
China Tops in Number of Students Abroad

China tops among world countries in the number of students studying abroad,CCTV has reported.

Annually more than 25,000Chinese students leave the country to enter foreign schools.The total number of students has so far reached some 380,000.

Most of the students go for undergraduate and postgraduate course and study at their own expenses.Every year some 2,000 students go at state expenditure.

A fast domestic economic growth thus a better financial background of Chinese students,together with a still unsatisfying domestic high education have resulted in the continual increase of the students studying abroad,experts said.

Chinese students are received in some 103 countries and most densely populated in schools in US,Britain,Australia,Canada,German,France and Japan.

Chinese students have become the largest group of foreign students in US and Japan.

In Britain,the number of students increased by four times in the last three years.

(eastday.com February 4, 2002)

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