, reads as follows:

President Boris Trajkovski of the Republic of Macedonia paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China from 25 to 30 April 2002 at the invitation of President Jiang Zemin of the People's Republic of China. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, President Jiang Zemin had in-depth exchanges of views on the bilateral relations, regional situation and international issues of shared interest with President Boris Trajkovski, and they reached broad consensus.

  • The two sides cherish the profound friendship between the two countries and two peoples. Since the normalization of relations in June 2001, the mutually beneficial ties and cooperation between the two countries in various fields have been restored and developed rapidly to the satisfaction of both sides.

    The two sides are of the view that it is in the fundamental and long-term interests of both countries and peoples to push forward the long-term, steady and overall development of their relations on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. They reiterate that they will strictly abide by the principles enshrined in The Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Macedonia and The Joint Communique Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Macedonia on the Normalization of Relations and other related documents, and that they will join hands to create a better future for their bilateral relations.

  • The two sides are ready to increase political dialogue at all levels, and encourage and support the exchanges and cooperation between the Governments, parliaments, other official institutions, local governments and social organizations of the two countries so as to enhance mutual understanding and trust.

  • The two sides believe that stronger bilateral economic cooperation and trade are of great significance. They stand ready to encourage and support, under conditions of the market economy, enterprises of the two countries in their efforts to step up contacts, deepen understanding, and conduct multi-form cooperation so as to facilitate continued development of the bilateral economic ties and trade. The two countries will provide facilities for the participation of each other's enterprises and personnel in their respective economic development.

    The Chinese side is willing to continue to give assistance, within its capacity, to Macedonia for its economic recovery and development, for which the Macedonian side expresses its gratitude.

    The two sides will continue to take positive measures to further the cooperation and exchanges between the two countries in the scientific, technological, cultural, education, health and other fields.

  • The Macedonian side reiterates that there is but one China in the world, that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. The Macedonian side reaffirms that it will not enter into official relations in any form, or conduct any exchanges of an official nature with Taiwan, nor will it support Taiwan's membership in international organizations where statehood is required. The Macedonian side stresses that the question of Taiwan is entirely China's internal affair and that it respects and supports the efforts of China in safeguarding its national unity and hopes to see its early reunification.

    The Chinese side highly appreciates the clear position of the Macedonian side on the Taiwan question.

  • The Chinese side reiterates that China supports the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Macedonia, and supports Macedonia in its vigorous efforts to safeguard national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Chinese side understands the position of the Macedonian side that to keep the unitary character of the state is of great significance to the maintenance of stability in Macedonia. It hopes to see Macedonia enjoy social stability, ethnic harmony and economic growth and thus make active contribution to safeguarding stability and promoting prosperity in Southeast Europe. The Chinese side understands and respects the choice and commitment made by Macedonia to become part of the European integration process, and highly values Macedonia's policy of good-neighborliness and friendship. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China will continue to play its part in the endeavor for lasting peace in Macedonia and the entire region of Southeast Europe.

    The Macedonian side values the important role played by China in international affairs and speaks highly of the positive contribution made by China as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to safeguarding world peace and promoting stability in Macedonia and in the region of Southeast Europe.

  • Both sides believe that democratization of international relations meets the requirement of the advance of the times and conforms to the desire of the vast majority of countries and people in the international community. All countries, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak, are equal members of the international community and have the equal right to participate in international affairs. All countries are entitled to choose, in light of their national conditions, their social system and road to development independently. The two sides stand ready to work with the rest of the international community for the establishment of a fair and rational new international political and economic order.

  • The two sides stress that the United Nations, as the most broadly based inter-governmental organization composed of sovereign states, is irreplaceable in terms of its authority and important role for safeguarding world peace and stability as well as addressing other international issues and etc. The two sides reaffirm their strict compliance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and maintain that the leading role of the United Nations and its Security Council should be safeguarded and enhanced in international affairs. The two sides are satisfied with their cooperation in the United Nations and other international organizations and stand ready to further strengthen their coordination. The Chinese side understands the strong desire of Macedonia for its own constitutional name to be used within the UN system and supports the positive efforts made by Macedonia in resolving the issue.

  • Both sides believe that terrorism is a serious challenge to the human civilization and that it poses a threat to international peace and security. The two sides support that fight against global terrorism and call for the prevention and suppression of terrorist acts in any form. The two sides stress that no double standards should be allowed in the fight against terrorism. They maintain that international cooperation and solidarity should be boosted on combating international terrorism, and that the leading role of the United Nations and its Security Council should be brought into full play so as to eradicate the root cause of terrorism.

    ( April 28, 2002)

  • In This Series
    Sino-Macedonia Ties Stressed

    Good Wishes Sent to new Macedonian Government

    China Attaches Importance to its Relations With Macedonia

    China Welcomes Peace Agreement of Macedonia

    Premier: Ties With Macedonia Promising

    China, Macedonia Normalize Relations


    Taiwan Issue

    Web Link
    United Nations

    Chinese Foreign Ministry

    Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN

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