反智能手機只能打電話 |
With "John's Phone" you can't access the internet. And it doesn't have a camera or games you can play. In fact, this new mobile phone doesn't even let you send text messages, the Daily Mail reports. The designers of John's Phone have created a device that has only one function: making calls. The phone's Dutch makers, John Doe, are hoping it will be a hit with technophobes and children buying their first phone. Dubbed the "anti iPhone", the £67 device with a brightly-colored facade and big buttons resembles a toy. Charging the phone once will provide users with three weeks' battery life.
英國《每日郵報》消息,最新手機John's Phone不能上網、不能拍照攝像、不能玩游戲,更不能發短信。這部由荷蘭John Doe 公司推出的手機,其唯一的功能就是打電話。而它的目標客戶群是不喜歡手機功能過于復雜的人和第一次買手機的孩子。這款手機被稱為反智能手機,其售價為67英鎊(約707元),明快的顏色以及大大的按鍵使它看起來就像是個玩具。這部手機電池的待機時間長達三周。