Fur alarm: Pepper, who has learned to open windows and lets himself out (pictured above), alerted neighbours that his owners' house was burning because they could see smoke billowing out. |
A clever cat has been hailed a hero after he prevented his owners' home from burning down - by opening a window.
Five-year-old Pepper has learned to open windows and lets himself out every night by hopping on to a kitchen worktop and using his paws to turn the latch.
So when a fire broke while his owners were Christmas shopping, the quick-thinking puss leapt into action and opened the window to allow the acrid smoke to escape. ...
?????? 貓咪一直被認為是非常聰明而且具有靈性的動物,它們上躥下跳,行動敏捷,而且號稱都有“九條命”。
?????? 不過,接下來介紹的這只來自英國的貓咪可另有絕招,它居然會自己打開窗戶;而且正是因為這一本領,它還成了“救火英雄”。
?????? 上周六下午,居住在德文郡的懷特夫婦外出去商場,準備買一些圣誕節需要的東西。但他們離家的時候,卻忘記了關上廚房里的微波爐,導致這個被設定了10分鐘的微波爐在他們走后不久便著火了。
?????? 正在這個危機時刻,聰明的貓貓爬上廚房的灶臺,用爪子把窗戶的把手扳下,爬出了廚房。
?????? 它的這一舉動使得家里的濃煙飄到了窗外,引起了周圍鄰居們的注意,他們連忙叫來了火警,才避免了一場大火。
?????? 據懷特夫婦介紹,他們第一次發現貓咪會自己打開窗戶,是在一次家庭聚會上。剛開始,它只是每天晚上打開窗戶,偷偷溜出去逛一會。但最近幾個月來,它的這一“愛好”越來越頻繁,也越來越嫻熟。
?????? 懷特夫婦說,幸虧他們的貓咪有這一絕招,才讓鄰居們注意到了濃煙,從而挽救了他們價值35萬英鎊的房子。 |