去年52%的中國網民曾遭遇網絡安全事件,網民處理安全事件所支出的相關服務費用,共計153億元。這是由中國互聯網絡信息中心(CNNIC)和國家互聯網應急中心(CNCERT)在京聯合發布的報告中透露的。 |
According to a joint report by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) and the National Internet Emergency Response Center (CNCERT), 52 percent of Chinese netizens suffered Internet safety incidents last year. A total of 15.3 billion yuan (US$2.2 billion) was spent in dealing with those issues. |
去年,我國有超九成網民碰到過網絡釣魚網站,遭遇網絡安全事件的網民中77.5%是在網絡下載或瀏覽時遭遇病毒或木馬攻擊。 |
More than 90 percent of netizens have encountered a phishing Web site, while 77.5 percent responded that they have received a computer virus while surfing or downloading material online. |
網絡安全事件還給21.2%的網民帶來了直接經濟損失,包括網絡游戲、即時通信等賬號被盜造成的虛擬財產損失,網銀密碼、賬號被盜造成的財產損失,以及因網絡系統、操作系統癱瘓、數據、文件等丟失或損壞,對其找回或修復產生的費用等。 |
Roughly 21 percent of netizens have suffered direct economic losses caused by Internet safety incidents, including virtual property loss. These losses are typically due to online game or bank accounts being stolen or damaged data files causing computer malfunctions. |
按國內3.84億網民計算,去年人均處理網絡安全事故費用約為39.9元。 |
China is home to a growing 384 million Internet users. On average, people paid 39.9 yuan in handling Internet security-related incidents last year.
(China.org.cn translated by Ma Yujia) |