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溫家寶總理政府工作報告熱詞 [雙語]

The 11th National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature of China, starts its third session at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing March 5, 2010. Premier Wen Jiabao delivers a report on the work of the government at the opening meeting.
The 11th National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature of China, starts its third session at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing March 5, 2010. Premier Wen Jiabao delivers a report on the work of the government at the opening meeting.


Report on the Work of the Government 政府工作報告

reform of household registration system 戶籍制度改革

fiscal revenue 財政收入

per capita disposable income 人均可支配收入

net per capita income 人均純收入

the central government's public investment 中央政府公共投資

technological upgrading projects 技改項目

actual utilized foreign direct investment 實際利用外商直接投資

defense budget 國防預算

registered unemployment rate 登記失業率

rise in the CPI 居民消費價格漲幅

balance of payments 國際收支狀況

income gap 收入差距

income distribution 收入分配

low-carbon economy 低碳經濟

industrial restructuring 產業結構調整

local government bonds 地方債

local government budgets 地方財政預算

precipitous rise of housing prices 房價過快上漲

basic need for housing 基本住房需求

property hoarding 捂盤惜售

new old-age insurance system for rural residents 新型農村社會養老保險

new type of rural cooperative medical care system 新型農村合作醫療

rates for individual contributions 個人繳費標準

fostering new areas of economic growth 培育新的經濟增長點

tourism and leisure industry 旅游休閑產業

economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) 兩岸經濟合作框架協議


Pet Name
- 中等發達國家
- 民工荒
- 建設生態文明 
- 減排
- 中等收入階層
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