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Germany brings 'balancity' to Shanghai Expo

By Wang Qian
China.org.cn staff reporter


File photo: The German Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been nicknamed "balancity" – a newly coined word signifying a city in balance.

The German Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been nicknamed "balancity" – a newly coined word signifying a city in balance, said Dietmar Schmitz, commissioner general for the German Pavilion. 2010年上海世博會德國館政府總代表施米茨先生表示,德國館也被稱為“和諧都市”,這一新的理念在展館的建筑風格中有所體現。?
At 6,000 square meters, the German Pavilion is the biggest one Germany has ever presented at a World Expo. It will be able to accommodate about 45,000 visitors a day. 德國館占地6,000平方米,是德國自參與世博會以來規模最大的展館,每天最多可接納約45,000名參觀者。
"The World Expo entertains millions, but beyond entertainment, it also gives every exhibitor a great opportunity to present its country's particular expertise," Schmitz said. "The strengths of the Federal Republic of Germany is as an economic nation, as a leader in innovation and, last but not least, as an attractive place to visit." 施米茨先生表示:“世博會將迎來眾多參觀者,在欣賞之余,它還為每位參展方提供盡情展現自己實力的機會。對于聯邦德國而言,作為經濟大國、創新科技領頭羊以及極具魅力的旅游國度,它的實力將得以充分展示。”
German culture will take center stage on May 19, with a wide variety of events ranging from Young Euro Classics to the pop duo ZweiRaumwohnung and a presentation by Berlin's Hip Hop Headquarters. German president Horst K?hler is also expected to attend the event. 以德國文化為主題的慶祝活動將于5月19日展開,活動包括青年歐洲古典樂團的演奏、流行音樂組合“兩居室”以及柏林嘻哈基地等的表演。屆時德國總統霍斯特?科勒先生將到場出席。
A team of 450 staffers will look after the visitors. More than 250 servers and almost 200 workers will work in its restaurant, which will make sure it fulfils Asian expectations of Germany and German cuisine. 一支由約450人組成的專業團隊將為所有參觀者提供服務。該團隊包括250多名服務生和近200名工作人員,服務于餐館,讓亞洲人民充分了解德國及其飲食文化。
This year's Expo "will address the urban challenges facing us in the 21st century, challenges that are particularly relevant to China, the country with the highest number of cities in the world with populations of over a million," Schmitz said, adding that the German pavilion will present "ideas and solutions made in Germany and created in Germany that can have a positive impact on this development."


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