Andy (voice of John Morris) has grown up. He has graduated from high school and is headed to college, a destination not typically associated with a toy collection. So Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz (Tim Allen) and the rest of the toys are understandably anxious about their future. As we learned in previous installments, after all, a toy isn't really fulfilled unless it's played with. As first among equals, Woody is in a somewhat better position than the rest. For them, the choices seem limited to the attic or the trash. It quickly becomes clear that the attic, with its possibilities of rediscovery (maybe even by Andy's future children) is the best option. |
安迪(約翰?莫里斯 配音)已經長大。他從高中畢業,就要上大學了。大學顯然是一個與玩具收藏沒有聯系的地方,牛仔胡迪(湯姆?漢克斯 配音)、巴斯光年(蒂姆?艾倫 配音)還有其他一些玩具自然對他們的未來憂心忡忡。正如我們在前兩部電影中了解到的,一個玩具如果沒有人玩,并不能稱為真正意義上的完整。作為玩具領袖,胡迪的處境比同伴相對有利;對那些普通玩具來說,要么被束之高閣,要么被扔作垃圾,這似乎是他們僅有的選擇。一切很快變得明朗,考慮到有一天可能被(或許是安迪未來的孩子)重新發現,閣樓才是他們最好的去向。 |
As it turns out, there's another possibility. An honest mix-up leads to another world entirely: day care. They arrive at the Sunnyside Daycare Center to a warm greeting from the toys already there. Toys here are played with, every day. It seems too good to be true. |
事實證明,還有另外一種可能。由于無意間的一次失誤,他們進入了一個全新的世界——幼兒園。他們來到這個稱為“陽光幼兒園”的地方,受到了那里的玩具同胞們的熱烈歡迎。這里,每天都有人玩玩具,一切看上去太美好以至于令人難以相信。 |
And, of course, it is. The constant playing quickly turns into a careful-what-you-ask-for situation. More troubling, something darker lies beneath the warm-and-fuzzy (and strawberry-scented) exterior of Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear (Ned Beatty), the leader of the day-care toys. Woody, Buzz and friends will have to rely on each other if they hope to escape what isn't the idyllic situation it seems at first to be. |
當然,還真是這樣。玩具們不斷地被孩子們玩弄,這一切很快變得不像夢想中那樣美好。更麻煩的是幼兒園里的那位玩具領袖“抱抱熊”(尼德?巴蒂 配音),它那毛茸茸的外表(還帶著甜甜的草莓香味)看上去很溫暖,但隱藏在深處的卻是其陰暗的一面。要想逃離這個剛開始看上去很“美好”的地方,胡迪、巴斯光年和朋友們不得不彼此相互依靠。 |
And if "escape" implies getting away from danger, meaning an exploration of darker themes, that's appropriate. The danger the toys find themselves in is real, particularly late in the story. How they face it is one of the most satisfying and moving moments in the entire series. |
( 汪瑋 譯)