一項調查結果表明,中國“六0后”、“七0后”(二十世紀六七十年代出生的人)是對生活最充滿熱情的人群。 |
The outcome of a survey shows that Chinese people born in the 1960s and 1970s are most enthusiastic about life. |
這一名為“趣商大調查”的活動由新浪、騰訊、人人等門戶網站發起,共吸引了來自中國各地的近百萬網友參加。 |
This so called “sociability survey” was carried on various major portal Web sites such as Sina.com.cn, qq.com and renren.com, attracting more than one million participants from all over China. |
測試從行為模式、人際適應等方面得出受測者的綜合“趣商”指數。與人們的想像不同,“九0后”和“八0后”(九十年代和八十年代出生)人群的“趣商”并不高。 |
The survey tested participants’ demeanors, social adjustability and other factors in order to determine their degree of sociability. Unlike the general presumption, the sociability of those born in the 1980s and 1990s is not so high. |
心理咨詢專家雷明表示,“八0后”要么在社會中尚且立足未穩、面臨著就業方面的激烈競爭,要么剛建立了自己的小家庭,背負著房貸等壓力,這些都大大影響他們享受生活樂趣的能力;而“九0后”大多生長在城市、成長在網絡,缺乏在真實世界中與外界的交流,不過他們在“趣商”方面表現出很大的潛力和良好的可塑性。 |
Lei Ming, a psychological consultant, said a fiercely competitive job market combined with heavy house loans hamper the 1980s generation from enjoying life. The 1990s generation, who mostly have grown up in cities and lived in an Internet-created virtual world, lack experience in interacting with the “real” world, Lei said. But they show great potential and flexibility to improve their sociability, he added. |
在趣商測試中,反映了“六0后”、“七0后”多元化的趣味,似乎無論什么他們都有著強烈的嘗試愿望。他們心態開放。比如,他們近一個月內去過哪些場所,涉獵甚廣,從社交會所到圖書館、下得飯局上得高球場。(中國新聞網) |
Those born during the ‘60s and ‘70s, however, showed a wide range of interests in the survey. They are open-minded and eager to try new stuff. For example, the places that they visited in the last month range from social clubs to libraries, restaurants and golf greens.
(China.org.cn translated by Pang Li) |