William Betancur, manager of Betancur Funeral Parlour, poses for a picture. |
A Medellin undertaker has taken his craft to the next level by launching a "ghostly census" in Colombia's second-largest city, where his workers have so far compiled 215 spirits, 23 in pictures and videos.
"It's beyond question that many of the city's buildings and homes have ghosts. For years, we've heard stories about them and we thought the time had come to approach, catalog and classify them through a census," William Betancur told AFP.
The enterprising Betancur Funeral Home owner said he began the list a few weeks ago, sending "a team of four funeral parlour workers -- properly attired in uniforms -- to buildings" around Medellin, 245 kilometers (152 miles) northwest of the capital Bogota. ...
???????威廉對鬼魂普查有很長遠的規劃,他計劃花一年時間進行調查,然后可能把調查過程拍成紀錄片。他說,他養的狗死掉之后,他突然產生了調查鬼魂的念頭,因為他強烈地感覺到,那只狗死去四個月后還在繞著房子跑圈。 |