第一,字數過長。有的居然達到了1400字。PS應該在800字左右,很多學校明確規定PS是300到500字,還有的學校要求是3500個字符之內。因此,除非特別要求,大家千萬不要把PS寫得太長,否則你千辛萬苦努力的結果就是人家看也不看,扔進垃圾桶了。密歇根大學在其PS要求中提到,你要follow required format and word limits。(http://www.flytowest.com/ps/usps/mich.htm)
第二,PS第一段,大家寫作各有各的風格,但普遍存在文不對題空喊口號的問題。大家要把第一段寫得獨特和吸引眼球(Make your opening statement and first paragraph to be eye-catching and unique)。有的同學是拿自己人生中一段非凡的經歷開始,不過,這種經歷肯定是要與專業有關的,否則就不要去寫。有的同學以自己的家鄉或者院校出了名人去寫,就是離題太遠了。有個同學寫自己申請經濟,結果上來就談起了自己高中喜歡讀莎士比亞,喜歡問問題,然后突然轉到自己非常喜歡研究經濟。大家應該想想,這種思路是否讓人暈頭轉向。還有的直接就寫想申請某某院校的某某專業,然后就完了開始第二段,這種開頭完全就是廢話。有的同學反復照抄網上所謂的范文,一點新意也沒有,看下面這句。Forrest Gump’s mom said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. She’s right. On my 13th Birthday, besides a big chocolate cake, I also got a card…
PS第一段應該以言簡意賅的語言精練地提出文章的亮點所在,開頭不宜故弄玄虛,不宜寫成抒情散文,應該開門見山。有的同學申請博士,還在第一段談起了初中的東西,并且語言非常不地道,翻譯痕跡非常重。比如這句However, my brave nature dominated and made me stand again to confront the unsuccessfulness.
另外,不要用第三人稱寫。有的同學這樣寫:"Hey, it works!” the little boy was swamped with a sense of satisfaction … the little boy, actually I, has been in love with the fascinating … 個人陳述是寫個人的,不要站在第三者角度,否則那就是推薦信了。
第三,下面談談中間部分。很多人寫完第一段后,馬上就開始這樣的句式,Born in … Province in China on August 22, 1980, after the National University Entrance Examination in 2000, I was accepted by XXX. Upon the acceptance, my major became … Here, I received strict training not only in … but also in … 大家一定記住,PS不要去重復其它留學文書,比如推薦信和簡歷中將要出現的內容。不要都說,你以多少的成績考入了什么大學,是什么專業,然后開始列舉出一堆獎勵。我們看看康乃爾大學PS寫作要求(http://www.flytowest.com/ps/usps/cornell.htm)。A personal statement is generally most effective when it concentrates on:(應該集中在以下幾點時,PS才特別有說服力,這些方面是:)an issue or experience that you feel strongly about, or one that has helped to shape who you are;a significant accomplishment or contribution you have made to your field or community. 你一定要去掉那些自我陶醉的、含糊不清的、過于抽象的東西,不要列舉你得到了什么獎勵(avoid self-congratulatory statements, vague, abstract ideals, laundry lists of achievements, jargon and specialized vocabulary)。