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Home > Organizational System of Governance

Primary-Level Organizations of the CPC

Updated:2024-12-10 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Primary-Level Organizations of the CPC

According to the Constitution of the CPC, the primary-level Party organizations play a key role on behalf of the Party in the primary-level units of society. They are the foundation of the Party's work and its capacity to take on challenges.

Given the needs of their work and the number of their Party members and with the approval of higher-level Party organizations, the primary-level Party organizations may establish primary-level Party committees, general Party branch committees, or Party branch committees. A primary-level Party committee is elected through a general meeting of the Party members or a meeting of their delegates, and a general Party branch committee or a Party branch committee is elected through a general meeting of the Party members. The opinions of both Party and non-Party members are solicited when the candidates are nominated for these committees.

As the Party's Central Committee has highlighted the role of primary-level Party organizations since the Party's 18th National Congress in 2012, constant progress has been made in all sectors across the board. The political functions and organizational cohesion of the primary-level Party organizations have been reinforced to better demonstrate their strength and present Party members as role models.




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