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Environmental activists demonstrate in Cancun
Activists from non-profit organization Anima Naturalis demonstrate outside the venue of UN climate talks in Cancun Dec 10, 2010.

Next year to be important for climate policy
Australian Climate Change Minister Greg Combet on Friday said next year would be an important year for climate change policy, because Prime Minister Julia Gillard had earlier announced that a carbon price would be legislated in 2011.
Maldives welcomes Cancun Agreements
South Africa backs two-track climate plan
Cancun agreement puts climate negotiations forward
Denmark supports Mekong countries on climate issues
UN applauds the agreement on REDD+ reached in Cancun
Vines help wine makers fight climate change
Cancun deal to lead major emitters to cut pollution
UN chief hails climate deal reached at Cancun
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Opinions >>
Developing nations leave Cancun with dashed hopes
Developing countries have left another Climate Change summit feeling their pleas were simply not being heard or listened to by the richer nations most responsible for the world's climate crisis.
Voices from Cancun >>
Stern: China can be urban low carbon model
China will never repeat developed countries' old path of unlimited emissions
Videos >>
Green energy: Future of transport
Green energy: Future of transport
Photos >>
World's largest solar-powered boat in Cancun
Sinking icons highlight threats of climate change
China's Efforts >>
China says Cancun conference a success
Cancun climate talks send 'positive' signals
Chinese delegation supports drafts at Cancun conference
Innovation keys to building low-carbon cities
China won't repeat old path of unlimited emissions
US says China seriously dealing with emissions
No changes for Beijing's position on emissions
What the World Is Doing >>
Next year to be important for climate policy
Maldives welcomes Cancun Agreements
South Africa backs two-track climate plan
Denmark supports Mekong countries on climate issues
'Pseudo scientists' hurting climate fight
Vines help wine makers fight climate change
Cancun deal to lead major emitters to cut pollution