
Philadelphia Youth Orchestra to Visit City Next Month

The Philadelphia Youth Orchestra will travel to China next month, promissing to give four performances in Shanghai and Beijing.

The orchestra's performance in Beijing will fall on the nights of July 10 and 12. Before its Beijing show, it will reach Shanghai audience first on July 2 and 3, at the Shanghai Center Theatre on Nanjing Road W.

Philadelphia Youth Orchestra is the youth orchestra with the longest history in the United States. In 2000, it celebrated its 60 birthday. Since 1982, it started its world music tour. Before China's performance, it had traveled and given concerts in more than 20 other countries in the five continents in the world.

The orchestra will bring to Shanghai audience this time both the masterpieces of renowned musician such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Schubert, and the pieces with Chinese features such as "Reflection of the moon on two laker" by Chinese composer Hua Yinjuing and Wu Zhuquing.

Shanghai Center Theatre has started selling tickets. The price ranges from 80 yuan (US$1) to 320 yuan.

(eastday.com June 24,2002)