17-year-old Marty McFly lives with a grim and bleak family in Hill Valley, California. His father, George, is constantly bullied by his supervisor Biff Tannen, and his slobbish overweight mother, Lorraine, has a drinking problem. Marty's girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, encourages him to pursue the dream of being a rock musician. |
17歲的馬蒂?麥克弗萊住在美國加州希爾谷。他的家庭陰郁乏味,父親喬治經常被上司畢夫?泰南欺侮,母親洛蓮邋遢臃腫、嗜酒如命。馬蒂渴望成為一名搖滾樂手,他的女友詹妮弗?帕克鼓勵他大膽追求自己的夢想。 |
On October 26, 1985, Marty's friend and eccentric scientist Doc Brown shows him a DeLorean which he has modified into a time machine powered by plutonium. However, before Doc can make a trip into the future, the Libyan terrorists he stole the plutonium from show up and gun him down. Marty attempts to escape in the DeLorean but is accidentally transported back to November 5, 1955. |
馬蒂的朋友布朗博士是個行為古怪的科學家。在1985年10月26日這一天,博士向馬蒂展示了一架由德羅寧跑車改裝而成的時間機器,該機器使用钚原料驅動穿梭時空。就在博士即將展開未來之旅的時候,發現钚原料失竊的利比亞恐怖分子突然現身,開槍殺害了博士。馬蒂開著德羅寧跑車試圖逃走,結果卻被意外地傳送到了1955年11月5日。 |
In 1955, Marty runs into his teenage father George, who is being bullied by Biff. As George is about to be hit by Lorraine's father's car, Marty pushes him out of the way and takes the impact. As a result, Lorraine becomes infatuated with Marty instead of George. To make matters worse, Marty did not bring back any additional plutonium to power the time machine, so he must find the 1955 version of Doc Brown to help him return to 1985. Doc tells Marty that the only possible source of that amount of power is a bolt of lightning. He also deduces that Marty has prevented his parents from meeting. He tells Marty he must find a way to get them together or he will never exist. |
在1955年,馬蒂遇到了青少年時期的父親喬治,這時他正被畢夫欺負。洛蓮的父親開車時險些撞到喬治,馬蒂將喬治推開,自己卻被車撞倒。結果,原本會就此對喬治一見鐘情的洛蓮轉而迷戀上了馬蒂。更糟糕的是,馬蒂沒有多余的钚原料來驅動時光機,因此,他必須找到1955年的布朗博士幫助他回到1985年。博士告訴馬蒂,驅動時光機需要相當巨大的能量,而唯一可能的方法就是利用閃電。另外,據博士推斷,這個時空里馬蒂父母相識的契機已經被他破壞,馬蒂必須設法撮合自己的父母,否則他將不復存在。 |
Marty plans to have George appear to rescue Lorraine from Marty's overt sexual advances on the night of the school dance. However, a drunk Biff unexpectedly shows up and forces himself on Lorraine. George arrives as planned to rescue Lorraine from Marty but finds Biff instead. Biff subjugates George, but George punches Biff in the face, knocking him out. A smitten Lorraine follows George to the dance floor, where they kiss for the first time, assuring Marty's existence. |
在校園舞會之夜,馬蒂計劃假裝調戲洛蓮,讓喬治到時跳出來英雄救美。然而出人意料的是,喝的醉醺醺的畢夫突然出現并開始騷擾洛蓮。喬治按照計劃前來救美,結果發現他的對手從馬蒂換成了畢夫。畢夫威脅喬治,但喬治給了他迎面一拳,將他擊昏在地。喬治的勇敢打動了洛蓮,兩人步入舞池,第一次親吻對方 —— 這一標志性事件確保了馬蒂能夠繼續存在。 |
Meanwhile, Marty writes Doc a letter to warn him of his murder in 1985. The lightning strike at 10:04 pm successfully sends Marty back to 1985, but he is too late to prevent Doc from being shot. However, Doc reveals he was wearing a bulletproof vest after reading the letter. |
同時,馬蒂給博士寫了一封信,警告他在1985年會遭遇一場謀殺。閃電在當天夜里10點零4分準時落下,成功地將馬蒂送回了1985年。但是馬蒂晚到了一步,沒能阻止槍擊的發生。幸好博士因為讀過馬蒂的信,事先穿了一件防彈服。 |
When Marty returns home, he finds that his family situation has improved because of the way his parents' relationship was changed by his intervention in the past. Lorraine is physically fit, and George has become a self-confident and successful science fiction author. Biff has become an auto-detailer, and is now very deferential toward George. Just as Marty reunites with Jennifer, Doc arrives, insisting that they accompany him to the future to sort out his children. |
(China.org.cn Rebecca 譯)