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UNAIDS: New HIV infections down 17% worldwide
聯合國艾滋病規劃署: 世界新增艾滋病感染率下降17%

By Wang Zhiyong
China.org.cn staff reporter

A poster of red ribbon, the symbol of care for AIDS patients, standing in front of Beijing National Stadium on December 1, 2008, World AIDS Day [chinanews.com.cn]

A poster of red ribbon, the symbol of care for AIDS patients, standing in front of Beijing National Stadium on December 1, 2008, World AIDS Day [chinanews.com.cn]


According to 2009 figures, new HIV infections have been reduced by 17 percent over the past 8 years, said the executive director of UNAIDS Michel Sidibé at a press conference held in Shanghai on November 24, 2009. 1124,聯合國艾滋病規劃署首次在中國上海發布了《2009年艾滋病流行報告》和《2010年艾滋病防治前景展望》,規劃署執行主任米歇爾.西貝迪在新聞發布會上說,數據顯示世界新增艾滋病感染率在過去的八年間下降了17%
The number of new infections in sub-Saharan Africa is approximately 15 percent lower than what it was in 2001, when the UN signed the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. That means there were about 400,000 fewer infections in 2008. 去年,撒哈拉周邊的非洲地區的新增感染率比2001年聯合國大會《艾滋病承諾宣言》簽署時少了15%,也就是說,在2008年新增感染病例減少了約40萬人。
In East Asia, new HIV infections declined by nearly 25 percent; in South and Southeast Asia, there was a 10 percent decline. 在東亞地區,新增感染率下降了近四分之一,在南亞和東南亞地區則下降了10%
The report highlights that HIV prevention programs are making a difference. 報告強調,這樣的成果要歸功于近年來的艾滋病預防項目。
"The good news is that we have evidence that the declines we are seeing are due, at least in part, to HIV prevention," said Sidibé. 西迪貝說:“好消息是我們現在可以證明新增感染率的下降是由于艾滋病預防工作,至少一部分是。”
The report found that 33.4 million people are living with HIV worldwide, 2.7 million people were newly infected in 2008, and 2 million people died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2008. 報告中還指出,全世界有3340萬艾滋病病毒攜帶者,270萬人是去年感染的新病人,去年200萬人死于艾滋病相關疾病。
China confirms 319,877 people living with HIV-AIDS 中國確診將近32萬艾滋病病毒攜帶者
As of the end of October, the number of Chinese citizens confirmed to be living with HIV-AIDS was 319,877—that is an increase from the 264,302 last year and more than double the 135,630 that were reported in 2005, China's health minister Chen Zhu said at the press conference. 衛生部部長陳竺在發布會上說,截止今年十月底,已確診有319877名中國公民感染艾滋病,比去年的264302名有所增加,是2005年的兩倍多(2005年有135630人感染)。
According to estimates by UNAIDS and the Ministry of Health, China is expected to have about 740,000 people infected with the HIV virus by the end of this year. 聯合國艾滋病規劃署和衛生部估計到今年年底,中國將有74萬人感染艾滋病病毒。

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