Q: Okay, thank you. Mr. President, I'm a student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I have a question concerning the Nobel Prize for Peace. In your opinion, what's the main reason that you were honored the Nobel Prize for Peace? And will it give you more responsibility and pressure to -- more pressure and the responsibility to promote world peace? And will it bring you -- will it influence your ideas while dealing with the international affairs? Thank you very much. |
[現(xiàn)場提問]謝謝。總統(tǒng)先生,我是來自于上海交通大學的一位學生。我想問有關(guān)您得諾貝爾和平獎的一個問題。您是如何看待您得獎的?您得了獎對您來說是不是意味著更多的壓力和責任?您有更多的責任去推動世界和平?同時,這會不會影響你解決世界問題的一些態(tài)度? |
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. That was an excellent question. I have to say that nobody was more surprised than me about winning the Nobel Prize for Peace. Obviously it's a great honor. I don't believe necessarily that it's an honor I deserve, given the extraordinary history of people who have won the prize. All I can do is to, with great humility, accept the fact that I think the committee was inspired by the American people and the possibilities of changing not only America but also America's approach to the world. And so in some ways I think they gave me the prize but I was more just a symbol of the shift in our approach to world affairs that we are trying to promote.
[奧巴馬]這個問題問得非常好,謝謝。正如我開始所說,關(guān)于我得到的和平獎這個問題最驚奇的就是我自己。當然,這是一個殊榮,不過我認為這個榮譽我有點不配。因為考慮到以前得獎的人所做的工作我有點不配,但是我希望做的工作就是本著非常卑謙的態(tài)度來對待這個事情。那就是他們這個諾貝爾提名委員會對于美國所發(fā)生的變化以及美國對世界事務(wù)的態(tài)度所發(fā)生的變化受到了啟發(fā),所以他們把獎項頒發(fā)給了我,不過我只是對我們對世界態(tài)度的變化的一個象征而已。 |
In terms of the burden that I feel, I am extraordinarily honored to be put in the position of President. And as my wife always reminds me when I complain that I'm working too hard, she says, you volunteered for this job. And so you -- there's a saying -- I don't know if there's a similar saying in China -- we have a saying: "You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it." And it basically means you have to be careful what you ask for because you might get it. |
我感到這是一種殊榮——能夠成為美國總統(tǒng)。正如有時候我抱怨工作太忙時,我夫人經(jīng)常提醒我說:你是自己找的這份工作。英文里說你自己鋪了床你只好自己到里面去睡覺。這個意思就是說有時候你要想得到什么東西真要小心一點,你真有可能得到這份東西。 |
I think that all of us have obligations for trying to promote peace in the world. It's not always easy to do. There are still a lot of conflicts in the world that are -- date back for centuries. If you look at the Middle East, there are wars and conflict that are rooted in arguments going back a thousand years. In many parts of the world -- let's say, in the continent of Africa -- there are ethnic and tribal conflicts that are very hard to resolve. |
我認為我們每個人要在世界上促進我們的和平,做到這一點并不容易。現(xiàn)在世界上有很多沖突,這些沖突有數(shù)百年的歷史,比如你看看中東的情況,這些戰(zhàn)爭和沖突他們來源于一千年以前的斗爭,比如在非洲有部落的沖突,這都很難得到解決。 |
And obviously, right now, as President of the United States, part of my job is to serve as Commander-in-Chief, and my first priority is to protect the American people. And because of the attacks on 9/11 and the terrorism that has been taking place around the world where innocent people are being killed, it is my obligation to make sure that we root out these terrorist organizations, and that we cooperate with other countries in terms of dealing with this kind of violence. |
作為美國總統(tǒng),我的工作之一是我們美國武裝力量的總指揮,我的當務(wù)之急首先要做的就是保護美國人民。由于9•11發(fā)生的襲擊事件,以及世界各地的恐怖事件造成無辜人的死亡,我有這樣的任務(wù)就是要根除這些恐怖主義組織,要和很多國家進行合作來應(yīng)付這種恐怖暴力。 |
Nevertheless, although I don't think that we can ever completely eliminate violence between nations or between peoples, I think that we can definitely reduce the violence between peoples -- through dialogue, through the exchange of ideas, through greater understanding between peoples and between cultures. |
當然,我想我們不可能完全杜絕國與人以及國與國之間的暴力,但是我們可以大大減少這些暴力。這個做法就是通過交流、通過對話,通過加深人與人、文化與文化之間的理解來做到這一點。 |
And particularly now when just one individual can detonate a bomb that causes so much destruction, it is more important than ever that we pursue these strategies for peace. Technology is a powerful instrument for good, but it has also given the possibility for just a few people to cause enormous damage. And that's why I'm hopeful that in my meetings with President Hu and on an ongoing basis, both the United States and China can work together to try to reduce conflicts that are taking place.
此時此刻,一個人可以引爆炸彈,帶來很大的破壞。因此,我們要實行這種和平的策略就變得更加重要了。技術(shù)可以造福于人,但是也可以使這些少數(shù)人造成巨大的破壞。正因如此,我希望在我跟胡主席的會談中,以及今后進行的會談中,美國和中國可以共同合作來共同減少我們在世界各地所看到的沖突。 |
We have to do so, though, also keeping in mind that when we use our military, because we're such big and strong countries, that we have to be self-reflective about what we do; that we have to examine our own motives and our own interests to make sure that we are not simply using our military forces because nobody can stop us. That's a burden that great countries, great powers, have, is to act responsibly in the community of nations. And my hope is, is that the United States and China together can help to create an international norms that reduce conflict around the world. |
同時,我們還要牢記這樣一個事實,當我們動用軍事力量的時候,因為我們是大國、強國,我們自己要三思而行,我們要看看自己有什么動機,有什么利益來確保我們不僅僅由于別人管不了我們,我們就動輒使用我們的軍力,而這些大國要在世界之林中本著負責任的原則采取行動才行。我希望美國和中國能夠共同地幫助建立國際準則以減少世界各地的沖突。 |
Okay. All right? Jon -- I'm going to call on my Ambassador because I think he has a question that was generated through the Web site of our embassy. This was selected, though, by I think one of the members of our U.S. press corps so that --